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About Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 20, 1908)
Historical fcoi VALEN J VOLUME XXIII VALENTINE. NEBRASKA , THURSDAY , FEBRUARY 20 , 1908. NUMBER ( , ' If you do not know what it is , ask to see the new lamp. Cheapest and best lamp on earth. Costs T cent per hour to burn it. Ten times as much light as any other oil lamp. See our window for Keen Kutter Tools ere . Co. 20 Percent Discount on F JL- * Overshoes , Underwear and Men's Caps at specially low prices. Fine lineof family Groceries. Drygoods and Gent's Furnishings PHOHE 97 , GRANT BOYER , CARPENTER & BUILDER. All kinds of wood work done to order. Stock tanks made in all sizes Epsidencc and shop one block south of passenger depot. Valentine , 3 > IIOXE 72 Nebraska C. O. Carpenter , House painting inside and out. Furniture Ke- pairing and Varnishing of all kinds promptly done. Phone 88. Shop in west part of town. Valentine - Nebraska SCLE FACTO INllffE Talk of the Town. Miss Anna Boltz came down from Nenzel last Saturday.x x Mrs. Clyde Carpenter's mother is here for an extended visit. Mont Bishop made a trip to Brownlee this week on business. Frank Kime and wife are visiting - ' iting in town this week with S. Q. Spain's. John Harvey is down from the reservation spending the week with his parents. TT Tillson and Jacob Klein of near Penbrook were visitors to our city last Friday. Ednah Eobertson and Mae Veach are two of the ill babes this week , but both are recovering. J. W. Mann , Geo. Seger and J. P. Gardiner of Cody were in Val entine Monday on business. Miss Stella Spratttook sick with pneumonia last week and school in that neighborhood has suspended for a time. D. A. Hancock and J. P. Ry- land , a prominent attorney of Kansas City , Mo. , were in town Monday on business. There will be a dinner at Har mony school house Feb. 23rd , for the benefit of the minister. All are invited to attend. Sheriff Rosseter is kept pretty busy these days on official busi ness and is active and efficient in the discharge of his duties. Born , to Leonard Wickman and wife in this city Sunday night , a son. Mrs. Wickman is a daugh- ; er of Wm. Mum ford who is now is ; randpa. Mr. ' and Mrs. Albert Webb en > tertained at six o'clock dinner , mi Sunday in honor of the mother of w 3. L. Nelson who has been here > [ visiting the past week. the THE VALENTINE DEMOCRAT sent out numerous statements to ubscribers during January and many have responded with the ash. We ask : are compelled to he again that those who have not paid las will please remit promptly. It elc vill save us stamps and work and th worry if you will. I. M. RICE. The parcel shower given Feb. er. A , by Mrs. W. S. Jackson for str Miss Claudia Wells , was a most de- ightful occasion. The rooms were ry tppropriately decorated with cupids - pids , hearts and valentines. Much Dt pleasure and amusement was de DtM rived from the contents of the M parcels and the accompanying sentiment. A few games of cai : 'hearts" furnished further enter du tainment , after which refresh ments were served. About thirty guests were present , Mrs. Cole arrying off the first prize and Mrs. Robinson the consolation , , prize. all C. J. Rogers died at his home be > near Thacher Tuesday morning , he Feb. 11 , 190S , at the age of 73 coi years. He came to Cherry coun- to ; y from Iowa about 20 years ago thi and settled on the place where he ail iyed at the time of his death , aff which was due to old age. He had sp ; Deen in his usual health and retired ) about 10 o'clock the evening prev fcs ious to his death and passed away is with only a slight struggle - as he wreathed his last which awakened pa ais wife by his side and she at CO tempted to revive him but he had fr ! departed this world. Nine chilpa | dren , five boys and four girls , bei i lis sides his wife , also two brothers ! L/et and several grand-children survive j , he the deceased. The remains were ' ev interred in Mount Hope cemetery ; jhc and the funeral conducted by Rev. ' in ' 15ft 4 ? Genuine Tigrers We have on display in our window this week a bunch of genuing 4 ? tigers , not the ordinary land but the latest we could obtain from 4 4 ? ? the famous establishment of Keith Bros. & Co. , Chicago , 111. 