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About Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930 | View Entire Issue (July 6, 1905)
The Wonderful of Calumet Baking Powder Is due to its Perfect Quality and Moderate Price Used in Millions of Homes NOTICE. All/cattle branded Qoi'H3 | on left side or hip or Q on left side or hip ; also all horses branded Q on left jaw or hip , are the property of the ERICKSON CATTLE COMPANY and in the cus tody of the undersigned , as Re ceiver of said company. I will be grateful for informa tion that will lead to the recovery of any strays , or where a person has gone to any trouble or expense in recovering said cattle or horses , I will pay a suitable reward for the return of the same. .C. H. CORNELL , Receiver , Valentine , Nebr. Strayed or Stolen. From 12 miles southeast of Rose bud , one 3-year old bay gelding , weight about 900 pounds , branded Bt on.left hip. Liberal reward forrecovery. . Address Ed. F. REIP , 224 Rushville , Neb. The Loup Vnlley llim-furd iutnch BrwvnlHp , Nebr. lYInre P.oabdPl 181603 ami Curly Coit liai ; < 5 ! ar head of Isi.Td The blood of Fir.vler. Anxiety , Lonl Wilton and Sir Gladstone predomi nates 10 my herd. I can 1U1 orders foi bulls of all apes at any time. Ranch four miles north-west of lirown- lee , Nebr. , j. CijI H. DAILEY , Dentist. Office over the grocery deparment of T. C. Hornby's store. Will be in Rosebud agency July 3rd , Oct. 2nd and Jan. 1 , 1904. JOHN F. PORATH Kioge , Xebr. Tubular wells and windmills. G. H. Hall , M. D. Physiciaw and Surgeon. All calls promptly attended to day or night. Drugs and Phar maceuticals furnished. Wood JLake , - Nebraska. C. M. SAGESEE Barber First-class Shop in Every Respect Eau de Quinine Hair Tonic , Golden Star Ba5r Tonic , Herplcide and Cokn's Dandruff Cure. Try Pompeian Face Massage Cream A. N. COMPTON Physician and Surgeon Office at Quigley & Chapman's Drug Store. Nights The Don- oher residence , Cherry Street. Dr. G. 0. Sturdevant , KKSIOKXT DJB\TIST. Ofbceover Daventcrt's Moe West Entrance Valentine , Nebraska. H.M , CRAMER , City Deliveryman , Trunks , valises and packages hauled to and from the depot and all parts of the City. J. L. ASHBUBN , Contractor and Build er in Brick or Stone Work. Valentine , - Nebr , \ Conimissiomr'M Proceedings. Valentine , Neb. , June 13 , ' 05. Commissioners met as a board of equalization. Members present J. L. Roseberry , chm. , A.E.Mor ris and Arthur Bowering. Con tinued as a board of equalization from day to day until June 17 , whereupon the board adjourned to June 26 , 1905. J. L. ROSEKERRY , Chm. Attest : C.S.REECE , Clk. Commissioner's Office. Valentine , June 19 , ' 05. Board met in regular session. Members present : J. L. Rose- berry , chm. , A. E. Morris and Arthur Bowering. The commissioners spent the forenoon examining the Hanson bridge. In the matter of the application of Wra. Storey and Frank Hoff man for liquor license at Georgia in Georgia precinct , Cherry coun ty , Ncbr. The application came on for hearing upon the petition of the applicants and the remon strance of Nina V. Wilson , et al. The petitioners appearing in per son and by attorney , and the re- monstrators appearing in person and by attorney , and the commis sioners having heard the evidence submitted on behalf of the appli cants and on behalf of the remon- strators , find that a proper petit ion was duly filed and that due and legal notice of the filing there of was duly given and that the pe tition is signed by a majority of the resident freeholders of Georgia precinct and that the statements in said petition contained are true and that the allegations contained in said remonstrance are not sus tained by the evidence and said re monstrance is therefore over ruled , the petition granted and the license prayed for is ordered issued upon the petitioners filing with the county clerk their bond signed by a Surety company as surety and paying to the cousty treasurer the license fee as required by law. The license to run one year from June 20. 1905. In the matter of the application of Abijah D. Overman for liquor license at Crookston in Minnecha- duza precinct , Cherry county , Ne braska : The application comes on to be heard upon the petition of the applicant , and the remon strance of John F. Keller et al. The petitioner appeared in person and by attorney , and the remon- strators appeared in person and by attorney and the commissioners having heard the evidence submit ted on behalf of the applicant and on behalf of the remonstrators find that a proper petition was duly filed and that due and legal notice of the filing thereof was duly giv en and that the petition is signed by a majority of the resident free holders of Minnechaduza precinct and that the statements in said pe tition contained are true and that the allegations contained in said remonstrance are not sustained by the evidence and said remon strance is therefore over-ruled , the petition granted and the license