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About Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930 | View Entire Issue (July 23, 1908)
Historical Society VOLTJME X2III VALENTINE. NEBRASKA. THURSDAY , JULY 23 , 1903. NUMBER 2S Black $2.60 ; Galvanized $2:75 per. spool , $4.50 , $8.00 and $12.00. Lawn Hose 12 l = 2c to 18c per foot. $2.50 to $30.00 each , K The largest line of Rugs and Carpets ever shown f in Valentine. A "Quicker Yet" Washing Machine will wash clothes in less time and run with less Saber than any other machine on the market. Try A. Jol 'a Si. < ? T We have the finest line of Men's Hats , all styles and colors , in the city. Prices from $1.00 to $3,50. PHJNE 97 , GRANT BOYER , CARPENTER & BUILDER. All lands of wood work done to order. Stock tanks made in all sizes Kesidence and shop one block south of passenger depot. " Valentine , rnoxE rs Nebraska References : My Many Customers. ROBERT McGEER , Propr. 3 Fine Wines , Liquors and Cigars I Bourbon Whiskies : Rye Whiskies : Old Crow , Sherwood , Hermitage , Guchenheimer , Cedar Brook , Sunny Brook , Spring Hill , and 27 year/oid 3 andjas , E , Pepper , O.RC Taylor , H I These whiskies were purchased in bond and came direct from the IT. S. gov- S ernnient warehouse. They are guaranteed - M anteed pure and unadulterated. Unexcelled - excelled for family and medical use. $ Three Star Henncssy and Dreyfus Brandies , Imported 5 Gordon and DeKuyper Gins , Guinness fs Extra Stout , y Bass Ale , Storz Blue Ribbon and Budweiser Beer , / ? B Valentine Nebraska | t S S S K S KKiZK S JS Read the Advertisements. Talk of the Town. Try Kazcla's barber shop , tf Mr.Young returned from Merri- man Friday. Mr. Olson and son Elmo are in Bassett visiting friends. Miss Estella Nicholson returned home Tuesday from Bell-Eourche. Bryan Quigley returned Saturday from a three weeks visit in Cody. > Louie Bordeaux AVIS down from n his ranch on the reservation last Friday Charles Hudson of Sparks was in town Tuesday laying in supplies for haying ; Mrs. E. TV. Lyman has as her guest Miss Ida Gerwingof Marsh- field Wis , Mrs. Jno. Harden went to Omaha Friday morning to receive medical treatment. S.F.Ivimrnel was in town this week getting suplies for haying and visiting old friends. J. W.Flynn of Norfolk was in the iity the first of the week visiting with his son Edward. Ed Ryschon was taken seriously ill with typhoid fever Sunday aad is at the home of Mrs. Sears. Jim McClean of Rosebud reserva tion came down Monday to get sup - plies and make preparations for hay- mg. mg.A A party of eight spent Sunday on i-he - lakes bringing home a nice lot of bass and some of them a nice iase of poison ivy. Guy Kelley and sister brought Miss Helen Sparks down from the Agency Sunday where she has bse n visiting for several weeks. Web Hilsiugar is spending a vac- ition at Shoshoni with his son and luring his absence S. Q. Spain is officiating as night marshal. Mrs.V. . J. Winston son and daughter arrived Friday morning Tom Bushville for a two weeks visit with W. D. Armstrong and wife. L.K.Travis and wife returned last Frjday night from Hot Springs where they spent their vacati on. They left for the mission the first o f ; he week. Jim Steadman is in town and carrying his right arm in a sling on account of poisoning which he ontracted from a small infection near the thumb. Bee At wood and wife are busy this week entertaining Miss Carey Sharp and brother and Lee Ditton of Chadron. Miss Sharp and broth- r are relatives of Mrs.Atwoocl. George Trace well while coming out of the agency Monday met Lee Phillips and sold to him his new outfit for a handsome sum. 1 jfeorge didn't walk home either. Dan Sears brought m his little < I iii for medical treatment Friday she laving run a rusty nail several in- hes into hei foot. Aside from much pain the little sufferer is recovering. The mill is building a fine new ) rick chimney in place of the old smoke stack which became so weak nd rotten that they were obliged to take it down to save damaging esults. Little Miss Dorothy Sparkscele- ) rated her fourth birthday Monday f afternoon by entertaining a I'ewli friends to a party do\vn at the creek ! ( near "Walcott's grove. A very re- j freshinglunch was served. ( Miss Ethel M.Estes who has