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About Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930 | View Entire Issue (April 6, 1905)
fiisto a if v fll " KM. a * " ' ' \ I S , 7 ? I IH 1 H JS JL JLJJ IJJ ; VOLUME XX VA ] NTINE. NEB.EASKA. APEIL 6 , 1905. NTTMBEK 12 Tlic time of year is now at hand when you will need some of the things to which we are calling 89 your f.tfcintion. 4 ? < 5 ? to 4 ? Barb Wire , Field Fencin 4 ? toto 4 ? Poultry Netting , 4 ? toto to toto We wish it understood also that we carry toto to only the best Gridden Barb Wire. None toto V better. Prices guaranteed. We have * ? also just received a new supply of jj Garden Hoes ? Garden and Lawn Rakes , * | j Spading Forks , Manure Forks , If Spades and Shovels of all kinds , II Lawn Hose * Lawn Mowers * Sprinklers , < K Also a supply of H Vegetable , Grass and Field Seeds , Jr . AVe can ftirni i anything you wish in * bulk or package garden seed. All fresh | o ; seed , put up by the following firms : $ ' D. M. Ferry & Co. , and ( Iriswold Seed tow w Co. Flower seeds from Mandeville & to toto * 5h . - King Co. Send us your orders. toto to toto to 'D FRONT M tx r a. ll v\ _ > A H JL r H N .adies' Shift Waists , Suits , Skirts and y Under Skirts , R Silk Skirts .cruaranteed for three years , ° ' J * < ? ' f tV tf > T r > \ 7 ri itV B i * * U - H r T * \ . ? * siR \ S ' i fc 8 BI k.i MERCHANT ; 1l1 : < i l& ? lH * K i > TAILOR , JTF ym' ' ' ? . ? ' ' ' Gasoline Stoves and ranges arc the best and safest. They arc al- . : ways ready for use. Don't delay. Get one and save half the wor ry of your life. None so good as the "QUICK MEAL. " Furniture stock s being con- I staritly replenished with good serviceable articles for the home. ( . ( You want Garden Seeds for spring planting. Other seeds also. I have them. Cliarterod as a St . o Hank Chartered as a National Bank Jun 1 , 1BS1. August 12 , 1902 , The Valentine , Nebraska. ( Ruccesi-ur to ) CAPITALi PAID IN . 1 > Bankn.g Exchange and i25,000. . , Collection Business. C. H. CORNELL , President. J. T. MAY , Vice-President. M. V , NICHOLSON. Cnflhier. GET AT THIS YOUR OFFICE * Ve Gaa Saticfy Yru in OuaUf Price cod Wcrkouoniup . i * < * op Tnwtsi L 1C 1 w W 1 1 Monthly' Meteorological Summary , STATION : Valentine , Nebr. MONTH : March , 1905. ATA' , OSIIIilllG 1'JlESSURii ; . ( Ueduccd to sea level ; un-lioa and hundredth : ; . ) Mean 29 OS ; highest 30 50 , d ito 12th. Lowest 23 25. dat c _ ' 7th. Ifinlioal 75 = . Oat2rtHr. . . Lo\vt .t 123 Greatest dailj rani'o 4:5 : , uaii2Sth. . Least chtily rango 5 , tiata 12th. Mean { or ; lns tuoath in > ! ) 11- ISO ' . ! = 1901 3 ! = wo 32 = . i s-ivi * i- : 02ixsn ; 221902 : t ; = iy.o10 ° t0 ! ISJ7 : $ ! = > 1UOO : > 111)03 ) Oilt'm 'or h mon'h f , r n \ cai < . .C3 \L sol hmiMnnin : HIV Mein. . urn r ir yi'tr % Sl = A s > iuto.Mui inn iorth s'iioiith for Itj ju.ir2u' rKl-CIl'ITATSON. Total this mmith 1 13 ; svm\vfl'l ; 4 9. ( irca'.cst pr 3Ci'pitai ! u i i 2 ; 1nri 1 3J da ! 27 23 Miowi-m the z otind at the eat of tlu inunth 0. To'al ur < pitatio { hin ut.h in i -vi i { : > , s-i2 i0 i i.'i5 i : ? ' ; i r > 7 MK.I 1.70 i.S'io 2 2s is2 : ; 41 Wij i si iv-i : i.i'.s initf 1 ( ,7 1.15 l-lll 253 ISO I l.OS16U7 1 50 1'J'J. ) .i7 1C0.5 .23 Iroviiiii } r < irv 'ti m * 'W : ial unv in nt. S489 miles : : t fioiuvrlofilv ! 11 ; : ! i\uiiUHi vi'l "ilv ( for l\w \ niiuttie&-IO ) ' luil tr pel hour Ironi N v on Uic 2 Ira. ' - WEA'l'HKlJ. N'ninlior or cleard ( s ( > p'rIy ! cloudy 10 ; e'oudy ' . ' ; r > n which .01 iiu h 'or uiur , ol pixvijtiMti in out-uric I 11. : "T" indicates t ice of preeipitifion ; " ' ' "en\v ! ero ; " 5 C" parily cloudy. -J. j\IcLEAX , .Observer Weather Bureau. D. Parmalec , of Rosebud-was in the city last week. James C. Da.liman ! was in' tlie city last week , looking after his beef contract we suppose at Rose bud. John Neiss , Sr. , and John"Neiss , Jr. were down from the , reserva tion a couple of days thejirst of the week. Ivliss Tacy Collett left last week for Cedar Rapids , Neb. , where she lias accepted a position in a mil linery store. Rev. Carpenter went down to Omaha Monday of last week to < et Mrs. Carpenter who has been in the hospital for the past three weeks and successfully underwent a surgical operation. They re turned the following day. D. J. Drebert , special agent of the Gorman Mutual Fire Insurance company of Omaha , spent a few in the - week vis j days our city p-ist iting the local agent , I. M. Rice. Several