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About Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 29, 1904)
Dangers in Paper. It Is not a pleasant thought that the brilliant white note paper which your Imnd rests upon may have h. it the fiber from the Hlthy garment of some Egyptian fellah after it lias passed through nil the stages of decay until it is saved by the ragpicker from the gutter of an Egyptian town ; and yet It is a fact that hundreds of tons of Egyptian rags are exported every year into America to supply our paper mills. At Mannheim on the Rhine the American importers have their rag- picking houses , where the rags are collected from all over Europe , the disease-infected Levant not excepted. Our best papers are made of these rags , and our common ones of wood pulp. _ Found nt Last. Ilensley , Ark. , Dec. 26. ( Special. ) That a sure cure for Backache would be a priceless boon to the people , and especially the women of America , ii ; admitted by all interested in medical matters , and Mrs. SueVilliams of this place is certain she has found in Dodd's Kidney Pills the long-looked- for cure. "I am 38 years old , " Mrs. Williams says , "and have suffered with the Backache very much for three or four years. I have been treated by good physicians and got no relief , but thanks to God , I have found a cure at last and It is Dodd's Kidney Pills. I have taken only one box and it has done me more good than all the doctors in three or four years. I want all sufferers from Backache to know that they can get Dodd's Kidney Pills and get well. " Backache is one of the first symp toms of Kidney Disease. Guard against Bright's Disease or Rheumatism by curing It with Dodd's Kidney Pills. A Joui'nati.stio Lady I am the wife of the editor of ( be Daily Blanket , and he promised me that he would see you about his health. Did he call ? Dr. Hardhead Yes , madam. I find that he is suffering from brain strain. "Must he stop work ? " "Oh , no. All he need do is to cease trying to write on both sides of a ques tion in the same article. " NO TONGUE CAN TELL How I Sufferedwilli Itching : and Bleed- ins : Eczema Until Cured by Cuticura. "No tongue can tell how I suffered for five years with a terribly painful , Itchingand bleeding eczema , my body and face being covered with sores. Never In my life did 1 experience such awful suffering , and 1 longed for death , which I felt was near. I had tried doctors and medicines without success , but my mother insisted that I try Cuticura. I felt better after the first bath with Cuticura Soap and one application of Cuticura Ointment , and was soon entirely well. Any person having doubt about this wonderful cure may write to me. ( Signad ) Mrs. Altie Etson , Bellevue , Mich. " One ot fcjcnuior Alastru's. "A friend of mine , " said Senator Mason , "met a traveler from the East O.'j44fii Illinois , and after looking him over carefully in order to avoid em barrassing mistakes , put the question : " 'Do you drink ? ' " 'That's my business , ' bluntly re plied the stranger. " 'I understand , but have you any ther occupation ? ' was the quick re- , and they parted in the hotel lob by. " _ There la more Catarrh In this lection of the country than all other diseases put together , and Until the last few years was supposed to he In curable. For a great many years doctors pro- bounced It a local disease , and prescribed local remedies , and by constantly falling to cure with local treatment , pronounced It Incurable. Science has proven catarrh to be a constitutional dls- fjise , and therefore requires constitutional treat- 'ment. Hall's'Catarrh Cure , manufactured by F. j ; Cheney & Co. Toledo. Ohio , 13 the only con stitutional cure on tne market. It Is taken In ternally In doses from 10 drops to a teaspdonful. It acts directly on the blood and mucous sur faces of the system. They offer one hundred tollars for any case It falls to cure. Send for circulars and testimonials. Address. V. J. CHENEY Si CO. , Toledo , 0. Sold by Druggists. 75c. Hall's Family Pills are th best Afraid to Risk It. ' "Will you have a piece of the apple pie ? " asked the landlady of the Irish boarder. "Is it afther bein' healthful ? " asked Pat. Pat."Of course it is , " she replied. "Why should you think it otherwise ? " "Faith , an' Oi had a uncle wanst who doled av apple-plexy , " explained the son of Erin , "an' Oi thought this moight be omethin' av the same koind , Oi dunno. " A GUARANTEED CURE FOR PTI/ES. Itchlnp. Blind , Bleeding or Protruding Piles. Tour druffelst will refund money if PAZO OINT MENT fails to cure you in 6 to 14 days. 50c. Silent Helpers. "What good are you fellows , any way ? " asked the farmer of a dusty .hobo he found yawning in his hay. "What good are we ? " echoed the knight of the road , "Why , ef we didn't moke butts in de farmers' barns dey'd never git de inshoorence mon'ey ter pay de mortgages off de rest uv de farm. See ? " Km. TTIneloWe OOCTWTES ETBTTP for thine ; eoftaw tb rasa , ntdnoei Uflnnmixioa. * J & i