Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, August 20, 1908, Image 2

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J. M. TTICE , - Publisher.
Cov. Denccn Says All Who Come \ViIl
Be Shclteretl in Government Tents
Penniless Wanderers Arc Source of
Trouble in Country Districts.
Two deaths from injuries received
In previous mob fights , the cutting of
the fire alarm wires , the exoneration
of Private J. 33. Klein , Company A ,
First Illinois infantry , by a court of
inquiry for the killing of Earl Nelson
at Ivankakee and the pursuit of a mob
"by guardsmen were the chief of Sun-
clay's developments in the race war
in Springfield , 111.
The attempt to cut the telephone
and the fire alarm wires leading into
-the city hall was not successful. A
policeman saw three men on top of an
outbuilding trying to reach the lines
overhead. He turned- an alarm to
the headquarters of Gen. "Wells , com
manding a provisional brigade , and
the latter dispatched a wagonload of
soldiers to" the scene.
The Springfield authorities are do-
dng ail they can to reassure the ne
groes still there. Thus far they have
licen partially successful , although the
.number of those who have sought
shelter in the arsenal is surprisingly
small. Most of the refugees are advanced -
vanced in years , too. The younger
negroes who might be expected to add
fuel to the smoldering llame of rash
acts thus far have generally refused
to become wards of the state.
Gov. Deneen explained Sunday
night that the disposition of troops at
the capitol Avas not because of any ap
prehension of danger to that edifice ,
but because the grounds offered ex
cellent camping facilities and were a
strategic point from Avhich Col. San-
born could control the situation Avest
of Seventh 'street. An example of
this Avas afforded late Sunday after
noon Avhen an alarm reached the ar
senal from Spring and EdA\ard streets ,
where William Donigan Avas lynched
Saturday night. A rapid fire squadron
under Capt. J. V. Clinnin , of Chicago ,
was sent to the place on the double
quick. Within five minutes he had
cleared the' streets for half a mile
from the threatened corner , three
companies of infantry being held un
der arms at the arsenal in the mean-
"Unsuccessful Attempt to Lynch Negro
in New York.
A negro Avho late Sunday , evening
attacked a Avhite AA'oman resident of
JIuntington , L. I. , Avas under heavy
guard in the local lockup after haA'-
ing been rescued by deputies from a
croAvd of angry men. Shortly after the
JICAVS of the arrest spread a mob of
fifty men battered in the front door of
the jail Avith a railroad tie and at
tempted to rernOA'e the prisoner.
The attack Avas made upon Mrs.
Louise Gerdesciene , Avife of an em
ploye of a hotel. The negro , Avho is a
teamster , giving his name as George
Washington , sprang upon the woman
in a lonely section just outside the vil
lage. He took to the AA'oods when
several men ran to the spot attracted
by the woman's screams , but Avas soon
Party o' Picnickers Make Discovery
Near Camdcn , N. J.
The body of a man Avas found in an
old trunk concealed in a ravine along
a road near Mt. Ephriam , about six
-miles outsid < j of Camden , N. J. , Sun
A party of picnickers on a farm ,
while seeking Avater in a raA'ine , came
across the trunk , tied Avith ropes and
half buried iin the undergroAvth be
neath the breast of a steep bank , and
on raising the lid found the body
tightly Avedged in and packed in straAV
and old newspapers. OA'er the fea
tures was a Philadelphia ncAvspaper of
Xovember , 19 , 1907.
"Jokers" Abuse Bridal Pair.
Handcuffed together , EdAvard Saun-
flers , of Rochester , X. Y. , and his
"bride , AA'ho AA'as Miss Maud Higgins , of
TMttsburg , Avere forced to stand in an
ash Avagon while they Avere hauled
through the streets of Pittsburg by
joking friends.
Wife Killed as a Burglar.
Mistaking his Avife for a burglar ,
George Parker , at Harper , Kan. , near
"Wichita , shot and killed his Avife Sat
urday night.
Sioux City Live Stock Market.
Saturday's quotations on the Sioux
. .City liA'e stock market follow : Top
beeves , $5.00. Top hogs , $6.35.
Would Curtail Postal Po\vcrs.
An effort to secure a laAV through
rrhich the poAver of the postmaster
general in issuing "fraud orders" is to
"be made at the convention in Kansas
City Aug. 2G to 28 of the Associated
lAdvertisLng Clubs of America.
Heat Kills Omaha Teacher.
