Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, November 14, 1907, Image 7

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    rt r
PRICE 25c AND 50c
Grandfather's Cure for
REAT medictns , the Snv/bucfc.
Two hours a day sawing \vood
vriil keep anyone' : : B or c 1 s
No need of pills. Cathartics , Castor f .1 ,
nor "Physic , " if you'll only work the "f * v/-
buck regularly.
* * *
Exercise Is Nature's Cure for Constipa
tion and , -a Tea-Mite vra8 will do , if you
hai"t got c. wood-pile.
Lwt. if yu will take your Exercise in an
Eary C .air , there's only one way to do that ,
be * - ; - . there's only one kind of Artificial
Ei-rcice for the Bowels and its name is
' "
Cascarets are the only means to exsrcirs
the Bowel Muscles without vrcrk.
* *
They don't Purge , Gripe , nor "upset
your Stomach. " because they don't act like
"Phyucs. "
"They dcn't flush out your Bowels and
Intestinss with a costly waste of Digestive
Jii.ce. as Salts , Castor Oil. Calomel , Jalap ,
or Aperient Wat en clways do.
K j Cascarets strengthen and stimulate
the Bowel Muscles , that line the Food
passages and that tighten up when food
izuc1r them , thus driving the food to its
fru- .
A Cascarct acts on your Bowel Inuscles
r.if you had just sawed a cord of wood , or
w < t ' . -d ten nutes.
C -carels move the Food Natural' ; . * ,
d j Tti.ig it without waste of tomorrow's
Ci tf.c Juice.
* * *
The thn ! , flat. Tea-Cent Bos is made
1- . ' t your Vest packet , or "My Lady's"
F _ ? . Druggists ! 0 Cents a Box.
_ rry it constantly with you and take a
C : . -ret whenever you suspect you need
LC very careful to get the genuine
r-- : only by the Sterling Remedy Comp -
p -Jid never sold in bulk. Every tab-
i * - . . . .pSa f.A ' i _ " < ' O V * . " r" ! . {
i& & S D T ° ConTlnOO , a37
n u im \ 5 woman that P.ix-
- * tine AnUscptlc will
improve her her.lth
and do all we claim
for it TVe will
ter absoluielj- free & large trial
of 1'axtmovith book of lustruc-
i sr.d g-ntrre testimonials Send
and a ress on a postal card.
cleans * " ?
and htrals
m a c o u :
m e in -
brane af-
ir n is , ? icn n s-ii catarrh , ppl c
c ' ir. . ' and inflammation caused by ftinl-
t..i- ; sore fs , sore throat and
L. > utL , fcy dirtt In .1 treatmpnt Its cur-
: T-e fKjwer over e i.-uublfs is extra-
- i iivy and g1\es Imm-diate reli * f.
* iu uiands of wumm are using and reo
, -i wni.uit ? it e ery day CO cents at
t -i tsorlny mail. Remember , how evpr ,
K. PAXTOr * CO. . lie ton.
S'.in cf Seautyjsa Joy J c "ver.
T. Felix Oouraud's O .o. i.rl
Taa. Pirple ,
l-.cctie * . MJVtti _ 1' . . . * ,
I , ttDi !
- . ar d tie-
. . . . . ri * > n. It
yyy iiuetood t e test
&j * ' ft 6 yen-s. ai-d
u Lanr ess e
_ .
le pr'.e. 7 n.'i
of 6.u. ar
ran e. Dr. I * A.
re c-i u t > a
/ of tL.h - - -
ta ( a i mi' :
"As yoi 'a < s
will use tl n.
I recora- a
- ! " * Pre.-w * - 't1 * 1 a < tirr-fti ! < r V11 3
. , - Mjr . * > r s e ty il drecr is awl I ar7 -
L "lLKaGiPri27 &sl 3 5 S'M8 tori
? T" ] New and Liberol
Western Canada
JW Ojisa for SsilfenierJ
* -e of tv la"dr In th * g-sln
hjvs recsy ' s
t e U f ' ze t. n-.unt unoerthe Rev.r'i Hoi-iei e. i
. . f Ci aot. Thousands < f 1mss 1 -s. ' = of
- - . * } t'e nwaraiiabJe. Ths r.-rw rt .
t . n.ij ii ; o-Hr ftr nry to1- * nada by pr-xy.
