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About Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 18, 1904)
ftistorical Society * J VALENTINE VOLUME XIX VALENTINE. NEBRASKA , FEBRUARY IS. 1904 . j S Your attention is now called to our line of * * ? ' * Furniture t ? ? 49 & > 49 and ask that you note our prices. & ? r- ft 4 ? & > 49 & Bed Koom Suits , j * 49 Golden Oak and Elm , nicely finished and pretty patSfr fj terns 810.00 to 828.00 JJ 49 o < 9lron Beds , v 49 all colors of Enamel and neat patterns. . .84.00 to 812.00 > Large Arm Eockers , * < $ Golden Oak or Mahogany finish § 2.75 to 810.50 " Jo Also Sewing Hookers and Children's Eockers. - * Extension Tables , & 49 Elm , Gloss finish , G feet 86.00. S feet 88.00 Is A Beautiful Sideboard , 0 > 49 Elm , Gloss finish top , 20x1-2 , Beveled Plate Glass 14x24 , Price , only . 812.50 49 49 49 49 Besides carrying a co'mplete line of furni 49 ture , we also carry a nice line of 49 49 PICTURE and KOOM MOULDINGS 4 49 of the latest patterns , and are prepared 49 to make all kinds of frames. 49 49 2 * Call and see us before buying elsewhere & 49 i * I RED FRONT MERC. CO. f 49 See That South Window ; FULL OF BARGAINS ! ! Ladies' Jackets , Furs , etc. at Half Price .81 TAILOR . , AND CLOTHIER. 5 All Kinds of Coal ! "Estate Oak" and "Radiant Home" ] are the best on the market. Neat j and ornamental and they have good j heating qualities. They'll keep fire through the coldest night ] with ordinary coal. Moore's celebrated Premium Thermometer - j eter Guide Range is the best for cooking and will wear a life time. ] FUBNITUEE and UNDERTAKING. ! FRANK FISCHER I DEALER IN GENERAL HARDWARE Chartered as a State Bank Chartered as a National Bank Jun * 1. 1884. August 12. 1902 , FIRST NATIONAL BANK Valentine , Nebraska. to ) of CAPITAL PAID HT A General Banicing $25,000. Exchange and , Collection Business C. H. CORNELL , President. J. T. MAY , Vice-President. M. V , NICHOLSON , Cashier. PRINTING ' YOUR OFFICE * Vc Cta Sititfy You xa Qualifr Price tnd TALK OF THE TOWN Local Weather Record U. S. Department of Agriculture i Weather Bureau f Valentine. Nebraska , week Hiding 6 a. t February 17.1904 Maximum temperature -legrees Minimum temperature , 9 degrees beloiv Mean temperature 11 degrees. Total precipitation , .OG J. J.O'DONNELL , Official in Cliarce. The Valentine Bottling Works puts up the finest kind of soft drinks. 17 Miss Winnie Crowe was in at tendance at the teachers' meeting last Saturday. We made a mistake last week vin the name of Andrew Schlufter which should have been Adolph Schlueter. Miss Clara Smith , the teacher at Crookston , was in town last Saturday attending the teachers' meeting. Miss Cora Thackrey departed last Saturday morning for her former home at Manhattan , Kan. , where she expects to live with her mother. Max E. Viertel , the Crookston merchant , was in town last Friday on business. He does a good busi ness at Crookston and has a good : lass of citizens as patrons. Dan K. Koby , of Springview , ailed on us yesterday while in town to meet his wife who was re turning from Chadron where she had been visiting her folks for sev- jral weeks. The llth infantry are now on , heir way home from four years foreign service in the Phili pines and are due this week in "Francisco. Upon their arrival there , one ( com pany will receive orders 'to pro ceed at once to Ft. Niobrara. Senator Hanna , of Ohio , died at 0-iO : p. m. Monday of Typhoid fever. A false report came over the wires here Monday morning that lianna had died at 11:30 : a.m. Oar flag floated at half mast con sequently several hours before his death. A positive refusal for money for repairs from Washington at Fort Niobrara was accompanied by the news that as soon as the work on the permanent posts throughout the country could be completed to such an extent as to shelter the ! soldiers , Niobrara would beaband- : oncd. This will not be later than the spring of 1905. The second of the four public missionary meetings to be held un der the auspices of the Ladies Aid Society will occur Sunday , Feb.- 21 , in the Presbyterian church at 7:30 : p. m. The program will be j an interesting one and will consist of recitations , music and dialogues. ' Chinese costumes are to be worn. All are cordially invited to be present. Miss Nettie Brosius returned Tuesday night from Omaha to spend a few weeks at home , Mr. and Mrs. Cochran for whom she has been working having gone to Poughkeepsie , N. Y . on account of the death of Mrs. Cochran's father. J. E. Cochran's father and brother Percy accompanied the Cochran family from Omaha back East. Lawrence Rice , now past S.years of age , got tired doing nothing as heexpressed it , and wanting to earn some money , Tuesday eve ning he gathered up a few last week's DEMOCRATS under his arm and started out as a newsboy. Up on his return he was jubilant over having sold a paper and stalked around the office as big as if he managed the shop and singing , "By and by hard