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About Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 17, 1903)
CATTLE BREEDERS AND FEEDERS o A simple method to prevent the growth of horns on calves , which is practiced to some extent by stockkecp- crs in this country , is also being fol lowed abroad. The English board of agriculture gives the following direc tions for the use of caustic potash : Clip the hair from the top of the horn ivhen the calf is from two to flve days old. Slightly moisten the end of a stick of caustic potash with water or moisten the top of the horn bud and rub the tip of each born firmly with the potash for about a quarter of a minute or until a slight impression has been made on the center of the horn. The horns should be treated in this way from two to four times at intcr- ' vals .of five minutes. If during the interval of five minutes after one or more" applications a little blood ap pears in the center of the horn it will then only be necessary to give another slight rubbing with the potash. The following directions should be carefully observed : The operation is best performed when the calf is uuder live days old and should not be at tempted after the ninth day. Caustic potash can be obtained from..any drug gist In the form of a white stick. When not in use it should be kept in a stop pered glass bottle in a dry place , as it rapidly deteriorates when exposed tom the air. One man should hold the calf m while an assistant uses the caustic. Xtoll a piece of tin foil or brown paper around the end of the stick of potash , which is held by the fingers so as not to injure the hand of the operator. Do not'moisten the stick too much or the caustic may spread to the skin around the horn and destroy the flesh. For the same reason keep the calf from getting wet for some days after the operation. Be careful to rub on the center of the horn and not around the side of it. Caustic potash is poisonous and must therefore be kept in a safe place. Orange Judd Farmer. "Beat In America. " The Illustration shows the head of Whitehall Sultan , pronounced by W. r K& g r P7 ) \ Marr , the English breeder , as "i..i' young Shortl.orn bull Lo s\v ; in . ; , ica. " This young bull belongs to L. - Kelley of Springfield. O. , Darhnnia nnd Shorthorns. A' Vermont subscriber nsUs Horm/ lit Dairyman whether Durliams : indSior horns are identical or constitute , distinct breeds. Durham is n loen1 , ' .provincial name for what arc kin - in the books and markets as c-Ii. horns. There is avell recognized br o of hornless cattle known as Po.I- .Durhams. These cattle have all - . characteristics of the regular Shor horns except the horns. When It Pays to Feed. The proiK resulting from feeding ci tie depends on a great many Cacto ifwhlch enter into the operations , sa. 'Breeder's Gazette. It may be siu = that it will always pay to feed catl provided they are bought right , fei right und sold right , and it is alway possible for the feeder to lose * mon -y provided he does not understand tl ; business or base his calculations o- Hound judgment. Many cattle feeder have lost money during the past year The one factor chiefly accountable fr tins is that about nine-tenths of tin cattle went into the feed lot at tot high a valuation in comparison witl the selling prices for finished cattle The reverse is true this year. The de pressioii in market prices of fat cattlf nnd loss resulting from last year's feed ing operations have made feeders can tious , and it is believed that the nuin her of cattle going on feed this year i ? far below that of the previous year , notwithstanding the fact that feeder3 .have becu selling abnormally low. HOTV Diseases Spread. " Diseases are often communicated by feeding : animals in stalls which havf been occupied previously by diseased stock. Such stalls should first bo thor oughly cleaned and disinfected. To d this take a pint of sulphuric acid : ? " ' put it in a bucket of water. Then. wT nn old mop. wash all parts of the s.ah , especially the trough or manjrer. All stalls should occasionally b' ' so drin- fectcd , as tueir constant use ppnuit" them to gradually become unlit abodes of the animals. The acid and water should be carefully handled. The Packers' Power. The only rational caust for rhe great falling off in prices