B lo. cur wiad oolia. & MIU a bottl * . Evidently Mistaken. Father Nowadays it costs more to mend shoes than to buy new ones. Daughter You must be mistaken. "Why do you think so ? " "If it did , patched shoes would bo shionable. " ' " " " " ' ' - " " ' = * - L&jmff prrliinnian"- It Cures Colda , Coughs. Sore Throat , Cnrap , Ini - ua , Whooping Cough , Bronchitis Kfid Afithma. A certain in firit t v.n iu cure for Consumption itajea t | sd a en re relief in advanced aUges. TJie at one * Ton will ce the excellent effect tfter taking th * -t dot gold by dcaler > ' F and 50 cejtf * CLEAR THE. ROAD I In boyhood days we used to go , When winter winds blew chill , With ruddy cheeks and nimble feet , To coast down Martin's Hill. There was no hitiig ! on the way , > No one steen-d out or ' 'slowed ; " We sped like mad down Martin's Hill , And shouted "Clear the road ! " Then one by one we put away The much-beloved sled , And journeyed forth into the world , Ambition's path to tread. We bade good-by to Martin's Hill And youthhood's sweet abode , And shouted in an undertone For men to "Clear the road ! " i We found along the paths of trade Another Martin's Hill ; With men at break-neck pace acoast , With voices loud and shrill Who never halted on their way Where fortune's fancies glowed , Who shouted loud from morn till night That warning , "Clear the road ! " New York Sun. UR next-door neighbors have ar rived , Clay , " said old Mrs. Grin- die to her son , tbe doctor , as he came In from his round of visits with a weary look on his pale , handsome face. "Arrived , have they , mother ? It will be better than having an old emp ty house for neighbors , you think , eh ? Well , I hope It may prove so. " The old lady shook her head doubt- Ingly. "They seem to be only mon and boys , except a slip of a girl , who flitted about here , there and everywhere , giv ing orders as though she had my gray head upon her young shoulders. " The doctor laughed ; but it was a tired laugh , and the old ears , listening , were keen to detect the sound of wear iness. "You are tired , my boy , * ' she said. "No , no , " he answered. "Not more than usual. Jy the way , mother , 1 had a letter from Marjorie to-day. They talk of coining here next summer ; but she says it is impossible to carry out i my proposition ot a marriage in June I that her father's eyesight is failing 1 more and more rapidly , and that she could not think of leaving him. " "How long has your engagement lasted , Clay ? " "Four years , " he said , despondlngly. "Four years ! And except for Mr. Markham's health you would have been married long ago. Why can he not make his home with you ? " "I have proposed that to Marjorie ; but she will not hear of it. She has an absurd idea that I might wake some fine day fancying him a burden , and all my eloquence to the contraiy has been so long wasted that I have ceased to exercise it. " The summons to dinner at this mo ment interrupted them , and after the daintily served moil , seated before a blazing fire , in dressing gown and slip pers , Dr. Clay Crindle mentally con gratulated himself that his duties for the 24 hours were ended. But his congratulations were prema ture. A quick , sharp ring at the bell startled him from his reverie. A lad stood on the threshold as the servant opened the door. "My father has been suddenly taken 111 , " he said. "I saw the doctor's sign this afternoon , and sister Eva told me to ask him to come in at once , please. We live next door only moved in to day. " "All right ; I will be there in five min utes , " the doctor called out Again drawing on the boots he had been so glad to draw off. mentally anathematizing next-door neighbors in general and this case in particular , he started on his unexpected errand. j He had no need to ring the bell. The boy who had come for him had sta tioned himself at the open door , and ' motioned him to the stairs. ' | At their head stood a girl. In that moment he thought her but a child ; but her air of quiet dignity , as she held out a little , cold hand of welcome , and simply said , "My father you will find very ill , I fear , " made him glance again Into her face , to see if indeed his moth er's words were not true , and on these Blight young shoulders was not set a gray head. Silently she led the way Into the room where the sick man lay. He had taken a heavy cold and had been sud denly seized with acute rheumatism. Instantly Dr. Crindle's professional eye saw that the case was well-nigh hopeless. He forgot his fatigue , his annoyance , as he struggled with all his skill to baffle the grim enemy , but In vain. As the morning sun came creep ing into the room a long , low wail wel comed it from that dimly lighted cham ber , where a dead man lay. The doctor lifted in his arms the slight , unconscious form , which had stood by his side so bravely through these long hours , and bore it from the place. A week passed. The grave had re ceived Its own ; the house was silent and gloomy. Eva took little note of