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About Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930 | View Entire Issue (March 16, 1905)
1 fill T T r s " " i / p J A A / > VOLUME XXVALENTINE. . NEBRASKA. MARCH 16 , 1905. NTTMBEBt f ft. $1 ? 4 ? As you already knrnv , wo carry it complete line of Furniture such as the people want. We will furnish your home for you as we have a great many others. AVe have pleased others , and we 3 ? can please you. Quality fcfrto and prices guaranteed. fcfr Below are some the things we sell. Large Arm Rockers S 2,25 to S 7.50 Combination Case f ° a5aSSirter ) < 15.00 to 20,00 Bed Room Suits * 1750 to 26.00 Iron Beds 3,50 to 12.50 Dining ChairsJfgSS r"iSi pa-set 5,50 to 9,50 Common Bo w Back Chairs " 3,75 Yfc also carry the largest stock and latest patterns of Carpet , Art Square ? , Hugs , Japanese and Grass Matting , Linoleum and Floor , Oil Cloth. Call in and inppcfc our to goods. Socing is believing andvc havo something fr you 1o CP at FRONT. CO V 1 ivercoats Warm Lined Shoes ar g iPur Goafs for Ladles and Gentlemen. | S TAILORING Sin all Branches. S.ti - - 1.7- - . rfs'fz . / . j r. : -O' < .f.jf st .ijy Ti y1 \ ranK i i Hard ware , Furniture and Coal. J FURNJTURE , bed room suits , d rosters , chiti'oniers , v \ robes. Iron beds strong and cloan , spring conches and viv.ttres ses , parlor stands and center tables , combination bookcases and writing desks. Latest Designs and Lov.-est Prices. rf SS A full line of hardware , cutlery and stoves of bost makes. A lot of useful articles that maLe house-keeping a pleasure. Ooisso iiixtl Sec T'liout lot * TiToiti'rsell * Frank Fischer. Chartered as a Btnto Bank Chir PIi as n National Bunk Juno 1 , 1834. 12. 3002 , The jy s N Valentine. Nebraska. ( Successor to ) CAPITAL PAID nar A General Bankiuj ; T > i ft * * f > f t jf"V Exchange and $25,000. Collection Jjusi 0. H. CORNELL , President. J. T. MAY , Vice-President. ? > F. "V. NTPHOLBON. CaRhier. GET THIS YOUR r OFFICES : We Cao Satisfy g 2 S 5 5,2 SS2Z ! S SS S3 [ S S3S 8 / " E * ° 7 * "TTTJ"j ' ? . x r ry y TC Tf I HE I OWN K re < y . - - " - ! -va - rfS > . fmA * * . & , > * f < > w I * C > T SS ? T 1 > 7 Miss Tacy Collett went to Oma ha , Monday. D. A. Hancock was in from his ranch , Tuesday. William , better known as Bill Erickson was in town Tuesday. Mr. Foorster is having a dwell ing erected west of Frank Kig- I * > > -i Jokh llitt has built a house on the lot where his livery stable for merly stood. Walter Jackson has been indis posed for a few days but we are glad to hear of his convalescence. W. F. Parker , cashier of the Wood Lake Bank , called at our office on business Tuesday while in town. Frank Day and Frank Kline returned Wednesday morning from a trip to Cody and Merriman They claim they had a fine and successful time. Jack Harrington was shaking hands v\ith friends and acquaint ances here Wednesday. He came up from O'Xeill to attend to some real estate business. A traveling troupe played "Old JDan Tucker" at the Post last night. Yesterday at noon they gave a free open air concert while they distributed their bills. Will Shepherdvent down1 to \Vond Lake Tue.sday niaht for a few days. He says he went down to buy hay , butve think there mu-'t be some other attraction. Misses Easter Smith and Mar garet White have rented the. Union Hotel and took possession last week. These estimable young ladies solicit the public patronage. P. IT. Young came up from ' Simeon Tuesday to tuko third de- , grce in the Masonic Lodge and 's 1now 1 a Master Mason. He and A. H. Stccs rode out to the Brosius sale today. Mrs. Wilson has given a con tract to Grant Boycr for a frame dwelling to be erected at once arross the street south of Dave Peters' dwelling. The foundation is being laid. Henry G. Dot gen and son Henry J. were in town Tuesday and call ed 1" subscribe for the Democrat. Mr. Dctgen thinks the past winter i was too cold for him and is gad ! | to M C warm weather come. ; iigh school entertainment will be given at the M. E. church Fii- i day , March 17th. This is the sec ond one yiven by the high school and will be followed in perhaps a week by another. Come , don't miss them. i Mrs. Dave Dunn is very ill yet and will be brought to town lo stay with her daughter , Mrs. Ran dall , for convenience in treatment by physicians as soon as the weather will permit. Miss Cora Taylor is staying with her at present. There was a snow two or three inches deep last Saturday morning when we gazed upon the outside world and kept a snowing until it was four or five. The warm weather has melted the snow mostly and the ground is in