new policies were written and other business transacted for the company. Frank R ray ton went down to Omaha last week to meet his wife and child who were returning from a few months visit with Mrs. Brayton's parents in California. After a brief visit in Omaha Mr. and Mrs. Bray ton returned to Val entine Monday. Friday afternoon from two until five , Mrs. Northrop entertained aboun 15 ladies at acarpet ' rag bee' ' at her home. All came pre pared to work , each endeavoring to win the prize. At five o'clock sharp the bell was sounded , all needles stopped , and the rolling process begun. After nil carpet balls were weighed , Mrs. Easley was awarded the prize , a pearl handled paper knife , having sewed the "heaviest weight.- --Mrs- Harden received the booby prize , a china match holder , for the ' 'feather weight.After the awarding of the prizes all were invited into the dining room where a splendid luncheon was served and enjoyed by all. each declaring they had spent a most pleasant af ternoon as they left. The follow ing ladies were in attendance : Mesdames Geo. Hornby Wes Uol ilaw Efner . Easley. Foster Petliolin } Carlson Morey | ( Harden Del Sherman Thompson E. E. Crane and P. EL. Clarkof Merriman , came down yesterday morning as delegates to the coun ty meeting of the M. W. A. They found time to all at our office while wandering about the city. Kvcr.y se'at in the Grand Opera ! housa-was taken yesterday after- j noon at the Unity Club Lecture. The im-mt'JHe audience was drawn ' Col. George W. Rain , of Lexing- i ton , KyThe lecture fairly bris tled vvitli apt iliu-strations , gems of poetry , brilliant humor , interest ing anecdotes and noble thoughts [ that touched the hearts of the ' hearer. Cincinnati Enquirer. j At M. E. church , Monday eve ning--April 10 , 1005. Caih' ? ic Church A jjj > nrace- The Uev. Father Perrig will be I here next Saturday and Sunday. : j Confessions will be heard in the * ( evening and in the morning. Ou Sunday a first m-iss will be said at 7 o'clock , high mass at 11. Peter's pence collection will be taken up during both services. Mass will be saicl here again on Palm and ! Easter Sundays. VK > W. lion. Champ Clark , orator , writer , humorist , and noted mem ber of congress from Missouri , wrote for the Metropolitan Press the following : 1 had.the exquisite pleasure of hearing Gco. W. Bain at the Fort Smith Chautauqua in Arkansas. The audience was splendid. For over an hour he swayed his hearers as the storm king sways the forest. At one moment ho excitod thorn to such an uproarous laughter that it must have startled the turtles sleeping on the banks of the Arkansas. The -next they we're dissolved in tears. 1 am not ashamed to confess that he set my lachrymal glands to working .freely and copiouslyand I have heard all great orators from John. C. .Bre.ckinridirc to Joseph Bailey. Che way that Col. Bain played upon that wierd harp of a thousand strings , the human heart , was a revelation to me. I shall always remember that hour as one of the most ecstatic of my life. At M. E. church Monday eve ning , April 10,1005. Jiusfc Tcceired * a new * line of ? Combs and Bolts atMra. JElmoro's. 8 . * A i& A A < & A 6 < & efc rfi A < & & & < & & A , - A & & & A A A A A * 9 - OO WO o O WO OO - A3O * DA3 O OO O O - < 3 OO O vj WO OO O WO JO O OO O R * e ua | i i fl s&SsJ d Made to Wea Perfection in Fit These are a few of the qualities of the BANNER BRAND CLOTHING ami whon the is fitted out in a ? uit of thorn he is right in line. Handled by acher Large stock of Just arrived , All other shoes in stock sold at greatly reduced prices for next tJO days. Come and see us. We sell everything , and at prices which are right. MAX E. YIEET-EL CKOOKSTON NEBRASKA 6 ? 3 O > , " Shoes ! OO O ) IV * * I handle the celebrated . l for men , women and children. Good wear , good fitting and PRICES ARK KIGI1T. W. A. PETTYCREW , GENERAL MD3L OOQ2O First clas line of Speaks. R'.usts ' " Dry Salr , iMcato Smoke i ' Breakfast Bacon. Highest Market Price Paid for Hogs. FRED WHITTEMO1E , Pr.--s. CHA.P.LES. SPARKS , Cashier. T. T T. STETTER , Vice Pres. ORA.H L. BHITTON , Ass't Cash. ' Persons seeking a place of safety for their money , will profit by investigating the methods employed in our business. CONFECTIOiNE I | . - Suited to your taste. M 9 , . , B Canned Goods Lunch Counter. 0 Are now at their best and All you want to eat at our we handle the best grade. ! Lunch Counter Home akery - Read'the Advertisements. ' *