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About Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 5, 1908)
ea a e'S 'S Delicious direct from the factory I by express. Try this famous brand of candy. There's none I like it. All in packages. lOc to 75c. I * * * - - * rra3EQ ! fc VALENTINE. NEO A Safe , Simple System system of paying by check was devised by all men for any man for you. It is suited to the need of any business , either large or small. It makes no difference whether we pay out § 10 or 110000 a month. A checking account will serve your needs. - Pay by check , the method puts system in to your business and gives you a record of every transaction. VALENTINE STATE BANK \ VALENTINE. NEBR. Tt YALENTINE BARBER SHOP All kinds of t SHAMPOOS , MASSAGES , AND L-ADIES HAIR DRESSING Shampooing a specialty. HOT and COLD BATHS in connection 1 i 9 Forest Shepard , Prop. Valentine State Bank Building | qg22E I The Loup Valley Herefoid Ranch. Brownlee.Nebr. Soldier Cree Col- uin tins 17th icooso , a son of Columbus 17th , a half brother of tbetlO.OOOOam- pion D tie , a n ( I .Prince ISonbdt'll- : 693 at head of herd. I now have about 30 head of 1007 bull calves for sale. C. H. FAUL.HAKKH. H. DAILEY , Dentist. Office over the grocery deparment of T. C. Hornby's store. J. W. McDANJEL , COUXTY SURVETOK Valentine - Kebr. All work will be given prompt and careful attention. W. H. Stratton Dealer in FLOUK & FEED General Merchandise PHONE 125 cor : Hall & Cath. Valentine , Nehr. JOHN F. POEATH Itarge , Nebr. Tubular wells and windmills. < § f Call me up by Telephone. 0 Talk of the Town. a Try Kazda's barber shop. tf The Ludwig Lumber Co. have a change -of advertisement this week. Sam Woodward of Irwin and Gee , R Lackey of Buffalo. Lake were in town Monday on business. Valentine took the lead in Cherry county in doing honor to Mr. Bryan and Mr. Shallenberger giving them nearly two to one at the election. Other parts of Cherry county also did well. Mrs. Tom Hornby entertained a number of little folks Friday after noon in honor of Cedricks third birthday. Verne Stevenson and John Hartman are driving the Eosebud stage vice Quincy Buck and Frank West resigned. Charley Tackett and wife of Antelope creek were trading in our city last Saturday , returning home Sunday. The Catholic church has been re-shingled and the roof painted green , adding greatly to its already neat appearance. Louie Bordeaux and wife of tl e reservation visited our city last week and took home with them a load of supplies. O. D. Carey , boss farmer at the boarding school came down to vote Tuesday and hauled out a load of supplies yesterday. Mrs. E. Olson entertained Sat urday afternoon about thirty children in honor of Elmo seventh birthday. The little people spent a happy afternoon and wish Elmo many more birthdays. Howard S. Lockwood is serious ly ill of typhoid fever taking to his bed about a week ago. He had been ailing for some time pre vious but thought nothing of his apparent stomach trouble. Mrs Bates entertained a number of ladies Tuesday evening at her home at a-progressive flinch'party. . Mrs. Frank Brayton winning the favor in drawing for the most games and Mrs. W. S. Barker the consolation honor. Refreshments were served. Wra. Klingaman of Wood Lake was in Valentine Monday and call ed at our office to have some large sale bills printed. He is going to sell a lot of stock at the stock yards in Wood Lake on Tuesday , Nov. 17. Read his large advertisement elsewhere in this paper. Obituary. Mrs. Bessie Zarr-Shaw died at the home of her sister , Mrs. Wesley - ley Holsclaw , Nov. 2 , 1908. She had been a sufferer from cancer for more than a year and during the past few weeks has been con fined to her bed. She has been a patient sufferer and many friends will remember her kindly as a cheerful , industrious lady who was always ready to help when there was anything she could do. Her life was spent in doing some thing for others , and in the clos ing days of her short but eventful life she was sorry to be in a help less condition , fearing she might be a burden to her friends. Bessie Zarr was born Jan. 29 , 18SO in York county , Nebr. , and in 1SS3 her parents came to Cher ry county. Her father , Geo. B. Zarr , formerly county judge of this county for a number