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About Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930 | View Entire Issue (April 13, 1905)
Historical Fociety ' i W i * * v THE VALE VOLUME XX VALENTINE. NEBRASKA. APRIL 13 , 1905. NUMBER 13 ISPRING ITIME. I * . . . . I * The time of year is now at hand when you will need some of the things to which we are calling 49 your attention. 49 49 49 49 Barb Wire , Field Fencing , 49 I * 49 Poultry Netting , 49 49' 49 We wish it understood also that we carry 4V 49 only the best Gridden Barb Wire. None 49 better. Prices guaranteed. We have 49 49 also just received a new supply of 49 49 Jj Garden Hoes , Garden and Lawn Rakes , 49 49 Spading Forks , Manure Forks , & 49 49 Spades and Shovels of all kinds , 49 * Lawn Hose , Lawn Mowers , Sprinklers , 49 49 J | Also a supply of 49 Jo Vegetable , Grass and Field Seeds , 2 2 * * 49 W ftft ftft 49 We can furnish anything you wish in ftft 49 ft 49 bulk or package garden seed. All fresh ftft 49 seed , put up by the following firms : ftfrft 49 ft 49 D. M. Ferry & Co. , and Griswold Seed ftft 49 49 Co. Flower seeds from Mandeville & ftft 49 King Co. Send us your orders. ft 49 ftft 49 RED FRONT MERC. CO ftft & Just Ladies * Shirt Waists , Suits , Skirts and Arrived Under Skirts , Silk Skirts guaranteed for three years. I MERCHANT TAILOR. : vxvs Quick c5ST CD My Furniture ST stock is being con stantly replenished Meal 09 with good serviceable CD articles for the home. Gasoline Stoves and ranges are the best and safest. They are al ways ready for use. CD ' CDCD You want Garden Don't delay. Get one CD es Seeds for spring and half the save wor n > ry of your life. None planting. Other seeds CD so good as the also. I have them. " . " "QUICK MEAL. Chartered as a Stato Bank Chartered as a National Bank June 1 , 1884. August 12. 1002 , FIRST NATIONAL BANK Valentine , Nebraska. ( Successor to ) IO vnlz _ of7" tlex .tlta.e. CAPITAL PAID IN A Gf-uenil Banking Ann . 4/ Exchange and CollectioB C. H. CORNELL , President. J. T. MAY , Vice-President. M. V , NICHOLSON , Cashier. & PRINTING Can Satitfv You in Otialifv mnA Wn * > 1rmnnhie TALK OF THE TOWNCfl Bennet Irwin , of Gordon , was in our city last week. Perry Lawson is erecting a small building on "Auntie" Cole's lot on east Main street. Davenport & Timelier have a new ad this week calling attention to some bargains they have for you. Barney Denaeyer was up from Arabia last Thursday and handed us a dollar for advance subscrip tion. Henry Becfcer , of north table , called last week to pay his sub scription in advance to THE DEMO CRAT. CRAT.Wrn. Wrn. Foster , of Kewanee pre cinct , was in town Saturday and remembered the editor with a dol lar in advance for subscription. Jens Thompson was up town last Saturday and tells us that he has been sick with grippe and in bed for a couple of weeks past. Miss Louisa E. Martin has an ad on another page of this paper calling your attention to her fine display of Easter hats and spriiig millinery. The Junior League will give a very enjoyable entertainment on 2Sth of this month. There will be representations of Japan , China and California. Also a rummage sale in charge of Oriental mer chants. A fine exhibition of Lib eral Arts will also be an attraction. Watch for further notices. Only nine times in two and a quarter centuries has Easter fallen as late as it does this year. Only five times in this period has it come later in the spring than it docs in 1905 and it is not possible for it to fall more than two days later. In all the time from 1TS6 to 2013 there is not one occasion when it falls later than April 25 and only twice does it come on this day of the month. During that period it comes three times on April 25 , and four times on April 23. Ex. Col. George W. Bain lectured Monday night to c , fair sized audi ence in the M. PI church. The lecture was good and well deliver- d. Col. Bain is a fluent speaker and has gathered a world of know ledge to talk about. He learned arly in life that to be a lecturer was to be a constant student and we feel sure that we speak the nth when we venture the asser tion that Col. Bain never slighted lis subject nor failed to interest his audience. His subject upon this occasion was , "The Searchlight oi ! the 20th Century. " Various top es were talked upon as a general summary of the prevailing con ditions confronting the American people. This was the closing and rowning feature of our lecture , course. j Sunday morning about 8:30 : the' curfew bell began ringing vigor ously , people ran and shouted and ' we thought the town was on fire , j It proved to be the old Roth well , building north of the coal chute - where the Marks family lited < lur- ng the winter. The buiMing was ! ecently vacated and a couple of. WearyVillics , having found : n ' old stove , had moved in and wore doing some washing when it cauirht , fire , and in a few minutes was , burned to the ground. The UiiM- ' was old and small and littlo bettor t * than a tent. It might serve as a , warning | to some who have nog- ; ecte their stovepipe or flue con- j necting , and if it thus keeps a betj j ter house from a like fate it will save served a purpose after having outlived its usefulness as a dwell ing. Henry Borneman and his half- brother were in town from Gordon last Saturday on business. If you have a drive to make or a team to feed , call on Shepard Bros. Your teams will be prop erly cared for. They have good rigs , good horses and right prices. Give them a call. 10 SiiEi'iiAiiD Bnos. , Prop. CaihoKc Church Aimoaace- meiit. Xexfc Sunday , being Palm Sun day , Catholic services will be held here at the usual hours of T and 10:30 : a. m. Blessing and distribu tion of palms before the high mass. Catechism class at 3:00 : p. m. Plant A Tree. Saturday , April 22 , has been designated by Gov. Mickey as Ar bor Day. Everyone who has a home should plant trees and shrub- j bery for use or beauty for the 1 present and future generations. i j Even those who live in rented homes should take some interest in beautifying their habitation. A I i better class of renters means less t , effort in securing a place to live in if you decide to move. Every- i body plant something. Caution * Young * Newark , N. J. , April 7. Young , ministers today were cautioned by Bishop Joseph E. Berry of Buffalo ab the Newark conference of the Methdist Episcopal church to talk v sparingly of women and to make their pastoral calls in the evening when the wife was surrounded by her husband and children. The bishop declared that the afternoon calls on women of the congregation when the women were likely to be alone should ey frowned on. lie declared that the confidence placed in ministers admitted them to the homes of the best families in the land and that anyone who violated this confidence or betrayed it in any way was not a minister but a scoundrel. State Journal. Ts Hand bins. Some business men have an idea that handbills and dodgers are superior to TICWS papers as adver tising mediums. Handbills are good in their way as auxiliaries , but they are no more to be com pared to the advertising columns of a newspaycr , says theDansville Advertiser , than a pushcart ped dler on Broadway is to be compar ed with John Wanamaker's great emporium. The peddler attracts attention for a moment if he be an expert , but the great store rivets the eye and loosens the purse strings of thnse whose trade is worth having. The handbill is crumpled in the hand and soon thrown aside. The newspaper is carried home , read and reread and filed away. There is something besides the advertising there en tertainment , information which adds value to the advertising be side which it is placed. Alvor- tiseinent ; ire n > ad now more thnn e\vr l.pfore..conietisin % before what is romnsoniy known a news , lor advertisements an * sometimes the latest and most vital news , vit al to cryday life. The headlines of : tn ad can be attractive j a > tho headlines of a wedding and j the bargains oil'eivd as alluring as the wedding feast. The business man wlio talks to the readers of a newspaper as he- talkto , tho cus tomer in his store 5 the one who j wins. Use handbills and poster- ] if you wish , but place your great hope for returns in the columns of ' the favorite newspapers. We Have a Few of lese Left J * A Good Eight IVeiyltt Overall * per pair - 3oc Odds and I2w7 in Men's , Wotnen'ri tind Uli files' SJt oett . p cr pr. DOc Roy's Clothiny. two- piece suits - J * A t/oorJ assortment of Jjddies' Cornets per pr 'Hc. A it ice lot of Jlen's I ? Trousers , per pair Davenport & Thacher JL Large stock of ton = = Brown Just arrived. All other shoes in stock sold at greatly reduced prices for next - > 0 days. Come and see us. We sell everything , and at prices which are CROOKSTO-N i .Buu , .1 XKHKASKA ; " ' * 5 > hoes ! Shoes ! I handle the celebrated irkendaSJ Shoes for men , women and children. Good wear , good fitting and PRICES ARE RIGHT. W. A. PETTYCREW , GENERAL iiliDSE. { FRESH FRUIT AXD GAME IN THEIR SEASON , First class line of Srcaks. Ilonst- , -j Dry Salt MeitSmoke I Breakfast Bacon. Highest Market Price Paid for Hogs. 1 FREDVHITTEMOHE , Pr s. CHARLES. SPARKS , Cashier .T . W. STETTER , Vice Prea. ORAK I , . BRITTON , Ass't Cash. Persons seeking a place of sai ' .ty lr their money , will profit by investigating1 the method ? P'nployeii in our business. & r ffr T TT" * IS" * / - * -JP ] T f ] K T g I 7Tfc T T -y i N r' G v 1 1 0 N t ; R.V . r 1 "t vs. Suited to your taste. " i i * Canned Goods I Lunch Counter. " ' . ! > ! * * * 1 * | Are now at their best anr ] j | All you want to eat < ; ifou-r j ' * ? ? I we handle the best < cr-tde. I- i . . . .TLnnch Counter" . . . . ' . 1 . . M 5 . I i . - * t < i .5 Vrb ; < Home Bakery [ * -i jJt ' .i.L. r wiC ; . / f ' Read the Advertisements