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About Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 29, 1908)
Hiatorical Society T r rn T A * VOLUME XXIII VALENTINE. NEBRASKA. THURSDAY , OCTOBER 29 , 190S. NUMBER 4 i We carry F' L < ' S for every Sewing Machine made O. Try "A. We have the finest .line of Men's Hats , all styles and colors , in the city. Prices from § 1.00 to § 3.50. PHONE 97 , GRANT BOYER , CARPENTER & BUILDER. All kinds of wood work done to order. Stock tanks made in all sizes Residence and shop one block south of passenger depot. Valentine , PHONE 72 Nebraska Eeferences : My Many Customers. 1r 1 * r ore & ROBERT McQEER , Propr. ta Fine Wines , Liquors and Cigars | Bourbon Whiskies : Rye Whiskies : $ Old Crow , Sherwood , % Hermitage , Guchenheimer , Cedar Brook , Sunny Brook , Spring Hill , and 27 year/old jj andjas. E , Pepper , O , F , C , Taylor , These whiskies were purchased in bond and came direct from the U. S. gov- . eminent warehouse. They are guar anteed pure and unadulterated. Un excelled for family and medical use. fcVJ Three Star Hennessy and Dreyfus Brandies , Imported M Gordon and DeKuyper Gins , Guinnessfs Extra Stout Bass Ale , Storz Blue Ribbon and Budweiser Beer , ? * Valentine = Nebraska I i J 2 2 E2SE Read the Advertisements , Geo. M. Adams' Statement Crawford , Xeb , Oct. 15 , 'OS. To all voters of the Fourteenth Senatorial district of Nebraska : Having been nominated by the Democratic and People's Indepen dent Parties for the honorable po sition of State Senator for the Fourteenth district of Nebraska , and bellieving that the voters ef this district should know before election where their candidate stands upon the most important isf-ues involved in this campaign , I submit the following for your consideration : 1. I am in favor of a law that will guarantee bank deposits , for the absolute security of the people's money , to prvent panics and promote prosperity , and available to national as well as state banks of this state wishing to take advan tage of the same. 2. lam in favor of the election of precinct or township assessors by the direct vote of the people in the precincts or townships in which they live. 3. I am against what I term the unjust action of the state board in arbitrarily raising the valuation as returned by the local and county ssesso s. tt. I believe in a state experi mental farm and that it should be located in the northwestern part of the state , as mentioned in the Democratic platform. 5. T favor a wide open primary election , where every voter will have an opportunity of voting a secret ballot and for wh m he chooses. 6. From a national standpoint , I am in favor of every plank in the Democratic platform that was adopted by the Democrat party at its last national convention held in Denver , Colorado , in July , 190S. Having served in the last legis lature as the representative from the Fiftv-third district , which is accredited with being the most pro gressive legislature that has as sembled in Nebraska for the last fourteen years , I believe that I am in a better position to know what the people of my part of the state want and expect from their mem ber if elected to the office. Respectfully , 2 GEO. M. ADAMS. WHAT I STAND FOR. Believing that the voters of the sixth Congressional District have a right to know where their candi date stands on the issues involved in the election , and believing that andidates before election should state publicly and unequivocally what they are in favor of , and what they will undertake to do if elected , I hereby pledge myself as Follows : 1. I will support any and all measures which will bring about the election of United States sena tors by dire.ct vote of the people. 2. I will support a law making it compulsory upon all political parties to publish a full and com plete statement of campaign con tributions before election. 