been j visiting her cousin Mrs.I. M. ilice the past few weeks acompanied Mrs. Ilice to York Tuesday where they will visit relatives a few weeks after which Miss Estes will i return to her home in Omaha. ' t Let the child's foot grow as it should. The Educator Shoe is the only shoe built to conform with the shape of the child's foot. The broad , foot form last , gives every comfort and ease of movement to the child's foot and prevents the pinched and cramped positions , which cause so many of the troubles with the feet in after years. See our window display of Educators. . , . . . . iej rr ? -pflc1 * * Hir i r * T > j i .ji. .kn * * * " Mrs.V > res Holsclaw is inChadron spending the week with her hus band. / Mrs. Good of Xorfolk is visiting her daughter and family Mrs. E. Olson this week. Mrs. Otte Eahrs of liushville made a short visit to Mrs. E. W. Lyman this week. Geo. Camm brought in a sample of his oats and straw which is near ly ripe It looks good. M. F. Clynes came in from the river Saturday and stayed in over Sunday to attend church. P.PI. Young made a trip up the road Saturday returning that night and hurrying home to begin hay- mg. Mat House is putting up a large barn that will hold a dozen horses , a herd of cattle , 1000 bu. grain and iO tons of hay. 'Sam Hudson was in town Mon day and took Frank West and James Lewis home with him to as sist during haying. TV. A. Pettyerew is adding an other < improvement to his new res idence by putting in a nent iron fence in front of his yard. J.W. Daniels of Simeon took out a load of haying supplies Tues day morning. ITo was accompanied by his father in-law Mr. Davis. B. R. Cowdery special agent of the German Mut. Ins. Co. came in last Saturday morning and is spend ing a few days with the local ag ent I. M. ilice on insurance busi ness North Table Items. i J. F. Broad has bu ilt a new house. G. M. Gaskill went out to Dan ! Scars' Tuesday to help in haying. Fred Johnson has built a nice dwelling on his homestead and is building a barn. W. F. Bullis was hauling in some hay he had mowed along - long the lane north of his house from which he gets two or three loads each year. George A. Jensen is at Hot Spring , S.I ) . , doctoring for rheu matism and drop > y which recently afflicted him and two weeks ago became so serious that he had to do something for relief. John , his stepson , returned from there Tues day and reports him getting some j better. At Britt we found Wm. Novak and his brother running a store and the post oflicc. They speak encour agingly of their business and are making some improvements in ! their store building and have be-j < d- We sell { 'arming implements as well as oilier merchandise at reasonable prices. Call and try us. CROOKSTON NEBRASKA. , MAX E. VIERTEL DEALER IN EVERYTHING. Chirtorod as a State Bank Chartered as a Rational Bank Juuo 1 , lb84. August 12 , 1002 , 2jic ! IIF ? S3 rip T S PthTfrllT A f ! Valentine , Nebraska. ( Successor to ) CAPITAL PAID A General Banking Exchange and Collection Business. G. H. CORNELL , President. J. T. MAY , Vice-President. M. V , NTGHOLPGN. Cashior. . , ny ry * r'r t f > | * > * * > f irt tTy y1 g y C4 S S ii * - ILi5 rv \ ± dX ftr' * * * t in xv X xSxiv . r ' * J P Tobaccos and Cigars. Canned Goods 3 Z Lunch Counter. 1 O , ls.os $ Phone S 7 x orfetT ' . . P 3 22 b'i s tss jy 2j : s : u" S tetter & Tobien , Props. 5'i ; | , ' / $ M r \ & & T 3 Ifeafi , DEALERS IX : All Kinds of Fresh ' and Salt Meats. . . . Will buy your Cuttle. Hogs. Poultry , Horses , Mules and anything you have to sell. BuMi Painting oc ) & louse painting' inside and out. Furniture Re- airing and Varnishing of ail kinds prtinptiy done. Phone 83. Shop in west part of town. Valentine Nebraska gun excavating for a celler and expect to build a stone store build ing this fall or next spring. Crops are looking well on Xorth Table. Some are beginning to har vest small grain. Corn is looking good and farmers are laying it by with good prospects for a crop. We had the pleasure of eating dinner with Lou Taylor Tuesday in his new dwelling which he had just moved into : ; nd ate their first meal in it. It is a § SOO ) home that would do credit to many eastern country residence with hot and cold water andba-'i room when completed. TRAVELER.