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About Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 19, 1908)
THE VALENTINE DEMOCRAT VALENTINE , NEB. T. M. RICE , - - Publisher. EMPRESS AN IS DEAD HEAL CHINESE RULER FOLLOWS EMPEROR TO GRAVE. Passing of Monarch Marked by Ob servances of 3,000 Years Ago , No One Being Permitted to Approach Within a Rod of Beds. Tsze Hsi An , the dowager empress of China , the autocratic head of the government which she has directeO without successful interference since 1861 , and without protest since 1SS1 , died at 2 o'clock Sunday afternoon. The announcement of the death of the dowager empress was official and fol lowed closely upon the announcement that Kuan ? Hsu , the emperor , had died Saturday at 5 o'clock in the after noon , but it is believed the deaths oc curred a considerable time before thai set down in the official statements. An official edict issued at 7 o'clock Sunday afternoon placed on the throne Prince Pu Yi , the 3-year-old son of Prince Chun , the regent of the empire , in accordance with a promise given by the dowager empress soon after the marriage of Prince Chun in 1903. An edict issued on Friday made Pu Yi heir presumptive. The foreign legations were notified Sunday morning by the foreign board of the death of the emperor and the succession of Prince Pu Yi. Troops have been in readiness for several days to quell any disturbances that might arise on the death of Kuang Hsu and the possibility of up risings was made greater because of the fact that the death of the dowager empress was known to be close at hand. Prince Chun , the regent , has order ed the viceroys and governors to take precautions for the continuation of the administration of the provinces as ] ieretofore. and he has ordered a hun dred days of mourning. The court wllf go into mourning for three years. GOMEZ VICTORY DECISIVE. Vote in the Cuban Electoral College Will Bo Unanimous. Practically complete returns of the flection in Cuba show that the liberal victory was even more decisive than supposed. Official returns from 1,369 t f a total of 1.49S polling places show that Gen. Jose Miguel Gomez received 1S3.S23 votes , against 118,329 for Gen. Marie Menocal. the conservative can didate. The liberals carried every province in the. island. Havana prov ince went liberal by 25,000 , and the city by 13,000. The liberal majorities ( in the other provinces were approxi mately as follows : Orient , 13,500 ; .Santa Clara , 11.000 ; Camaguey , 1,200 ; JPinar del Rio , 7fiOO ; Matanzas , 8,000. The victory of Gen. Gomez is gen erally interpreted as a verdict of the unqualified popular approval of the -party of the revolution of 1906. The liberals constitute the entire new sen ate with the exception of two or three conservatives whose terms expire in 1910. The returns with regard to the house of representatives are incom plete , but the liberals will control the "house in the proportion of two to one. GIRL KILLS HER ASSAILANT. Shoots Negro Who Tries to Seize Her in Store. Aliss Corrine McCowen , 20 years old , A clerk in a confectionery store in the southern part of Kansas City , AIo. , Saturday afternoon shot Newell Pow ell , a negro , inflicting -wounds which caused his death half an hour later. * Miss McCowen was alone in the store at 400 Westport avenue , when the ne gro entered and asked for a cigar. When she placed the cigars in front of him he tried to sei/e her. She caught up a revolver and fired four shots at the negro at clobe range , two of them taking effect. It was the negro's fourth visit to the store within a few hours. After bis third visit Aliss Afc- Cowen secured a revolver and kept it within reach. Ex-Congressman Haydcn Dead. Edward D. Hayden , vice president nnd secretary of the Boston and Al bany railroad and a member of the Forty-ninth and Fiftieth congresses , died of apolexy in his pew at the Wo- burn , Mass. , Unitarian church Sun day. He was born in Cambridge Dec. 27 , 1833. Sioux City Live Stock Market. Saturday's quotations on the Sioux City live stock market follow : Top beeves , $5.00. Top hogs , $5.70. Two Boys Drown. While skating on the artificial lake of the Great Northern Power company at Duluth , Alinn. , Frank AIcLeod and Ralph llynes , both aged 12 , were drowned. British Ship Wrecked. The British bark. Falls of Halladale , .from New York , Aug. 4 , for Melbourne and Sydney , went ashore in Curdles inlet , near Melbourne , and probably will be a total wreck. JIENEY SHOT IN COURT. Famous Prlseo Prosecutor is Seriously Wounded. Francis J. Heney , a leading figure 1 , in the prosecution of municipal cor ruption in San Francisco , was shot and seriously Avounded Friday by Alor- ris Haas , a Jewish saloonkeeper , who had been accepted as a juror in a pre vious trial and afterwards removed , it having been shown by the prosecu tion that he was an ex-convict , a fact not brought out in his examination as a venireman. The