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About Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 5, 1905)
, -0 p ; rsi nn f/ IX'p > U MlIX' ALtfMTIME. NTEBRASK. L .JANUARY f > 1905. NUMBER 51 r Fine f A full line of Pocket KnivesFancy / Scissors and Shears , Skates and Silver Ware , We carry the most com- | 'plete line of cutlery .shown ! ! / ' in the town , including in' ! ) / & Simmons' "Keen Kutter" & J Pocket Knives and the "Clauss" brand Shears. 4ii Both lines are. fully gut- ! ? j ? an teed to be tl\c bc':3fcy a d if not found satifjfacfoiy < & in every way , "are < cx- . . { Schangeaule. "SVe also carrt a complete line of ' 'Klipper Klub" Skates , all sixes and prices , % K Skate Sharpeners , Skate -i 2 Pp R" r/r J Straps , Skate Bags , etc. , etc. H Call and inspect ou * line of Rochester's famous Nickle < ? Plated Copper Ware , incliding Tea Pots , Tea Kettles , Cuspi- H dors , Trays , Baking Dishts , Chafiing Dishes , etc. Also our 4 line of Silver ware. Be 4 ? sure to make us a call be * . . ' ' d sjiig ffs. 'T pgr'i fore purchasing your holi- fj day gifts. * ? < ? Remember. * * / * Come to the * < ? I RED FRONT ERC. CO H / * . > Warm Lined Shoes and Suits" Fur Coats for Ladies and Gentlemen. h kl ! > % > ' I TAILORING / L > > j ; In ail Branches. tfSS3K3 JOEV * * tl B > " * ' ' ' - m ffm Frank Fischer. Hardware , Furniture and Coal. ! i ! FURNITURE , bed room suits , dressers , chiffoniers , ward-j ; robes , Iron beds strorg and clean , spring couches and mattres- ; i ises , parlor stands and center tables combination bookcases and i writing desks. Latest Designs and Lowest Prices. A full line of har ar . cutlery and stoves of best makes. A lot of useful articles that make house-keeping a pleasure. * Come See rJliein foi- " [ i Frank Fischer , fXK S38@ & 53g K Chartered as a State B as u National Bank . .Tun1. . 1884. A 'cust ' 12 IO02. FIRST NATIONAL BANK Va ) en tine. Nebraska APiTAl. PAID IN ( If ) . $25,000. Collection and C. H. COBNEIX. 1- esident. J. T. MAY , Vice-President. M. V , NTTOOLSON , Cafihier. * AT THIS OFFICE V You in Peice and Workounthip * * < * w * ' fcx t - - * ? , nn A T TST - nri rri rs- TALK OF THE J2. 2K5S2S J. L. McElderry was up from Woodlake Tuesday. Steve. Estes , Jr. , of Rosebud , was in town Tuesday. 0. W. Hahn was in town Tues day with his new wagon. TT. Green , of "Merriman , carae down Tuesday on business. lion Dave Hanna transacted business in Valentine Tuesday. ( 'apt. A. G. Shaw is putting out sorjje fine photo calendars thi * work -MisvLanrji Petti John is enjoy-1 ing a few days visit with friends in Fremont. Burgess Ilartigan and brother went to Hastings , Nebr , Tuesday , returning Saturday. Leonard Lparks returned to Orchard Lake , Mich. , Military Academy this morning. Mrs. R. A. McQuade and her brother , Joe Bachelor , have gone to Iowa to visit a sister. Fred Cumbow spent Christmas with his parents , 30 miles south of Valentine , returning Friday. Bert Jeffers departed for Omaha yesterday morning after a two weeks vacation spent at home. Born , to E. M. Jeffers and wife , Dec. 22 , 1901 , a baby boy. This item was overlooked last week. Miss Myrtle Pettijohn has ac cepted a position in Lincoln as stenographer for Auditor-elect Searle. Miss Myrtle Holcomb has bee.n in charge of Mrs. Elmore's store during her absence at Gordon on business. Wesley Ilolsclaw came up from Longpine to spend Christmas at home , returning the next day to Ainsworth. Mr.Gertrude Brown , of An sel no , Nebr. , carnq up yesterday mo'-uing to visit with her parents , Mr. and Mrs. Moon. A dance was given by the em ployees of the Fort New Tear's night. Several people went down froai Valentine and a nice time is reported. Sheriff Lay port took two pris oners , an Indian and a negro to the penitentiary , and J. J. Both- well to the insane asylum Friday morning before Xmas. 1. M. Eice and wife aiid Law rence returned Sunday morning from York , where they have been the past week visiting at the home of Mrs. Eice's parents. Mrs. Catherine J. Callen was down from Eosebud Agency last week visiting friends and returned , having accepted a position as teach er at Lower Cut Meat school. Miss Inez Petty crew , Clinton Collett and George Hornby re turned to Lincoln Monday morn ing , after spending a two week * vacation at t.he parental home. Mrs. Eead , of Gordon , who has been in Valentine the past few days the guest of Mrs. Elmore , returned home Wednesday morn ing , accompanied by Mrs. Elmore. Prof. Watson , Misses Brown , Stinard , Carlson and Pettijohn went down to Omaha Tuesday morning to attend the State Teach ers association , returning Sunday morning. Frank Grooms returned from Holt county , Mo. , last night , where he has been visiting the past six weeks. A cousin