anything save that a kind , motherly face was constantly beside her , and that many times a day some one en tered her room who brought with him an atmosphere of strength and rest. She grew to look for his coming and to sink back into the old apathy when he had g ne ; but she could not have told whether he was young or old , or described his face or form. Yet it was this which made her look upon Dr. Crindle and his mother as old , tried friends. When the mists scattered at last , and she knew that she must take up life again , this newly laid burden resting In all its weariness upon It , It jjras to these friends § he looked for ad vice to them she detailed her father's plans. * * * * * * * Eva remained in the big lonely house , keeping with her the two boys , 8 and 10 , and letting Arthur go , as pro posed , to school. But she was not lonely , as she had feared. Her next-door neighbors pre vented that. "Come in and read to me for an hour or two , now and then , my dear , " Mrs. Crindle had said. And , when the girl had come , she would not let her go. Or , when the snow was on the ground , the doctor would call for her to take her for a ride , and In the evening they would come to her or make her come to them. "What should I have done but for you ? " she said one day to Mrs. Crin dle. "You have been like an own dear mother to me. " And Mrs. Criudle listened , half in pleasure , half in pain. Perhaps , " she thought , "I might have been her mother had not Clay already selected for me a daughter. " Clay called himself a brother to the lonely , orphaned girl. He wrote Mar jorie long accounts of her how he hoped one day they would be friends. Yet , when he knew that day was about to dawn , he shrank back. The knowledge came with the ai- nouncement from Marjorie that she was coming home sooner than she had hoped , and in the early May would pay a visit to his mother. In May ! And April was half gone. The snow had long melted , but he and Eva still had their frequent rides. He had an engagement with Eva on the afternoon that he received the let- tor. As they were driving along be neath the shadow of the elm trees , he drew it from his pocket. "Eva , " he said , "you have been my friend so long that I am going to be speak your friendship for some oue very dear to me. This letter Is from my future wife. Will you read it ? " A great wave of color surged to her face ; her very heart seemed to stop its beating as 'she ' stretched out one little , icy hand to take it from him. Silently she read it through , then folded and held it out for him to take again. "I am very glad for you , " she said in a quiet , measured tone. Then their eyes met , and each rend down , down into the other's soul. "God help us both , " said the man. And he turned the horses' heads homeward. Three weeks later Miss Markham arrived. She was a tall , queenly wom an of somewhat majestic stature and a charm of manner which attracted all who came within its scope. "No wonder that he loved her , " thought Eva , as they met ; "and and if his heart did turn to me for a lit tle minute , she soon will win it back again. " But the human heart is a strange anomaly , and in these days Miss Mark- ham watched her lover with strange penetration. He urged upon Marjorie , as her stay was drawing to an end , to consent to their speedy marriage. She listened in silence , then looked up into the pale , excited face , with a little laugh. "Don't be foolish , Clay. " she said. "I have wanted to tell you , ever since I came down , that I thought It very fool ish in us both to cling to a sentiment time has worn out You see , I have been away so much , so long separated from you" there was a little choke in her voice , but his dull ear did not no tice it "that I don't feel quite the .same ; and' I think I've guessed your secret , too , Clay , and so It makes the telling easier. " A great light came into his face , but she turned away as though it hurt her , and for an instant a heavy anguish crept Into her brave eyes. "You have guessed my secret ? " he repeated , after her. "You no longer love me ? " "If I loved , could I give you up , do you think ? " she answered. "No , no , Clay ! I'll go back to the old , blind father who needs me ; but now and then when I need a little rest , you and Eva will let me come to you , will you not ? " "Heaven bless you ! " he said , and , raising her hand , he pressed his lips with fervent passion upon it She smiled. It was the first time his lips had touched her with such fire. "Don't say anything till I am gone , " she whispered. "It may seem strange to her. " And , man-like , he never guessed that a deeper reason lay beneath never guessed that her own wound was as yet too deep to see her rival win the happiness she had lost New York Daily News. How She Managed It. . They were seated In the parlor , and there was a hitch in the conversation. He seemed a trifle nervous and she seemed a trifle bored. Finally he said : "What a lovely evening for a walk ! " "Indeed It is , " she