Prof. George Chatelaine , a well
IcnoAvn teacher of Omaha , Neb. , Avas
overcome by the heat at the baseball
game Sunday afternoon and died.
Mob Makes War on Negroes at Spring
field , III.
Springfield , 111. , Avas in the hands of
a mob of enraged citizens /who began
Friday night to Avreak vengeance on
negro residents for an assault com
mitted by George Kichardson , a : iCgro ,
on Mrs. Hallam , a Avhite woman.
At 1 o'clock Saturday morning the
whole cast end of toAvn burst into
[ lames , the torch having been applied
to several negro houses by some of the
more desperate members of the mob.
Two men are already dead and proba
bly tAvo score others arc injured , most
ly negroes. '
The rabble swept through the
streets , attacking every negro met. All
the local militia Avere on duty , and
half a dozen companies from Bother
cities Avere rushed there on special
trains. Still other companies Avere or
dered to hold themselves in reserve.
The fire department Avas helpless to
combat the- flames in the negro quar
ter on account of the threatening atti
tude of the mob tOAA-ard the firemen.
Richardson and another negro
Avanted for murder Avere taken from
Springfield jail Friday evening and
rushed to Bloomingt.on , Avhence they
later Avere taken to Peoria.
Among the injured is Eugene W.
Chafin , candidate for president of the
United States on the prohibition party
ticket , AA'ho was struck on the head
with a brick. v
NCAV Yorker , However , Dies According
to Prophecy of Physician.
Although Conrad Steingruber , of
N'CAV York , laughed at the Christ hos
pital physicians in Jersey City , who
said that he AA'ould die in twenty-four
hours from the effects of a bite from
a dog , the prophecy Avas fulfilled Fri
day. Steingruber said he AA'as a disbe
liever in hydrophobia and that he
Avould be around again in a few days.
He rapidly greAV Averse , however. He
remained conscious until the end , and
almost the last Avords he spoke were
that he would get Avell. Steingruber
was bitten by a dog a little over three
weeks ago , but paid no attention to
the bite , and wh'en AA'arned by his wife
that he might dCA-elop rabies he mere
ly laughed at her , saying hydrophobia
had no terrors for him. On Monday
last he began to show signs of rabies
and consulted a physician. On Wed
nesday he called at the hospital , and
when offered a glass of Avater he
taken Avith a spasm. From that time
until he died his suffering was in
Two Killed and Si.v Injured by the
Two persons Avere killed and six in
jured by an explosion Friday morning
at the London grounds of the Franco-
British exhibition of an envelope bal
loon OAvned by Capt. Lovelace , of the
New York Aero club.
Preparations for the ascent were be
ing made Avhen the accident oecured.
The cause is supposed to be the thro\v-
ing down of a lighted match.
Miss Hill , aged IS. secretary to Capt.
LoA'elace , AA'as one of the persons kill
ed. She AA'as burned to a cinder. The
other person Ayas a man. The dead
man and six other men Avho sustained
injuries also Avere employed by Capt.
Former Minister Served Four Years
for Eloping Avitli Choir Girl.
J. Frank Cordova , the former South
Aiver , N. J. , clergyman Avho eloped
tvith Julia Browne , a choir singer , and
ivho afterwa. d AA-as sentenced to state
prison , AAras released from that insti
tution Friday after an imprisonment
Df four years. Cordova left the city
n an automobile. It is believed he
Doarded a train at Bristol , Pa. , for
Philadelphia He AA'ould not discuss
lis personal affairs. It is thought Cor-
lova will remain in Philadelphia until
le receives funds from his brother to
: ake him to Mexico , Avhere he Avas
ICcgro Slays a Veteran New Orleans.
La. , Policeman.
John J. Carroll , a A'trteran member
) f the police force of New Orleans ,
La. , was cut to death by a negro cook ,
A-ho Avas afterwards killed by the
> olice , Friday at the Louisville and
Nashville depot. The negro AVOS quar-
eling AA'ith another negro and Avhen
he officer entered the dinning car he
vas disemboAveled. The murderer fled
nto the draAving room car , where he
vas surrounded and .tilled.
Said Taj-lor Will Return.
It was announced Thursday on au-
hority of a close friend of former GOA\
IV. S. Taylor , that Taylor Avill return to
Kentucky from Indianapolis for trial
m the charge of complicity in the
Joebel murder case immediately after
he November election.
