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About Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 13, 1908)
I "BE EMOCRAT v I. M. KICE Editor find Proprietor. MAIIK ZAKII Foreman. Entered at the postollice at Valentine , Ctierry count } ' , Kebr. . as " ' .jBe Mutter. > TERAI& * < I ' 1-00 P ° r year in advance ; rhprrv Cn snh < rrntinnc- - Uierry Co. bubscnptions. < 50 when Q0fc paid in advance < Snh < rrintinnc J $ L5C * ljer .Year in advance ; paper dis- Inscriptions j Cmllnued uLcXpiration if not4 renewed. AdvprtUino * J 15c ljer } nch each issue ; by confcracfc 12 c- AQVei using ( Trausieut ailv L 0c per inch ; locals lUca line. Foreign rates for stereotyped advertising , o months or longer 10 cents per itkcli , net. Local notices , obituaries , lodge resolutions and socials for revenue 5 cents per line each insertion. THURSDAY , FEBRUARY" 13 , 190S. Democratic State'Convention The democratic state convention is hereby called to meet at Omaha on Thursday , Maxell u , at 2 o'clock p in , for the purpose of electing a member ot the democratic national committee for Nebraska , four delegates at lare and two delegates from each congres sional district to attend the dem > - cratic national convention to be held at Denver on July 7 , 190S. The dele gates from each congressional district shall select the two delegates from each of said districts and report same to the state convention for nitilic i tion. Delegates from the vano-.ia counties to the state convention snail be selected from each county by a convention duly called or > > y a pri mary election , if petitioned lor by oi ) democratic voters of said county , pe tition for same to be liled with the county committee on or before Feb. 14,1908. The basis of representation shall be one vote for every fifty votes or inaj or fraction thereof cast for the demo cratic electoial ticket in 1904. Cher ry county is entitled to G delegates C. M. GRUENTHER , T. S. ALLEN. Sec Chm. County Convention. The democratic voters of Cherry count3' are hereby called to meet in the district court room in Valentine on February 20 , 1908 , at 2 o'clock p. m. , for the purpose of electing six delegates to represent said county at the state conven'ion to be held in Omaha , March " > , 190S Every demo cratic voter is hereby invited to at tend and no credentials shall be nec essary to secure the right to vote in this convention. By order of democratic county committee. I. M. RICE , A. M. MORRISSEY. Sec. Chm. Allen G. Finher on lYi.t' . Attorney All'en G. Fisher of Chadron is on trial before three supreme court commissioners for disbarment for his connection with the estate of Herman Gocdde , who died leaving land in Sioux county. Under the Nebraska law , passed years ago when the legislature thought foreign investors would gobble up too much land , an alien cannot inherit real estate in this state. Mr. Goedde left heirs in Westphalia , kingdom of Saxony. | Under the law the estate must f escheat to the state , the latter to * pay the appraSKl price for the I property. Mr. Gocddeas not jl a millionaire. The value of his I estate has been much in dispute I and thereby hangs the tale. Twice \ claims were presented to the legis- I lature of the state , once for § 8,000 j. ; and again at § 11,500. These were presente 1 by Mr. Fisher on be half of the heirs. A letter from * the heir ? , written in German , val- s tied t'-ie ' land at 4,500 marks , or § 1,175.r rhe \ local appraisers , provided - * vided for by law , appraised the i land at § 1,500 in 1902. The origi nal appraisement afterwards turni i c i up with tie amount change 1 to § 11,500. The legislature rejected the claims and after an inquiry direct ed that disbarment proceedings be ' brought against Mr. Fisher. In the meantime Mr. Fisher had a blank deed on file with a Chadron bank for the land and he obtained title to it in the name of his wife for § 900. He garnished the mon ey that was on deposit with the ; blank deed. A'l ' this is to be ex- I plained to court commissioners C. IT. Sloan of Geneva , Walter Anderson of L i col. ) ; m-i II. P. Lt'avitt Of Dmahaj appointed by the court as referees to take testi mony. l's FAME. Mr. Fisher has been a dia ui.sed figure in northwest Nebraska - ; braska for many years. He was formerly a member of the legisla ture and had his picture taken with Joe Burns of Lincoln and others , including populist mem- jbsrs , who captured the organiza tion of the house of representatives and had themselves appointed on ! a sifting committee. This occur red at the close of o. senatorial con test in which they were not suc cessful. Mr. Fisher enlisted in the service of his country during the Spanish-American war. lie was captain of a Chadron com- pan3r. He distinguished himself at Chickamauga as the attorney who defended