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About Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930 | View Entire Issue (July 16, 1908)
Perfume If you wish to secure one ounce or ten ounces of as fine Perfumes as you ever scented then come here and get regular 50o the ounce odors at 35c 75cu " " u55c u § 1.00 " " " u 75c These include imported as well as Ameri can perfumes. One Day Only ; OJfTTTmiHifc < * TTTmiHifc Mon. , July VALENTINE. NED Prices are what 1 we are talking ' Now Our stock is complete. BISHOP & YOUNG , W. H. Stratton Dealer in FLOUR & FEED General Merchandise PHONE 125 cor. Hall & Catb. Valentine , Nebr. JOHN E. POEATH Burge , Xebr. Tubular wells and windmills. me up by Telephone. H. S. LOCKWOOD Handles the SHARPLESS CREAM SEPARATOR , 1 < LOUR , GRAIN AND HAY. Opposite Postoffie. Phone 71. The Loup Valley Hereford Hanch. Brownlee , Nebr , Soldier CreeV Col- nmnus 17th 1C005U , : i son of Columbus 17th , a half brother of the § 10.000 Cham pion Drtle. a n tl Prince Boabdel 131- C93 at head of herd. I no\v have about 30 head of 1907 bull calves for sale. C. H. FAULHAliEK , H. BAILEY , Dentist. Office over the grocery deparment of T. C. Hornby's store. J. W. COUKTY SURVEYOR Valentine - Kebi- . All work will be { riven prompt and careful attention. k. VALENTINE BARBE R SHOP S All kinds of. i SHAMPOOS. MASSAGES. AND LADIES HAIR DRESSING Shampooing a specialty. i M I HOT and COLD MATHS in connection \ I Forest Shepard , Prop. U V alentine State Bank Building WANTED INFORMATION BEGABDING farm or Business for sale. Not particular about location. Wish to hear from owner only who will soil direct to buyer. Give price , description and state when possession can bo had. Address , L DARBYSHIHE , Box 9999 Rocttster , H. T. Talk of the Town. Try Kazda's barber shop , tf Milton Nicholson is visiting friends and relatives in O'Neill. G. A. Chapman and son Kinvin spent several days in Sioux City visiting last week. For Sale 40 head of cows and calves , 50 head of mixed cattle. Inquire of or write L. W. Parker , Burge , Xebr. 27 Leroy Caylor went up to Cody last Thursday to play ball with that team against the bloomer girls , the latter team winning the game. S. F. Oilman and party arrived last Thursday to indulge a few weeks in the popular sport. They are now installed in Mr. Oilman's house at the mill. Grant Boyer brought to this of fice yesterday morning S new po tatoes , weighing 4 pounds , raised at his place south of the passenger depot. Potatoes are fine this year. Thacher base ball boys came up last Saturday and played with part of he Valentine nine. It was a practice game and in three innings and two for Valentine made the scorce look like this : 11 to tt for Thacher. A socialist speaker gave some talks in front of Chapman's last week. He had copies of a social ist paper which he distributed among the crowd and a small book on socia lism which he sold for 25 cents. The passenger from the east was 12 hours late Monday morning , owing to a cloudbust which washed out about 900 feet of track be tween Norfolk and Stanton. Be tween 5 and G inches of rain fell in less than three hours. The normal students were to have a picnic at the creek Satur day afternoon but the threatening weather prevented , so nothing daunted they stayed at the court house and made a delightful affair of it despite the conditions. Last week , a few days after the Fourth , County Assessor Young completed his work of recapitula ting the deputy assessors' sched ules for this year and retired to his ranch where he will be kept haying the next few months. Mrs. H. A. McQuade has leased the Cody railroad eating house and took possession last week , though she still conducts the eating bouse here for the railroad men and ex pects to leave the family here and will look after this by making oc casional trips home. Mark D. Qyphers and wife re turned home from the East last Thursday night , and Friday night the boys collected a lot of tin pans and gave them a charivari. Wouldn't it be nicer and more ap propriate to give them a serenade , sing some songs and play some music ? That would be the genteel way. The other borders on ruf fianism. Welcome home , Mark , and may you and your lady live long and prosper. Mrs. Wm. Erickson and Mrs. J. M. Rjil.\a are in town today. The old settlers reunion of Cher ry and Keya Paha counties will be held at Sparks , Neb. , August 28 and 29. Watch for program later. 