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About Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930 | View Entire Issue (March 9, 1905)
v More Local. Clms. Anderson's baby has the measles. Too many wnriliieaa oui town. Kill 'em ! Ervine Kristol hauled hojis to town last Saturday. Nelrf "Rowley , of Kennedy , was in town last Friday. llobt. Quiseubery returnedyes terday from southern Missouri. Mrs. Tinker , of Neligh , a sister of the Bristols' visited with them last vv A. S. Gracff had a load of corn in town Saturday which he sold at 3-lc per bushel. John liyschon hauled a big hog to town Saturday which he sold to i ! Henry Stetter. S. L. Ellis has sold his store at Simeon to S Q Spain who has taken charge we hear. Mrs. G. Harden who has been ill for several weeks is able to be up a part of the time now. Airs. Ruth Shore cslled Friday to insert a local calling attention to rooms for rent and handed us a $ on subscription. Judge Tcnvne purchased the Webb phaeton and now has a com fortable rig to ride in about town. His health has been good lately. A colored girl , daughter of An na Hall , died last Friday of chi'd ' birth at the age of 13 or 14 years. The family lived on the Woodson farm. farm.Miss Miss Mattio Kimball returned to Valentine Monday night from Ainsworth and Longpine where she has been visiting friends and relatives. Revival meetings are becoming quite interesting. Several con versions are recorded and others are thinking seriously. Rev. Stan hope is doing well here. Dr. J. C. Dwyer came up to Valentine last Saturday , thefirst , time he has been here for several months. He was sober and look ed better than when we last saw him. "Happy Davis" took on more of a load of bug juice than he could stand up under and got a little too hilarious so the the author ities threw him in jail. He was let out however on his promise to do better in the future. Mrs. Dean Efner came down from Chadron Friday and Dean came Sunday morning to visit homefolks and on Monday left the baby with grandpa and grandma while they went down to Omaha to visit Mr. and Mrs. Frank. W. D. Ricketts came down from Merriman last Friday to see the county superintendent regarding the employing of a teacher for their school. He called at our of fice for a visit and left us a § on subscription before he departed. Last week Wm.Ward , who has had the stage route between Valentine and Rosebud for several years past , sold his outfit and Route to Dan Handy and Wm. Sutter who took immediate charge. Mr. Ward says he's going to farming. Martin Becker was in Valentine Saturday. Mr. Becker is a genial and thrifty farmer from the north table. His has one of the best equipped farms in the country and ie is one of the many that has made a success of farming in Cherry county. Hiram McNamee died at Woodj j i lake of pneumonia two weeks ago | j today at the a e of 78 years. He , had 54 grand-children and 45 i great grand children. Rev. A. F. i Cumbow conducted funeral servi ces and the body was taken to Bethany , Mo."for burial , Dr. J. C. Dwyer was in Ains- worth a few days last week on a visit with old time friends. The doctor is conceded to be one of the best surgeons in the state , but of ! i . late years has been failing in' health occasioned by the excessive use of whiskey and morphine. 5Tis too bad but it's trite. Ains- . worth Star-Journal , j O ntt'.t . n < ificffan ' public ! ed in th1 papi.T of tin * contestant's choice. If . .vonire going to file a contest you can sond your contest nuiicu to THE DEMOCRAT office to be published if you want to. THE DEMOCRAT will be glad to get such JT > i notice * . , for publication. j i J i Prof. ClmfiVe delivered a splen did lecture in the church last Fri day night. It was too bad that he didn't have a larger crowd. Some of the people were perhaps dis gusted with the other lecturer and stayed away from this one to get even and missed a rare treat. Johan F. Porath , the well dril ler , called on us yesterday to pay for his advertisement , calling at tention to his business. He in forms us that he has just completed a well forV. . N. Bli-.s , northeast of Crookston. Mr. Porath has al so been doing considerable other work this spring and has a lot of work ahead. People say he is a good well driller and does good work. * * ? * Ir. and Mrs. Geo. W. Monnier of McCann writes us this week to correct the statement made that Mrs. Monnier and the 12 year old girl were watering the cattle when the little three year old girl burn ed to death at the house. Mrs. Monnier was helping the 12 year old girl to start with the cattle to water. While she was out the little child's clothing in some man ner caught fire from the stove. D. M. Sears spent a c'ouple of days in town last week , during which time we enjoyed a pleasant visit with him. jMr. Sears owns a splendid ranch south