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About Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930 | View Entire Issue (June 15, 1905)
* Historical Society ; . / THE VALENTINE CRAT. VOLUME XX VALENTINE. NEBRASKA. JUNE 15 , 1905. NUMBER 22 v v iHot & & fc fcJ J * Weather & & & Wearing & fc & & > fr 49 49 Apparel 49 In all qualities and quantities , to IT be had at this time of year , con sisting of Wash Silks in all colors I * i and styles. 49 49 Lawns , Dimity , Batistes , 49 Wash Voiles , Orandies 49 Plain and Dotted Swisses , 49 49 Belts of all descriptions , ? ? White Wash Belts , § .15 to $ .50 4 ? White Satin Belts , .75 to 1.25 49 Black Satin Belts , .75 to 1.25 49Ci Black Silk Belts , .35 to 1.25 4 ? All sizes and prices within 4 ? reach of everydody 4 < t 4 ? Shirt Waist Suits 49 49 In different styles and patterns , 49 prices ranging as follows : § 2.75 , 49 § 3.50 , § 1.00 , § i.50 , § 5.00 , § 6.00. 49 49 4 ° Shirt Waists 49i of all kinds and iii all colors. & 49 There is no use to talk to you 49 about SHOES because you know & 49 we carry the best and most com 49 plete line in the sand hills , and DON'T YOU FORGET IT. Our 49 out-of-town customers when in 49 town , make our store your head 49 quarters. * I RED FRONT MERC. CO Just Ladies' Shirt Waists , Suits , Skirts and Arrived Under Skirts. Silk Skirts guaranteed for three years , MERCHANT TAILOR. a CO Quick 5 CD My Furniture stock is being con stantly replenished Meal with good serviceable CD articles for the home. Gasoline Stoves and ranges are the best and safest. They are al ways ready for use. You want Garden ' Don't delay. Get one Seeds for spring and save half the wor ry of your life. None CD planting. Other seeds so good as the also. I have then ? . "QUICK MEAL. " Chartered as a Stato Bank Chartered as a National Bank June 1 , 1884. August 12 , 1902 , FIRST NATIONAL BANK Valentine , Nebraska. ( Successor to ) CAPITAL PAID IN A General Banking Exchange and Collection Business. C. H. CORNELL , President. J. T. MAY , Vice-President. M. V , NICHOLSON , Cashier. N. J. AUSTIN. J.V. . THOMPSON. ( SUCCESSOHS TO E. BKEUKLANDER. ) GENERAL J5LACK8MITIIIXG AND WOODWORK. Horse Shoeing a Specialty. ' TALK OF THE TOWN Get I. M. Rice to write up your insurance. Joe Jennette was in town on business Monday. C. J. Anderson , of Cody , was in town the first of the week. Robert McGeer's saloon i.s being adorned with a new porch. Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Polen came up from their ranch on Sand Creek Monday. G. W. Burge , of McCann , was transacting business in Valentine last Tuesday. P. H. iroung was in town Tues day and stayed over night to help initiate A. H. Stees into the Ma sonic lodge. The Valentine Cornet Band has been engaged to render music at Norfolk for the celebration on the. 3rd and 4th of July. * James C. Dahlman returned from Washington , D. C. , Tuesday morning. He was accompanied by Congressman Kinkaid. Rev. Edgar D. Clark , former pastor of the Presbyterian church of this city , but now of Gordon , is visiting friends in Valentine this week. Mrs. Elden Sparks , accompanied by her daughter , Mrs. John Whitternore , were down from Cody the fore part of the week visiting friends and relatives. Pete DeCory was down from his ranch on the reservation the first of the week. He says he never saw grass so good before , and 'in tends to cut a lot of upland hay. C. L. Rainbolt , of Gold Hill , New Mexico , was in town Monday settling up the estate of his broth er , W. J. Rainbolt , who was mur dered northeast of town last fall. ' Ben Bachelor , of Kennedy , was in the city Tuesday. He says the grass was never better in the sand hills and if it only stops raining now there will be an extra large hay crop. Archie M. Smith , of Davenport , Nebr. , is now holding the night operator job at this place. He is a worthy young gentleman and we are pleased to welcome him to our town. Many fishing parties have left town for the lakes. They , in roost cases , report an excellent run of luck. Roscoc Fischer and Mark Stuart got run home by mosquitoes after fishing one day. Alfred Lewis and Miss Inez Pettycrew have returned from school at Lincoln. Alfred is study ing medicine at the university , and Miss Pettycrew is taking music at the Wesleyan. Monday night the Degree of Honor entertained at Fraternal hall in honor of Miss Brown who leaves today for Kearney where she has been selected as one of the instructors in the new state normal. Frank Day gave a dance in Honey's hall at Woodlake last Fri day night. Ice cream and cake were served throughout the eve ning. A. H. Stees and P. II. Young went down from Valentine and report a fine time. In the parlors of the First M.E. parsonage , in this city , Monday afternoon , June 5th Mr. Clinton Loucks and Miss Ada Ulrick , both of Lead City , were united in mar riage , Rev. M. A. Head officiating. These are bright young people and their friends wish them a pleasant pilgrimage along the pathway of life. Lead Daily Call. The bride is the eldest daughter of Hans Ulrick and wife of this city and is well known here. THE DEMOCRAT extends congratulations Cloyd Quigley returned from