I - /t'u'i y "otKiiny tn tha Li tdSt T3 h./o
w -R f ' Awymer borof afarvnyiruy r" . :
. ' " ? ry c rerr-.s < nber tf tbe farr.ily who ' "u
' -d to k entry tor L-nseii or he-re '
/ nar now Ni na befo-s the Age" ! or Sub-
tot'haD s . j-thy f-rcxy Uncertain nnd-tio"- ! .
by * t ' r-Mh = r. son. c ughtr , brother c.sis -
"ART ewm suiobcrtU Kcticn o :
Lares m Xai.aH .1 w the'est Proviuccs ,
r 4 Ju.d 26. cat reserved , may be horr.e-
id v v any T rsoc tlic scls head of a f amriy.
ef ar.e. to tae e x < rtoS
sct. a , of tCDacres.raoreorIc'J. "
case wL'J be CIO 00. Churchrs.
' 3 co-.vea * . " . healti.y cJ.Vr
Liw- . Grain crowing si d
.1 '
Whra to Looac. tp iy sc
or H. T. ilo'm - . - > i Jackso-i
_ and j. M. 5a'"LcIiUn ! , hot
i.o. Dakota AuilwirroJ Oovom >
N Found Jt V/jis Not Xcccsaa.
to Trn 'j Her Up.
"The Porto Rico cow. " said the man
who had I icon stationed on the island
as a soldier for two years , "Is as hum
ble n looking animal as one ever came
across. I never saw one hook o" kicker
or display the least temper , uor did I
ever liml any one else who had. The
first time 1 ever saw one milked was
a matter of greatest surprise. When
a boy had driven her up to the shed ,
where she stood chewing her cud and
switching her tail , tht ; owner brought
out a rope and tied her head fast to a
post. Then a second rope made her
front legs fast. A third did for her
hind legs : } i\d a fourth went around
her body. She wa.s tniFsed up until she
could hardly wink an eye.
" 'What on earth is all that for ? " I
asked the man.
" 'I am going to millc her. senor , ' . he
replied. '
" 'And do you tie her up that way
twice a day , taking half au hour each
time ? '
( " 'Always , senor. '
' "But she doesn't look to me like a
kicking cow. '
" ' I do not
'Perhaps she is not.
know. '
"I cast oil all the ropes , " said the
ex-soldier , "and then took the pail from
him and ait down and milked. The
cow stood as quiet as a monument. Dur
ing the performance a score or more of
men and women had gathered around ,
and when it was over I said : -
" 'There , now. But why tie your
cows up to be milkedV
" 'Santa Maria ! ' gasped an old man ,
as he looked around on the crowd and
crossed himself. 'If we are not to tie
our cows up to be milked , how long will
it be before these Yankees will be toll
ing us that it is not necessary to keep
our eggs four weeks before eatiug ? ' "
'I ruileM that Ivill.
Op-e ot" the mosr dangerous of trades ,
"according to the Pilgrim , "is the coverIng -
Ing of toy animals \vith skin , chamois
leather being used , for iustaace , for
the elephants , calfskin for the h'orse ,
and goatskin for the camels. This
covering must of course fit without a
\\riukle to look natural , so the wood
en model is first dipped into glue , then
sprinkled with chalk dust ; then the
skin Is put on. The chalk is so fine
that It nils the air and is drawn into
the throat and lungs. A year of this
I sort of work often results in death.
Another very injurious toy is the rub-
tier balloon. The fumes and solvents
used in reducing sheet rubber to the
necessary thinness while retaining it.
trength and the dyeing of the bril
liant yellows , greens and purple are
most of them poisonous.
I One -Alore Variation.
The car had reached Goethe street.
" ( lortie ! " vocif'rated the conductor.