one of his private. soldiers , John G. Maher , against an order of General Frederick Grant against the use of typewrit ing machines in camp. Long be fore this it was said that Mr. Fish er was the "hero" ' of a book. "The Juggernaut of Moderns , ' ' written by Miss Rosa Hudspeth of Stuart , Xeb. State Journal. p.r Conniy School The § 50,000 state aid for weak districts has been divided into two apportionments , one to be made now and the other in June or De cember , according to the decision of the state auditor. Number of counties entitled to share , -15 ; number of districts , 70S ; total amount allowed , § 24,996 ; number of districts in Cherry county to share , 20 ; amount allowed Cherry county , § 735.50. Districts which have made application for aid are notified by post card as to amount each shall receive. Districts whose annual income is § 000 or more are not entitled to share. Of the § 50.000 Cherry county will re ceive § 1471. The regular examination days for month are Feb. 21-22. County association Feb. 22. Junior normal begins June 15 , and lasts till July 24. The first- weeks June 15-26 in two , - , are stitute. All Cherry county teach ers and those expecting to teach should attend. Valentine , Mcrriman , Cody and Wood lake are now accredited schools under the Free High School Law. Parents having children entitled to free high school tuition for next year should write to this oflice for proper blanks and see that their applications are filed before June 1. HEADING CHICLE QUESTIONS. ( Kern's Among Country Schools. ) 1 What is the number of eggs produced yearly in the U. S. ? 2 Their value ? o Where is the Nebraska Col lege of Agriculture and Experi ment station ? 4 When is the next Farmers' Institute to be held in Cherry .county ? 5 Compare the value of the pro luct of the farms and of other occupatio'i. 0 Whit are the elucational de- mauds' of the new agriculture ? ( Page 2L 4. ) 7 WLat were the highest and MR. BRYAN'S OPINIONS. The plan of guaranteed bank de posits has probably found favor , among all classes of people and ir respective of political affiliation , more rapidly than any other pub lic question. The new state of Oklahoma has already enacted a law taxing state banks , the fund thus accumulated to be used in paying the depositors of any state bank that from any cause becomes unable to meet its obligations. A special session of the Kansas legislature has been called for the purpose of enacting legislation similar to the Oklahoma plan. The governor of Nebraska is considering the advisability of calling a special session of the legislature on account of the grow ing belief among the people that protection to bank depositors in the form of state or federal guar antees of their deposits will stop the hoarding of money , bring into circulation sufficient currency to conduct the business of the coun try , and prevent a recurrence of such disastrous panics as the one through which we are now pass ing. ing.Mr. Mr. Bryan has been an advocate of a law guaranteeing deposits in state and national banks since 1893. The legislature of Ohio has adopt ed a joint resolution inviting Mr. Bryan to address its members in joint session February IS , 190Son the subject of Guaranteed Bank Deposits. Mr. Bryan , in discussing the lowest salaries paid male and fe male teachers in Winnebago Co. for the year 1005 ? S Will consolidation increase cost ot schooling ? Is it practical in Cherry county ? 9 What are Mr. Kern's "out door or indoor art movements ? 10 When and where were con solidated district schools just or ganized ? 11 Read pages 260 and 269. 12 Would excellent rural schools affect the price of farm property ? ( White's School Management Punishment. ) 1 What are the (2) ( ) e.ids of punishment ? 2 What should be the (3) ( ) char acteristics of punishment ? 2 What are the common school punishments ? -1 What are improper punish ments ? 5 What other mild punishments are useful ? All reading circle work should be completed by June 1st. Cordially yours , LULU KOKTZ , Co. Supt. The following clipping was handed us by Dock Grooms and shows the style of sale ads years ago : "Public sale , State of Mo. , County of Pike. To whom it may concern : , The undersigned will on Tuesday , Sep. 29 , A. D. , sell at public outcry for cash on premises , where Coon Creek crosses the old Mission Road the fouling chatties , to-wit : Six youk of oxen with tariff question , insists that resi dents of the United States should be permitted to buy home-made goods at home at as low a price as the foreigner can buy American- made goods abroad. He also in sists that our government should b3 by and for the people as a ' whole , rather than by and for the trusts , and administered in the interest - ' terest of a few beneficiaries of the i trust system. He