Frost in North Dakota.
A heavy frost oecured at Medora , X.
X Friday night. Grain is too far ad-
anced for .much damage.
Fleet Sailed Friday.
The American battleships under the
ommand of Rear Admiral Sperry left
Luchland , X. Z. Saturday morning for ?
iydney , X. S. W. , where they are due
LUgust 20. The distance to Sydney is
little under 1,300 miles. ,
Killed Wife for Burglar.
Mistaking his Avife. Avho had got up
o close a Avindow , for a burglar Geo.
'arker , of Harper. Kan. , shot her
ead. 1 o
Catholic Total Abstainers Take P.aCi-
cal Stand.
Denunciation of the liciuor trafllc ,
an appeal for sanctlficatiou nf Sunday
and the exclusion from membership in
Catholic societies ell thovo engaged in
the liquor traffic Arer < * the striking
fca es of the resolutions adopted by
the national convention of the Ca'.Iio-
lie Abstinence 'society- XOAV
Haven , Conn. , Thursday. The resolu
tions declare that "not in drunken
ness and riotous living can any man
make effective profession of the Cath
olic faith. With indignation the union
protests agahut the taunts of its crit
ics. It does not deem that it should
stop to conest the claims for ultra-
orthodoxy Avhicli haA'e been blatantly
made by those v.'ho have tried to sub
stitute the beer mug for the standard
of the cross. The clay for apology for
total abstainers is over. "
The union also declares its alle
giance to the Catholic church , and
adds : "With all our souls AVO Avelcome
the encyclical of our holy father ,
Pius X. , on modernism. "
The resolutions also say : "A Cath
olic periodical that 'cannot live Avith-
out liquor advertisements should die.
Let them not drag down the Catho
lie name in their greed. "
Sensational Killing in the City of Los
An ° clcs Ctil.
DriA'en insane by a religious mania ,
H. J. Dufty , of Los Angeles , Cal. , aged
60 , Thursday attacked and killed his
son and daughter with an ax , and then
cut his own throat with a razor , inliict-
infi fatal injuries.
The tragedy occurred at the home.
of Dufty's son Fred. Dufty lias been
on the verge of violent insanity , it is
said , for weeks from religion * enthu
siasm. Wednesday night he attended a
religious meeting and Avorked himself
into a frenzy. AVhenhe arose Thursday
morning he secured a sharp biadcd ax
and stealthily entered the- bedroom of
his son Avhile the latter lay asleep.
Raising the weapon aloft he brought it
do\vn Avith terrific force across the
neck of his son. severing the A'ictim's
head completely from the body.
With a maniacal shout Dufty rushed
from the house down thcstreet Avaving
the bloody weapon. Reaching the
house Avhere his Avife and daughter
resided he opened the front door and
entered. Without a AVOI-C ! of warning
he SAvung the ax high in the air and
cleft his daughter's skull.
Mrs. Dufty fled through the rear
door and succeeded in eluding her hus
band , but not before she received a
seA'ere gash on the elbow from the ax.
Dufty then Avalked to the street ,
where he drew a rawer across hi ?
throat , inflicting frightful injuries.
Travels for Miles with No Hn-l af
With Engineer Charles Strang lying
injured alongside the track and the
fireman busy on the back of the ten
der , a Grand Trunk flyer , eastbound.
ran for miles near Battle Creek. Mich. ,
with no guiding hand at the throttle
and Avith 300 passengers in the coach
es calmly gazing out of the Avindows.
ignorant of the fact they were rMing
on a runaAvay train.
Finishing his Avork on the tender ,
the fireman returned to the cab to find
tile engineer's scat A'acant. The fire
man brought the train to a stop , back
ed it up until the engineer A\-as found
lying beside the track , with his left
arm and leg broken , shoulder crushed
and skull fractured.
It is supposed the engineer lost his
balance in leaning from the window
to look for box.
The Gould Divorce Plot.
The grand jury at New York Thurs
day found indictments accusing Mrs.
Benjamin Teal , Harry M. Mouseley.
private detective , ana Julia Fleming ,
a seamstress , of attempting suborna
tion of perjury in inducing Mabel Mae-
Causlan to give false evidence against
Frank J. Gould in divorce proceedin laii
Gibbons Has Farewell Ausiiencc.
Cardinal Gibbons had a farewell au
dience Avith the- pope Friday at Rome.
The cardinal thanked the pontiff for
having granted him a ! he had asked
for , both the propaganda an Vatican.