shooting occurred in Superior Judge Lawler's court room during a recess in the trial of Abra ham Ruef , on trial for the third time for bribery. At 6 o'clock Air. Heney was con scious , lie said : "I will live to pros ecute him. " The physicians in attendance on Air. Heney expressed the opinion that he would live. It has been ascertained that the bullet which had entered the right cheek lodged near the left ear and had not entered his brain , as was at first feared. The attorneys for the prosecution and defense had returned to the room from a short conference with Judge Lawler in his chambers. Air. Heney had resumed his customary seat and was conversing with Chief Clerk AIc- Cabe , of. the district attorney's office , when Haas came forward. He approached preached Honey , and placing a re volver against his right cheek fired. After Air. Heney had been removed from the court room Judge Lawler called court to order and had Air. Ruef placed in custody. WRECKED BY BLACK HAND. Bomb Placed on Doorstep of Home in the Italian Quarters. The boarding house of Ignatius Spira in the Italian quarters of Phil adelphia , was wrecked by a bomb placed on the front doorstep supposed ly by Black Hand agents. Gegoria Delando and his family of i = ev n occupied front rooms on the first floor of the house and Delando and three children were severely hurt. The front of the house was practically blown in. A few days aero Giuseppe Roceo , who' lives near the Spira house , was warned in a Black Hand letter to place $1,000 at a point indicated in the northern part of th city. An aunt , Ann Filipil , had just come to his home from Italy , supposedly bringing a good sum of money. When the threatening letter was received she left and went to the boarding house which was dynamited. FOUND IN AN ASYLUM. Former Weather Chief Hopeless Men tal Wreck. Prof. Mark W. Harrington , former chief of the United States weather bu reau , who mysteriouly dropped out of sight nearly ten years ago , has been found , a hopeless mental wreck , in a New Jersey asylum for the insane at Alorris Plains. He has been an in mate of the asylum since more than a year ago , when he was found w.ander- ing aimlessly about the streets ofTren- ton , N. J. Not until Thursday was his identity established. Then his wife visited the asylum and identified the man as her missing husband. KILLED BY AX ASSASSIN. iValter Amen , WealtJiy New Jersey Banker , is Shot Down. In view of hundreds of persons in the Pennnsylvania depot Friday , Wal ter Amen , awealthy dairy dealer , bank er and club man of Jersey City. N. J was shot three times by Andrew AIc- Grath , and died on the way to the ; hos pital. AIcGrath stated he had been in the olomargarin business for many years and had trouble with Amon. Recently his business has been unprofitable. Small pox in State Capitol. The discovery that n recent visitor to the state capitol at Mont pel ier. Vt. , is afflicted with smallpox led many state officials and members of the leg islature to seek physicians for the pur pose of undergoing vaccination. Four Children Cremated. The home of J. II. Wampflcr , dairy man , residing at East Alliance , O. , was destroyed by fire early Friday and four children cremated. Wampller was badly burned. Oklahoma's Coldest November. The territory of Oklahoma is ex periencing the coldest November weather in its history. The thermom eter registered 17 above zero Fridav. Barnum's Brother-in-law Dead. Benjamin Fish , 75 years old , broth er-in-law of the late P. T. Barnum , is dead of heart disease. Jackson Smith , of Missouri , Dead. Jackson Smith , aged 71 , for sixteen years judge of the Alissouri courts of \ppeals , died at Kansas City Friday. Sioux City Live Stock Market. Friday's quotations on the Sioux City live stock market follow : Top beeves , $6.20. Top hogs , 55.75 Ex-Mayor Tafel , of Cincinnati , Dead. Former Mayor Gustav Tafel died Thursday night from a complication of diseases. He was elected mayor of Cincinnati on the fusion ticket in 1897 ind served two years. Two Trainmen are Killed. An eriStbound Wabash freight train ran into a switch engine at Spring field Junction , Illinois , Friday , killing D. W. Williams , fireman , and Homer E. Wolfe , Brazil , Ind. , brakeman. DIE IN AYRECKED MINE. Disaster in Germany Costs More Then 300 Lives. There was an explosion of fire damp in the Radbod mine at Hamm , West phalia , German Thursday morning which resulted in a heavy loss of life. A total of thirty-five bodies have been brought to the surface1. No hope is entertained for the 300 men still be low the ground. Four hundred men were working in the pit at the time of the disaster. About seventy of the men have been brought to the surface. Of these a majority were more or less injured , and one since has died. The explosion , which was unusually violent , destroyed one of the shafts , which had to be partly repaired before the rescue work was begun. In addi tion the flames