27 3 COMMITTEE. On the inside pages of this pa per will be found the democratic platform , brief sketches of WJ. . Bryan and the democratic conven tion at Denver. * Allen Benson returned recently from a six months trip through the southern states and South America where he spent a pleasant winter and spring. He drove in from Arabia Saturday and spent Sunday in town. We enjoyed a pleasant afternoon hearing Allen tell of his experiences in South America. M. P. Jordan w : in town Mon day and inserted a big advertise ment in this paper for putting up 1,000 tons of hay for which he of fers § 1.65 per ton , and also offers to contract for baling and hauling the same to Arabia. This seems to be a good opening for parties having haying outfits and a summer's job awaits them which may last well into the fall. See his advertisement elsewhere in this paper. A. M. Morrissey returned on the belated passenger Monday from Denver where he attended the democratic national conven tion as a delegate from the Sixth district of Nebraska. He reports an enjoyable time and gives a good account of the great convention which he says was very enthus iastic and harmonious throughout. Mr. Morrissey is one of the com mittee selected to ollicially notify the vice president of his nomina tion. GraM Boyer came down Tues day from Cody where he has been building a house for W. H. Carter. It is a good substantial building that will make a fine home when completed. It is being plastered now and Orant will go back to finish it up. The carpenter work was begun June 5th and we think the work has been pushed along to get ready for plastering so soon with only two helpers. Mr. Boy er is a good worker and does good work. We cheerfully recommend him. A telegram announcing the death of Mrs. Mary McGuane at West Point Wednesday morning came as a shock to the relatives and friends at Valentine. Mrs , Mc Guane is a step-mother to Mrs. James Smith and Mrs. Bartley White. She had been making her home until about ten weeks ago with Mrs. Martin Christensen who is a daughter of Mrs. White , and went down to West Point to spend a few weeks. She was growing old and recently her health had not been very good but the folks had no notice of her illness rec- # ently. The funeral was held to day at the Catholic church at 10:30. : Last Saturday L. E. Garlock , formerly proprietor of the Valen tine House , purchased the Home Bakery business of Miss Wren Donoher and took possession im- mediatly. The business was start ed in our city by E. H. Bohle several - ' eral years ago and after conduct ing it for a couple of years sold to Miss Wren Donoher who has since conducted the business and enjoyed a large patronage. The Home Bakery has always been a popular place since the beginning ' and is the only all night restaur ant in town. The Donoher sisters formerly conducted the hotel which bears their name and was known from Omaha to the Black Hills as a popular place to spend i a Sunday or a few days visit while ! enjoying a vacation at Valentine. Mr. Garlock expects to conduct the business or the Home Bakery ! along the same lines as it has been run in the past and we bespeak for him the gofld will and wishes of the public and assure them the ' same courteous treatment that has made the Home Bakery a popular plane. E S Twine ; Dain and Will Stackers , THE BEST /STACKER ROPE ON THE MARKET. \Ve have experienced experts in our employ who will set up and assist > s starting ing- our harvesters. Buy your farm implements of-those who make a specialty- of farm machinery , and avoid the grief incident to trading with a Prune Peddler Old Crow , All Leading" Hermitage Brands and Bottled Guchcn- Under the heimor Supervision. Rye of * the \Vhiskeys. r. H. GO7. . . We also handle the Btidweiser Beer. I r DM JOHN G. STETTER , Propr. MILL PRICES FOR FEED , Look over the changes of our advertises this week. The Ladies' Aid sncitey of the Presbyterian church is busy this week preparing to stage the re markable comedy. "The Union Depot for a Day , " some time next week. The cast includes most of the young people in town and promises to be one of the most laughable effects of the season. The comedy is unique in its ar rangement and will be something new in the usual routine of the presentation.of such plays. Watch for further announcements. , * . Monday evening at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Sparks the Hall street young ladies entertain ed in honor of the Misses Water- house at a lawn i'cte which was probably the most delightful social function ever given in this city. The evening was perfect , and around the larg-i and luxuriant lawn Japanese lanterns were strung. Kustic seats , chairs and rugs were placed in coxy nooks and every possible luxury was at the disposal of the guests who were about TO in number. Punch was served throughout the eve ning and two little gypsy queens "who were especially imported fro m Egypt , " revealed the future to the anxiety of some and the merriment of others. As the evening progressed ice cream and