Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, November 12, 1908, Image 3

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Bryan Meets Defeat for the Third
Time , Despite Gains in the
Western States.
Ohio Slan Wins , but Huns Behind
the Big Boosevell Plurality of
Four Years Ago.
TnVC'i Tnfiil Electoral Vote . . * * ! 1
Bryan' * ) Total Klec-Joral Vote. . . 17
1'ntt'n ainjority Over Hryaii. . . l.'JJ )
I ) tllUKTllt
Democrat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171
rity on Party Division In 49.
"William Howard Taft has been elect
ed President of the United States , and
James S. Sherman Vice President , ac
cording lo the early returns , by a vote
or Jill to 172 iu the electoral college ,
thus giving a majority over Bryan
and Kern of 39. Tuft has sixty-nine
more than the number required to elect.
but falls short of Roosevelt's total of
83-i four years ago. Taft has a plural
ity of the popular vote in the entire
country of about 1,000,000 , against
Roosevelt's 2.515.000 in 11)04. The next
House of Representatives is Republi
can. and the Republican party will re
main in control of all branches of the
government after March 4 next.
Of the States called doubtful or de
batable in the campaign , Taft carried
nearly all. His majority in New York
State may reach 188,000 , he carried
Ohio by about 75,000 , and Illinois by
175.000. Indiana was extremely close ,
the majority for the head of the ticket
ranging from 5,000 to 15,000 , according
to the returns at 3 o'clock Wednesday
morning. The returns Indicate that
the far western mountain States of
Colorado and Montana have given
Bryan their electoral Aotos , but Taft
has i-urried Idaho.
Bryan made a much bettor race for
the presidency than he did in either
of his other campaign , gaining both in
electoral and popular votes , but has
made no serious inroads upon the Re
publican hold on the presidential office
Ho has done bettor in the West than in
the East. In the West ho has won his
own State and other States which were
for Roosevelt , but in the East he has
made no headway , and the majorities
against him there are almost as large
as they were in 1000. Where he did
gain Avas in States where there were
factional fights temperance
Re-publican or a
perance struggle over the State ticket
Involving the electoral ticket as well.
Carrie * > ew York.
Some of the State fights Avere In
doubt on the face of the early returns.
Hughes carried New York by a major
ity less than half as great as that of
the presidential candidate.
The returns from Ohio and Indiana
came In with provoking sloAvness , but
the early figures Indicated that Taft
had carried Ohio by anything from 10-
000 npAvnrd. Whether or not Governor
Harris or Judson Harmon had carried
Ohio for Governor could not be deter
mined till the full returns were in.
Early Indications Avere that the Demo
crats Avon the governorship , as the
cities Avore against Harris on the tem
perance Issue.
Indiana returns were also indefinite.
but it was believed Taft had carried
the State by a small plurality , the esti
mates ranging from 5,000 to 15,000.
The Republican losses are somewhat
heavy in the cities , due In part to the
labor A'ote , and the early returns from
the country districts Avere meager.
There appeared to be no doubt that
Marshall , Democrat , had been elected
Governor of Indiana , and the indica
tions Avere that the Democrats had won
control of the Legislature.
While Taft carried Michigan by a
c&i.i. . 5e&jf * 6
States in White and Black Backgrounds , with Figures Showing Presi
dential Electoral Votes , Carried by William H. Taft and William J.
Bryan , Respectively.
190S 1001
States Taft. Bryan , velt. Ker.
Alihuiii ; ] 1 . . 11
Arkansas ! ) . . 9
California 10 . . 10
Colorado 5 . . "
Connecticut . . . . 7 . . 7
Delaware 3 . . 3
Florida r , . . . "
fieorgia 13 . . 1"
Idaho 3 . . 3
Illinois 11 . . 11
Indiana 15 . . ! . "
Iowa 13 . . 13
Kansas 10 . . 10
Kentucky 13 . . 13
Louisiana 0 . . S' '
Maine 0 . . 0
Maryland 8 . . 1 7
Massachusetts . .10 . . 10
Michigan 14 . . 14
Minnesota 11 . . 11
Mississippi 10 . . 10
Missouri 18 18
Montana 3 3
Nebraska S S
Nevada 3 3
\e\v Hampshire. 4 . . 4
New Jersey 12 . . 12
Vow York" 39 . . 39
Xorth Carolina. . . . 12 . . 12
\orth Dakota. . . 4 . . 4
Ohio 23 . . 23
Oklahoma 7
Oregon 4 . . 4
I'ennsjlvanla . .34 . . 34
Khode Island . . . 4 . . 4
South Carolina. . . . 9 . . 0
South Dakota. . . 4 . . 4
Tennessee 12 . . 12
Texas IS . . IS
Utah 3 . . 3
Vermont 4 . . 4 . .