"How vulfnh ' " sniffed little Miss
Prim. "Evorj hotly knows the name is
Gertrude. " Chi "isro Tribune.
Positively cured by
tJiese JLittle Pills.
They also relleyo Dis
tress from Dyspepsia. In-
clJgestloa and Too Hearty
Eating. A perfect rem
edy for Dizziness , Nausea ,
Drowsiness. Bad Taste
in the Mouth , Ccated
Tongas. Pain In the Side.
Purely "Vegetable.
TTlfc : -Simile Signature
Can't be by drugsx you
know that. But it can be p < jr-
manentlj relieved by our home-made
rcmeriv. Used for vears without u failure.
Costs $ > ? : losts a life time. FREE booklet.
7 iCYClOS&U Ollifr I
ry ( Lai IJitier' V 'er Stolca
Oi t > n Up r reiiirljJrur IMot.
Secret s'iinice cnera lives are working
111 Chicago to ( ioteraiitte io v ! uit extent
govonnueufc secrets in recent cases oC
national importance have been sold by
Miss Etta McLean and , Alexander B.
Gordee , who were held in 5,000 bonds
to the grand jury on charges of con
spiracy and tiie theft of papers in the
John li. Walsh case.
Discovery of papers relating to the
Standard Oil trial in the room of Miss
McLean has led to the suspicion that
she and her confederate may hare dis
closed government plans not only In the
Walsh case , hut in the cases against
the Standard Oil , the Chicago and Al
ton railway , and the school book com
Hiss McLean's position as stenographer - ;
rapher in District Attorney Sims' office /
fice , which she hold since April , gave
her ample opportunity to obtain copies
s. the most valuable papers in all these
cases. The fact that Gordee , her sweet
heart , was able to live in idleness , din
ing at expensive restaurants for the
past six months has made it apparent
he had some secret source of income.
While the government ofiicials feel
confident they havfi unearthed a far-
reaching conspiracy , ihey have yet io
learn its magnitude or to what extent
its operations have injured government
proi-x-cutions. In the prosecution of the
Standard Oil. the Alton. : nul the book
combine it was apparent at every turn
that the defendants knew in advance
the government's amoves , no matter how
secretly planned. The arrest of the
couple , it is believed , has solved this
Uy the will of the late Robert A" . Car
son oC Philadelphia , his fortune , amount-
ins ti > Sr , r OO.ftOO , w 51 , after the death of
his \vMo\v. be devoted to t'le establish
ment of : i college for orphan idrK simi
lar to the Girard foliege for orphan boys.
Gil-aril- , lie' was Tarpon's inspir
ation. anl in thus disposing of iiis fortune
Mr. r.t-vm took satisfaction in the
thoiijr'iL that no man would livu in idle
ness : u a gentleman of leisure on the
Carson wealth. The coll-- ? thus provided
for will be known as the Caivou College ,
and will be erected on his estate in
Moats > . 'iery county , near Philadelphia.
Itvul non-secrariau in rharaetor , al
though < . l-riryaipu will be allowed to talk
wit'.S. : X' limits of fundamental Clms-
tian prliTi' les.
Two iiHve cities have joined in tin
popular chorus against the secret fraterni.
ties ! ni the public high schools namely
V\s'i i. , on I > . C. and Denver Colo. In
the ivraior city Stipt. Chaurellor lioM-
that t > j "presence of secret societies < ?
the * : - , ! ! of a decaying or very youns
civiiiAit'on. " r.cfl thai where th proper
spirit prc\ails there is a "loj'.ilty to th-i
. " In Denver. Mrs.
-eho.l : > s a whole.
M.irsaret T. True , president of the Boii\l
of Education , is leading the opposition .11
Chairman of the committee appo'nlfnl to
investigate the matter. She jays : "Tin *
board feels that the existence of these'
OLie'.iis ib an injustice to all the pupils ,
; is it creates false ideas of .social statin
ind v ionrs those children who becomu
> utcasts through not being admitted to Uio
oeietios. * '
Trouble Is reported at Sumrall , Miss. ,
jrowing out of the opposition on the part
if the natives to Italian children attend-
,11- the v.hite public schools. The en.