of Kennedy and has been fortunate in unload ing his cattle and stocked up on land. He has plenty of range for several hundred head of cattle and cuts 900 tons of hay. He recently built another house on the west side of his hay land to be conven ient to his pasture. C. M. Richardson returned from Egerton , Ohio , last Saturday and went up to his ranch on the freight Saturday morning. He tells us that he purchased an SO-acre farm near town and likes his deal very much. He has shipped several cars of horses the last year , and while at Egerton , Ohio decided it would be a nice place for his fam ily to live and moved back there last fall. He still owns his ranch here and will run it during the summer , but his family expects to remain in Ohio. Frank Seger and wife returned from Longmont , Colo , last Friday morning , where thpy have been since last spring. They are visit ing friends in town and on North Table and oxpect to remain here several weeks before iroinjr back to Colorado to live. Mr. Seger sold his farm a couple of days ago to Wm. Mumford for 81,000. A deal had been made with Mr. Ut- terback of White river but it fell through on account of too mai y being in the deal. Several business men of Valen tine are continually sending away to get their printing done and nev er fail to howl when they hear of others sending away for goods they handle. But that doesn't pay the bill. These men who patron ize other towns for their printing' claim to be justified in doing so because they can get their work done cheaper than a local printing office will do the work. If they had been giving all their printing j to home offices and orders in as ' large quantities as they are willing to buy of other printing houses , their home printers could thrive on the prices paid , if the printing of Valentine was placed at home. YG will give the people a list of these men in the future who are not entitled to support of our peo ple on the grounds of spending their money at home. Furnished rooms , rent reason- able. MRS. KUTII A. SHORE. All kinds of Flower , Vegetable and Field seels : for s < ile by the Eed Front Mercantile Co. 8 An Opportunity We want a man in this locality to sell the WHEELER & WILSON Sewing Machine. 'We can offer ex ceptional induce ments to someone who commands a horse and wagon and can devote his time to advancing the sales of our product. Energetic men find our proposition a money-maker , ca pable of development into a permanent and profitable business. WRITE AT ONCE Wheeer&Wilson ! Mfg. Co. 72 and 74 Wabash Ave. CHICAGO The nimrods are getting out their old ilintloqks preparatory to the spring duck shooting. Several large flocks of ducks and geese have been seen wending their way northward to their summer haunts. If there is anything that will glad den the heart of the sportsman it is the sight of the first few flocks of ducks in the early spring , and Cherry county has the reputation of being the best ducking grounds in the country. Hunters from all over the United States will soon be here to 'enjoy the spring shoot ing. Weather Data The following data , covering a per iod of 15ear ? , have been complied from the \ \ eat her Bureau records at Valentine , Nebr. They are issued to show the corulUi ms tint haw pre vailed ( iuriiii > tnt month in qurion , ior t lit.ibovr period ol > C'irs , but must not bf construed as a forecast of the weather conditions for the cominir month. I'E IPEFIATURS v'ean or normal 31 ° The warnirft month was that of 1889 with an awraye ot 44-1 The coMf-i tn uitu wathai ot 1899 ' irh an average of 23 ° The highest way 84 ° on 28th , 1895 The lo vest was26 ° on 4 , 1891 PREC'TPJTATrON. , Average tor montli 0 37 inci-.e.s A\era ! f number of days with . " 1 of an inc'.i or more 9 Tiie i > re.ite > t montliJy precipitr.tion was 2 58 inches in 1891 Thf li ast iiirinthlv precipitation was 028 inciu- 1893 The greatest amount of precipita tion recorded in any 24 consecutive hours was 1 2 inches on 1-3 , 1891. The greatest amount of snowfall recorded in any 24 consecutive hourj- ( record extending to winter of 1884-85 only ) was 7 8 inches on 24 , 1901. 