prayed for is ordered issued upon the petitioner filing with the coun ty clerk his bond signed by Surety company as surety and paying the to the county treasurer the license fee as required by law. The li- cense to run one year from June 20 , 1905. On motion the resignation of Etta Brown as county superinten dent was accepted and Lulu Kortz was appointed county superinten dent to fill vacancy. On motion the sheriff was in structed not to allow court house to be used for any form of public entertainment. Whereupon the boord adjourned to June 20. June 20 , 1905. Board met as per adjournment , members all present. The commissioners made the following appointments : Justice of the Peace : F II Ili iu , Schlagel. Road Overseer : CJeo B McNamee , dibt No. 15 , ' . 'eo L Austin 4 , Geo U Pnalen 10 , Wrn Arcli- er 1 , E E Cnne 9. IlOsbum 5 > . CC T IOWJHOM JI5 , Kobt Boyles 12. Hurry K Well , 2'J A .1 I'll iy- er 11 , Harris Johnson 17 , C K Hook 7. Official bonds of above approved. The following claims were al lowed on the road fund : Overseer : J U Suites $1180 J D Spall $ ' , ' 03 E E Crane 1U 00 ReiieCanet U * CO Kobt Bowles 925 Richard Osborn 21 50 E T Banian 13 00 E G Perkins moving dead horse elm $2 alld 30 Road Work : Ben Gauovv 3 50 A K Kuskie 3 00 Win Grooms 1 tf ) E'mer Kuskie 1 00 Jits Wlf 100 Elmer Wolf 100 Lud\vifj Lumber Co , material 45 63 G II Hornby material 123 GO Jens Thompson work c 00 A T TosteviH surveying roads 11. H , 82 32 20 Work on road : C W Bennett 19 50 S J Blalcely u 00 Carr Bros 9 00 J I ) Spall 18 00 Will St'.lwell 1 00 HBCl.ipp 1850 L rittpjr " 900 Z T Davis material 8 00 Jon a Bornian work IG 00 Bridge fund : Ben Roberts bridge matetial 50 15 Krotter & Hall 13 54 Claim of P. H. Young , amount 18.00 , rejected. Bridge petition of A J Barnes et al for bridge across the Nio- brara riven between sections 29 and 30 , township 33 , range 32 , re jected. The following amounts were de ducted from above allowed ac counts and applied on delinquent personal tax ; E K Cr.tiio 19 00 K T Ran&in C 43 .Tuns Thompson 7 5l ; S J Bia'ce'y 3 13 L Piept-r 9 00 Whereupon the board adjourn ed to June 21. June 21 , 1905. Board met as per adjournment , members all present. Commissioners appointed Barn ey McNitt road overseer for dis trict No. 43. Commissioners ordered the fol lowing lands stricken off tax list for the year 1903 , sese , sec 3 , tp 29 , range 33 , the same having baen erroneously assessed. Application of M. J. Daven port for refund of taxes , rejected. Petition of Geo S French et al to move Sanborne bridge at War ren ford , rejected. Application of W A Parker for refund of taxes year 1901 Wood Lake precinct , rejected. Application of E S Dennis for refund of taxes year 190tt Wood Lake village , rejected. Application of Cattle Feeders Loan Co. for refund of taxes , re jected. Application of G W Burge , for refund of taxes , Sharps Kanch prcct year 1903 , rejected. Application of Shadbolt & Fleischman , Lavaca prect , for re fund of taxes year 1902 , rejected. Application of J O Beatty for refund of personal taxes year ' 01 , Lavaca prect , amount $3.24 : , or dered refunded , the same having been erroneously assessed. Application of 0 W McDaniel for refund of taxes s - , s nei , si nwi , sec 4 , tp 29 , range 26 , amt § 19.11 , ordered refunded the same having been erroneously assessed. Application of Starr Cattle & Horse Co. , Irwin precinct , fr re fund of personal taxes , amount $30.37 , ordered refunded , same having been erroneously assessed. Commissioners ordered county clerk to correct assessment of W F Denny , Enlow prect , to 365 head of oattle instead of 1400 head and to correct tax list accordingly. Bond of Valentine State Bank approved. Bond of Anchor bank approved. Commissioners ordered clerk to strike the nei sec 30 , tp 35 , range 26 , off the tax list for year 1893 same haying been erroneously as sessed. Resignation of J E West , justice of the peace , Woodlake precinct , accepted. Commissioners awarded tho con tract for furnishing two cars of Youghiogheny screen lumps at $8.40 per ton , actual weights , to J AYeast. . Whereupon the board adjourned to June 22. ( Cor.tinfd next week ) Judge Walcott went down lo Bassett the 4th where he was speaker of the day. Byron Webb returned yester day morning from Omaha. He will take charge of the hotel. On account of rain the Eagle picnic was postponed but the Eagles gave a dance in the eve ning in the old court house. S. F. Oilman and E. W. Whit- more came up from Neligh yester day morning to help look after the dam during the high water. The Valentine Kami. The Valentine Concert band furnished music for the Fourth of July celebration in Norfolk , and made good. Twenty-five of the boys , all neatly uniformed in red blouse and and white trousers , ar rived in the city Monday for the celebration and races , and they played hard all day long on the Fourth and until far into the eve ning. They are a good advertise ment for Valentine. The band is