Virginia 12 . . 12
Washington 5 . . { >
\ \ > st Virginia. . 7 . . <
Wisconsin 13 . . 13 . .
\Vyomlns 3 *
Total 3lT 172 330 140
majority estimated at about 100.000. at
midnight Tuesday the election for Gov
ernor was In doubt , with Hemans
( Iom. ) loading Governor Warner
( Kop. ) by 7.000 to 10,000. Many coun
try districts in which Warner expected
a heavy vote had not reported. There
\\ore no indications of pronounced
Democratic wins in the Legislature.
Wisconsin has given Taft its normal
Republican majority of 100.000. This
is a fall in- off from the l.TO.OOO of 1004.
but is the usual Republican plurality.
Governor .T. O. Davidson , Republican ,
has been re-elected , but his vote is be
hind that of the head of the ticket ,
owing chiefly to the fact that he was
not indorsed by Senator La Follette.
Eight Republican Congressmen have
been elected , two are in doubt , and one
Democrat is elected. The Legislature
is Republican.
In Minnesota , -where there was a bit
ter fight for Governor , Johnson appear
ed to have Avon by a small majority ,
although Bryan was beaten in the
State by considerably over 00,000 votes
This fact is thought to put Johnson in
the forefront of the Democratic candi
dates for the nomination four years
fiom now.
Missouri went for Brynn , and Had-
ley the Republican candidate for Gov
ernor , according to the first re
ports , did not overcome the normal
Democratic majority. The indications
wore that Senator Stone had succeeded
in the primary election , thus defeat
ing the ambition of Governor Folk to
become United States Senator.
Cum jiiiii.s AVin 4 in Iowa.
Iowa has gone for Taft , but by a m-i-
jority much reduced from that given
to Roosevelt four years ago. The early
returns indicated that Governor Cum
mins had received a majority of the
Republican vote , and will therefore bo
indicated as the choice of the Legisla
ture United States Senator to succeed
the late William B. Allison.
In Illinois incomplete returns indi
cated that Tuft's plurality in the State
will be more than 185,000 , and that
Governor Deneen has returned to the
Statehouse for a second term by a mar
gin of between 35,000 and 45.000. In
Chicago a terrific slashing of the ticket
on the part of the "Irreconcilable" ele
ment In the Republican party , which
lined up with the Stevenson managers
on a vote-trading proposition , made
Deneen run behind the head of his
ticket. Stevenson captured the city by
a margin of G,721 votes. The majority
against Deneen In Cook County , how
ever , Avas made tip iu the country dis
tricts in the State.
New York City affords one of the
greatest surprises of the election. In
stead of giving Bryan the 100.000 sc
' onfidently claimed by Democratic man
agers , Taft actually carried the me
tropolis. This is the second time a Re
publican candidate for President has
carried Now York City , McKinley hav
ing n plurality of 01,000 in 1S9G. Four
years later Bryan carried the city by
2S.OOO , and in 1904 Parker carried it by
oS,000. Two years ago Chaiiler carried
It for Lieutenant Governor by 139,000 ,
and this year the Democratic leaders
felt sure of from iWKm to 110,000 for
States Uep. Dem. Rep. Dem.