pa'd by tlu > packers for hogs and beef cattle is the dot ° r- mination of the packers not to gvp more. They are not in thp packing business for either health or rctovation. but for the money they can accumu late. Of course the loss .tiu\v'pay for .the animals and the more they g-t for the animal products th < mort' money they make. This accounts for < h high price to consumers of he-f. pork , etc. , ascejl as .the low price of hogs and fcsttle-Fara ) and Eanch. AN ANGORA MICK STRAIN. It Coaltl Be Developed En lly br Se lection In Breeding ? . Tile conditions are perfect for tbe es- tal/iishmont of a milk goat industry in this country , for there is an unmistak able demand for it , and it is a demand which is increasing rapidly. When one consH"rs the conditions under which the milk goat proves a .blessing in for eign cou ntres and then notes carefully the situation here , he cannot fail to arrive at the conclusion that the time is opportune to give the milk goat the recognition that is duo her and at the same time to provide for certain classes of our people a blessing In the matter of wholesome , healthful and cheap milk. Primarily , as every goat man knows , the Angora is a fleece producing ani mal. but goat men also know that some individual goats yield a fair quantity of milk. In the southwest many have used this milk with satisfaction. The quality is not only superior to all cow's milk for use by infants and invalids , but analyses show it to be equal to that of the best breeds of recognized milk goats. In almost every flock of Angoras of twenty-five or more there may be seen in the springtime at least one doe that lias a large udder and other indications of large milk yield. By selecting this kind of does and breeding with bucks from similar does Jt is possible in time to develop .1 strain of milk Angoras. We apprehend that in careful and in telligent hands this development would not require much time , and the demand for milk goats could thus be partially supplied. At present the quantity of milk given by an Angora is uncertain , but breed ing with the purpose of milk produc tion in view would obviate that diffi culty to a v ry great extent. Another objection is the long hair about the udder. It would be but a light and brief task to clip this off. Besides. the udder of a good goat hangs so low that the teats are out of the way of quite long hair. It cannot be denied that importa tions of milk goats will soon be made. but when wo count the purchase price. the freight , the tariff and the profits due the importer we are impressed with the opinion that it will be many years before the demand can be sup plied in this way , and so we come to the question. Why not develop an An gora milk goat ? George Fayette Thompson. Try Rttimlnn Wolfhound * . We are in receipt of a letter from Mr. B. F. Leppe'of Flatwillow. Mont. , ask ing for information about an automatic gun that has been invented that is fired by clockwork at desired inter vals for the purpose of protecting sheep from wild animals , says Ameri can Sheep Bre ler. We have never heard of such an invention , which , we fancy , would fail of its purpose by rea son of the \vlld animals growing ffi miliar with the frequent harmless gun shot reports We are inclined to be lieve the best thing ever invented f' r the protection of sheep from wild ani mals is the Russian wolfhound , which has proved very effective wherever it has been given a trial. -O FEEDINGO ADVICE ON FEEDING Professor Henry of the University of Wisconsin ylves the following udvirp regarding gr'nding feed for stock. "This subject is a difficult one to d : < cuss owing * o the great variety of < : > ditions existing as to both grain n ; , animals. Dircctious are here giv " which may serve to guide the feeii in his practice. For horses wbich ur ; out of the stable during the day ni ' worked hard all grain , witb the pos.