The pope replied that Avhere the inter
ests in America were concerned noth
ing ever Avould be denied.
Teacher Acquitted of Murder.
The fifth trial of John Richards ,
the Floyd county. Va. , school teacher ,
charged with the murder of his rival
in love , Maurice K. Francis , of Roanoke -
eke , Va. , ended Friday in acquittal.
Prominent Soldier Dead.
H. H. McDowell , at one time depart
ment commander of the Grand Army
of the Republic , died at his home in
Pontiac , 111. , Thursday of pneumonia.
Guild Under Knife.
GOA- . Curtis Guild , jr. , Avas operated
Dn for appendicitis Friday afternoon
it Boston , Mass.
Prod for Telegraph Companies.
The Georgia legislature before ad
journment passed a bill to compel tel-
graph companies to date and time
messages received and fixing a penalty
Df $25 for failure to deliver Avithin a
reasonable time.
Cleveland Mills Resume * Wovlc.
After being shut doAvn six weeks the
Empire rolling mills , of Cleveland ,
3. , put on a full force of men Friday
xnd are now running clay and night.
Several Persons Stunned 7 > y Light-
ninc : and Much Damage Done.
Monday night's electrical storm Avas
ono of the most , irevere Hastings has
experienced for a number of years.
Three homes Avere struck by lightning
and several persons stunned , but not
seriously hurt. At the home of Mrs.
M. A. Thurmond two chimneys Avere
shattered , the plaster broken in sev
eral rooms , a number of pictures brok
en into fragments arid a streak burned
across one room. Mrs. Thurmond saAV
a streak of lightning flash across the
ceiling of her bed room. She Avas
stunned , but soon recovered conscious
ness. Miss McKenna AA'as knocked
prostrate to the floor Avhen lightning
struck the home of her father , Mich
ael McKenna , in Avhich she Avas clos
ing a window. She recovered in a few
moments. Her father saw a streak of
lightning "from the AvimloAV she Avas
closing cross to one on the opposite
side of the room. The chimney was
shattered , the Avail paper torn loose
and the carpets Avere burned. Minor
damage Avas caused by lightning at the
home of Frank Kirk.
Plan to Erect IZinbor.r20.000
Church. time ago the move was made
to have both Catholic churchorin Ne
braska City consolidate ; and the con
gregations , Avhich are composed of
some of the wealthiest people of that
section , contribute to a fund which
Avouid be sufficient to erect a hand
some church to cost not less than $40.-
OOC. The matter AA'as taken up Avith
Cishop Bonctim. prior t , ) his depart
ure for Europe , and he approved the
plan , but permitted the St. Bene-liet
church to remain an a memorial to
Vicar General Emanucl Hnrtig. Avho.
after serving the church fifty years.
retired to a conA'ent at Atchfcon.
Avere ? he Avill spend the remainder of
hJy life , he being very old and fee-
bi * .
I-iO.vs Discover Kentatus of Lad
DroAvned ? cnr Tektiinuh.
The body of Jay Webster , 17 yea if
old , the lad Avho Avas droAvnod hi the
Missouri riA'er last Sunday near Lake
QLiinnebaugh. was found Wednesday
by young Walclecker and Salesman
Avlien they Avent to look after their
ti oiling fish lines. The body got caught
in some driftwood near the bank
about miles beloAV Avhere heva =
drowned. Sheriff Phipps Avan iiot'fied
by telephone at Tekamah and ho noti
fied the Web = tr family. They werr
to the place and had the body taker
from the water. It Avas badly deqom-
poiscd , but Avas readily identified by r
former broken leg ancl also
rips ? on the little finger of the right
Gathered by llnHroads IiuSk-ai
an Enormous Yield of Corn.
naiiroad reports continue to intli-
that Nebraska is ciuite liable t.
have a bumper corn crop thia year ,
some of the reports saying that iioth-
in/j but an early frost Avill IIOAV be able
to head it off. While the soilSvas get
ting soniCAvhat dry last Aveek , there
AVUS considerable rain over the state
ancl this Aveek IAVO shoAvera- and raim
hi'.A'e Avet almost the entire state , again
putting the soil in af most faA'orable
condition for groAving crops.
Wheat is threshing out better than
tlie previous reports indicated and
other small grain is harA'cstecl and is
about as reported. Potatoes Avil !
make an average crop in Nebraska.