.Icavor to shut the Italians out besjan
-oaie weeks ago. The State superintend-
Mit of educaUon and the Attorney Gen
eral were appealed to and they derided
that the constitution provided for \vhit" i
and ueiu-oe.s and d.d not catalogue Ital
ians as a separate race. One of the lead
crs of the Italians who insisted on th <
rights of his people was taken beyond tlm
town liaiits , soundly thrashed and ordere- '
to desist in his efforts to got Italian < -'nl
! ren into the white schools. The .vti-
ita'bn sentiment is strong in Missis
, ippi and one of the candidate for ( 'ox
nor made it the chief plank in his plat
Discontent with the public school sys
tem has crystallized into si war cry fo ?
p 'uir > or'ioo d schools , says the Literar.i
D ! -t. and this war cry is raised by th -
* enemies of the puldi ,
n : , ( K and not the
, -hcols. uho believe that concentration
luii rent-hod a limit in schools as well a-i
in other depaitmeuts of civic activity
llos'oa has had the subject brought to
its attention by observing that over : j- ( )
000 of its children , or over one-third of
its school "population , are attending pil-
vate rhools. A writer in the' Bos.1 : > : >
Transcript ays there is among parents
a growing dread of the big public school
where little children are herded togeth i
> y the hundreds They are afraid o it
lii.vM-aHy , mentally and morally. Yea :
after year these public schools have been
growing bigzcr antl bigzcr. until sit pres
ent it is common in the larger cities to
see from 2,000 to 3.000 little tots crowded
ogether into the same building , which
is in consequence just so much furthei
from the homes of many. Machine meth
ods , under such circumstances , become
inedible , and it is difficult to give any
'rind of elasticity to such a system , and
the writer believes that the growth of
, he private schools marks a revolt agaius :
; hi.j kind of public school , lie thinks
the remedy will be the development of1
jcighhorhood schools under central su
The limit of pay for grade teachers in
Minneapolis has been raised from $ SQi !
o $1000 after a lively campaign in which
committee of citizens took part , the
loird of Tax Levy appropriating the
necessary . .mount.
The National Academy of Design of
New York has decided to separate the
: ien and women art chsse- . Heretofore ,
with the exception of thosa devoted to
vork from living models , the classes have *
HH'ii mixed. The management has the
inpres-ion that flirtations have distracted
dm attention of the students froir
. I
Wet a Slniii uf to
The conductor ot the L'ullman car
nad for some time had his ej'e on the
i man \vho seemed to he lisliins for an
excuse to speak to the lady across the
aisle. The passcuscr tinaiij- left his
seat and took one heside her , nnd when
they had conversed for a few minutes
J the lady seemed to be protesting , and
the conductor's opportunity had come.
He stepped forward and said :
"Madam , if this man is < * orcing his
attentions upon you he must resume
his own seat. "
"He is riot exactly a stranger to me , "
Bhe admitted.
"But you seemed to be annoyed ,
madam. "
"I am .not exactly annoyed , but I
wish he wouldn't talk to me. "
"I am simply arguing a cusc , " ex
plained the man.
"Yes , but there is nothing to argue.
We have been married and divorced
twice , and now I've married another
man , and we can't be married again
until he dies. Give it up , Jimmy give
it up and go back to your seat. " Chicago -
cage Xews.
Barred Fake Call.
The second day after the new maid
came the mistress had company. Just
before the callers arrived the rnaid
said , confidentially :
"Shall I go out and telephone to you
while they are here ? "
"Telephone ? " exclaimed the mis
tress. "What on earth should you tele
phone to me about ? "
"Oh , anything , " responded the maid.
"I always did it at the last place I
worked and the place before that The
ladies wanted me to. It gave the im
pression that thcj were very popular
and were overrun with engagements. "
But the mistress , remembering many
suspicious telephone calls that had in-
tcrrupted the conversation' when slh ?
herself had been calling , declined to
purchase popularity on those terms.