composed of gentlemen , through and through , and they are mu sicians , too. They spent today in Norfold and this afternoon tender ed a serenade to the Daily News which composed of clever music , well executed. A feature of the second number , which made a particular hit , was the shooting of a gun at the opportune mom ents. The serenade was appre ciated liy The News. Norfolk Daily News. Lon < ri > iue Mais l"lea lM GniUy. ( Slate .Journal. ) Ainsworth , July 1. Sheriff Lamport today arrested John May field of Longpine on the charge of keeping a house of ill- repute and selling liquor without a license. May field pleaded guilty and i | now awaiting the arrival of Judge Harrington to learn his fate. ST JOURNAL SOLD. Ainsworth , July 1. A deal was consummated today whereby Dr. Geo. O. Remy of this place and John M. Cotton , editor of the Owatonna ( Minn. ) Daily Journal , became the proprietors of the Star- Journal of this place. The con sideration for the plant was $2000. STRIATED From my place , 2 miles east of town on the river , one brown horse , branded 101 on left hip. left hind foot is white. Also , one black stock hog. Liberal reward for recovery. CHARLES PRICE , 242 Valentine Nebr IViibrook < niills. Too wet and cool for corn. A\r.hcat and oats are rusting in this vicinity. Northwestern Nebraska is losing her semi-arid reputation. Mrs. Eva Razey is visiting old friends in this neighborhood. The roads are in bad shape , be ing washed out until dangerous in many places. Mrs. E. L. Hutchison has gone to Rushville to visit her daughter , Mr ? . Alice Strain. Penbrook people mostly cele brated Independence Day at home , J a few going to Shelbourn's grove. Lost Between Penbrook and Valentine about June 1st , a ladie's heavy , blacK coat of large size. The finder will confer a great kindness by returning it to Mrs. < Eva Razey , Valentine. The women are complaining about little chickens drowned , young turkeys perishing from cold and wet weather , gardens swamped by rain , coyotes numer ous and bold , etc. But every body is well , especially the chil dren are numerous and hearty , so , as we existed through the dry season , we'll live through the wet one. EAGLE. A Great Separ There is a best in evr thine. It must be BEST MADE EASIEST USED AlOST EF FECTIVE MOST SJM1 LE. By actual com parison in actual use. The Sharpies Tubular Separator Has proved it has thepp points in its favor. That's what puts it away ahead of all other sep arators that's why 1 yell it. Get hold of facts. W. W. MORRISSEY , Valentine , Neb. RANCHES FOR SALE ! We will find quick buyers for any Land , Live Stock or any other property you have ready for market , . "Writ © TJs QULlolXSoo TJs. Cherry County Land & Live Stock Co FRESH FRUIT AND GAME t IN THEIR SEASON. | 90929 - " First class line of Steaks , Roasts , Dry Salt Heata Smoke 1 Breakfast Bacon. Highest Market Price Paid for Hogs. IHE EMPIRE CREAM SEPARATOR Easy Running , Easy Washing , Clean Skimming. Tlie Simplest is Hie Kest. Nothing to get out of order and will last a life time. ? Recommended by all wfcio have used them. A practical machine sold on easy terms by 16 8 T. W. CRAMER , GRANT BOYER , CARPENTER & BUILDER. All kinds of wood work done to order. Stock tanks made in all sizes Valentine , - Nebraska New Styles in Ladies Fancy Shirt Waist Patterns , A. JOHN & CO. , DEALER IN Dry Goods s Notions CANDIES AND FRESH FRUIT TOBACCOS AND CIGARS Special Prices on Winter Underwear and Hosiery , OLD POSTOFFICE BUILDING. VALENTINE , NEBR. JAMES B. HULL TO OWL SALOON W-A , TAYLOR- 9 Sole Agents for HERALD PURE RYE WHISKEY Ale and Porter , And FRED KRUG'S BEER Choicest Wines and Cigars , VALENTINE X NEBRASKA For feed or livery call on the Eagle Livery. Commercial trade a specialty. We have some good second hand buggies and harness for sale. Call and see us. SHEFHARD BROS. , Prop. STRAYED . From my place near Valentine about middle of May , one 2-year old sorrel horse colt , white stripe in face , branded QJ on left shoul der. 21 MARK D. CYPHERS. ESTKAYED One streaked white mare , weight from 900 to 950 pounds , smooth build , small hoof , dim brand , sad dle mark about the size of a dollar in middle of back at back of saddle where hair has grown different color. Had leather halter on and i was hobjbjed when last seen. ' MIKE DAVIS , Valentine Nebr * Halldorson & Barnett , your pho tographers. Office open the 1st to 6th , inclusive. FOR SALE ; City Hotel , lot and building. Price § 1000. IS C. H. CORNELL , Agent. FOR SALE : 7 room house. Acre lot. Nice lawn and fine trees. 9 P. F. Smoys. Shc-boy-gan Wigwam Hosiery for boys and girls , ladies and mis ses at Miss Martins. 22 In posing subjects for a photo , the greatest care is necessary , like wise in finishing. The retouching ranks next , and the soft lighting. We employ only experts at all branches of the photo-making , con sequently we can give you the best and the latest. .Look for our regu lar dates. dates.HALLDORSON HALLDORSON & BARNETT.