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About Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 11, 1904)
More Local. Dr. Holsclaw was down from Mcrriman yesterday. Colletfc & Martin are closing out their stock of millinery. V See who will find the Valentine -first at Bethel hall Feb. 15. . Born , to E. E. Lloyd and wife , , of Thacher , Friday , Feb. 5 , 1904 , a boy. The Valentine Bottling Works " puts up eleven different kinds of drinks. 17 Mrs. S. Holsclaw and son Ed. have returned from a visit with Dr. John Holsclaw at Albia , la. Miss Cora Thackrey returned from Hot Springs last week and is visiting her sister , Mrs. C. S. Recce. Jas. Smith and son Billy have been in town several days the past week. Mr. Smith has been suf fering from a swollen ankle. John West came up from Wood Lake yesterday and is visiting In ' town. He has been up to Lead , S. D. at work but had an attack of rheumatism and came home to build up. Davenport & Thacher have put in a five barrel tank underground in the rear of their ware room which simplifies drawing ancl measuring oil and is much safer than the old . way. way.The The biggest fire in the history of our country occurred at Balti more Sunday and Monday , 75 blocks in the heart of the city , burned. 140 acres razed amount ing to § 200,000,000. . Died At the home of James Smith , Patrick McGaune , Jan. 14 , 1904 , at the age of 76 years. The deceased was Mrs. Smith's father and had made his home with the family for years. He was interred in the cemetery at Crookston. [ This item was overlooked and for which we offer an apology. Ed. ] Wanter Partner Man who can invest fifteen hundred dollars , against equal amount , in legitimate business and who is satisfied with salary-of three dollars per day and return of 25 per cent per annum on investment , which fully se cured. Must be sober and honor able. Address , or call on O. A. QUIOLEY , Mgr. Edwards Wood & Co. , Valentine , Nebr. An interesting program in coni- memoration of Lincoln's birthday "will be held at the M. E. church next Sunday morning and evening. .A special request is made for every member to be present and to * bring as many friends and neigh bors with them as possible. The program will be of special interest with music by the chorus choir. This cold weather there has been no trouble in keeping the temper ature at 70 degrees with the new furnace. The 25th wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Taylor was celebrated last night at the Fratern al hall by the M. W .A. and the Eoy- al neighbors together for a social time. A plate supper was served consisting of coffee , tea , sandwiches - -es , cakes , cookies , nuts and ice cream. About 100 to 150 per sons were present and all en joyed a splendid time. Several articles of silver ware were pre sented to Mr. and Mrs. Taylor as tokens of friendship and good wishes. Some sneak thief broke into the Donoher sisters confectionery and lunch counter Wednesday morn ing and stole $15.65 out of the cash drawer and took a lot of eatables , perhaps as a blind and walked north as far as the Episcopal church where realizing that he would be tracked set the box of provisions down and went back down town where .the- tracks were- lost with other tracks on the side walk. Snow had been falling but it stopped about that time and fur- tb&T concealment of tracks was \j \ unavoidable. The guilty one is Come and help unwind the cob web at Bethel hall Feb. 15. lieport of Highland school , dis > trict No. 5 , for month ending Feb 5,1904. Number of pupils enroll ed , 28 ; total number of days all pu pils attended. 355 ; average daily at tendance , 17.75. The following pu pils were perfect in attendance anc deportment : Hattie , Clyde , Harolc and Effie Kuskie ; Edgar Grooms anc Joseph Osborn. Number of months taught , 4 ; number to be taught 2. Thia school will close on April 4th JAABL E. JOHNSON , Teacher. Town There is not a town in the coun try , or if there is , we have not seen or heard of it , that is not possessed of characters known as town loaf ers. These town loafers arc people ple who never seem to have any thing to do , and yet they always seem to have plenty of money and wear good clothes. Sometimes we see him in the per son of a boy , and sometimes in a man who ought to have some legit imate business in the world. No town is big enough to. have room for these idle and dangernus members of society. They serve no useful