- . ble exception of oats , should be grousi- . For those nt extremely liard work a it grain should be ground and \ \ - chaffed bay For idle bowe.s oats or corn should not be ground , nor in"- ' the hay or straw be chaffed. A cu v yielding a large flow of milk should ! regarded as a hard working animal a.nd her feed prepared accordingly. Fattening steers and pigs may be crowded more rapidly with meal than with whole grain , though tbere is uioro danger attendant upon its use. "Sheep worth feeding can always grind their own grain. In general idle animals and those having ample time for mastication , rumination and diges tion do not need their grain or rough age prepared as carefully as do those with only limited time for these es sential operations. Experiments quite generally show increased gains from grinding grain , but in many cases they are not sufficient to pay the cost of grinding. " Alfalfa For Pign. Pigs complete their growth in much less time than either calves or colts. Alfalfa alone will not furnish enough mineral matter to secure tbe greatest development of bone in pigs. In addi tion to alfalfa growing pigs should be fed all the corncob charcoal they will cat. as this supplies the needed mineral matter. In a test made by the writer pigs were forced to the limit of feed and weighed daily , and it was found that the gains were proportionate to the amount of corncob charcoal eaten. With growing animals other than pigs we have not found it necessary to supply more mineral matter than that furnished by alfalfa. The stockman can develop cheaply bone in his nigs , calves and colts with alfalfa pasture in summer and alfalfa hay in winto. lie can safely and prof itably feed his breeding females- mares , cow * arid SOWPfa If a .hay ev ery day in " " y ' . " : ivi- - ' - . f ! y secure well dcv- . ' t' in blrtl : . T'- " . ' ' ' . -TV " M" his cows arw'o ? pastured < -B alfalfa. More Local. Jesse Granger , of North table was in town today and handed u. < a dollar on subscription. Butte Gazette : LeRoy Leach of Wood lake , Xebr. , champioi rifle shot of the world , gave an ex hibition shoot in town Wednesday In spite of the weather he die marvelous shooting. Bert Pike had the misfortune t ( have his horse fall on his le < : Thanksgiving and severely sprain ed his ankle , but after hobbling around on crutches for three week- is again able to walk prett.v fairl.v and was in town yesterday. Mrs. Jas. Collins was down frorr Cody yesterday on business. She informs us that her son , Jarnt Caveny , had recently been uj. from Fremont and spent a week visiting at Cody , also her daugh ter , Mrs. Bertha Henry , was uj visiting last week. J. L. Ashburn returned lasl week from liiverton , Neb. , where he , had gone to attend the funeral of Jiis mother , Mrs. Elizabetl Ashburn , who died Dec. 4 , at tin home of her daughter , Mrs. Banks. Mrs. Ashburn would have beec 84 years old Christmas had sht lived to that time. P. H. Young , of Simeon , and L. M. Hancock , of the liake ranch , start tomorrow morning for Mis souri to spend Christmas and tht holidays at their former homes. Mr , Young will stop in Omaha and in Tarkis , Mo. , on business and will get to the home of his father in Marshall , Mo. , Christmas eve. THE DEMOCRAT wishes them a merry Xmas and a pleasant jour ney. ney.At At an election of officers of the M. VV. A. lodge last night the fol lowing officers were elected for the ensuing year : J. T. Galloway , V. C. J. C. Pettijohn , W. A. M. V. .Nicholson , E. B. W. E. Haley , Clerk. P. F. Simons , Escort. Perry Veach , Watchman. Mark Wilson , Sentry. i. M. Rice , Mgr. for 3 yrs. term. It was decided to invite the JD. of H. to participate again as last year in a joint installation of officers. Oysters and refreshments will be served and arrangements will probably be made for good mu&ic for the occasion. This will be January 6th. From the IlusliviHe Stunnarii. Even those who turn up their nos s and sniff the air when popu lism is mentioned are beginnme to feel the burden and ask that U. b. senators be elected by the people and * lsich. " The Alliance Grip has again fallen into .the hands of F. M. Broome who announces that he will snatch it out of the republican ranks and place it in the democratic fold. Strange things happen in these days of of great formations. Some republican newspapers are beginning to make a cry for "statesmen. " That isn't a bad idea , but we'll bet our last year's breeches that they will want the "statesmen" to be picked from the republican ranks that has been tried , the " "statesmen" weighed in the balance and found wanting. Rani Lambs. If all lamb raisers shipped their own lambs and came to market with them they would learn to castrate every ram