AlaUima 9 . . 2 7 . . 2
Califoinin S . . 2 . 3 . . 2
f'onntvticiit . . . . T . . 2
Dclan.uc 1 . . 2
Honda 3 . . 2
'Jor ' ia " 11 . . 2
Idaho 1 . . 2
Illinoi- : 19 0 2
Indiana 9 4 1 1
IOUH Hi l is
ICausa < S . . 2
Kentucky 1 10 1 1
Loui-jana 7 . . 2
Maine 4 . . 2
Mankind 3 : ! . . 2
Massachusetts . . 3 2
Michigan 12 . . 2
Minnesota 9 . . 2
Mississippi s . . o
MIsMiuii , " 11 1 1
Montana 1 . . 2
No ! > ! ask.i 4 2 2
Ne\ada 1 . . l 1
New Hampshire. 2 . . 2
New Jer ev . . . . 7 3 2
New York 1C. 14 2
North Carolina ' 10 . . 2
North Dakota . . 2 . . 2
Ohio 10 .1 1 1
Oklahoma 1 4 . . 2
Oregon 2 . . l i
IVinisylvania . .20 G 2
Rhode Island. . . 1 1 2
South Carolina. . . . 7 . . 2
South Dakota. . . 2 . . 2
Tennessee 1 9 . . 2
Texas 16 . . 2
Rah 1 . . 2
Vermont 2 . . 2
Virginia 1 9 . . 2
Washington . . . . 3 . . 2
West Vlixinla. . . " > . . >
Wisconsin 10 l o \ \
Wjominj ; 1 . . 2
Total 220 171 GO 32
Bryan. Even the Republicans concc.I-
od the city to Bryan by 05,000.
iloarst's Independence party did not
ch.-iigo the result in New York State ,
but it did contribute materially to ko. ping -
ing do\\n the Bryan vote. Hisgen poll
ed rpward of . ' 50.000 votes in Xew York
i'try. nicst of which would likely havd
coneto Bryan. The Hearst candidUo
tor rou'rnor of Xow York. Shoarn. clid
not iM't enough votes to have saved
Chanlor if all had boon cast for him.
1 ho much-talki'd-of
- - Bryan landslide
iu the West did not materialize. Tuft's
pluralities in Illinois , Wisconsin , Iowa ,
Minnesota. Michigan and other States
of this region are much reduced
from the Roosevelt figures of 190-1 ,
but are still comfortably large.
Nebraska alone seems a sort of
Pomocr.itic island in the Western Re-
I'f.blhan sou , Bryan's plurality in his
homo State being estimated at 8,000.
There are no breaks iu the Solid
South , Missouri , Kentucky , Tennessee ,
North Carolina and other States in
which some thought had a chance ,
returniim about the normal Democratic
The JVew Coii rews.
The Republicans have a majority in
the House of Representatives , and nil
the prominent members of the House
who wore candidates for re-election
wore returned. Joseph G. Cannon was
elected in his Illinois district , and he
will undoubtedly bo chosen Speaker in
the organization of the new House.
The Senate will show a slight fall
ing off on the Republicans , there be
ing indicated a Republican member
ship of 59. with . ' ' . . " . Democrats , which
moans a Republican majority in the
upper house of Congress of 20.
Twenty-nine States will cast their
electoral votes for Talt. leaving but
seventeen State votes for Bryan. At
the same time the Republicans have
increased their supremacy in the na
tional House of Representatives , while
in the United States Senate the } ' have
retained their present majority.
Speaker Cannon and Representatives
Payne of New York and Dalzell of
Pennsylvania have ull been re-elected.
Governors oi Several States Will
Act in Concert to Destroy Dis
reputable Organisation.
Many ol Those Connected with the
Dastardly Murder o Capt. San-
kin Are JKTov , ' in Custody.
The prompt measures taken by Gov
ernor Patterson in dealing \vitn the
shockim : outr.-igo of the Tennessee
Night Riders , when Capt. Quentin II.
Rankin uas lynched and his friend and
con-pauion. .nulw Xaclutry Taylor , nar
rowly escaped a similar fate , are bear
ing fruit. Numerous arrests of mem
bers of the Nfclit Riders have IHKMI
made by the militia , which the Gover
nor sent into the northwestern part of
the State , and one of the law-breaking
gang. Ted Burton , has made a confes
sion implicating over two score of the
criminals. The majority of those are
now under arrest at Camp Nemo , at
Samberg , and all of thorn eventually
will bo forced to face the responsibility
for their shockingly cold-blooded and
cruel crime.