place in the world , and their example is bad in any community. Parents should be especially careful or the boys upon whose future they have built such hopes will become hopelessly incurable loafers. Parents are to blame for this state of things- , because they do not find employment for their boys. An idle boy is not likely to make an industrious man. The old adage so often quoted is appropriate in this connection : "Satan finds some mischief still for idle hands to do. " Western Rancher. Wood Lake. Frank Day has returned home again. Mr. and Mrs , Eickett were in town Monday. Geo. Shaul transacted business in town today. Eev. Cum bow held service Sun day evening. E.V. . Manchester was on Main street Saturday. C. E. Kinkead has recovered from his recent illness. Harry Hooker was out to chuuch Sunday and \vas all smiles. Mrs. Otto Michell is very sick but we have not learned the cause. Fred Vincent , of Ainsworih , was in . * 'I " town Sunday. wonder why. Minnie Bailey is intending to re side in Ainsworih to attend school. Mrs. C. E. Kinkead and Mi-s Emma Eiggs made a flying trip to Valentine Saturday. Eevival meetings were put off un til next- week on account of cold weather and dark nights. Eemember the leap year dance at Boney's hall Feb. 12. Supper will be served at McNamee's. Joe Siedore made a mistake in taking medicine and took carbolic icid. He did not swallow any. Dr. Ball was called. Eemember the literary Feb. 19. Question of debate is , "Resolved , hat bad cooking is worse than bad aws. Everybody invited. E. B. Gowin's pupils Lave been lismissed on account of his sick- less. Mr. Gowin is very low with .ung fever and will be unable to ; each for some time. The ladies met with Mrs. Abe Bailey last Thursday for a carpet rag bee. 'Tis said their tongues vere never idle , but 13 pounds of : arpet rags were sewed. WHO AM I ? We want expressions from pee * lie who read the real estate trans- ! ers. Do you appreciate this work ind are you particularly interested n this kind of news matter ? If io , please write us a card to that r iffectr , so that we may know vhether or not to continue run- ling them. Weather Bureau Data. The following data , covering a period of L5 years , have been com piled from the Weather Bureau records at Valentine , Neb. They an ; issued to show the conditions that have prevailed , during the month in question , for the above period of years , but must not be construed as a forecast of the weather conditions for the coming month. } Month January for 15 Years TEMPERATURE Mean or normal temperature 17. The warmest month was that of 1900 with an average of 30. The coldest month was that of 1890 with an average of 11. The highest temperature was 68 on 30 , 1892. The lowest temperature was -38 on 24 : , 1894. The earliest date on which first killing frost occurred in autumn , Scpt.12 ' " " lt % i " " Average Sept. Ib " " " ' 4I " " " 'last spring May 9 The latest H It It k 'i * ' ' " 'k June 21 PRECIPICATIOX ( rain or melted snow ) . ( Average for the month , 0.57 inches. Average number of days \vitli .01.of an inch or more , 2. The greatest monthly precipition was 1.27 inches in 1879. The least " " " .04 : " " 1900-01 The greatest amount of " recorded in any 24 consecutve hrs was .37 inches on 31 , 1894. The greatest amount of snowfall recorded in and 24 consecutive hours ( record extending to winter of 1884 85 only ) was 3.7 inc on 31 , ' 9. CLOUDS AND WEATHEK. Av number of clear days , 15 ; partly cloudy clays , 8 : cloudy days , 8. WIND The prevailing winds have been from the mv. The average hourly velocity of the 'wind is 10. The highest velocity of the wind was 60 mi from the nw on 28 , 1889 and 7 , 1903. Station : Valentine. Date of issue : January 5 , 1904. J. J. O'DoxNKLi , . Weather Bureau. ! > o\vn tlie River. Louis Taylor vacinated his cattle last Friday. Martin Becker and wife' ' vere in town Friday. Miss Anna Becker spent Sunday at Mr. Taylors. Louis Taylor was in Valentine last Thursday. W'rn. Foster and family spent Sunday at J. Wolf's. Mr. Wolf and family spent Sun day at AaronGlooms' . Mr. Goooms and Mr. Becker went to town last week. Dave Archer caught a coyote etie day last , week with his hounds. Snow storms have been the most excitement in these parts recently Miss Mary Benkerds visiting with Mi s Kftlheriiie Donoheu at present The school in Eewanee district is once more opened in charge of Miss Broad. Frank Mum ford is tjilking