lamb at an early day. says American Stockman and Farmer. A good many ram lambs are now coming to market , and buyers are discriminating against lots containing them or throwing them out to be sold separately. Country buy ers should make their discriminations accordingly and take ram lambs at a lower price instead of trying to buy the whole bunch at a figure where the rams won't count. In this way the lamb raiser will learn his lesson and all concerned in the deal be better off. A Bis Sheep Farm. Sheep raising on an extensive scale is to be inaugurated in Manitowoc county , Ws. August Riebe , an expe rienced stockman of Wiuona , Minn. , has secured the large Herman farm south of Manitowoc for this purpose. Mammoth sheds will be erected , and they will serve as shelter for 40,000 sheep. These sheds will bo 73 by 100 feet and will require CGO.OOO feet of lumber in erection. The ra'nch when cdmtfleted wilj entail a Wt'bf 00,600 , tostrb'f tEB fcona * > different games all new one in each package of at your Grocer's. Business Notices Nut' ' * * * .iii'itir MUM hcHiHii ; . ' 5 fifiith IIHI . n < uch InsMrtln't. Anion rv diuu uintlcr. 10'vi.t' . or Mm' etch insert lim s ol neavy hardware , - . - . .nmud stock at E. Breuklanders Good fresh Meat and Lard al Stetters Meat Market. 26 I am now ead > to take orders for line Knit Underwear for ladies and and children. MBS. ELMORE. 8C LOST ! One brown yearling horse cell randed , > n D. STINAKU , Valentine , Nebr. Genuine home made Lard at the nuw Butcher Shop. 26 For all kinds of Undertaking Goods and Undertaking work call on the Red Front Merc Co. 27 The Red Front Merc. Co. carry a line of sporting goods. Orders taken for Ready Made Tailor Skirts at reasonable prices. MRS. EKJIORE . j. We have LOTS of Milk and Cream. Best quality. Let us sell you some. RED GATE DAIRY. 40 MARK I ) . CYPHKHS , Prop. . AN TED-1 Rl ST'N ORTHY LAD OR GEN- i fin-in to MI mag' buaiti'ss In this Oounty and djiniii ! territ..rj f r house ot solid financial tiii-tUiig S3 00 iiraight canli salary and we. HHII.S. s ir-id earn Mtfda * dir c" from h ail- i a t rs K\iMisi | * in nej : .dv-n-'Kd ; position ' -r an n Address Ma iajer } COS Monnn L5u , ng. rhic.KO 43 12 Now is the time to get your in- . arance on your buildings and -tock. Storms have already begun ind if you are without insurance itlwill be your neglect. It costs but i trifle to insure against fire , light ning and tornadoes in the best state companies. They are represented 3.V I. M. Rice , Valentine' Nebr. 960 Acre Farm and Eanch , five niles northwest of Valentine , good improvements , all fenced and cross fenced , one hundred and eighty lores in cultivation , balance mead- nv and pasture ; price § 4000 , one- fourth down , your own time on the balance at 7 per cent. F. M. SKGEK. 6 quarter sections of Deeded land irvd some school land. Range for 400 head of stock and is the best ange now vacant. 200 tons of hay ran be cut on this ranch and there s a good house , corrals , cattle sheds itable , two windmills with never failing wells and stock tanks. Al- > open water on a part of the range the year round. § 4,000 will it. Call at this office or write I. M. RICE , Valentine , Nebr. TIMKTABM3 < vraf Xonh rn Lint * at O'n ill. Nebr Kast. Ooini : West. 'nvp-i 10.10 : i. in arrives 9:50 : p. m Passenger , daib except Sunday. 'Jonnections with Elkliorn trains east and west-boun'i from all points west of O'Npill hortfst routi' tn Slonx Hty a. d n-ynd ' 'hroiiiih conue-tions UT Sioux Falls , Mlnne- * - Hs , St. Paul and all i > olnts nnrrh and , west. tn O'N Ill FRED ROGERS. G. P. A Meals Lunches Short Ordt-r. First class meals at all hours , day : .rd 15j. hi. Oysters in season. Pies , cakes , dough nuts always on hand. 1 .r.Cchota. Prop. THE NORTH-WESTERN LINE Only Double Track llnitrotui iK'tirce.ti JIinoitri nn ft Chivayo. o $ t f > > Tf lint' to lilacli Al'ltllJ to near Ht agent fur ratet * map * and time ctn-tln. The Elite Restauran and Chop House Meals at all hours. Frnits , Candie * , Cigars. Good cooking and just as yoi want it. MRS. C. L. WALKER , Propr 5421-2 Congrcsi ; St. POETLAHD , AlAlSE , Oct. 17 , 1802. I consider Wine of u.rdui superior to an doctor's medicine I over used and I knovr whereof I speak. I Buf fered for nine months with suppressed menstruation which completely