According ro the story told by Bur
ton , the ringleaders of the Night Rid ;
crs. who hanged Capt. Rankin near
Wulmii Lodge on the shores of Reel-
foot Lake , were Tom and Garret John
son and Will Watson , the two former
of whom are under arrest and the lat
ter of uhom is now at largo under a
i5.000 bond for another crime. Burton
assoits that ho was not actually pres
ent at the lynching , but that he helped
to arrange the preliminaries. Ho is-
plicatos .Tamos F. Carpenter , a lawyer ,
whom ho chartros with having decoyed
Rankin and Taylor to Walnut Lodge
under the pretense of buj ing some land
bordering on Reelfoot Lake , dispute
over the fishing privileges of which
led to the tragedy. Carpenter is now
under arrest.
Burton mot Carpenter at Walnut
Lodge by arrangement , and says he
saw Rankin and Taylor at the supper
table the niirht they were taken from
their beds in the hotel and convoyed ,
bound on horseback , to Bayou Deshea ,
to be murdered. After making sure
that Rankin and Taylor were at Wal
nut Lodge ho convoyed Iho information
to the leaders of the Night Riders , and
\\hile leaving the latter to deal with
the victims ho wont out on the lake
to fish. Ho was fishing fully a mile
from shore when Rankin was killed
and hoard the reports of the shots that
were fired into his body.
The confession of Burton and the
arrest of many of the Night Riders
implicated in the tragedy have placed
the authorities in a strong position in
dealing Avith the lawlessness of the
Night Riders. Five companies of State
militia are now in the affected district
and more will be dispatched to the
scene should the situation warrant it
It is the purpose of Governor Patterson
to stamp out the lawlessness which has
existed in the vicinity of Reelfoot Lake
for a long time.
The fishing privileges connected with
this lake lie at the root of the whole |
trouble. It has been the contention of '
those living near the lake squatters
and others that it Avas their right to j
ply their calling as fishermen in its
waters Avithout molestation , while the
owner of the lan'd on the shores of the
lake took an opposite view. t
Originally there Avere many owners
of the lands bordering on the lake , bui
the Western Tennessee Land Company , B
of Avhich Capt. Rankin and .Indue Tayt
lor Avere the organizers , purchased the t
rights of many of those , and in the '
courts the company AVUS uphold , together - '
gothorvlth the embariro It had placed e
on the fishing privileges on the lake , ?
Then followed Niirht Rider AA-arninsrs , j
threatening death to those who opposed
the wishes of the members of the band.
It AA-US on the first visit in many months
to the lake region that Capt. Rankin d
was killed. t
Now the Niirht Riders are to be
fought to a finish and the Avhole disreputable - J
reputable organization exterminated t
The \var against the Niirht Rider * Is B
to be extended to ether States v.'hore
this species of lawlessness exists. The
Governors of several States Governors
Noel of Mississippi. Pindall of Arkan- '
sas. and WilNon of Kentucky have e
approved a suggestion of Governor Patterson - °
terson that u conference of the execu
tives of those States be held and plans I
devised whereby they r-un act in concert t
in an effort to destroy Niirht Rider orc
irani/ations. The Governors of other t
States Indiana. Georiria. Alab'ima
whore niirhi ridinir is springing up. Avill r
nrohuhly join in the movement. ! *
Tasnmuians : m > iis-in de-id sharks and r
bnrr.couti : as fertilizer , reports Consul B
I5iker ; of Holwirr. v
Pifwidont Disix will not ho .1 candidate c
to suoceisl hiis lf : ; s president of MexIco - c
Ice in tin101O clrMicn. according to a *
< = .ntpinont published in the El Rio Del a
llc--tr. 3
T'ie hat-jo li7ie A. Law. which part- ' n
"d from her tow oT Manttou Isl-uul. sank , ' *
hut the brr-ro Si-ldcn Marvin was saved , *
the ( ifto'Mi persons aboard the two boats '
iK rescued. j I
first President oi ! Freed Island Suc
cumbs to Pneumonia.
Tomas Estrada L'alma. first Presi
dent of the present Cuban republic ,
died at Santiago Wednesday afternoon.