3. I will favor a law providing that in all cases of indirect con tempt of court , the party so ac- used shall be tried by a jury , the same as any other person accused of crime. 4. I will favor a reduction of ihe present tariff to an extent that foreign competition will com pel American manufacturers to sell their products to American consumers as cheaply as they sell them to consumers in any foreign country ; and that all agricultural machinery , fencing , building ma- : erials , and all .household utensils je placed on th'e free list. 5. I will favor an amendment to the so called railroad rate bill , now in force , which will provide that pending an appeal to the fed eral courts , the order of the inter state commerce commission , whether making a new rate , or which is made for the purpose of preventing an existing discrimina tion , shall be and remain in force pendiag the appeal in the federal courts. 6. I shall favor an amendment to the federal constitution provid ing for an inheritance and income tax. 7. T shall favor an amendment to the present homestead law , now in force and applicable to this dis trict , which will give the home steader the same rights of com mutation , and making linal proof , as are enjoyed in other localities by homesteaders under the gener- Now is the time to get your winter quilts , See our elegant _ _ display of them in our window Quilts at $1.75 , $2,00 , $2,50 , $3,00 , $3,25 , $3,50 and $ 8 Don't forget to take a look at our 98c leader in quilts , "Watch our window , al homestead laws of the country. S. T shall favor a law under which deposits in all national banks will be guaranteed , as proposed in the -Denver platform. 0. 1 shall devote all of my time , energy , and what ability I possess , to attending to the business of the people of this district , and to guard ing their rights individually and collectively. 10 I shall favor an amendment to the rules of the house of repre sentatives , which will deprive speaker Cannon , or any other speaker of the house , of the power to throttle legislation which is de manded by the..peplg. . If the a.bove and foregoing propo sitions meet with your approval , I respectfully and earnestly solicit your support at the coming gen eral elpntion. " W. PI. WESTOVER. Contest Notice. U. S. Laud OfiiPe , iirokcn How. Nebraska I November 25 1'JOT \ A s'lflicipnt contest rilfidavit navmji ben Ull l in this nfliuu by Annie Mclnto-ii. c > n esf- iint. ; iiMinst homes * art < nfry No ,7250 nuide December 14. I)04 ! ) , for SCMV , sse. section 10 ; s-s\v.-ei'tion 11vnv , wclio'i U ne.- * > n\v. sect on l.i. tosvnshi-i 2H , range3 : : . by Alexnndnr HendricKson. cent st e. in which it is alleged that ainiant has wholly abandoned said tract 'or more than six months Ust past ' n n does n-1 n'ui tain a residence on s-i d r.-a < > r nut r sides elsew.iere , that all the -ihme aliened Ve tt > uxibt at ibis ate and luue iiot been cured Said parins : are hereby notified to appear , respond spend and r > > r evidence touching saui all-tr < - tii-n at 10 o'clock a in , , on December 4. isios. Before John II. U'elion , U. S. commissioner , at Mill en , Xeb , and that th < linal liearin : wll bj held at 10 o'clock a. in. , on D-wr.hers. . > < . b - fore the n ixt r and itceivor : it the United States Ind Office in Broken r."w. .Nebraska The sa-'d contestant nivin ; < r , in a proper affi davit , filed Oct 21 , saos. xct forth facts winch show that after dn dilij Mie-j personal service of thi- notice cannot be made , it is herm y ordered that such notice be given by due and proper publication. 