In a.Fit of Despondency Ferdinand
Martin Kills Self.
Perdhiancl Martin , a Avell known
ar > d prosperous farmer liA'ing four
miles northeast of Ellchorn , commit-
te-1 suicide about 0 o'clock Wednes
day morning by blowing the top of his
head off Avith a shotgun. The deed
Avas committed at his home. Avith his
family near him.
Mr. Martin had been in poor health
for some time and it is believed he
took his life in a fit of despondency
over his condition. He Avas 55 years
old ancl leaA-es a AvidoAA' ancl fiA-e child
ren. He OAvned 160 acres of land and
Avas considered Avell fixed financially.
Lincoln Editor is Dead.
Gustav Ebmeyer. chief ediitor of
the Lncoln Freie Presse , died at his
home in Lincoln Wednesday. Mr. Eb
meyer came to Lincoln in 1906 from
the Miihvaukee Germania. Educated
in the universities of Tuebingen , Got-t-
tingen ancl Berlin , Mr. Ebmeyer came
to America in 1SS3. After ten years
at Rochester , X. Y. , he Avas for five
years a professor in the eA'angelical
college at Elmhurst , 111. He became
editor of the Chicago Freie Presse in
1S90. .
Telegraph AVircs Come Down.
The Western Union Telegraph com
pany AA'as ordered to moA-e its lines
from the principal streets rf Nebraska
City and take doAvn all poles. Suit
liad been instituted to enforce the or-
ler and the managers of the company
ivere there and compromised Avith the
21 ty by agreeing to comply Avith the
arder of they Avere glA'en sixty days'
Lime. This AA-as done and all poles and <
lines Avill be placed in the alleys. , \
Machine to Cut Weeds on Tracks.
Lon Tuttle. of Palmer , has perfected
i machine for cutting the grass aionp ;
-ailroacl tracks , Avhich has been tried
, vith the greatest success by the Bur- eb
ington railroad. It is built similar teL
* : <
L moAving machine , Avith a five-foot
; ickle , and the Avheels andT axles \vere
aken from a handcar. One horce
IraAA's it Avith ar > d it tVes the
vork ef mat y mi n . . it'i . cytacj and
vill enable the see , . ! n i u a t- > keep
he grass alcrg the K ilo cat down
las never been done before.
Farm Hand Cashes t-'c.rgttl Chc-ks
and Dcvamps.
Four business firms of the toAvn of
Sterling were the victims of frrgod
checks Saturday. Robert Caton , a
stranger , Avho had been Avorking for
Callahan Brothers en. their firm live
milei north of Sterling for abort 5.c
wcor.3 , rode 4-yeu.r-oUI b.vy marc of
his employers to the town mentioned
Saturday afternoon. He had a check
Cor $5 given him by C.iUnUan Broth
ers , Avliich he cashed , lie then pro
ceeded to forgo four other checks for
$25 each , making them out to him
self and signing Callahan P.nnhers'
name. At the store of Tonrlelor &
Barber he bought a hat s : ifl gave th *
check end receivM th' ttiff-'f-nco in
money. Likewise he " ouil"t good : ; at
the saloon of Jugenhf-imer Mocken- -
haupt. at the stores of the iMfter Mer
cantile company and of C.V. . Stuve.
sccui nf.a pair of shooat the latter
place. Later "n Ui2 ovenins he bought
a lariat rope and a q.iirtity "f cannM
snoc's. indicating that he pxpc-ct-- ! / >
camp out , and moume : ! the hoce and
left toAvn. The firms who Aveuo victim
ized and Callahan Brothers are offer
ing $100 reAA-ani for the arrest and
conviction of Caton. The mare was
branded Avith "Oil" on the loft shoul
der. Caton is about . " > years of ase.
County Attorney J. C. Moore is In
Sterling Avorkir.g the case.
Chicago- Man Lii.vs Away His Sister
Aviio Was Demented from Heal.
I\Iis Mary Sliry. the aged AVoman
Avho lost her reason owing to the ex-
cessiA'G heat of Tuesday last ancl Avho
AA-as found by Ofilcer Rinn at Union
station Avandering aimlessly about and
Avho died Saturday morning at the
Omaha General hospital , Avas buried
Monday afternoon at Holy Sepulchre
cemetery. Peter J. Shay , of Chicago ,
a brother , arrived in Omaha Sunday
night and completed arrangements for
the funeral. Miss Shay had gone to
Chicago about six Aveeks ago to spend
the remainder of her days Avith him ,
haA'ing liA'ed in San Francisco for
about thirty-five years. Finding the
climate unsuitable she had started
back to 'Frisco Avhen oA'ercorne by
Land Drained Lst Pll Proves too Be
Very I'roc ; net J ve.