and smoke proved al most insurmountable obstacles in the early efforts of the rescuing parties. A special corps composed of the men who rendered such valuable aid in the terrible mine disaster at Courrieres , France , in March , 1906 , arrived upon the scene shortly before noon , but were unable to enter the mine , being forced to await the result of the ef forts of the firemen to keep the flames in check. Aleantime heartrending scenes took place at the mine when the dead and wounded were brought to the surface , and there were similar scenes in the town when the injured were trans ported through the streets to the hos pital. At 1 o'clock the fire had made great headway and later in the afternoon , after a consultation of the engineers , it was decided that any further at tempts to rescue the entombed men would be in vain owing to the impos sibility of entering the galleries. At the same time an order was issued t flood the mine. SCORES NEAR DKATII. Three Cars of Fast Train arc Hurled From Track. Three cars in the east bound Twen tieth Century limited , the NO\T York Central's fastest train , wore thrown from the rails just east of Rochester , N. Y. early Thursday , but strangely enough not one of the many passen gers that were hurled from their berths were badly injured. A broken rail is said to have caused the acci dent. The train was running about twen ty-five miles an hour when the break came. The train consisted of six Pull man coaches , the three that were hurled from the tracks and turned on their sides consisting of the last half of the train. The third car in the train was not ditched , although its trucks were broken. It was the next three in the line that suffered the brunt of the shock. All the sleeping passengers were thrown from their berths , but no one was seriously hurt. Alen and women scrambled through windows and doors with no thought of clothing other than that which they wore when they turned in for the night. Many pas sengers complained of bad bruises anc jolts. MADISON SQUARE TO GO. Famous New York Place of Amuse ment to be Placed on Market. Madison Square Garden , the home of the horse show and kindred big enterprises , and probably the largest and most widely known building in , the country devoted exclusively to public entertainments , is likely to be lost to New York city as a public amusement place. The stockholders of the com pany which controls the garden have decided to place the entire block oc cupied by the big and architecturally beautiful building on the market. The stockholders' decision was based 011 their belief that there is no prospect that the Garden in its present shape will ever be profitable venture. To Operate Six Days a Week. The plant of the Iver Johnson com pany , of Fitchburg , Alass. , manufac turers of fire arms and bicycles , will be operated six days a week , beginning Saturday. It has been running five days a week for several months. Six hundred hands are affected. Madness now on Trial. Charged with desertion from the navy , Charles J. Alagness , the husband of Ada Gorman , daughter of the late Senator Gorman , of Alaryland , was placed on trial at Philadelphia Thurs day before a court-martial tribunal. Admiral Goodrich Returns. Rear Admiral Casper F. Goodrich , United States navy , arrived In New York Friday from Genoa. He is the commandant of the Brooklyn navy yard and will retire on Jan. S , reaching1 the age limit. Money to Buy Airships. Secratery Wright has forwarded to the secratery of the treasury at Wash ington , the detailed estimates for the war department for the next fiscal rear. The total amount was withheld. For the purchase of aerial machines 500,000 is asked. Death at His Bedside. It is the consensus of opinion in Pe- ! cin that the emperor of China is very sick Thursday. He is reported to be still sinking. He will not accept for- ) ign medical atttcndance. Gen. Dodge Re-Elected. The Society of the Army of the Ten- lessee wound up its business sessions it St. Louis , AIo. , Friday. Alaj. Gen. ilronville AT. Dodge was. re-elected > rcsident. INTERESTING HAPPENINGS * * it From Day to Day Condensed ; a FOR OUR BUSY READERS Iff i PERKY YEAST GOES TO JAIL. Grant County Land Man Gets Three Months' Term. Perry A. Yeast , of Hyannis. Grant county , was taken to the Hall county jail at Grand Island Tuesday by Depu ty United States Marshal Logan Sam- inons and turned over to the authori ties there to begin his three months' term of imprisonment for his com plicity in land frauds in Banner and one or two other western Nebraska counties. Mr. Yeast was convicted in the United States district court last spring of dabbling in soldiers' declaratory statements and procuring fraudulent land filings after a trial lasting several days. These filings had been procured from a number of inmates of the Illi nois state soldiers' home at Quincy and the national soldiers' home at Danville , 111. , the soldiers testifying that they had given the statements for a consideration and with no intention of ever living on the lands. Yeast was convicted on most of the counts of the indictment. His motion for a new trial was overruled and the case was appealed to the United States circuit court of appeals , but the appeal was never prosecuted and Yeast had been sentenced in the meanwhile to three months' imprisonment and to pay a 3ne of $1,000. The appeal was recently abandoned and Mr. Yeast paid in his fine of $1- 000 Sept. 14. 