4-2 4 Jlvcl JOHN UEESK. Register. Contest Notice. U. S. Land Ofliue. liroken Now. Nelir ipka October L'O 1UOS. t A sufficient contest affidavit having been died in t us otlice by Chnrles 1J. Temple. entrust nit , af-'unsf Hnmeptead i ; > try No. 2 50. made . ) uly : > 1902. for nose-section lt ! ; ns\v. e w. sec tion 20. tow nsliip 20. ranje : U oy Jennie Strain : , contesrein wlucli it is alleged tfiat < < : iid cl iniiiut lias wholly a andont * i said Ira'-t for ni-ie than six monies IH-.I pa-.t : tliar sVc. lyis never re-iiied uixin. c'l'tiwated or improved .said ( raft us required \ nw anil that iliesa-nei.s wholly abandoned. tb. . she muiiitiiiis a r.-si- , delicti el.sewhere tilvi o. .s. id ira-r. . ami the ! same is in its wild native state : that nil thn' : inovaMeged delects exist at tl.H date ud have not lieen enre'l. > aid parties are hereby rotjfied to anp nr re * > iiiiid and olfer evi'lt-nwe touchiptr sai alle a- t on at 10 o'clock a. m on De-Tinner : > 190s ' - fore.I. II. Wt-ltoit , U. S. Comniissi-mer. Mn e i \ebr. . ai > d that the final hearin ; will ) , v-id ' at lo o'clock a. m. on Dec inner 8. IMS. he ' fore tlie r isf-rand receiv-r at thUnited1 States land Ollleein J5roken Mow , Neb-a-ka , j Te siii.l eontestmit having , in aproper aliii i davit lied : October 14 , UKS. ) set forth la-'ts | which sl > -\v tliat.i't-r due diiiuenci : ! -efviiT Uus nolleeannot be is here- ordered and directed tha Mich noti'-e be ! uiven by due ami pro - ' - iMiblication : 414 Hpd .JulIN KlviSK. R'istPr. . Contest Notice. U.S. Land Oitk-t ; , Valet1.1 inOctobers. Octobers. 190-i. A sufliciPiit oont st a'lldavit Irivuu been fil"d in this oiiu-ti b\ William II Evedy , o nres ant. H ainst homestead ft try l o. 14101. made November 12. lUU. ! for section 21. Townshif 27. Ua ue : bbIda \Vi-st'at" . eo.ite > : es i- which ir is dlKeo that Jtli W , > ' a1e libs wii-liy abaiul'M-'d sai'l ' la-i i a-ad ehun d her residence ' therefruin for nriro Ui.i"i " six mo'iths las p.i t ; I tnat the land is no * > eiil'd u > a nor enlrivUed i m good lal'h and c aima t luiMiot c-tabli.-iied ! res dence thereon , a d t-hc has ailed to cure ! her I.iclu-s to fins dale , ; uid s M itiand > nineut i took place more than six i.ion hs jirior to the expiration ot live jears from tlie time of inauing ba'd entry , And said allied .absrin-o wai nut due I to ner employment in the. anriv. n iw or marine I corps o' the United S'a'es ' ait. . priv'n- soldier , i -nticer , s amaii or mar-tie ilnrii , the wrtr w Hi . Spain or ( hi * ing any other w-tr in wtwu the i L niti-d Mates may 'if en iijfd. ! haid j arties * r hereby onlito .injiear. le-nonn and fler evidence toncliini- ii > alien i- ti ) n at JOoVlock a. m on November 24 lta- ; > ' In lore ttirt te-Mster aisd receive ! ai ihe LTnt-d oUteS L-md > Itlcf in Valjuilne. Ncbr The -aid contestant h > tviiii ! in a proper am- ' davit filed October I'.i.lOOSst-t forth facts winch j show that oiler due itiliueni-e personai > e-vic * j of tliis notice cannot be'm-ide it ishereny nl - red - ed and directed that such notice oe j-iven l y ! due and proper publication. 41 4 K E. OLSON. Ileccirer. | j Wo sell farming implements as well as other merchandise at reasonable prices- - Call and try us. OROOKSTON NEBRASKA. , MAX E VIERTEL DEALER IN EVERYTHING. .Chartornd us a State Bank Chartered as a .National Bank June 1 , 1884. August 12. 1902 , The Valentine , Nebraska. ( Successor to ) PAID IN A General Banking Exchange and Collection .Business. 0. H. CORNELL , President. J. T. MAY , Vice-President. M. V. . flashier. 53 s s S2CS 2S3iSS2S25S2S-ISS 3E2 $ } ERY Tobaccos and Cigars. .Canned Goods ? ? Lunch Counter. Phone , ft S tetter & Tobien , Props. DEALERS IX All Kinds of Fresh \ and Salt Meats. . . . \ViIl buy your Cattle , Hogs , Poultry , Horses , Mules and anything you have to sell. 3232 | a Valentine , Nebraska , has received a complete line of new , high grade i Fall and Wiotei I which are being offered at the lowest prices pos3 j sible , the margin of profit being only reasonable. ) ] R vx Prices arc within the reach * of all and plainly markjj ? jj § ed on every article. One price to everybody. $ a - xXacMKaas - S2S2 32M