Although lie wis
removed from of-
fi < e by the people * ,
t h o r ov us no
charge against him
personally. There
K talk of the cov-
erninent pension-
ly ing I'alma's fami
ly. The whole people
ple mourn the loss
of a venerable put-
To MAS. n. TALMA , riot. L'alma uus
born in the province of Buyumo in
18.'jr . For a number of years before
lie became President of Cuba in l)0i ! ) !
he Ihcd in the I'niled States.
When Cuba uas freed by American
intervention Mr. Talma was elected
the first President of the new republic.
President Pulmu found high oliice no
bed of roses. His political opponents
accused him of undue ambition and of
usurpation of power. The sparks oC
hostility and partisan rancor \\ere
fanned into a llame and dually the op
position leaders relupsou into their old
Cuban habit. Thek took up their ma
chetes and "went to the woods , " to
start a revolution after the South'
American fashion. The Tinted States
was under moral and treaty obliga
tions to preserve the peace. To prevent
the effusion of blood inmother revo
lution , President I'alma realized that
his abdication was the boj-t course. He
thereupon stepped out of the chief mag
istracy , giving place to an American
Governor and the second American oc
cupation was begun. The veteran pat
riot retired to his old estate on the
Cauto River , far from the turmoil o'f
politics and intrigue , there to end his
days in the seclusion of a private life.
University's Famous Head Kesigna
After Many Years' Service.
President Charles W. Eliot of Har
vard University , who has resigned , is
74 years old. and since his election as
the Harvard head
in lb(5i ( ) , he has
been credited u ith
effecting more radi
cal changes in high
er educational meth
ods than any other
man who has ever
Ihed in America.
The old-time colonial
nial college curricu
lum of Latin , Greek ,
c. w. tuor. p h i 1 o s o p h y and
mathematics was broken down by him ,
and there is left no institution in Amer-
ifiihieh has not been affected by the
chumres he has made at Harvard. Dr.
Eliot has been called the George Wash
ington of Harvard , the Germanixer jt *
Harvard and other titles to indicate
the nature of his influence there. Hut
he succeeded in making a great educa
tional institution of the university ,
bringing it to ranking position amoni ?
American colleges , introduced the eled-
ivo system of study on this continent
and changed the old university with its
ividely separated colleges and independ
ent faculties.
The Swiss State Council has approved
the arbitration treaty with the United
A Turkish steamship ran down the
steam ferryboat Stnmboul outside the har
bor at Smyrna. One hundred and forty
persons were drowned.
In consequence of a dispute between
the buyers of wool ami the selling brok
ers over terms of payment , the buyers ab
sented themselves from the opening of the
local exchange in Melbourne , Australia.
Since his recent arrival at Pekin with
numerous retinue , the dulai lama has
caused much trouble to the reform ele
ment in the goeminent. . He refuses to
discuss Tibetan affair- , and repudiates
the reforms proposed for Tibet.
Max Lnttbeg defeated Jimmy Potts at
Normanna in two straight falls , getting
the first in (50 ( minutes and G2 seconds
ind the second in 2'2 minutes. The first
bout was a dandy and the men wrestled
For an hour before Luttbeg finally got the
better of him.
The castaways from the British steam
er Aeron. who spent nearly two months
on Christmas island , an almost barren
coral formation in the Pacific ocean , have
arrived at Suva. Fiji islands , on the
steamer Manuka , of the Canadian-Aus
tralian line , all well and increased by
one in number. A daughter was born to
the wife of Chaplain K. II. Patrick , U.
S. N. . twenty-four hours before the Ma
nuka was sighted , a'icl this event , with
the arrival of the rescuers , was made tha
occasion of much rejoicing.
Seventeen suffragettes who were re
manded the < lnv after the attempt to
storm the British Hoii'-e of Commons ,
were tried in a London police court and
ordered to find sureties for good bchavio/
or to go to j.iil. Three \\ere sentenced to
thirteen d.i\s and thirteen to a month ,
all refusing to furnish rarefies. Mrs- .
MarLelirh. . ihe Scottish woman who has
already served two months for breaking
the windows in Prime Minister Asquith's
house and threatening to use bombs next
time , was sentenced to three months , the
longest sentence yet imposed on a suf
* " * * ZLc - t M r
" * - ' ' yJK-
\ s Sjr-rX---s yJKc [ i *
. : . iA W ,
VU < * " 'i--- ' - : : : I'riiT" ' ' ' " >
1501' Columbus entered the harbor
which he called Porto P.ello.
