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About Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930 | View Entire Issue (June 8, 1905)
cfa soc r. THE VALENTINE DEMOCRAT.r. VOLUME XX - VALENTINE. NEBRASKA , JUNE 8 , 1905. NUMBER 21 49 to Hot toto toto toto toto to toto to Weather toto toto toto toto to toto Wearing toto toto toto toto to Apparel toto toto toto toto to In all qualities and quantities , to be had at this time of year , con to sisting of Wash Silks in all colors toto and styles. toto toto to toto to Lawns , Dimity , Batistes , toto Wash Voiles , Orandies toto toto Plain and Dotted Swisses , toto Belts of all descriptions * toto toto 49 to toto White Wash Belts , $ .15 to $ .50 to 49 White Satin Belts , .75 to 1.25 toto 49 Black Satin Belts , .75 to 1.25 toto 49 Black Silk Belts , .35 to 1.25 to * All sizes and prices within toto toto 49 reach of everydody toto * to toto 49 Shirt Waist Suits toto 49 to 49 In different styles and patterns , toto 49 prices ranging as follows : § 2.75 , * 4 ? $3.50 , $4.00 , $ ± .50 , $5.00 , $6.00. 49 49 ° Shirt Waists toto 4 to , 49 of all kinds and in all colors. to toto to 49 There is no use to talk to you toto toto about SHOES because you know toto to the best and toto most we carry com to 49 plete line in the sand hills , and 49 DON'T YOU FORGET IT. Our 49 out-of-town customers when in 49 town , make our store your head 49 quarters. 49 8 RED FRONT MERG 4i Just Ladies' Shirt Waistsf Suits , Skirts and Arrived Under Skirts. Silk Skirts guaranteed for three years. MERCHANT TAILOR. CO CDS Furniture Quick My stock is being con stantly replenished Meal with good serviceable CD articles for the home. Gasoline Stoves and . ranges are the best and safest. They are al ways ready for use. * CD i You want Garden ' iC3 Don't delay. Get one C3 Seeds for spring and save half the wor ry of your life. None planting. Other seeds : so good as the also. I have them. " . " "QUICK MEAL. Chartered as a State Bank Chartered as a National Bank June 1 , 1884. August 12 , 1802 , FIRST NATIONAL BANK Valentine , Nebraska. ( Successor to ) of CAPITAL PAID rw A General Banking flOO Exchange and V/vrw. , . Collection Business. C. H. COBNELL , President. J. T. MAY , Vice-President. M. V , N. J. AUSTIN. J. W. THOMPSON. ( SUCCESSORS TO E. BKEUKLANDEK. ) GENERAL BLACKSMITIUXG AND WOODWORK. Horse Shoeing a Specialty. TALK OF THE TOWN Pat Peiper was in from his ranch Monday. Bennett Irwin , of Gordon , was on our streets Saturday. Cortes Skinner , from Gordon , is in town for a few days. Miss Mattie Kimball returned to Ainsvtorth Monday morning. D..D. Kellogg , of north table , purchased 47 yearling heifers at Erickson Cattle Co. sale June 1st. Geo. Beamer and wife came down from Gordon Saturday morning to stay a few days in Val entine. Dell Whipple finished his work at the Gee ranch the 1st and came to town where he will remain a few days before going to Dead- wood , S. D. , where he has a po sition in a stamp mill. About fifty young people gath ered in Fraternal hall Tuesday evening , May 30 , and a very pleas ant time was enjoyed by all. The program consisted of games and dancing and a fruit punch was served throughout the evening. The 1st and 2nd nines of Schlagel played a game of base ball on the home grounds last Sunday which resulted in a score of 2 to 1 in fav or of the 2nd nine. Gorrell and Smith were the battery for the 1st nine and O'Rourke and Bearaer for the 2nd nine. Report of district No. 4 , Ke- wanee , for month beginning May j. and ending May 26. Number of days taught , 20 ; Number of pu pils enrolled , 19 ; average daily at tendance , 13 ; those neither absent nor tardy were Virginia Bowden , Rachel and Lottie Foster. LAURA TILLSOX , Teacher. The Valentine high school alumni held their anual banquet Saturday evening , May 27,1905 , in Frater nal hall. The class of J05 , num bering fifteen members were initiated. Numerous toasts were given and responded to. A phon ograph was also a pleasant feature of the evening. Prof. R. H. Watson was master of ceremonies. The severest electrical storm of the season visited Valentine Sun day night. The lightning was terrific and done considerable dam age to property around town. A transformer on the main wire of the electric light plant was struck and rendered the plant useless the rest of the night. Mr. Hewett , the electrician , was quite severely shocked. The M. E. church steeple was struck and damaged some dur ing the storm. Last Friday afternoon the Crooks- ton "Locals" met the Valentine "Colts" on the high school grounds in a game of base ball , which re sulted in a score of 20 to 2 in favor of Valentine. The principal feat ure of the game was a home run by Smith of Valentine. Batteries Crookston , O'Rourke and Fow ler ; Valentine , Gorrell and Shaw * As yet Valentine has started out with a record-breaking season , having won the first two games. C. H. Cornell , as receiver of the Erickson Cattle Co. , sold their stock at a-good round price , most < of it being purchased by J. W. < Stetter. Cattle and horses sold about as follows : 52 cows , springers , per head § 23 CO 147 dry cows , per head 21 00 28 yearling steers , per head 12 So 4(3 ( yearling heifers , per head 14 50 18 Bulls , per head. § 23 to $45. Work horses brought from.75 00 to $175 00 Saddle 33 00 to 50 00 Yearling colts " " 19 50 to i9 ! oo Uubroke horses " " 32 so to 45 00 The large stallion sold for § 225. Farm machinery and implements , bay machinery and cattle sheds also sold well. Get I. M. Rice to write up your insurance. Elmer Allen , the Cody butcher , spent Saturday in Valentine. It is reported that Dr. J. C. Dwyer died a few days ago at Omaha where he had gone to take the Keely cure. Dr. Dwyer prac tised a long time in Valentine and at one time had a well equipped hospital here , treating some of the most complicated cases. He was considered one of the best surgeons in the west. A number of fishing parties have made the trip to Hackberry and Dewey lakes in the last few days and report fine fishing in Hack- berry lake , but seines and nets have been used in Dewey lake un til most of the fish have been taken out. Special Game Warden W. A. Kimbell made an examination of the lakes last Monday and found one trammel net one hundred feet long by four feet deep set in the east end of Dewey lake. The net was taken out and destroyed , but the owners of the net could not be found. Taking fish in this way is a violation of the game law and it is a shame that we have such violators living in the county. We understand that the state game warden intends to station a man out in the lake country to see that no more seining or netting of fish is done , and the violators had bet ter take warning and cease their mean work. Sad and Sadden Death. The most sudden and unexpected death that has ever occurred in the city was that of Mrs. Ray , wife of Rev. C. W. Ray , pastor of the M. E. church. Sunday evening she attended services in the church and Monday morning she took part in work of the League , all of the time being apparently in good health. After eating dinner she laid down upon the lounge and soon fell asleep. Mr. Ray was at his desk in the room adjoining , engaged in his work and was not aware that death was hovering so near. At 3:45 : , Dr. Clough called to ascertain the state of her health and was directed to the room by Rev. Ray who informed him that she was yet sleeping. On entering the room , the doctor was horrified to find that she was dead and had been dead for at least 15 minutes. For some time her devoted hus band could not bring himself to a realization of the truth of it for it was a sad blow. Deceased was to E have become a mother within a short time but death is attributed to acute heart trouble. In September of last year , as Miss Clara Belle Watson she was married to Rev. Ray at Lincoln , Nebr. , coming with him at once to Alliance where she has since ful filled every duty a pastor's wife owes to her husband and church in a , faithful , devoted and energetic manner. She was but twenty-five years of age , educated , refined and of a very amiable and sweet dis position , beloved by every member of a large congregation. Funeral services were conducted in the church Tuesday evening , conduct ed by Rev. D. J. Clark , presiding aider , who arrived as soon as pos sible after receipt of the sad news. He was assisted by Rev. Dr. Bogue and Rev. McConnell. It is said to have been the largest fun eral ever known in Alliance. The remains were shipped to her child hood home in Indiana for burial. The sympathies of the entire com munity go out to Rev. Ray in the sad loss of his devoted wife. Al liance Pioneer Grip. Shirts ! 49 toto HEW , HOBBY AHD HEAT. toto toto to toto to toto Mohairs , Colored Sateens , Oxfords , toto to toto 49 Fancy Negligee , toto toto 49 Plated Bosoms , Fancy Bosoms. toto toto to toto 49 Buy one for the hot summer toto weather. Becoolandcomfortabl % toto 49 to 49 toto Davenport & Thacher. toto 49 General Merchants. to 49 toto NEW SPRING GOODS EVERY ARR DAY so We sell al Farming Implements , and Peering Binders I Mowers at able reason prices MAX E. VIERTEL CROOKSTON NEBRASKA * * 3UtJtJtJLt * JAltA * * AAj ! Jt Shoes ! JtShoes ! Shoes * I handle the celebrated Kirkendall Shoes for men , women and children. Good wear , good fitting and PRICES ARE RIGHT. W. A. PETT REwT GENERAL MDSE. FKED WHITTEMOHE , Pros. CHARLES. SPAHKS , Cashier. J. W. STETTER , Vioe Pros. ORAH L. BRITTON , Ass't Cash. Persons seeking a place of safety for their money , will profit by investigating the metkods employed in our business. CONFECTIONERY Suited to your taste. Canned Goods Lunch Counter. Are now at their best and All you want to eat at our we handle the best grade. Lunch Counter Home Bakery ikas : N ! The Oonoher will be 35c after April 29,1905 , Except Regular Board. leal Ticket Limit 10 Days. R. L. HALL , Propr. GET nTOTVTT'TTVTAT THIS PRINTING YOUR OFFICE * Ve Ca StUfy Y u io Qu. it * Price tod