of go ing to Sioux City in search of his horse. The hounds are making the lives ol the coyotes and rabbits very di'ar in these parts. One paper says that if Bryan wants to be president he'll' have to go to Europe to run. Duty is not necessarily disagree able , though we usually think of it with martyrdom in our minds. Mr. Bryant and wife have been very sick the past two weeks. A doctor from Valentine was out to see them. i A telephone has been put in by H. Harper of this community which , connects Mr. Shell bourn aricj Mr. , Nollett's. There are several others talking of joining on. The mind has certain vegetative power which cannot he wholly idle. If it is not laid out and cultivated into a beautiful garden it will shoot up in weeds or flowers of a wild growth. YOUNGSTER. Briefs. Spare the rod and save the child. Mrs. A. Brooks is visiting in Kan. Ed Weede went to Merriman the 3th. Anna Dart was in Bailey last tveek. f Lulu Sellers went to Casptr , Wyo last week. Geo. Weede has got over his aeart troubles. Frank Mogle has leased Charles Devore's place. Chas. Sellers was home with his m Saturday night. ' ' Mesdames Heyne and Pollan vis- ted Mrs. Brooks the 4th. tred Walker went to the reserva- ion last week on business. Goodin Bros , are feeding a bunch tf cattle for atal Bros , Will Ballard met his mother at Merriman on her way from Kansas. When using a curry comb don't imagine it.'s u caBt iron horse that's being curried. Lottie Heath has been sick , with 'a gathering in her head but is re covering. If the dumb animal knew why it 1 is kicked it might l ave some respect for the kicker. ' Monopoly s now big enough to withstand all resistance writes a correspondent. How does he know since resistance has never been at tempted. i The pucker's combine is going in- j to cattle growing on a large scale. We wonder if , from force ot habit , they will bunco themselves when 1 their own ca.tle get to market ? ! Drs. Campbell and Brown were consulting Mrs. Guuderson's case last Sunday. The first named doc- I tor purely has the credit of rrising the three children through their ill ness. ! The rural telephone is spreading by leaps and bounds. Every line built fertilizes the seed for other lines and every community of farm ers and ranchmen that enjoy the telephone is the envy of neighbor ing communities until the last also get phones. Tiie pleasure and con venience of them cannot be express ed in words , and the saving of time pays their cost a hundred fold every year and where the lines are cooperative erative the cost to each patron is too small to count ; or the interest on an instrument of about § 25 or § 30 is practically the whole cost. : No family that has enjoyed'apbone would surrender it for many times its cost. Bailey don't have to go back and sit down. GUESS Wno I AJI. Real Lstate Transfers Gustavo Gunderson to F L Rose w d $75 lots 1-2-3 blk 3 Cole's ad. A E Thacher to W A Petty crew w d $15 lot 45 div B Mount Hope. Henry Lambrecht and wf to W A Parker , w d § 1000 wsw sesw sw se 24 31 26 The following patents were is sued February 6 , 190i : Winffeld C Soults , wsc swne sesw 12 2S 27 Edgar Wilkinson , nsw nwse sw ne 13 2S 38 C J Smith , lot 4- sec 4 , lot 1 sec 5 31 28 Ed Pullman , wsw wnw 15 28 36 J W Downey sesw sse nwse 10 28 37 Jason Gar wood , nse nsw 23 28 37 J F Kennealey , sene.iiese . sec 9 , iwnw 10 31 27 W E Jenkins , Sr. , ese sec 15 , U H 3fr- . . . MOM Is Lunches Short Orders T'H' KANCBOO i e iTW u ! i chws meals at all hotrs. : da.v : ; ncl ni ht. season. Pic ? , cakes , dough nuts always on hand. Jb.B.Cohota. Prop. THE LIME Only Double Track ltn Hrtnni tn'ttt'i't'.ii JlixMiiiiri ittrt-r Hint Clitt tiijo. DSrrrt liin'.to . * > ' o/IX. line to Itlttrl : t < in'ttr Kt Ht/ciif fttf r ami time Business Notices. * Notices under this heading 5 cent * per tint Insertion. Amen reading matter , Hue each Insertion. All kinds of heavy hardware and wagon wood stock at E. Breuklanderg. 20-tf Good fresh Meat and Lard at Stetters Meat Market. 