good condition for spring crops. BOKN ; At Fort Liscum , Alas ka , February 27 , 1905 , to the wife of Sergeant first class Charles M. Hunter , Hospital Corps , U. S. A. , a daughter. Many Valentine peo ple remember Mr. Hunter and ! Miss Maloney of Ft. Islobrara and 1 will be pleased to hear from them if only a brief local announcing , the birth of a daughter. Robert Quisenbcry has the agency for Cherry county to sell patent rights for tanning leather. Every man who owns stock ought to know how to tan a hide. Mrs. Dean Efner returned Fri day morning from Omaha , Dean following Saturday. They to gether spent Sunday visiting with Mr. and Mrs. W. Efner and re turned home to Chadron Monday morning. J. C. Jaqtiins came in from Sparks last Saturday and called at our oflice to pay up for the Demo crat in advance , lie is taking care of his father now who has been ill for some time. Mr. Ja- quins has been working for Mr. Ladely south of Newton for some time past and expects to go back there to work when his father re covers. Revival meetings closed in the M. E. church last Friday night. Several persons were converted and will probably join some church in our cit.v. Xeurfifty ! dollars was raised , by subscription andt collection for Rev. Stanhope , " of Gordon , for his services during the revival. i W. E. Haley went up to Georgia Saturday morning to attend the funeral of Franklin T. Brackctt , who died Thursday night after a brief sickness brought on by hav ing his skull fractured , being thrown from a horse last Novem ber , lie is well known in this community , having worked for W. E. Haley several years. "RotTert Quisenbcry returned from Southern Missouri Wednes day of lu&t week as we stated in last week's Democrat. When we were just ready to go to press Bob came walking into our ofiice with a roll of leather and pelts under his arm that he had tanned , by a new process that he had' ' learned down in good old Missouri. Its new and simple. Anyone can tan his own leather in a few min utes by Bob's process. A set of harness can be carved out of a cow hide in a short time after it comes oil the ' "crittur * ' and there'll be enough material left to make a pair of iiy nets and you can half ] sole the family shoes the coming' ' winter from the scraps. Bob showed us a few skins and pelts that he had-tanned * vhile down in Mozti and they looked as good as any leather we ever saw. A goat , dog , cat , squirrel and cinnamon bear .skins were unnd soft and pliable as a kid 'glove. lie also had a sheep sidn tanned with the wool on and it was a fine looking pelt. Anyone can own a fine fin- lap robe if he knows Bob's pro cess of tanning and John' angora goats will be in big de mand for fine robes and children's cloaks. The buckles , iron works and haines will be the biggest thinir in a set of harness or cows will be killed for their hides and hard winters will have lost their terrors to the stockmen of the northwest with Bob's new patent ed leather tanning process. Hon est enough there will be a revolu- ! tion in prices of all leather goods ' if this process is used by the peo ple as advantageously as it should t be. Anyone doubting the above ' story can call on Mr. Quisenbery and hear from him the story of his patent process ia tanning leather. It costs you but little to learn and the work is so simple that you won't care much when an old cow dies for her hide will be worth more than you could get for the cow on foot and fattened for the butcher's block if she had lived till spring grass came. This is no josh. " Ask Bob. We are the I Sole Agents for lapis Syrup , toto 8 ? Davenport & Thacher ! Large stock of c - Hamilton = = Brown Shoes Just arrived. All other shoes in stock sold at greatly reduced prices for next 30 days. Come , and see us. We sell everything , and at prices which are right. ff CROOK5TO& XEBRASTCA * . The REST for table use and at popular pricei. Our Stock is Always Fresh Dry Goods , Shoes , Mittens t May , Grain and Feed ex W. A. PETTY CREW , GENERAL MQ8E. - -vc in . FRKSH FRUIT AXD GAME JN THEIR SEASON. I'M f . -la- liii" of eakf. R- > ibt-5 DM Sair Me it * > Smoke i ' ivald'i < t P : ic n Highest Market Prico Paid for Hogs. F iED WHITTEMQBE , Pr s. CHARLES. SPAUKS , Cashier. . W. &TIDTTJDR , Vice Prea. ORA.H L. BHITTON , AsB't Oaih. van P Persons seeking a place of safety for their money , will profit by invesfcigating the metkdds employed in our business. CONFECTIONERY Suited to your taste. B Canned Goods Lunch Counter. Are * now at their best and All you want to eat at our we handle the best grade. Lunch Counter Home Bakery Read the Advertisements * " '