A steam plow bought in Omaha by
D. H. Hollicloy is being unloaded at
the depot at Tekamah , and is already
under contract to pioAV 00 acres of
drainage bottom land for .Senator J.
P. Latta.
Since the completion of the big
drainage ditch by Burt county last
year , the drained lands haA'e produced
from thirty to fortyfiA'e bushels of
winter Avheat per acre , and several
thousand acres of this land Avill be
broken up and SOAVII to Avinter Avheat
this fall. Lieut. GOAHopeAvell IIBJS al
so ordered another steam ploAV from
Omaha to ploAV his OAVII drained lands ,
anil it is expected next Aveek.
Specials "Will Take Prominent Orders ,
to Clear Lnke Next Week.
Nebraska Elks will join Avitli the
Knights of Columbus in a grand picnic
to be held at Clear Lake , la. , four clays
beginning August 19. All Elks in a
radius of 200 miles are expected to attend -
tend , the Omaha , Lincoln , Nebraska
City , PlPttsmouth and Council Bluffs
lodges going in a body.
The big picnic Avill bo Avithout a set
program , the picnickers -being alloAA'ed
to do as they please and enjoy them
selves in fishing , bathing , boating or
any ether sport.
Omaha Elks will IcaA'e in a special
rar oA'cr the Great Western at 11 a. m.
Wednesday , Aug. 19.
Commercial Club Will Discuss Si OKA
City-Omaha Intcrurban.
W. P. Cook. , of Sioux City. AA'ho is
promoting an electric line from Oma
ha to Sioux City , may receiA'e some as
sistance from the Omaha end. He has
Lieen here for some time in an attempt
: o interest the Omaha Commercial
; lub. and that the matter before the
commercial interests of the city. Mr.
Uook has been inA-ited to lay his plans
Before the club , and it is probable
= ome assistance Avill be given the pro-
Suit Over School Site.
AValter and Daniel F. Littlefield , ol
Maine. haA'e brought suit against the
: choo ! district of Beatrice for posses-
; ioi of a part of lots seA'en ancl eight ,
ilcck twenty , just Avest of th'i nc.v
ifgh school site and ask damages in
he sum of $500. They allege the
chool district occupied the east part
f lot eight unla-.vfully , tearing do"-n
he fence and damaging the property.
Church Cornerstone Laid.
The cornerstone of the HBAV United
Brethren church of Shelby AA'as laid
Junday afternoon , Dr. AVilliam E.
: chell. president of York college , offi-
iating. L
Successful Chautanqua. E (
The chautauqua Avhich Is being held
P' '
.t Nebraska City this Aveek has proA-ed P'I
I ]
big success and the attendance is
ouble that of last year.
u :
Depot at Endicott Burns. sx
The St. Joseph and Grand Island DJ
epot at Endicott AA-as destroyed by
re late Sunday CA'ening.
Bootlc r inic Charge to Answer.
Elmer Duncan Avas arrested at the
nir.g- house of Mrs. BroAvn at Beat-
on a charge of bootlegging and Jt
Kiged in jail. SeA'en pints of Avhisky CO
ere found in his room. oren
Kick of Horse Serious.
James J. Pipher , rural mail carrier
n route No. 3 from Tekamah , AA-as m
-'eked by a horse , cutting his riight
tieek from his mouth to his ear ; also of
? uising his breast and shoulders in ( -j ,
> vcral places.
Dart Pioneers' Ilenniion. "
Old friends and neighbors of the th
i-infers orul Od ! Fc-ttlers * association
: ' urt county haA'e been invited to MJ
ttend/the sixth ar-nual reunion and
i nic , A\-hiph is to be held in Tekainah
ug. 22. th
Congestion of the ? tr.ifiic of 12sc2 :
trj-so great no to materially jeopard i//3
general prosper ! I * . * is now the pro'oleirj
that confronts the great transportation
companies. From all indications the
coiii'csticu will lie as bad as tlut of
the 1'all aud winter of UKKM907. whoa
whole communities in the Northwest :
suffered throughout an icy winter be
cause there were no cars to haul coaS
and business became stagnated because-
"the crops were not moved to "market. .