Chicago Inter Ocean.
Scarcely Uj > to It.
"Hard a-lee ! " roared the skipper of the
yacht , for the third or fourth time.
"What do jou keep yelling 'hardly' at
tue for ? " bellowed the amateur wheels
man. "I'm doiiiij the be t I can. " Chicago
cage Tribune.
UaaMe to Hlove About on Account
of ICitlney Trou Ic > .
Mrs. Anna Beebe , River and Monroe
streets. .Anoka , Minn. , says : "I had to
sit in a chair 'lay
after day unable to
move about on ac
count of rheumatic
pains in my back ,
hips and logs. I was
short of breath and
tl izzy spoils : tnd
bearing down pains
and the kidney secretions wore much
disordered. 1 thought I would not live
long , but since using Doan's Kidney
Pills I am a different woman , can do
my own work and have no fear of
these troubles returning. "
Sold by all dealers. HO cents a bo\ .
Foster-Milburn Co. . Buffalo , N. Y.
By "Wirelew.
The President stood at the bow of the
steamer , looking down at the turbid , boil
ing waters of the great river.
"Doesn't it suggest something to you ,
"Mr. President ? " asked one of the Gov
ernors , in an undertone.
"Suggest something ? " said the chief
executive in a loud lone , as is his wont
when anybody tries to be confidential.
"Suggest something ? How ? WbutV"
"It's it's running. "
( In a still louder tone ) "Well , uh\
not ? Why shouldn't it run ? "
"See the parallel , Mr. President ? A
great many of the people think "
( Louder yet ) "Xo , I don't see any
parallel. Ever do any fishing in this riv
er , Governor ? It i-'n't much for black
bass or mountain trout , but you can
catch some \\haliiig big catfish. "
Subsequent remark by the Governor to
one of the other Governors :
"Blame him , I can't make out whether
his 'no' still holds or not ! " Chicago
uiicl I > oelor.s Couli ! Not Re
lieve Him H-it Cnticuri \v me dies
: i Speedy. Ferijji : eiit Cure.
"Eczema , appeared when our babj-
was three months .old. We applied to
several doctors and hospitals , each of
\vhicli gave us something different ,
every lime , but nothing brought relief.
At .last , one of our friends recommend
ed to us Guticura Soap and Cuticura
Ointment A few days afterwards im-
provconcnt could be noted.Since tlien
we have used nothing but CTiticur.i
Soap and Cuticura Ointment , and now
the ibaby is six months old and is quite
cured. All that we used was one cake
of Cuticura Soap and two boxes of
Cuticura Ointment , costing in all $1.23.
C. F. Kara , IV13 East 05th Street , New
York , March 30 , 190G. "
Between Friends.
Nan Did you notice how dreadfully
that piano needed tuning ?
Fan Why , no , dear ; I thought it har
monized perfectly with your voice.
Hides , Pelts and Wool. To get full
alue , ship to the old reliable N. W.
-Tide and Pur Co. , Minneapolis , Minn.
Superior Animal.
Girl with the Gibson Girl Neck The
tirs that odious Mrs. Nookuin gives her
oin Ilave you noticed the absurd fuss
he makes over that sore-eyed poodle dog ?
Girl with the Julia Marlowe Dimple
PS. but that't the worst of it. She
First , that almost every operation.
in our hospitals , performed upon
women , becomes necessary because
of neglect of such symptoms as
Backache , Irregularities , Displace
ments , Pain in the Side , Dragging
Sensations , Dizziness and Sleepless
ness Second , that Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound , made from
native roots and herbs , has cured
more cases of female iiis than any
other one medicine known It reg
ulates , strengthens and restores women's health and is invaluable in
preparing women for child-birth and during- the period of Change
of Life.
Third , the great volume of Tinsolicited and grateful testimonials on
file at the Finkham Laboratory at Lynn. Mass , many of which are from
time to time being published by special permission , give absolute evi
dence of the value of Lydia , E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and Mrs.