1908 , to the United States aistrict clerk at Omaha. His sentence of imprisonment will date from noon Nov. 10 , 190S , and will expire February 10 , 1909. UNABLE TO STAND OFF SHERIFF. 'Happy Hooligan" Makes Good. How ever , with Town Authorities. After terrorizing the town of Hoi- stein , and defying arrest by the local constable and all the bystanders he could not help him. Oliver Flynn , fa miliarly known as "Happy Hooligan , " was taken into custody by Sheriff AIc- Cleery and Special Deputy Mlzen , who went from Hastings in response to a telephone call. Although arrested on a warrant charging assault with intent to kill , Flynn was allowed to pay a fine of $10 in full settlement of the demands of justice. The row started when two employes of the Standard Bridge company , of Omaha , who had been at work on a nearby bridge , went into town to get ? ome red paint. Flynn didn't like their appearance and consequently assault ed them with a heavy iron bolt. P.oth were quite seriously wounded. When the constable went to arrest him Flynn got a shotgun and told the officer - ficor to bring the whole town. [ 'RAFTSMEN WANT PROTECTION. Much Legislation Will lie Asked For This Year. Upwards of a hundred visitors at tended the first annual convention of the Nebraska Blacksmiths. Horsesho- ers and Wheelwrights' association at j Hastings. The chief purpose of this year's gathering is to plan a move ment to secure legislation for the pro tection of the craft. First they want a mechanic's lien law similar to the j one now in force for the building and other trades. Next to that they want a system of examination for members of the allied trades , in order to bar out i incompetent workmen. An effort will be made to secure the enactment of such laws by the forthcoming legisla ture. JIuinboUlt Man's Escape. Henry Sites , one of the pioneer res idents of Humboldt , had 'i narrow es cape from death through the caving of a treacherous sand bank in which he was working. While shoveling from the pit a heavy overhanging bank fell without warning , burying him. For tunately he had with him a grandson of 6 or 7 years and a companion of the j latter , and both children went to work < with a will to remove the dirt from t around him , succeeding to such an extent - j tent that the sand was kept from smothering him , and he was finally extricated. His injuries consist of three broken ribs and a multitude of bruises , but the physicians think there was no internal injury. Mr. Sites is about 70 years of age and the shock was quite severe , his escape from death being considered almost mirac ulous. ' I5i - Corn Exhibit. There will be a big corn exhibit in j Nebraska City Nov. 30 to Dec. 3. The exhibit promises to be one of the larg est ever gathered in that section and after the exhibition is over the entire exhibit is to be taken to Omaha to be placed on exhibition there. Hold Telegraph Franks. j The names of twenty Nebraska ! newspaper men holding Western Un ion telegraph franks have been certi- fieJ to the attorney general by the state railway commission for prosecution - ! tion under the anti-discrimination j clause of the commission act. Bedford Denies Killing Friend. Deputy Sheriff Burke and L. D. Howell , prosecuting attorney of Ale- ( Henry county. 111. , arrived in Beatrice { ] with the necessary papers for the re- j | turn of John "Bedford , arrested near j , Ellis , for the murder of Oscar Hoganf f son , a farmer living near Alarengo. 111. | : i Two Hiiiie Catfish. - William and Joseph Pearson , of Jonia , brought to Ponca two lar i cat- ] fish. One measured four feet and i ? -even inches and weighed SO pounds , | and the other weighed 72 pounds and c measured four feet and two inches. 