3LOUDS AMD WEATHER Average number of clear days , 10 : partiy cloudy , 10 ; cloudy,11. WIND. The prevailing winds have been from the N W. The average hourly velocity of the wind is 9 miles. The highest velocity of the wind was 52 miles from the nw on 10 , 1899- JOHN J. M'LEAN , Observer Weather Bureau. Coming , Dr. I. W. Mefferd , the eye specialist , will be at the Dono- her hotel Monday , March 20,1905. A Formula For Mnrrlncre. The Frankfurter Zeitung has discov ered a formula for marriage. Nothing is more certain , It says , than that this formula is right. The question asked is what age should a man's bride be ? The formula is : Let x be the man's age. Then x-r2-f-7 = bricle's age. For example , a man is 34 ; the half of his age is 17 ; then 17 plus 7 is 24. The bride's age should be 24. For a man of 34 , therefore , the proper age for his wife is 24. Take the man of GO. x = GO --2 = 30-1-7. The man of GO must marry a TToman of 37. For the juvenile mar riages of southern latitudes the formu la is equally valid. The hot blooded , Castilian , for example , of 13 wishes to , marry. The formula says x = lS2 = 0 + 7s = 16. His wife should be 10 years old. I will sell at public auction at the home of the late MP , Brosius about Five Miles North of Valentine , on March 16 1905 y , , , Beginning at 10 o'clock a. m , , the following described property * 27 Cows , part milch cows , -22 Two-year-olds , steers and heifers mixed , 28 Ono-3 ear-olds , steers and heifers mixed , 11 Calves , 1 Registered , three-year-old , Hereford Bull , 1 Registered , three-year-old , Hereford Cow and Calf. 23 Horses , mostly work animals 2 Disk Listers , 2 Imperial Mowers , 2 Corn Sleds , 1 McCormick Corn Binder , 1 Steel Harrow , 3 Wide Tire Wagons , 1 Narrow Tire Wagon , 1 Sow and 6 Shoats. Other live stock and farm implements too numerous to mention. FREE LUNCH AT NOON. TERMS OF SALE ; Sums of $10,00 and under cash , Ov/ er $10 eight months time , notes bearing ten per cent interest , with approved security , or five per cent discount for cash. G. E. TRACEWELL , Auct. C. H. CORNELL , Admstr. Business Notices. \otirpv uiid r thi * hfaflirif. 5 ocnts per Jim a < > h insertionmniiu r adinu mutter. P T Hne arb mspnlori High grade Galloway Bulls , 2 to 5 years old , for sale. Also two Thoroughbred's. For further in formation inquire at this office. 13 Now is the time to get your in- jurance on your buildings and stock. Storms have already begun and if you are without insurance it will be your neglect. It costs but a trifle to insure against fire , light | ning and tornadoes in the best state | companies. They are represented I by I. M. Rice. Valentine , Nebr. I have buyer for Nebraska farms. If youant to sell , list with me or j write for particulars. 47 HORACE GRANT , Heist Bldg. Kansas City , Mo. For Trad- . T will trade my registered stal lion for horses or cattle , lie is coming 3 years old and weighs 1400 pounc-ls. I have his pedigree and he is as fine a specimen as one would like to see. EDWAKD LEWIS , 4 Wood Lake , Neb. Town \Ve will begin herding the town cows about April 1st. Terms will be the same as last year. Thank ing you for past favors , we re spectfully solicit a continuance of your patronage. 65 " \VILBEK & GAXOW. i * Married Angrels. A domestic wife Is merely Q woman. When WP marry for love we don't mar ry a worn ; \ . We marry an angel , a celestial , ethereal being with wings and a halo. As you value your happi ness never re : iove the wings and halo. Arthur Law. Her VlcTV. She There is no excuse for a man flanclng badly. lie But if he cannot flance otherwise ? She Oh , that mere ly would be an excuse for not dancing at all. New York Press. Professional Cards. Phe Loup Valley Hereford Ranch Brownlee , Nrbr , Prince Boandel 131693 and Curly f'oat 112261 at head of herd The blood of Fowler. Anxiety , Lord Wilton and Sir Gladstone predomi nates m my herd. jin flii orders f > bulls of all ajres at any tune. Hunch fir miles nnrth-west of Brown- Ire .Nebr C. H. FAUUIABEK , MILL PPICES FOR FEED , PerCwt. Per Ten. Bran , sacked _ $ 85 § L6 00 Shorts , sacked 95 IS 00 Screenings , sacked 60 11 00 Chop Feed , sacked 90 17 00 Corn , sacked 80 15 00 Chop Corn , sacked 85 16 00 Oats , sacked 1 00 19 00 A. N. COMPTON Physician and Surgeon Office at Quigley & Chapman' ? Drug Store. Nights The Don- her residence , Cherry Street. Robert G. Easley , ATTOBXKV AT LAW Office over Ked Front GENERAL LAW PRACTICE G. H. Hall , M. D. rhjMicinn ami Nnrgpoii. All calls promptly attended to day or night. Drugs and Phar maceuticals furnished. H DAILEY , Dentist. ( > fficp over the grocery deparment of T. G. Hornby's store. Will br iii Rosebud agoncy .Tub ' . } (1 , ( ) ct. 2nd and Jan. I , 1904. JOHN F. FOR AT B Tubular wells and windmills. H. M. CRAMER , City Deliveryman. trunks , valises and pack&Kes kanled to from the depot and all parts ef life Cttjr. C. M. SAGESER Barber First-class Shop in Every Kan de Quinine Hair Tonlo , Golden 8tur fcalr Tonic. Herbicide and Cok't DMiruff CvM. Fry Pompeian Face J. L. ASHBURN , Contractor and Build er in Brick or Stone Work. Valentine , - Nebr. Everybody that writes Can use printed stationery. Ask to See our fine envelopes and paper. Your - time is money. Mistakes don't occur so frequently and it is a guarantee to the public that you' re a b usy man . THE DEMOCRAT , Valentine , Nebr. Are univerHally admired by p opl t > J artistic times Send for a little beek explaining all about portraits and en larging pictures It i free. Addzocg GEORGE HOLMKB , 018 N. 16 St. Omtiyia. IsVb.