cake were served , following which were some pleasing dances on the wide porch , clo-sing with ever charming Virginia Keel. The Hall street girls , and particularly Miss Wade , may feel pleased an l gratified with the success of so de lightful and entertainment. Valentine , Nebraska , I Has no\v on sale For a short time only , - At Reduced Prices Clothing , Straw Hats , Work Slrirts , Ladies' Waists , and Odd Sizes in Shoes. This is not a Jew store. Goods are plainly marked and sold to all alike. They are offered at reduced prices to clear shelves for fall and winter stock. z&z&x sszszgz JOHN KILl/5 I'LKNTV St Fiweis ? .tis- Mon , Rosebud. S. 1) . aS'in cut ; horses Kaine o n left tliieh. l an e uveon Sprint"k and Little White river. L. SJL leg/fT * " * " * - < - - & , . > * - , _ - . . KOIJ1. & TKKRILL. JJrou-nlee , Neb. Cattle brandctl ns in cut on left side : Some brawl cil KTY on left hip. on Xoitli 1 y * - - Pat Peiuer Simeon Nebr. Notice for Application of Liquor License. Notice Is hereby jrivea that on theina dav of July. I1KJ8. A. 1J. Overman , iiled his petition in the'onlce ot the Count } * C'lbvk of Cherry county. Nebraska-praying thj/f he be irrant- j ed licence to > > t-ll raaU. spirittfous ; .nd vinous I liquors for the period ot one v ar. com men c- | intj August : ? . ll'us. and ending August : ; . i'.H ) ' . . " 'said business to he oonducted at "crookston. jinCrookston j recini't. Cherrv countv. Ne- ] lraska ; : that the Hoard of County ConniU- I sinners will be asked to hear said ] ) etition , a'T'l grant license therein prayed tor on the Dated this Slid dav cf July. 1DOS. " "A. U. OVEUMAX. Contest Notice , L * . S. Land ORiVsjJoitin - June A sutlieiont contest allidivir h.ivrnu been filed in this onice by I > an Tiuiy r , contestant , against ; Homestead entry ' , Vo. tTS I , made August-S. ll'0. % lor S'sSli .i. S'-i'-tiou : ! 0 ; NKljNMi * , S NI-:1 . NKuSli'i. sf-ction : : i , S'sXV .t. and S\\ ' ! ; , section " : . ton n < iiin : ; : . raiiL'e ? : , by ioy Kiijiert. f > nteste 5 , in viucli it is alleged that said Kov Knuert iiawholly alandoned said land and changed Lis reoidenett tlifn > from for niore thnn six mouths last past , that , the laud is no ! settled ni > on nor cultivated in i good fa'th , and ontryman has not -stab ! isn-d ! re.sidonce thereon and liiia f.ileil to cure his lui-he > up to this date And said allege t al-ei ( . " ; wis not da to his i empiojiiient in the army , navy or marine corps I of the United Mareas a private soldi * ! ' , officer ' sei man or marine dnnnn tlin war with Kuain I or during r.njother war inInch Ihu United J bta'fs ; may i e engaged. I > aid tnifti" i ai e heiehy notified to appear and ' Kpond end ollt.-r evidence touching s.iid allega- j tion ar lo oVloek a. m. on Angiisr. i : ; . lyuj. an I fore the re is't-r and receivt-r atn \ United States Land ; Uice. Valentine. Nebraska. I The said cunt s'ar-t havng. in a proper alli- jdavit , liled.Fit-M'--y. 18'S. ' SMI forth facKs which slioxv that ait.jr du- ( tiiigtiu-e personal service of this notice eaimot. be made , it is hereby ordered aii'l directfl that .s.ich notice be givea by due and proper publication. E 25 i K. OI iON .Kectiiver. Contest Notice. U. S. Land OHiee. Va'enttne. Nebraska , I July _ ' , 1003. f A suffieientcoiitest affidavit having I > CPII IHed in this office t/y Ceorg - w. U'ajt. contest ant. against Hem ; "iuifry No. UJO j. made U > . lOih. . for SKN ! : . s-etiou : rj ; SN W . S'-cti in : 5 , township : ! 5. rang : : : , by Catherine O'sht-a. cent stee. in widen it is alleged that saivt Catherine O'ohea his wholly abandoned sail Und undchttmed her residence therefrom for more than s > \ months last past : that the id land is not settled n : > oa nor culti vated in gOfil iiitis. : iid clait'v-int has not e t ib- . lished reaidetieb ilier"on ana has f HI led to cure ; her lacha.s up to this date aud s.til : ail * ged : ib- j sencefrom the luml wis not due to her employ - I ment in the iriny , navy , or marine i-orp < of the j United States as a pnv.tteoldier , onie r. sea- I man or marine during the wth Spam or ; d rhg any y.ln' in which the Uufled I Sta'-fs. may he ngitged ; sii l arti-s are h-r-.v I r.otnle.i to ajpf-ar , rt-spoiid an I orv ! i-\i i-n- " ; t touching sa"l ail--g its .a uf iU o'clock a. m. n j August. ; 5 1LW. 1-w ore U-e re isU-r and re- ; e-iver m , the United * t > 'ate = Lr.nd Oiaeu in I Valfiiluie.lxebrjKa : ' 'Ihesutt ! coi te-tant haviJi 'ii a proper afii- da\it lilt-o J.i.y a. UKis. s -ortlj lacts which | j slum- that after tine diligcn- personal service ol this a- mean i.ot' > t mai > it is nt-reby order ' ett ami iUiyctd that s ich IK . : e be given bj due and proper publication. E. OLSON' . il .Ueceivur.