5 5i i Water Works for Cambridge. \ A special village election was held at Cambridge to vote for bonds for , water works for that city. There were 237 votes , of which number only 47 were against the much needed enter prise. HOPPER WILL BEING TESTED. ruder Microscope < .f Ltnto Deter mine Its Legality. The legality of the peculiar will made by William Hopper , a wealthy farmer of Elkhorn. is being tested in a contest before County Judge Leslie. Air. Hopper made as a part of his will six deeds to property he owned , one deed to each of six of his children. Bryan B. Hopper , his son , and Mrs. Lomilla McLean , his daughter , were not included among those who re ceived deeds. In his will he made a nominal bequest to Bryan Hopper and explained he did not need any more property be-vuise he had already advanced - ' vanced him considerable money for his business. He made provision for a trust fund for Mrs. McLean , but left her no real estate by direct bequest. John Deere Plow company , creditor of Bryan Hopper , was the first to at tack the deed provisions of the will. It asserts his method of leaving the property was not legal , but does not attack the will its Mf. Airs. McLean , who is represented by Gen. John C. Cowin and Daniel Gilbert Hopper , a son , are also fighting the provisions of the will on th-s came grounds as the Deere company. HERO TO LIE AT All LING-TON. Remains of Capt. Emmet Crawford Will Be Transferred. Thr remains of the late Capt. Em met Crawford of the Third United States cavalry , which have lain at Kearney since ISSfi , are to be disinter red and transferred to Arlington cem etery and there reburied with mili tary honors next week. Capt. Crawford was motally wound ed during the Apache campaign against the noted Apache chief , Ge- ronimo. in January , 1SSG. and his body was bruied that year in May at Kear ney , where Capt. Crawford had some property interests and where his brother lived at the time. In the lapse of years all of his relatives have pass ed away and the grave of the hero has been neglected. Through the kind ly comradeship of Brig. Gen. Charles Morton , Avho was then a captain of the Third cavalry , the war department has been induced to have the body of dipt. Crawford removed to Arlington National cemetery. WOMEN ARE HUSKING CORN. Paying Church Debt , in Thh Manner. The ladies of the Methodist church are still husking corn , and if fields hold out to husk , they will yet pay ofJ the balance of the church debt. Friday. Elmer Phillips offered the fair buskers nine cents a bushel fo ; all the corn they would husk. Over 00 bushels were' gathered from his farm during the day. Monday. Herman Taylor , a promi nent farmer and stock feeder residing one mile south of Plainview , offered the ladies 10 cents a bushel for all the corn they would husk for him. A number of Plainview's most prominent society ladies are taking an active part in this latest progressive husking bee. Delicate hands are be coming accustomed to the rough work. And the money that the society sub scribed for the church is coming in faster and faster. FAMILY SEEMS DOOMED. Fatality Follows Clo ly After Toohej Family. A peculiar fatality attaches to the Toohey family , up in Greeley county. A dispatch says that John Toohey , the last of three brothers , was injured so badly in a runaway accident at Prim rose that he died next day. Two years ago his brother. Ed Too hey. a farmer , was kicked in the head by a horse and instantly killed. A month ago his brother William , who had prospered so that he had reached the point where he could af ford an .acetylene plant for lighting his house , was killed by an explosion of the gas tank a few days after he had installed it. John Toohey's death makes the third in the family of brothers in less than three years. County Loses in Tax Suit. Clay , Robinson & Co. . of South Omaha , need not pay taxes on $25,000 , according to a decision of Judge Ken nedy Monday in the suit in which the live stock firm asks for an injunction against the county to prevent its col lecting taxes levied. The company as- eerts it has only a little more than $700 worth of office furniture to be taxed in that county. Lonsr Fall Proves Fatal. A. W. Taylor , a carpenter employed it the now John Deere Plow company building in Omaha , fell from the roof 31" the eight-story structure Monday morning and was fatally injured. A Kid fracture of his left leg , a fracture if the right arm. numerous bruises ind internal injuries were sustained , causing his death. Favor "I > r > " Nebraska. Gov. Shek'on has made no definite 1 : tatoment regarding a special session ) f the Nebraska legislature. However , le had completed a poll of the mem- KM-S and admitted that he had pledges 'rom a majority of each house , his riends agreeing to support a prohib- tory measure. Child r.urni'jl to Death. An infant child of Air. and Airs 'arkhurst. of Blaine county , was turned to death Alonday evening. The larents left the child sleeping in its rib when they went out to milk , and t is supposed the child woke up and n some manner upset a burning lamp , rhich set the child' * clothes on fire. Farmer Commits Suicide. T. Hampen , a farmer of Hayes Cen- er. committed suicide on account of j omestic difficulty. lie leaves two ! aughters. | a ll Ik * * - j Attorney General Thompson , in or- * judgment of $1.112- Jer to prevent the obtained by the state Dec. 1 , l 03f against ex-Secretary of State \VMllam dormant , F. Porter , from becoming has made a request in the district i county for an execution court of Lancaster cution for the purpose of levying upon property belonging to Air. Port.