The reports of increasing car nnv > -
meats have come in steadily for the
last six weeks from all sections U" tho-
country. The West and Middle iVest
look for exceedingly heavy grain cmps , .
while the South is expectant of the-
greatest tobacco crop in Its history ami
a phenomenal cotton crop. New En-
glautl and the JSast report factories tncL
mills preparing for a resumptiti of. '
full-time work. All of these reports in
dicate that the demand for trnimporta
tion facilities will he the grean-st ID.
years and "that centers of rrod : : < tion ,
will be glutted while markets are hare.
In the opinion of the members of the-
Interstate Commerce Commission ! ! u-re
is i * way now open to prevent this ,
damming of the tides of commerce.
Duriuj ; the six months ending July
1st Icsa than two hundred thousand in-
nligrants arrived in the United States.
The arrivals in the iirst half rf VMT
were nearly three-quarters of a uilllion.
Moreover , in the past six mouths th > re-
luruiuj ; emigrants numbered more than ,
three hundred and seventy-five th-m-
sand , twice the number of immigrants *
and more than twice the departures-
for the corresponding period last year.
Europeans come to the hind of thfree -
because it is the land of the dollar.
V.'hen thereis a panic , and dollars gel-
scarce , Columbia does not do : : iueL
business as the haven of the oppr ; sed.
The figures of the last two years throw *
much lijjht on the immigration prob
lem , so far as it is a problem of mere-
numbers. The How of newcomers seems ,
to be regulated by the demand for-
labor. which means that the country is
cot in danger of being glutted witb
people it cannot support.
The recent "revolution" in Mirr -
ileserves attention as an illustration of
liow small a movement of disorder In
orderly Mexico can make a sensation , j
A. generation ago such rioting as took
place in the northern part of the re
public would have been ignores ] , as.
more serious risings were of frequent
occurrence. President Diaz has
jrought order out of the former Mexi-
aa chaos , and the recent troubles
unountcd to little more than rioting
ind looting by idle workmen assisted
) y the criminal population. Many men
lave been thrown out of employment
jy the dosing of mines and factories , ,
ind were wrought upon by politk-a I agi-
ators who are hostile to the presence
foreigners in the country. The move-
neat lacked organization and effective-
eadership , as well as justification in ,
norals or in political expediency.
" "
Fourth Assistant Postmaster Genera }
) egraw has announced that the dead : "
ctter oiTice during the fiscal year , end-
el July 1 , received 210,000 letters less-
ban for the preceding fiscal year , and
ias returned to the senders 7,7.0.000
L'tters , or 2.52:5,000 more than for th&
ear ended June 30. 3007. During 1307
etters containing ? ? > 7-l"G were re-eiv-
( I. while for thy fiscal year just ended
be figures were ? ( J5,509. Of the money
bus received about S5 per cent was
eturned to the senders.
.A parcels pest agreement between
! ie United States and France has been
igned by Postmaster General Meyer
nd Ambassador Jesserand , of France ,
rnder the terms of the convi-tionV
rhich is effective Aug. 15 next , pack-
ges up to four pounds and six < Anc : ( ?
ill be carried at the rate of ,32 cents-
pound. Later the maximum weight
f packages wftich cnn be sent by mail
) France at the rate of 12 etuis a.
ound will be increased to eleven
The Department of Commerce anC
abor has recently completed the estab-
shmeut of bureaus of information at
sveral Important European ports , es-
ecialjy at Naples , Marseilles and
lavre , Avhere the iiivestigatiou ot" tho-
icords of suspicious aliens may be
ndertakeu quietly. Lists of such per
ms have begun to come to the im
ligration authorities in this country.
The City of Buffalo has received
> rmal notice from Secretary ofVar
'rigkt that it must close its trunk.
; wer into the Niagara River before-
ily 1 , 1010. This notice is issued itt ,
nsequence of the government's A\-orkr.
i the Black Rock ship canal.
It is surprising how good the Pana-
ans can "be' when Ameri m troops *
and hy , watching them. The rer lt
! the niuniciual elections indica :
lat the supportrs of the independent
mclidate for the presidency vrere much
ore numerous than the supporters of
e gOA-ernment cantlhlate. To prevent
clash at the prvsltrial ele-ii.ra and ;
e interference of American tr > p
ivernnient candidate withdrew ,
e election passed off peacefully.