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About Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 13, 1908)
I Society rn VOLUME VALENTINE. NEBRASKA. THUBSDAT. FEBEUART 13 , 1908. NUMBER 5 ONT Harness , Saddles , Collars , Halters & Lap Robes We need the space they occupy and we're closing them out. Come and get what you need of them. . Co. 20 Percent Discount on SHOES Overshoes , Underwear and Men's Caps at specially low prices. Fine lineof family Groceries. Drygoods and ( rent's Furnishings PHONE 97 , UN & GO. GRANT BOYER , CARPENTER & BUILDER. All kinds of wood work doneto order. Stock tanks made in all sizes Residence and shop one block south of passenger depot. Valentine , rnoxE 72 Nebraska C. O. Carpenter , BuMti Paintin CvC/Cy House painting inside and out. " Furniture Ke- pairing and Varnishing of all kinds promptly done. Phone 88. Shop in west part of town. Valentine - Nebraska LAI ESTANB MOST COP3PIST VEHICLE FACT62 Y INTftffi " l l | f 4Wf ( WE fee 54s . . . . 5a / * * * / yjj LOWEST CONSIDERING QUALITY. Talk of the Town. Theo. Spoo and wife returned from Lowden , la. , Friday. Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Hornby en tertained the seniors at breakfast last Sunday morning1. Julius ISfeilson of Atkinson vis ited with his friend John Kazda last Saturday in Valentine. llev. Geo. D. Egner of Bassett is helping Rev. Magill in revival meetings this week at Harmony. Max E. Viertel and C. H. Van- den , the new hotel keeper of Crookston , were in our city Tues day. The Epworth League are to be entertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Harden Friday eve ning. Wm. Kiege was in town Tues day and called at our office to pay a year in advance for THE DEMO CRAT. E. L. Hutchison of Penbrook called to pay his respects and a Dollar for THE DEMOCRAT in ad vance Tuesday. Miss Florence Morris was quite iU the first of the week , necessita ting having her mother come in from the country. D wight Xorthrop has been quite sick for several days this week , being threatened with typhoid fever , but is reported better. Martin Christensen is busy with his painting contract at Ft. Eob- inson and will , probably be kept busy there until about the 1st of July. July.Miss Miss Blythe Powers left Valen tine Tuesday for her home and will accompany her parents to Lead , S. D. , where they intend to locate. Grooms Bros , and C. K. Kuskie of Sparks had a big coyote hunt recently. Seven coyotes were killed. Geo. Brooks and several others were also in the chase. We desire to thank the friends and neighbors who so kindly as sisted us during the illness and burial of our wife and mother. Joseph Hemmer and Daughter. Miss Gertrude Quigley has in vited a number of her friends to spend Friday evening at her home in honor of the seniors. The in vitation in heart shape are very nice. nice.A A young man got noisy at the show Monday night and when he refused to quiet down after being cautioned several times by the marshal he was taken from the room. Ed Morey has returned from his trip to Denver and other Colorado points. Ed says he had to leave "her" as he ran out of funds but will send for her later in order to verify reports. Monday , we went down to see the fish hatchery near the mill dam which is in charge of Wra. Francke who knows all about fish and game having spent a good part of his life as a sportsman. He has 200,000 speckled and black and white northern trout hatching out. Some are hatched out and big enough to swim around. The spawn were brought here about the 20th of January and the building was built last fall and was ready for use. When these fish are out of the way about 300,000 rainbow trout will be shipped here for hatching. These will all be placed in tributaries of the Niobrara be tween here and Longpine. After the trout are hatched and disposed of , the black bass will be given the attention of the hatchery and all the lakes will be stocked in this part b'f the country. 4 ? I * & * ? ft ftI I * We have on our window this week a bunch of genuine tigers , not the ordinary kind but the latest we could obtain from K the famous establishment of Keith Bros. & Co. , Chicago , 111. Each one of these tigers carries a price card in plain red figures ifr and is valued from § 1.50 to § 3.00 , in any si/e you want. They are all the 1908 variety and present a pleasing and novel ap pearance which belongs only to this special kind of tiger. We ft * guarantee perfect satisfaction to every purchaser of these new 2 * spring tigers and should there be any growl from either you or the tiger , we will gladly refund your money. 2 * Take a look at them. We were mistaken in our state ment last week that Harry Strick land was paroled. We are now informed that his sentence was commuted. Louie Stetter returned last week from Crawford where until rec ently his father was engaged in a meat market and had a beef con tract at Fort Robinson , but has sold out to Tobien & Foerster who are running the business. Louie Bordeaux came down from his ranch north of Kilgore last Monday and the following morning went over to Tripp and Gregory counties on land business. He called at our office and we en joyed a pleasant visit with him. * Wash Honey of Woodlakecame up last Friday on business and had time to enjoy a few games of checkers with Col. Harrison and ye editor who claims the cham pionship of Cherry county. The east bound freight came unex pectedly and left Mr. Honey in our city over night and gave us the opportunity of playing several games and it was like a visit back home to have such a good natured checker tournament. Mr. Honey plays a good game and there were some interesting games. The recent warm and rainy weather has melted the snow and ice on the sidewalks which was neglected by property owners. This is an important matter in our city and should receive more con sideration than has been sljown on numerous past occasions. We don't mean to stir up bad feeling nor to harshly or unjustly criticise those who failed on this or that occasion to clear the snow from his sidewalk but it is necessary for the benefit of the general pub lic to have sidewalks cleared after a snow. After the last snow there were many walks that were not cleared and when it became tramp ed down the sidewalks were worse than the middle of the street. Thawing and freezing , slippery arid sloppy in turn , and disagree able to travel upon , slipping , slid ing , slopping along , stamping and scraping the slush from one's feet on the clean walks only to run on to another bunch of snow and ice or sloppy sidewalk which had not been cleared at the proper time. We hope it will not be necessary again to refer to such conditions. A light snow is easily swept off and a heavy snow much easier to clear away soon after it has fallen than to delay , and oftentimes it has been left to be tramped down to the detriment of everyone who walks and those who have carpets to keep clean. Sweep them ofT , Keep ydur sidewalks clean. of winter goods in all lines is. now complete. Come and give us a call. MAX E. VIERTEL DEALER IN EVERYTHING. We have had a panic ; We have had a mild winter : We have had seine closing out sales , but are still doing business at the old stand and invite our friends to remember us when in want of the staples of life. Call and see us. Phone 23 W. A. PETTYCREW , GENERAL MDSE. Chartered as a State Bank Chartered as a National Bank June 1 , 1884. August 12 , 1902 , The AT AJu Valentine , Nebraska. ( Successor to ) o ± CAPITAL PAID IN A General Banking Exchange and ' " Collection Business. C. H. CORNELL , President. J. T. MAY , Vice-President. M. V. NICHOLSON , Caahier. E Tobaccos and Cigars. Canned Goods 2C3C Lunch Counter. $ Phone I B 7 Home Bakery. * J3 222E XKE2S2SKSS25cTx S : . iLLtS. TO11M11 * % * 4 < 4 ' * * \A.-vA.- * i v * Mwv < aff4 a Stetter & Tobien , Props. DEALERS IX All Kinds of Fresh and Salt Meats. . . . Will buy .your Cattle , Hogs , Poultry , Horses , Mules and anything you have to sell.