rejoined. "Would you like to take a walk ? " "Above all things , " he asserted , eagerly. "Then why don't you ? " she queried. And he did. Chicago News. Snapshot Detectives. European inspectors take snapshots of men engaged on public work. The photos , in some cases , are more elo quent than any report could be. One showed a group of thirty men on a road-paving job. Two of the thirty were at work. The sayings and doings of many a married man depend altogether upon the kind of a wife he has. Whipping the devil round the stomp only makes a deeper track for ain to JAPANESE AS SCIENTl&Ta They Have Contributed Much to ? Jod- ern Information. While all the world is at one in ex pressing admiration for the remark able facility with which the Japanese have imbibed Western ideas and the no less wonderful skill with which they have applied them In so short a time , yet there is noticeable a frequent disposition to detract somewhat from their merit in this regard by the ob servation that , after all , they are mere ly imitators , says the New Orleans Times-Democrat Even admitting that the suggestion were unqualifiedly true , the imitation would still remain suf ficiently marvelous to stamp the Jap anese as a people of ability greatly superior to those belonging to the same ethnic division. But , as a matter of fact , the Japanese mind is not so en tirely a copyist as many imagine ; and in one particular direction it has shown aptitude that has resulted in original and important contributions. An exchange calls especial atten tion to what the Japanese have done in the way of biological research and the simple statement of their triumphs in this difficult field is calculated to rouse both astonishment and admira tion. "In their contributions to our knowledge of pathogenic micro-organ isms , " it says , "the Japanese are push ing German and French experiment ers for the first place and are far ahead of those of Great Britain or the United States. " A partial enumeration of their successes in this field places to their credit the first segregation and description of the specific germ of tetanus , a feat which was at once fol lowed by the preparation of an ex tremely useful tetanus antitoxin , and the discovery of the bacillus chiefly responsible for dysentery , which is so fatal to soldiers in time of war. These are probably the most important , but many other additions to biological sci ence have come from Japan , and the unintermitting labors of her scholars will no doubt bring forth still further results. Studies in this line , however , while gaining for the Japanese the greater part of the prestige they may enjoy in the scientific world , by no means sum up the whole of the efforts of the scholars of the country. The active minds of the nation , newly awakened , seeing everything with the freshness of youth and working with the zeal of a young devotee , are seriously con cerning themselves with other investi gations and that , too , with unques tioned success. By such means is the "island empire" lifting herself out of her ancient isolation and preparing to take a place among the nations of the world to which the care and advance ment of science are largely confided. Piso's Cure for Consumption always gives immediate relief in all throat trou- Mes. F. E. Biorman , Leipsic , Ohio , Aug. 81,1901. Balance Man and His Peril. Dearborn and Monroe streets were blockaded by an army of people who Intently watched a structural iron worker standing on a five-ton steel beam swinging from a derrick seven stories up in space. From time to time the steel worker shifted his posi tion on the beam. Every time he did BO he blew a whistle that he held be tween his teeth. With this he signal ed the engineer , who controlled the. derrick. Few of the thousands who saw the man knew his perilous position was due to a precaution taken for their safety. The steel worker was not on the beam solely because of his own daring. He was there to shift his ISO pounds avoirdupois to balance the beam and keep it level and from fall ing into the street. Such an accident would result not only in his death , but might lead to frightful loss of life in the street To prevent this the workman ascends on the beam to keep it level. In order to do this he has to step from side to side of the huge derrick cables as occa sion requires. Most workmen who "ride beams" never look down. On the contrary , they always keep their eyes on the cable at a point even with their head. This guards against sea sickness , which frequently attacks one when at great heights with nothing more than a foothold. Chicago Rec ord-Herald. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAT Take Laxative Brorno Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. E. "VV. Grove's signature is on each box. 25c. Siberia's Intense Cold. Siberia has the greatest known cold In the world. At Yaktuck the average for three winter months is 40 below zero , while individual drops to 75 and 76 below zero are not unknown. But at Verkjohansk the average for the month of January , 1885. was G9.9 be low zero and the mercury at one time dropped to 90.4 below the lowest on record anywhere in the world. Why , of Course. They were on the way to India , and as they were crossing the restless Bay of Biscay one innocent young lady , peaking to another , said : "Why do the stewards come In and open or shut the portholes at odd times during the day and night ? " Second and hotter informed lady : "My dear , they shut or open them the tide rises or falls. " Miss Rose Peterson , Secretary . Parkdale Tennis Club , Chicago , from'ex perience advises all young girls who have pains and sickness peculiar to their sex , to use Lydia E * Pinkham's Vegetable Compouii' ' Hcrw many beautiful young girls develop i to Tvorn , listless and hopeless women , simply because sufficient attention has not been paid to their physical development. No woman is exempt from physical weakness and periodic pain , and young girls just budding into woman hood should be carefully guided physically as well as morally. If you know of any younglady \vho is sick , and needs motherly advice , ask her to write to Mrs. Pinkliam at JLynn , Mass. , who will give her advice free , from a source of knoAvlcdge which is un equalled in the country. Do not hesitate about stating details which one may not like to talk about , and which are essential for a full understanding of the case. Miss Hannah E. Mersiion , Collings- wood , N. J. , says : "I thought I would write and tell you that , by following yoitr kind advice , I feel like a new person. I was always thin and delicate , and so weak that I could hardly do anything. Menstruation was irregular. "I tried a bottle of your Vegetable Com pound and began to feel better right away. I con tinued its use , and am now well and strong , and menstruate regularly. I cannot say enough for what your medicine did for me. " How firs. Pinkham ! i Fannie Kumpe. * * DEAH MBS. PINKHAM : I feel it is my duty to writs and tell you of the benefit I have derived from your advice and the use of tydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. The pains in my back and womb have all left me , and my menstrual trouble ia corrected. I am very thankful for the good advice you gave me , and I shall recommend your medicine to all who suffer from female weakness.1 * Miss FANNIE KUMPE , 1922 Chester St. , Little Rock , Ark. ( Dec. 16,1900. ) Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound will cure anj woman in the land who suffers from womb troubles , Inflamma tion of the ovaries , kidney troubles , nervous excitability , nervous prostration , and all forms of woman's special ills. FOR FElT H we cannot forthwith produce the original letter * and ilfnatnrw of above te timonial > , which will prove their absolute genuineness. J. Pinkham lied. Co. . Lyzxa. Mas * An Amplified Woman. "The car was entirely empty , the exception of one man , " said Miss Myra Kelly. "He was the reverse of the car. As I entered he rose , made me an unsteady but magnificent bow and said : " 'Madam , phleasne be kind 'nough to asshept tliish plaslie. ' There was nothing else for me to do , so I thanked him and sat down. "And for twenty blocks that idiot hung from a strap , swaying in the breeze , with not a soul In the car but ourselves. Occasionally I have been taken for other women ; but I never before had any one think that I was a car full. " WILL CURE YOU I SEND FOR ONE AT ONCE ! ELEOT IG BELTS Guaranteed Superior to' any other made. j Two styles , $8 and $10 Chicago Gen'l Supply Co. Station X , Chicago , III. ' 8 Eye Water THE FARMERS OK THE FREE HOMESTEAD UNDS OF WESTERN CANADA carry the banner for yield * of Wheat and other prain for 1904. 100,000 FAKMKU8 receive $35,000 , OOO as R result of their Wheat Crop alone. The return * from Oat . Barley and other grains , as well u cttl * [ and horse * , add considerably to thin. Secure a FREE Homestead nt once , or purchase from FOnn reliable dealer lands are selling nt present low prices. Apply for ia- formntion to Superintendent cf Immigration. Ottawa. Canada , or to E.T. Holmes. 315 Jnckaon St. , St. Pn J , Minn. , and J. M. McLnchlan , Hoi 113 , Watertoira. fc * . Dakota , Authorized Government Acents. Plea e say where you ta.w this advertisement. IP" I ? H c OHCAT KltlNcr AND LIVER CUM Safe ! Dn. DAVID KENNEDY'S FAVORITE IB REM EDY.V ori/i > m uj. Wriu or ft . moh& B a raED" * eo ; ! HOLDOUT. K.X B. O. N. U. No. 33 1904 BECGS1 CHERRY COUCH cures coughs and colds. UUKhb WHtRt ALL ELSE FAILS. Best Cough Syrup. Tantea Good. U3C In time. Sold 07 dru-KiIats. Sale Ten Million Boxes a Year. THE FAMILY'S FAVORITE HEDIGSHE CANDY CATS3AR.TZC n § 25s , SOc. IB 550 BEST FOR THE BOWELS . , T , . . . . , , , . , . . . . . , , . , , . . . . . . . " ' . , _ . . , . . _ _ _ _ * * V 4 V W 4 V V WWW ' The Old MonK Cire for Pains and Aches of the human family , and cures promptly. OIL Price 25c. and &i i H 'f-I-I'ii-M-M-.i-I-I-I-M'lTl 11' ' IIII l'iI"HHM"H - ' - t-I"I"I"I"I"H"I"HI