pros- tratad me. Pains would shoot through my back and sides and I would have blinding headaches. Hy limbs would swell up and I would feel BO weak I could not stand up. I naturally felt discouraged for I seemed to be beyond the help of physicians , but Wine of Cardni came 03 a God-send to mo. I felt a change for the better within a week. After nineteen days treatment . I menstruated without suffering the I agonies I usually did and soon became I' regular and without pain. Wine of Cardui is simply wonderful and I wish that all Buffering women knew of ita good qualities. ft Treasurer , Portland Economic League Periodical headaches tell of fe male weakness. Wine of Cardui cures permanently nineteen out of every twenty cases of irregular menses , bearing down pains or any female weakness. If you are discouraged and doctors have failed , that is the beat reason in the world you should try "Wine of Cardui now. Remember that headaches mean female weakness. Secure a Sl.OO bottle of Wiao of Cardui today. r- WOBKiNO TOOL for the student and the writer , as an authoritative reference book for schools , families and business men , there is one book which of fers superior advantages both in bhe solid value of its information , and the ease with which it is ob tained. One's admiration for Webster's International Dictionary increases daily as it comes to be better know : It never refuses the information mation sought and it never over whelms one with a mass of mis information i11 Really arranged. The St. Jam azette of London , England , says : For the teacher , the pu pil , the student end the litterateur , there is nothing better ; it covers everything. The New and Enlarged Edition recently issued has 25,000 new words and phrases , 2364 pages and 5000 illustrations. Our name is on the title-pages of sll i nutbuntic dictionaries of thu AVebstcr - - LET US SEND Yr U FR * ' "A Test hi Pronunciation"irhii' plco&uit and instructive evening- tnent. Illustrated pamphlet i. * G. & C. MEHUIAM CO. . P ' The Valentine Bottling "Works puts up eleven different kinds oi drinks. . 17 Rooms furnished for rent by the month , or beds by the night. North of depot on Cherry street. & ± M& M. 'rofessional ' Cards. . Tin * ! . ! \ "al'HU ' reftM'd Ranch. T'rlnci * i : ! 6JW : ii"l O-ly tcr.i ; ! .n l tMtl .if IliTil I lit'.1 , * WI l-i \ niy. . \ | { .in uii > S'r nucs tc my herd. No.stork' : > leit jircwnt , .j itrowiile < . .Netir C. II. PACUIAKKIC. MILL PRICES FOP FEED. in. rmlh. . 75 per rwt $14.00 ton itshnlk 85 I M c * ' $16.00 too -runK > 7 > r " (13.00 i i-HMd , . .1 05 . fZO.OO Corn 95 $18.00" h..p corn 1.00 $19.00 " "ata 1.20 $23.00" John Nicholson , Dentist. ' Will be in Valentine on the 20 , 21 , 22 a nil 23rd of each month Reserve your work tor him Office at Donuher House. ET1 A BROWN ' SUP I . PUBLIC INSTRUlfl ION Third Saturday of' each uuuitti aim Kn < lrt > preceding. ALKNTKVE NKBRASKA H. DAILEY , Dentist. Utlicc over the grocery deparmcnt of T. C. Hornby's store. Will be in Rosebud agency July ; ird , Oct. 2nd and Jan. 1 , 1904. HENRY AUGUSTON Blacksmith Brown lee , Nebr. i JMUB general blaeksmithingathard times prices for cash. a. M. CfiAMER , ( Jity Deliveryman , unks , valises and packages hauled to and roui thr at- poi and uli parts of the City. W. A. KJMBELL Barber First-class Shop in Every Respect Kan de Qulnnir Hair Tonic , Goldou Star Balr roiilc. Herulcide and Coke's Dandruff Cure. i ry Pompeian Face Massage Cream LEKOY LEACH County Surveyor \ uiciitiiie \Vootllake < .hJ KHALVOHK P1C03UTLY ATTENDED TO. A. N. COMPTON Physician and Surgeon at Quigley & Chapman's Drug Store. Nights The Don- nher residence , Cherry Street. Edward S. Furay iciau and Surgeon OJflce Fraternal Hall or El- it'b Drug Store. I0un2 * . \\ALCOTT AilOHNtYA AB8ihAGT R Valentine , A'ebr. a In District Court and U. B. Land Offlcfe. Real Estate and tanch Property ought nrt anH Rnnrtori .Robert G. Easley , ATTORNEY AT I.AW. over Red Front GENERAL LAW PRACTICE Valentine , Nebraska. Clothes Cleaning ! Dyeing and Pressing HatM r < > n vit < Ml and blocked. W3I. JOPLIX. CiT-Lcave orders at T'avenpon ' & Thacher'd. DE. F. M. BLAKE , DEXTIST. GKRoorns at Mrs. { shore. Ytilntiiie - Nebraskft. If you need a gun or some am munition call on the Bed Front Merc. Co. ) they can supply all yotfr \Yaiils.