of years , and two sisters and a brother sur vive her. Funeral services were conduct ed by Rev , Baker at the home of Judge Zarr on Wednesday after noon airl the body laid to rest in Mt. Hope cemetery. Card of Thanks We desire to express our sincere appreciation to the many friends who so kindly assisted us during the illness , death and burial of our beloved daughter and sister , Mrs. Bessie Shaw. HER FATHER , BROTHER AND SISTERS. I will sell at Public Auction on m at the Stock Yards in beginning at 10 o'clock a , m , , the following ! consisting of 11 head three = year = olds , 14 head two-year = oids , 23 head yearlings , 12 head sucklings. consisting of 1 stallion , weight 1700 pounds ; 1 heavy horse , weight 1500 ; 10 two and three = year = old rnares ; 2 heavy mares , with colts by their side. ( All above are Bar " \Y , same as my last sale. ) 5 saddle horses ; 16 head of yearlings and two = year = od ! colts. 1 consisting of 15 cows and heifers , pure bred Angus and Galloway ; 50 to 60 head White Face Yearling heifers ; 5 milch cows. ONE WAGON. 3 SETS OF HARNESS. TERMS : One year's time on all sums over § 10 on approved notes drawing 10 per cent interest ; 5 per cent discount for cash. N G. E. Tracewell , Auct. Clerk John Neiss and llobert Emery of the reservation were in town the first of the week. John Haeber showed us a check for $32.15 last week which he re ceived from the Woodman acci dent association of Lincoln in pay ment for a claim he had against the company for disability caused by an injury during a run-away scrape he had last August. Mrs , Easely entertained about twenty ladies at her home Friday afternoon in honor of Mrs Baker. The time was pleasantly spent in playing games and in the drawing Mrs. Baker was the lucky one winning the favor a china plate. The house was beautifully decor ated in autumn leaves and a splen did two course dinner was served. About The College Boy. The play is an original comedy with music in three acts with a plot. Not an impossible intricate story that must be followed closely to understand , but something you can thoroughly enjoy without an effort. Bring your troubles along you'll forget them when you leave. The plot just a clever little story with musical interruptions. Bright , snappy dialogue and witty jokes new jokes. Comedy of the right sort , clean and wholesome without coarseness and vulgarity. Music , all kinds of it. Not grand opera , but the popular , whistly kind. Songs ? Fifteen big hits , no back numbers , but latest successes. Ihose you haven't heard. Come- 3ians three of them , in widely separated lines and all funny. Ber nard Kiggs leads them all. Uhurch's opera house Nov. 7 190S _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 5J. S. Weather Bureau Report fi r week Ending Nov. 3. Daily mean temperature 42 ° ! Normal 40 ° . Highest 68 ° ; lowest 23 ° . Precipitation 0.00 of an inch. Total precipitation from March 1st ( the crop season ) to date was 16. 90 inches and the average for same period for 20 years is 20.08 Old Crow , All Leading- - Hermitage Brands . ; land Bottled Gruclien- Under the heimer Supervision Rye of the * f i Whiskeys. U. S. Gov. "We also handle the Budweiser Beer. JOHN G. STETTER , Propr , AUCTIONEERING ! j Done in the most satisfactory man ner ! Largest prices for the seller , and honest dealing with the bidder ! j i On these terms T.V. . Cramer solic- j I its your patronage/ Graduate ofj Missouri Auction School , August ! term. 41 Lost Dog. . A small Fox Terrier weight. lf > j i Ibs. , short tail , white with black spots , lemon spots over eyes , lemon - j I on on jaws false toe on fore leg torn oli' and sore. A reward will be paid if returned to Major Skockley , FortXiobrara , Nebr. ' 10 Dr. Barnes , the eye ? ight special ist of Omaha , will be in Valentine , [ Nebraska , Wednesday November ii i i the llth at the Valentine hotel. Call and have your eyes examined. Don't forget the date , liemember frequent visits are made over this road. Everett Harvey started to York : Neb. Monday morning to attend business College taking the gener al business conrse. Contest Notice. C. S. Lanu Otlice. Broken Bow. Not ember 25 I < MIT \ A ' I'Hieient contest affidavit navmc be-n filjd in tlMofiice bv Annie MclntoMi. onest- ' , int a r .inst bomes ad i-ntry xo T l > n nude j Decembt-i 14. 