times comes a at tljo door , " . S. J. Blakely was in town from Simeon last Thursday and Friday getting supplies for the Anderson- Hoffacker ranch near that place. He subscribed for the DEMOCRAT while in town to get the news. Lee and Wm. Shepard have pur chased the Tracewell & Bonser livery barn and rigs. These young men are honest , industrious and worthy of patronage. They have held positions of trust but will now ask a liberal share of business for themselves , and people who deal with them will find that they are | courteous , obliging and gentle manly in their conduct and THE DEMOCRAT hopes to see them en joy a reward of merit. The barn was built larger and higher by Trace- well & 'Bonser and many conveniences - ' iences added which make it a de sirable business property. The boxing contest that is billed to take place at Ft. Kiobrara next Friday night , is creating more in terest in sporting circles than any thing that has taken place in a number of years. Ireland has trained hard and faithfully for this contest , and is in the best possible conditions. He is very confident of winning and is certainly looking fine. Farrell and his trainer and backer , Tommy Sullivan , arrived here this morning. Farrell is a large man and looks to be a for midable opponent for any man. He says he is in fine form , and is as confident of winning as Ireland is , and this should be one of the very best contests ever pulled off in this county. A good wad of money will change hands on this battle. * * * * - * . _ Tickets are now on sale afi 'Kim- ' bell's barber shop , and are going fast. Reserved seats $1.50 ; gen eral admission § 1 ; boys 50c. From the. Cdy Cow Boy : BRADBURY BOUT. Frank JS. Bradbury and Mrs. Esther Bert were united in marriage at Valen tine , Saturday , February 6 , Judge Towne officiating. They expect to reside on the ranch of A. A. Lamb after the 1st of March. Word was received in Cody , Tuesday morning of the death of Joseph Schaefer , at Marion Junc tion , S. D. , the cause of his death not being known here yet. His sons , Anton and Alois , departed from here on Wednesday morning to be present at the funeral , after which they will return to Cody. The deceased has been at Marion Junction for about three years , and the past year Anton has been residing on his farm near Nenzel. The news of his death was a sur prise to the boys here , since Hen ry received a letter from there Sunday morning in which nothing was said about his father being ill. Burned to death. Clarence El- bert Lester , second son of J. W. Lester and wife , aged 3 years , 10 months and 6 days , met his death Tuesday , Feb. 9 , by being burned. During the afternoon Mrs. Lester had stepped out to her neighbor's , Mrs. Munn , leaving the two child ren playing at home , the other child being about 5 or C years of of age. Shortly after this the children began playing with the fire and in some way the little ' child's clothing was ignited. The older , it is presumed , was too 1 frightened to run out and give the alarm and the doomed child was | burned in a frightful manner. When the mother reached home the clothing was nearly all burned off and the child beyond recovery ? breathing his last in a short time. i The sympathy of the community is with the bereaved family in this their loss. The remains were bur ied yesterday , the services being .conducted by Rev , IJunt , 4 ? ams i * In order to make room for a large , fine order of spring goods , we are offering the following reductions in winter goods : 85 00 Woolen Blankets : . ( T § ± 00 4 ? 50 10 per cent off on all winter dress skirts , walking skirts and under skirts. We have a large stock of odds and ends of men's , women's and chilrlvci. % underwear , 49 which we are closing out at 30c per suit. Davenport & Thacher ? tf For the next DAYS 0-1 We will sell all kinds of O'/J / Overshoes , Mittens and Caps * " " BlOJ t COST. ' We must make room for our spring goods which arc bei/L ; , ginning to come in. Yours for business , o ziill ih ' > d > MAX B : VIBRTBL S . . ? > f comnio iQroceries ! * * ' The BEST for table use and at popular prices. , Our Stock is Always Fresh v III Dry Goods , Shoes , Mittens Hay , Grain and Feed | W. A. PETTYCREW , GENERAL rreire T3Trreviiirir7f CITIZENS MEAT MARKET HENRY STETTER JPRQP FRESH FRUIT ' IN THEIR SEAON First-class line of St&tlfej'fRoasts Dry Salt Meatsf Sfied Breakfast. Baron i : FitKD WMIITKMORK. President JHABLE& SPAHKS , Cashier J. W STKTTKK , Vice President I 'crest paid oil time deposits , \ \ VALENTINE STATE BANK ; Capital , S'iS.OOO V AJL , ENTITLE , Surplus , $1OOO is Persons seeking a place of safety for their Ollicv Hours money , will profit by investigating the , 0 \ . M. to 4 I' . M. methods employed in our business. rc yq w K jg iljfcs ar K I CONFECTIONERY Suited to your taste. Canned Goods Lunch Counter. Are now at their best and All you want to eat at our we handle the best grade. Lunch Counter r. Home Bakery 1 3d3 Read the Advertisements.