1580 Sir Francis Drake returned from
hi * , voyage round the world.
T > 1S Sir Walter Raleigh beheaded in
K'-liO The Plymouth company was or-
1701 The first constitution of Pennsyl
vania was adopted.
17.r ; Gen. Oglcthorpe re-embarked for
America , accompanied by John Wes
ley and other missionaries.
3730 England declared war against
17 ( > r The "Pennsylvania Gazette" ap
peared in mourning for the passage
of the Stamp Act.
1774 The first American Congress , hav
ing finished its deliberations , ad
1777 John Hancock resigned as Presi
dent of the American Congress- .
17SH Continental army disbanded and
returned to their homes Treaty of
peace between Great Britain and the
United States proclaimed.
I70.'l Execution of the Girondists duriujj
the French revolution.
ISO. . John Penn. one of the signers of
the Declaration of Independence from
North Carolina , died.
1S07 Russia declared war against Great
1810 Mexican revolutionists defeated
the Spanish at battle of Los Graces.
1S15 Moravian Town , on the Kiver
Thames , destroyed by the Americans
under Gen. Harrison.
ISIS Convention signed at London reg
ulating the privileges of the United
States in the British North American
1825 Final completion of ftm Erie canal
celebrated at Albany First beaten
on the Erie canal arrived at Buffalo
from Albany.
18-11 Santa Anna entered the City of
1S4. > The United States naval academy
was formally opened.
1817 Jerome Bonaparte returned to
France after an exile of thirty-two
H&f ! ) A remarkable meteoric stone fell
near Charlotte , N. C.
1850 The Northwest Passage discovered
by Capt. McCIure of the Investiga
1S51 Southern cotton planters met at
Macon to devise a plan to prevent
fluctuation in the price of the staple.
1S52 Fire destroyed a large section o
the city of Sacramento , Cal.
1801 Gen. Hunter superseded John G.
Fremont in command of the western
department of the army.
1SJ2 Confederate cavalry under Gen.
Stuart entered Chambersburg , Pa.
I.S04 Maryland proclaimed a free State
bj Gov. Bradford.
I SOS Gen. Ulysses S. Grant elected
President of the United States.
1S74 Episcopal conference in session in
New York adopted a resolution op
posing ritualism in the church ser
1SSO James A. Garfiehl of Ohio elected *
President of the United States.
1SS3 Henry Irving made his American
debut in New York City.
1SSG P.artholdi's Statue of Liberty , in
New York harbor , dedicated by Pes-
idcnt Cleveland.
1SSS The first Legislature of the North
West Territories opened at Kegina.
1S01 The Provincial act abolishing sep
arate schools in Manitoba declared
unconstitutional by the Supreme
Court of Canada.
ISOti An electric car went * hrough a
draw at Portland. Ore. , and twenty
persons were killed. . . .Steamer City
of Alexandria , from Havana for New
York , burned at sea ; thirty lives lost.
1S04 David B. Hill , for the third time ,
accepted the Democratic nomination
for Governor of New York.
1S95 The trial of II. II. Holmes for
murder began in Philadelphia.
1899 First contingent of Canadian
troops for South Africa sailed from
' .900 The statue of Queen Victoria was
unveiled at Montreal Census bu
reau announced the population of the
United States to be 70.29n.220 , an
increase of over ij.000,000 : in ten
1901 The ship Perseverance , with four
teen men , lost in the Arctic region.
1902 Canadian-Australian cable com
pleted from Vancouver to Fanning
island , a distance of 2,455 miles.
1903 New Irish land act went into op
1905 President Roosevelt sent Secre
tary Metcalf to San Francisco to in
vestigate the anti-Japanese sentiment
on the Pacific coast.
Mrs. Martha Brown , .12 years old , oi
Pittsburtr , while suffering from dementia ,
Killed her B-montQis-oId daughter and at-
'empted suicide. Possessed of the hallu
cination that her husband was dead , she
insisted that she and her three children
co to him.