19.IJ. for .SCMV , sse. section 10. . > . . ectiun 11 : \ \ nbeclion 14 , ne. vi\\ . ' Kect on 15. tovvnsbii-i ; . raujreSo , by Alevuirtep , HenducKSon. contest e. in which it is alleged that c aiinant Iris wholly abandoned said tr.iet lor more tlun si\ months I ist past that c' uniI I anc aces ii"t man t.tin a residence on s-i-d i , w \ nit' resides eNewhere , that < nl the abo\e al-eued ! rielectb evibt at this uate and lu\e noC been cured Said par > i are heiebv notified to appear , ic- . send ] and olfer evidence touching satii ail i-- t O'i ar 10 o'clock a in.m Pe.'ei.iin-r 4 180s. ixfore John If. Welton. U S. eoinmip ioner , at Viul en , Xeb , and thai the fr-al h < aniudi b- hel l at0 \ o'clock .1. in. , on December S 19 ) > b - t > r- tie ! i'fr-Nr and lecen r * l t be United S a es Ljnd Olllce in I'-ioKen B" > \ , NebrnsUa 1'he s i d conte-t nit h ivmn. in .1 proper alh- j dav t. liled Oit ji , inns. ct forth lartslinh j sho\\ that aftei dn < lilmenc- personal strvu-e ot tinmitue can > ot be made , it is her < * oy ordered Hi it biich notice be ; ; uen by diii ana ! proper pubiioation ' i U 4 lipd .IOKX HE SK , Ki-4ster. Contest Xotice. | U S. Land Office , Broken How. Nebr > pk.t * ! October 'M I'JUS \ A sufficient content afflHa\ h.uin ; : been liled in tnis otlice by Cnr eU. . temple. c n -t.uit , j I i HonuFtead e trv No. 2850. made I ] . : 19 < C f' r n "H. M'cMf n 11) ; IIMV. sesw. I 1 lion 20. t muiliii ) ' _ ' ( } . nm < ; cW : ov Jennie Mramr. I c'nlctem \\luch it ii > aliened that haul , I i cldimant ha > - uhov ! ! a'a.diM-i s-nd tract tor ; m it * than - imonth - * l t pa t : tliar she li.w ' nev r re uieii upon , cu tivated or improved siiil j I iracr Hrqn ued h\ law ; md that the same is I ! \ \ hnlialMt'don d. that she mnita.ins ; a IPSI- dencevlseuheie tli.ui u i said tra-t , and the. 1-ud i in its wild nnthe state : that all th - 1 abnv allem-d ( 'elects exist at this elate and I have i ot been cured. | ! Siid ; i > .n ti s are Jiereby notiilrd to appear- ! n I OT d rd offer evirftnce touchii y sairt alle a- { at 10 'clock a. m on De < ember s iWb been - ore J. H. WeNvon , U. 5. Commissioner. Mullen Nebr. . and ? hat the final hearing \\ill P held nt 10 o'clock a. in. on Dei ember 8. IKS. I e- fope the r gi-ter and receiver at th- United States land Oflice in Broken Bow. Nebra-ka. Tne said contebtant having , in aproperalli- da\it liled October 14. 1UOS set forth fa : ts \\hich show that a'fr due diligence personal ervice of 'ilns notice cannot be is hnreUv ( irdered and directed that such notice be given ' \ due ana prop-r intMicaiion. 4. 4 Hpd JOHN ISKKaK , Uegister. Contest Notice. U.S. Lin-loilk-e , Valentine. Octobers. 1908. A sufficient contest alldavl having been liled in this oiltee bv William II. Everly. umtes'ant. Hirain t homestead enir > ' No. I416I , made November 12 \ MK. for section : . ' ! . Tow nshiu 27 , liai'ue :5S : , b\ Ida Wesfate. conte > tee. in which it is al r d that Id i W.-Mf nite has wholly aband iart siiii i.imi and chmji- " ! her residence therefrom fo-more hin sf\ months last pat : that the land i- not tattled U > OM nor cultivated in K"od fai li and c aima-1 hatnot established re * deuce thereon , ad she has 'ailed to cure her laches t < > , rhs date , and sId abandonment took puce more than sit.ionhs prior to the xpiration ot 1'neeara fiom the tune of maKing sd'd entrv , And said all fred abs ne wai not due to ber emplov "ent in the arrav. navy or marine corps or the United S'ates aapnvntrt soldier , -ittlcer. s ninan or mar tie rfurios the war \vth pam or dunlin any other inhlch the United States may eiif isred. haid i > artiei ! rherebv onliad to aupear. respond and offer evmence touching s.iiu alien i- ti n at lOo'clock a. mn > .ovember 24. Isxis before thee ister and receiverat the United St-ites Land otlice in Valentine. N'ebr. The aid contestant bivm-z in a nroper affl- uavit filed uctobt-r 19,190 * s-t forth facts Iuch s-lnw that alter due diligence personal seice. of this notice c-uinot be nude it isherehv- ! red - ed and directed fiat sacli notice be Kt > rii by dneand proper pubiicat-on. 41 4 K K. OLSOX. Receiver. Dr. ivleeham , o ( enpath , has moved into his new 0ice rooms over the Ked Front store. Tele- nphone ISro. 155. 10"