of Mr. Grooms , a Mr ! Gleason of Craig : , Mo. , ac companied him home for a short visit with relatives and to see the J. R. Lee , of Brownlee , was in town Tuesday. Cloyd Quigle.v returned to Belle- vue ( "olloiio ypstorday morning to resume his studies. James Ashbnrn , from down the river was in town the first of the wock. Ii was Jim's wife who went to Rivonon , Xebr. , a couple of weeks a < ro , instead < f Jim as' was reported. We wisli our readers a prospor- on New Y § : ir. Our special ofl'cr brought a number of subscribers and gave several a chance to earn ; a liltle Christmas money. Tlie offer extended only to Jan. 1 , 'On , P. Bolgard , f rmorly of Rose bud , writes us from Galva , Jovva , ' that he gets THE DEMOCRAT every week , and encloses a dollar with New Year greetings to the editor ' and his numerous friends here and at Rosebud. Gco. D. Huggins drove up from his ranch near Nordon ihp first of the week and spent a couple of days in town , combining business with pleasure. Mr. Huggins hand- ' ed us a dollar for advance sub scription to THE DEMOCRAT. j The Ladies Aid society of the M. E. church will give a mixed program , consisting of music , drills , recitations , etc. , on the eve ning of George Washington's birthday , Feb. 22. Further an nouncement will be made later. Andrew Schntzthauor , of Wood Lake , and Defective McCoy called atour office yesterday on business and to char with the editor. Air. Schatxthauer has a lot of hay to ' sell which he will sell cheap f. o. b. cars at Woodlake for contract hay. The M. E. choir is practicing for an entertainment tn he iriven a week f'ow n > ' \t Wc ! ; ! i"av : ! eve- 'ning. Count it up an < l ee what day of the month it will be and j make preparations toeome. There will be some good singing and you don't want to miss a concert that Prof. Beatty directs. Harold Zielian writes us from Keams Canyon , Ariz. , that he was ' transferred to Grand Junction , Colo. , and that he and his wife started for that place last Friday. The superintendent at Keams Canyon goes up to Grand Junction and Mr. Zielianv as asked to go with him. Dick sends us best re- ( gards and greetings to his friends. ' Chas. Gould met with quite a serious accident Monday morning which may cause him to lose the end of his thumb. While stand ing near the new engine at the mill he slipped , and , in trying to save himself from falling , threw out his band * , the left , one striking the engine. The thumb was caught in the gearing and almost severed at the first joint from "the hand. Dr. Compton has hopes of saving the injured member and Charles is around with liis h-md in a sling. Mr. and Mrs. Hall , of the Chi cago hotel , entertained at a New Year's dinner the following guests who enjoyed a dinner such as only Mr. Hal ! knows how to serve : Mr. aivl Mr * . M. V. Vicholson. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Jaci < son. Mr. and Mrs. C. II. Cornell. Judge and Mrs Walcott. Mr. and Mrs. I. M. Rice. Miss Orah Britton. A. M. Morrissey. Fred Cumbow. Hartigan Bros. P. H. Young , of Simeon.x Col. Towle. Dr. Brown. Frank Bray ton. Josh Hitt. Henry Harrison. William Bush , of Omaha.- Chas. Ramsey , of Kennedy. Q. t. . . . . - sijwji c.rfr.-o-r..wo-o-o o-O'f - v o oo o o-oo o o O'O * a * J o * - Xmas Fancies ! I _ _ _ _ _ . We are carrying a full line of Xmas Groceries We want your trade. Call in and get prices. < in fancy clusters. TVe-w "Vovlc Apples , best quality. . . "VIITS. Almonds , Pecans , Brazil Xuts and English Walnuts Candies , mixed and fancy , special price given in pail lots Condiments. Chutney , Tobasco Sauce , Catsup , India- Rp.lish , etc. Presea-ves We have the finest line of Preserves on the market , including the famous Gordon and Dil- worth brands. New York BuckwheatFlour. ' Chase & Santa Coffees Davenport & Thacher I . -.M A Cf Cf Cf Cf Cf Cf Cf Cf Cf Cf Cf fe Large stock of HamiIton = = Brown Shoes Just arrived. All other shoes in stock .sold -greatly reduced prices for next 30 days. Come and see us.Ve sell everything , and at prices which are right. MAX E. VIEBTBL CR00KSTOh NEBRASKA : roceries ! a- ' The BEST for table use and at popular prices. * , OHiI BBX2B3MMVnBWBHMV MKMMBMwK Hi MM HHMMMMBMM MM B V af - - Our Stock is Always 'Fresh Dry Goods , Shoes , Mittens * Hay , Grain and Feed I. A. PETTYCREW , GENERAL MDSE. S fitV FRKSH FRUIT AXD GAME I IN THEIR SEASON. 0900 Kir-t < - li3line of S eaks. Rist : * , IrS < ilr Me its Smoke ! Highest Market Price PaiJ for Hogs. PKED WHITTEMOHE , Pros. CHAS. SPABKS , Caalii r. .T. W. STETTER. Vice Pres. ORAH Ii. BBITTON , Aas't CosH. ! : ; IVrsons seeking a place of safety for their money , Trill profit by investigating the methods employed in our business. V. CONFECTIONERY Home Bakery Read the Advertisements.