-- . \Mio of Lincoln. The is now a resident judgment is for fees collected for marks and brands , which Air. Porter retained under a statute which pro vided he should. Attorney General Prout filed suit for the state in May , . 1901 , to recover , alleging that portion , of a statute permitting a state olhcer to retain fees was unconstitutional. dismissed the suit , The district court the supreme court reversed this judgment and affirmed it as to ment as to Porter who parties to the his bondsmen , were suit. Judgment for $1.112 was then levied against Porter by the district court and affirmed by the supreme court. r. " * * * " 1'-sj Treasurer Lindsay , of the republic an state committee , is busy with pre paring his report of the receipts and expeditures of the campaign , to be filed with the county clerk of Pawnee J county and for publication. The re port will show that the national repub lican committee contributed $2 ' . . " 500 to the Nebraska campaign. The bulk of this sum was received just before the ' 'lection. No other money \\-is re ceived by any one in Nebraska from the national committc-e. Of this con- I tribution $5.000 was sent to Douglas ! county , $2,500 to Lancaster county and the remaining $15,000 wa * dis tributed between the chairmen of about 58 counties and was used exclu sively in getting out the vote. I > . E. Thompson , of Lincoln , contributed $1,000 to the state committee , of which $500 was urned over to the Lancaster- committee. The state committee also paid several bills contracted by th& I ancaster committee. * -t * * Airs. Latkey , former grand chief ot honor of the Degree of Honor , has filed suit in the district court at Lin coln to have set aside the election of Airs. Cleever. selected grand chief of honor at the recent state meeting of : the order. Mrs. Cleever was also named a defendant. She was elected by a majority of one vote. Alr.s. Lat key contends that two more votes were cast on the second ballot than on the first and that fully twenty people were out in the hall when the votes were- cast ; that the ballots were collected in a hat instead of requiring the voters to walk to the front of the hall and de posit their ballots. * * * There is more than a well defined rumor afloat that Gov. Sheldon may be the successor of E. Uenjamin Andrews as chancellor of the state university. The governor is a graduate of Harvard and ever since leaving the university has kept in close touch with educa tional affairs and since becoming gov ernor has been especially interested in the state university. * * * In seventy-seven counties the so cialists cast a total of 1,943 votes and the prohibitionists 3,253 votes on elec tor. - * , , Scbrctaehe Itnclts. " * " * Among the curious objects now sold in The fashionable shops up town these dajs are ser eous sabretaches that are used either for letter or newspaper racks in ( he sitting rooms of women , who have money to throw away on such costly trifles. The sabretaches , which wore originally designed for ear- ry "g military dispatches , are fitted with leather pockets , while the front is hea.ily embroidered with the insig nia of die regiment to which the wearer belonged. The leather covers that preteen - teen d the sabretaches while their wear ers nere on active service , without com pletely concealing the insignia on their front , are being made of either bri ? red or gray leather. When the oiliers who wore thorn were on parade- it was their custom to remove the cov ers , so that all the glory and beauty of the gold und silver embroidery snould not be concealed. As these sab retaches were most frequently used in the period of the Napoleonic wars their nge may be easily imagined. Delay In Divorces. "The underlying reason why so much time usually elapses between the filing. i > f petition and the hearing or trial in. ilivorce proceedings is not generally un derstood , " remarked a lawyer makes a specialty of this character of [ iructice. "Perhaps it Is within the cir cle of truth to say that in a majority ) f cases , if either husband or whichever side IK ? plaint ill. should \stop' ook. and listen. ' as it were , the trouble .vould . be adjusted out of court entirely. "As a rule , judges are inclined to ifford ample time for domestic partners o ponder well before pursuing further : ownrd legal redress for matrimonial liiiiculties. 'Divorce in haste and re- > ent at leisure' is a logical paraphrase Df course , if after mature reflection a. liffereut opinion does not ensue the av rage jurist would favor pro-rossh he suit. " Wonl.l Not Pay CIiurKC . He was an impecunious nobleman ritli air castles in sunny France * ftcr juch deliberation lie sent the following ote to the pretty heiress : "Dear Miss : I love you. but do not now how to express myself. iiOw \ rould you advise ? Count Do Bus" " And the heiress , > ennert the follow- ir * ! " "Dear Count : Esprrss yourself any ny you wish except C. O. D. , as you re not worth the charges/ ' *