4 ? Each one of these tigers carries a price card in plain red figures and is valued from § 1.50 to § 3.00 , in any size you want. They 4 ? all the 1908 variety and 4 ? are present a pleasing and novel ap * pearance which belongs only to this special kind of tiger. We * 4 ? guarantee perfect satisfaction to every purchaser of these new spring tigers and should there be any growl from either you or ff 4 ? the tiger , we will gladly refund your money. a * Take a look at them. John Eaton was up rora Wood Lake Monday. "The Girl and The Stampede" is a play , pure , simple and full of fun , with a story admirably told. Opera house , Monday , March 2nd. The North Table Telephone Co. met Saturday in town to transact business and a lot of farmers from Sparks vicinity and North Table Siw svere in our city. The First National Bank is hav- ng a burglar alarm connected vith their vault , with a huge bell on the-outside which will alarm + * vith terrific noise when the vault opened at any time outside of tin regular hours. There are also ells on the inside to ring and re- ninds one of a city fire alarm vhen set going. Exhibitions are eing given today of the alarm "hey " claim any attempt to enter he vault will start the alarm. Jrosl vt riuii Church At the Congregational meeting leld in the Presbyterian church ast week the election of one new ilder and three new trustees left he ( officers as follows : Elders H. Dailey , W. S. Bark- , J. P. Ninas and W. D. Arm- trong ( new ) . Trustees W. T. Kincaid , Hen- y Hoenig , Chas. Sherman ( new ) , Colin Risher ( new ) and Miss Clara Dunham ( new ) . Sermon subjects next Sunday : Corning , "Christ's Ideal Congre gation" ; evening , "How far we an follow our own ideas of con- luct and please God. " From Rev. Wm. H. Kerns , at engt'h returned home after a four reeks evangelistic tour in the vestern part of the state , comes he earnestly expressed hope that who professed their desire tc saved in the recent meetings lere may develop into earnest , insistent members. We regret learn that Rev. Kearns , during meeting * in Osmond , became .filleted with a "grip" cold that .ffected his throat and rendered peaking difficult. But the peo- le turned out well and some pro- essed conversion. "Rev. Kearns an example of a minister of the gospel , accepting a work accom panied with real hardships and in conveniences in frequent absences rom < his family , and yet for less lay than he was receiving from ; pastorial charge in Beatrice. the church of Christ receive proper credit for this and let iveryone be fair in recognizing fact that the church of Christ these days contains its propor- Eftra of tlte sincere ami of winter goods in all lines is now complete. Come and give us a call. CROOKSTON NEBRASKA. , MAX E V1ERTEL QEALER IN EVERYTHING. K We have -had a panic ; o 8 We have had a mild winter : o We have had some closing out-sales , but are still doing business at the old stand and invite our friends to remember us when in want of the staples of life. Call and see us. Phone 23 W.A. PETTYCREW , GENERAL B1DSE. Chartered as a State Bank Chartered as a National Bank - 1 , 1884. August 12. 1902 , The Valentine , Nebraska. ( Successor to ) 0 ± 'JAF.TAI , PAID IN A General Banking 25 OOO Exchange and wisSSW. . Collection Business. C. H. CORNELL , President. J. T. MAY , Vice-President. - M. V , NIOHOLSON. Cashier. IT. CONFECTIONERY Tobaccos and Cigars. Canned Goods 2C3Z Lunch Counter ? JPiois 8 Phone / Home Bakery. Stetter & Tobien , Props. DEALERS IN All Kinds of Fresh I and Salt Meats. . . . Will buy your Cattle , Poultry , Horses , Mules and anything you have to sell.