believes that national legislation for the purpose of better regulation and control of ; interstate commerce and common carriers should supplement state legislation , and not be a substitute for state legislation. Mr. Brpan's paper , The Com moner , reilects his opinions each week on questions of public im portance and in its colums may also be found his magazine arti cles , public speeches"addresses mid lectures , which are referred to in the daily press from day to day. day.If If you are interested in political | questions , if you desire to keep in touch with the progress of the campaign and to read Mr. Bryan's campaign speeches send CO cents to The Commoner , and the paper will be sent to you each week un til the close of the next presiden tial campaign. Postoffice money order , curren cy , or stamps will be accepted. Only 60 cents. Address The Commoner , Lincoln , Nebr. * ! & 9 VA 0 fa L. J 7 3 7 O. W. HAHN , Secretary. FORENOON SESSION. 11:00. : { Selection and Care of Brood Sows Prof. E. W. Hunt , Syracuse , Nebr. AFTERNOON SESSION. 1:30 : Breeding , Feeding and Caring for Dairy Cows Andrew Elliott , Gait , Ontario. ' 2:80. : Alfalfa Prof Hunt. t 3:30. : Judging Horses Mr. Elliott. EVENING SESSION. 7:30. Economy in the Care of Animals Prof. Hunt. 8:30. : Profitable Sheep Feeding Mr. Elliott. These meetings are held under the auspices of the University of Nebraska and The Valentine Farmers' In stitute Association , and are free to all. Come , and bring your families yokes and chanes , two waggons with beds , three Nigger wenches four Buck niggers Three Nigger Boys two Prairie Plows 23 steel traps one barrel pickled cabbage one hogshead Tobacco one Lot Nigger Hoes 1 spinning wheel Loom 3 fox hounds a lot of Coon Mink and Skunk Skins and a lot of other articles. Am Gwin to California. John Doe. Richard Roe , Cryer. Free Headcheese apples and hard cider at noon. For .Sale. House and small barn , with two lots , close in , near school building for sale at a bargain. House is new , lawn and shade trees , g od sidewalk , all fenced. Part cash , balance easy payments. Call on 1. M. Rice , agent. This is just the place for some ranch owner or farmer to select for his wife and children to live during the winter and send chil dren to school. Don't delay as this property will find an owner soon. It may be yours. Come and see about this first time you are in town. IS U S. Woatlior Itnroan Report for week Ending Feb. 5. Daily mean temperature 13 ° . Normal 18 ° . Highest 34 ° ; lowest -12 ° . Precipitation .IS of an inch. Total precipitation to date .27 inches. The average for 19 years for the same period is .62 inches. Baumann & Bachelor- ' MEAT MARKET * Fresh Salt and Cured Meats , Fish , Oysters , Vegetables , Pickles , Lard. We buy poultry ! butter and e ers and all kinds of live stock. Call or Phone 88. BAUMANN & BACHELOR , Valentine = Nebraska iTrmnr The only genuine and absolutely reliable substitute for tea and coffee is - : the new food beverage gives life , health , vigor , joy , comfort and beauty , and is highly recommended for nerve endurance , and building up the constitu tion. It is a pleasant beverage and contain ? great nutritive and invigorating qualities. Has the re freshing properties of fine tea , the nourishment of the best cocoas , a tonic and recuperative force pos sessed by neither , and can be used in all cases where tea and coffee are prohibited. w\ \ ww \ \ M HII " ( ' : > IkfeWf" Eggo's Fruit Salt is a great health reviver. A laxative and thirst quencher. Effervescent and [ so delicious to drink that a child likes it. Has all \ the properties of a Sedlitz Powder and more , and S is recommended in all cases of indigestion , constipation - f pation and headache. Removes impurities from the blood and can be used freely without causing injury Manufactured by OMAHA , U. S. A. The above preparations may be had from all Grocery and Drug Stores. 0 8 Pore lipr Center \ullic \ opinion is unerring , public confidence sel dom misplaced. The true worth of every business concern to the community in which it operates is fixed by its clientele , the value-giving power of ev ery commercial institution may be determined by the amount of patronage it receives. The people have unmistakably proclaimed their confidence in and its methods , by bestowing upon it a far greater patronage than that accorded any other place in Valentine , Where the major portion of the fair , the impartial , discriminating public buys its Liquor and Beer , must be a good place for You , the in dividual , to trade. Visit The Htock Exchange when you need anything in our line. W. R A. MELTENDORFF SCHER DEALER IN HARDWARE , FURNITURE AND GOAL , Couch Covers Tapestry Rugs Carpets Iron Beds Springs Mattresses Guns Ammunition Gasoline Kerosene Lubricating Oils R NEWS