attending school at Bellevue Col lege last Saturday morning. He says that he's well satisfied with Bellevue college and intends to re turn next fall. Bellevue college is a department of the Univer sity of Omaha and is ranked the leading college of the state. A degree from Bellevue requires as much ability and hard work as a degree from the University of Ne braska. Several from Valentine are intending to go to Bellevuo next year. Judge "VValcott sojourned in Omaha the first of the week. 2- The ; T rgpirf.j-gl lP * - ; & LlJ l,0c boll team m isi. } itinVyear at Ainswr' " ' "If" * iw # y after noon at jfl Jliafe16 Ains- ed or/a1 ® - r j - " * * " § fc rained until a few : ! ! , Jafore the game was called , but nevertheless it was , , a hard and interesting game. Batteries Ainsworth , Atkinson and Robinson ; Valentine , Gorrell and Leach. A return game will be played here in the near future and we predict that Valentine will be able to carry off the honors on her home grounds. The score by inning was as follows : 0 0' " 0 T'O * 0 0 1 2 V. .CWI lLO 0000001 0 1 Traceweli S Miss Byrl Trace well and Henry SaSerweiu were united in holy matrimony Monday , June 12,1905 at 2:30 : o'clock at the home of the bride's parents , Rev. Edgar Clark officiating. The wedding was very quiet , only the immediate relatives being present. The bride has grown up among us and all testify to her many vir tues. She is a worthy young lady and Mr. Sauerwein is to be con gratulated on his wiie choice of a companion who will help to brighten life's journey. Mr. Sauerwein has lived near Crookston for a number of years , being engaged in farming and stock-raising. Through honesty and integrity he has amassed con siderable property. THE DEMOCRAT joins with their numerous friends in extending congratulations and wishes them a prosperous and happy life. They will be at home after June 15 at the groom's place near Crookston. FJROJl DE3VJGR POST. May 31 , 1905. Has the new live stock organiza tion , formed a few weeks ago to fight the beef combine and the railroads , secured a representative of the beef trust to fill one of its most important offices ? With the news from Chicago that T. W. Tomlinson , who has for several years been the official rate maker of the Chicago junction railway commission , has been ap pointed secretary of the A merican Stock Growers' Association , the organization formed by Murdo Mackenzie and SamueJ Co wen of Texas and other prominent stock men , the abovu question has been asked by men inside and outside of the new association. Some go so far as to intimate that the beef trust has foisted Tomlinson upon the new organiza tion and that by a stroke of politi cal diplomacy expects to keep in touch \ \ ith the movements of the organization and thwart every move that might result in amelio rating the condition of the stock men of the west. ACCUSE TOMLINSOX Said a stockman today : "Tom linson is hand and glove with both interests and his selection would seem to mean that the packers and railroads had enough influence to force his appointment. How it was done , if there was any jobbery in connection with the matter , those on the outside can't say. " While working for the Chicago Junction Railway Company , of which John A. Spoor is president , Tomlinson is alleged to have made the § 2 terminal charge , which has been roasted by every big stock man in the country , Tomlinson is regarded as one of the best authorities on railroad rate-making in the country and his knowledge of such matters would be of great use to the American Stock Growers' Association in its fight for lower rates. However , the fact that he has been in the employment of a company owned largely by the packers makes him lose prestige in the eyes of certain stockmen. The assertion is made that Tom linson will direct the attack of the new organization against the rail roads solely. Meanwhile , it is said , the beef combine will con tinue its work of oppression. I Shirts ! I 49 2 * _ KBW. HOBBY AMD HEAT. 42 Mohairs , Colored Sateens , Oxfords , 43 Fancy Negligee , jj 4 Plated Bosoms , Fancy Bosoms. jj Buy one for the hot summer 4 ? 4 ? weather. Be cool and comfortable 4 ? Davenport & Thacher. < 9 General Merchants. 49 HO ARRIVING EVERY DAY We al so sell ieoienis , and at reason lere i Mowers able prices TT CROOKSTON MAX B. VIEBTE JU NEBRASKA ? ? L JI 3l lftj S t 1 Shoes ! .shoes ! 25S I handle the celebrated Kirkendall Shoes j for men , women and children. Good wear , g good fitting and PRICES AEE EIGHT. | W. A. PETTYCREW , GENERAL MDSE. ir ? * rrrrr rrrrre ir F.RED WHITTEMOBE , Pros. CHAHLES. SPARKS , Cashier. .T. W. STETTEB , Vice Pres. OKAH L. 33RITTOHT , Ass't Cash. Persons seeking a place of safety for their money , will profit by investigating the methods employed in our business. CONFECTIONERY Suited to your taste. Canned Goods Lunch Counter. Are now at their best and All you want to eat at our we handle the best grade. Lunch Counter Home Bakery : will be 35c after April 29,1905 , Except Regular Board , Heal Ticket Limit 10 Days. R. L. HALL , Propr. GET nnmTirTKTO AT THIS PRINTING YOUR OFFICE * Ve Can Satiffr You io QorlHr Price nd Vorkmaatbi ?