20 For all kinds of Undertaking Goods and Undertaking work call on the lied Front Merc Co. 27 Do not pump water by hand. Buy the old reliable Eclipse Wind Mill. 47 LUDWIG LOIBER Co. LOST ! One brown yearling horse colt randed , iHSJ on left hip. 12 D. STINARD , Valentine , JSrebr. $50.00 will be paid for information lead ing to the recovery of one brown mare , stolen from my homestead northeast of Valentine , Christmas night. Said mare is branded H S L under mane , is 10 years old and about 1100 pounds ; has white spot , in forehead , one white hind foot , one front foot scarred above fet lock from wire cut , and is of a low and blocky build. F. W. MUMFORD , 50 Valentine , Ncbr. The Red Front Merc. Co. carry a complete line of sporting goods. FOR SALE Oil KE&V. Saloon building , together with fixtures and furniture complete. Also good five room dwelling house with excellent well and small barn. Easy terms. A. B. . HIES , 52 Crookston , Neb. Valentine social at Bethel hall , ' Feb. 15. Don't forget it. Xotice of Hearing. In the County Court of Cherry County Neb- aaka. - * - ITATK OF NEBRASKA , ie _ JOUXTY Or ( JHEKKV i & 3 To all persona interefated lu the" estate * of , Jhitrles A i rciuiuel. deceased : ' ' Ou t'Udiux ihe petition of bM. . W.ilcott. ask.- ' njrthata uecree be Hit-red oy the Coiimy ) -urt of s-iid county to fully determine ttie owu1 1 irsiiip ol certain ieal estate in Cherry County " ebrasha. and alao rea > estate Hdewhere lu said aU- , and h ks lor a heantn ; in t-aid metier : ' It s lien-by orueied tht oil persona interested in aid matter may. aim do appear , at the County . Jouit to be hem in ana fiji salu comity oii- the rd uay of jMareii 1004 at 10 o'clock a. in. to show ause , it'a..y tliere ue. why the prayer ot the irtitiouer shuuld not be granted auu that iioifce it the peuduey of said petition and tue hearing ht-ror ue Kiveu to ail persons interested iu eaia NUUT by ptijiiaiuu a copy 01 luii order ill ine aiciitiue Uemocia. . a wecKiy newspaper'puo- ishea m said county ior-1 luceessiv. . weeks prior ( salu day of beai lug , Uaieo L-ebr.iary iu , iOOi. Sisterly Devotion. The beautiful Margaret of Xavarre .vas . devoted to her brother , Frauds I. kVhen he was apparently dying at Mad rid , she fouud her way to him through Hivation and danger and succeeded in ! ffecting his dcliverauce. When he was 11 at a distance from her , she went ev- : ry day and sat down on a stone in the niddle of the road to catch the first glimpse of a messenger afar off. And ihe said : "Ah , whoever shall come to announce he recovery of the king , my brother , hough he be tired , jaded ilad , di- : heTeled , I will Mss-bim ncLenibnice lim as though he were the finGst gen- , leman in the kingdom. " When ha died she seemed literally leartbrofcen , and she did notIons sur Professional Cards. No Mock f ' silent preietit. I Tamil f.r in lt < * north-\vtsi i i BriMMilee , Nvbr C. 11. F.M'I.IIACKI. . MILL PRICES FOR FEED. Hran , bulk 75 per cwt # 14.00 ton -ihortsbulk 85 per cwt $16.00 too Screenings 70c " $13.00" Chop Feed . . . .1.05 " $20.iM ) COFD 95 118.00" Chopcoru 1.00 " $ J9.UO Data 1.20 $23.00" John Nicholson , Dentist. Will be in Valentine on the 20 , 21 , 22 and 23rd of each month. Reserve your work for him. Ollice at Donuhur Bou.-e. j ET7A BROWN SUPT , PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Examination Third Saturday of each i month and Friday preceding. * ALKNTINE NEBRASKA I i H. DAILEY , | Dentist. i Office over the grocery deparrnent 1 of T. C. Hornby's store. Will be in Rosebud agency July 3rd , Oct. 2nd and Jan. 1 , 1904. HENRY AUGUSTON Blacksmith Brown lee , Xebr. Does general blucksmithingathard times prices for cash. H. M. CRAMER , City Deliveryman. Trunks , valises and packages lihuied to ami irom the depot and all parts of the City. W. A. KTMBELL Barber First-class Shop in Every Respect Eui de Quiniiie Hair Tonic , Golden Star Bair Tonic , Herplcide aud oko's Dandruff Cure. Try Pompeian Face Massage Cream LEKOY LEACH County Surveyor Valentine or Woodlake ( iKA BKAL. WOKK VJtOlirTLY ATTENDED TO. A. N. COMPTON Physician and Surgeon Office at Quigley & Chapman's Drug Store , lights The Don- oher residence. Cherry Street. Edward & . Furay Physician and Surgeon Office Fraternal Hall or El liott's Drug Store. I9un2 F. M. WALCOTT ATTORNEY A D ABSTRACTER Valentine , Kebr. Practices Mn District ; Court and U. S. Land Office. Keal Estate and Ranch Property sold. Bonded Abstractor. Robert G. Easley , ATTORNEY AT EAW. over Red Front ' .GENERAL , LAW PRACTICE Valentine , . j DK. F. M. BLAKE , DENTIST. G Rooms at Mrs. Shore. Valentine - Nebraska. M. WILSON , Proprietor of Valentine Dray , Will do all kinds of drayingepress and freight work. Special attention given to fine furniture. need a gun or some am munition "call on the Eed Front Merc. Co. , they can supply all your smuts. - 86