Pinkham's advice.
Lydia E. Ptakham's Vegetable Compound
i Dragg
j flaramation
and expels Tumors at an early stage.
' Mrs. Pinkham's Standing Invitation to Women
Women suffering from any form of female weakness are invited to
write Mrs. Pinkham , Lynn. Mass , foradvice. She is the Mrs. Pinkhaniwho
& has been advising- sick women free of harge for more than twenty
years , and before that slio ousted rrr other-in-law , Lydia E. I'ink-
ham in advising. Thus she is especially w < ll qualified to gaide sick
p women back to health. Y.'rite today , don't wait until too late.
T4 <
< rsiT"i aoc''t" i >
pSiCufiH'aSciillC ,
A substitute for and superior to mustard or any other plaster , and will not
blister the most delicate sKin. The pain-allaying and curative qualities cf the
article are wonderful. It v/iil stop the toothache at once , and relieve Head
ache and Sciatica. We recommend it as the best and safest external counterirritant -
irritant known , also as an external remedy for pains in the chest and stomach
and all Rheumatic , Neuralgic and Gouty complaints. A trial v/ill prove what ,
we claim for it. and it will be found to be invaluable in the household sjid for
children. Once used no family v/ill be without it. Many people say "it is'
the bast of all your preparations. " Accept no prepa-ation of vaseline unless
the same carries our label , as otherwise it is not genuine.
Send your address and we will mail our Vaseline Booklet describing
our preparations which will interest you.
17 siatc st. CHESEBROUGH EU2FG. CO. New York en ?
y ? 1 *
-i" V'OF. ' D
! f To jrrva " : c v
THE REASON W. I. . Dou-la. . < io * are , orn Jnozv J p o-fr
la a ! ! vaii otj o t'l.i'i wot'ier i'ti o I ' * nu o ot ter
i'iCt-jlt- tii. ) i c ft i"e it > Tb a : dof'ier ' at"ria' ' < for each part
jf the tot" n1 < Mcr/ . ! aI of t.u n i-r i Io > j edaft * rhv
! iPMO-.fcorj ! i'or i > ationof eu - > - n'ri jt , , for f .rid
" ' i'l' * l' ? i K"naori , . * . " > rcorive tr > e ; ' ! " t \ a-"s paid in the
-1 oci ndti trv' , ajfj"\.u ! u wor'.iniiju'-i ' c t''ot c vceiittj.
If f could t.i'-c > uu nf > myi.injc.'ic or. "jafl ro kton Me ? ' . ,
andsho . . ' yo > t ho-vcarafuli- . C. DotinuTPS ; ! arc made - oa
ouldthffi ufii5jr5ta id w.laov iio'd tbcirshapc. fit better ,
.rear ongera dan ? of Krea'or'ue J 'ia'i ' an-othf > r nia'.s.
A spider will live near'y a year witli- [ S. C. X. C. - . - No. < ! G 1007.
at food.
The highest rlouds are only ten miles-
Thf laundries of London consume 750 from the eartli's surface , and are coca-
cons of soap each work. rosed of minute particle of ice.
mm <
„ H&
For Infants and Cliildren ,
ting Uie S.'bMjis sSucwels a
Proiuoies Dirfeslicn Orifiil-
ness aivl RestConlaip nci'tor
Apcrfcct Remedy for Ccnsiips-
tion , Sour Stomach.DlarriOT
Worms , Coi\rd.Isions.Fevcnsh- ;
nessaiidLossoFSHESP. ;
racSiii-tle Sigfia
' " > ! ? ] i r715 ifrittt z * vvAi
Exact Copy of Wrapper.
THE cHrAUR eon-nr. nca YORK crrr.
Color more ooods brlobler and faster colors ( ban any other dye. One JOc cackaoe colors all fliers , They dye in cold wafer better than any other dye. Yon ua
ny aannenl allhoa ! rl55'o acarf. Wrilc Icr ! : ce hcckittEar Io Dye , B ! ci ! and Mil Colors. CO. , Q-iincy.