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About Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 12, 1903)
THE VALENTINE DEMOCRAT I. XI KICK , 1'ubllnher. TALENTINE , NEBRASKA , Build a castle In Spam , u.t live In fcome country where you get a vote. Automobile racing is about the only Import that Is as dangerous for the spectator as for the participant With plenty of postal cards and news papers to read , tie rural mail carrier should not find his job such a lonely one. Maxim has invented a gun that will kill faster than any present device. He ought to be able to sell it In Bul garia. Columbia , the gem of the ocean , may have to take Colombia , the bane of the canal , over Its knee and administer A spanking. Another squaw doctor has been killed because she failed to effect a cure. JDoctors In civilization have much to be thankful for. A beauty doctor declares thnt "It Is a misfortune for a woman to be freckled. " It Is a positive calamity for her to feel freckled. If the "material consequences" of war in the Balkans fall upon Bulgaria , the "Christian powers" will stagger along under the "moral responsibili ties. " The gist of Russia's latest proposi tion Is that she will hold the offices and control the revenues of Manchuria , providing some one else will pay the taxes. Lieut Peary will please lot us know If he finds the north pole post office properly equipped with time clocks , patent fasteners and automatic cash registers. A surgeon announces the discovery that the X-ray will make hair grow where all other hair tonics fail. This is all right for the hair , but of what use Is the scrambled brains ? Owners of automobiles should be en couraged in their recent craze for as cending mountains with their ma chines. An automobile which is climb- bag a mountain is hardly likely to kill Anybody save Its owner. Chicago has a theory that Infants Which subsist on milk of cows that are fed distillery mash imbibe the liquor habit Still , we have not observed that babies raised on the milk of cows which graze in tbe meadows are given \o eating hay. "We are not so optimistic as to believe that there is a surplus , or any prospect of an oversupply , of religion in this country. Indeed , there is a manifest deficit Yet , judging by the uses to which wealth is devoted by the great gifts for good works In all directions there Is reason for hopefulness rather than despondency. The mint at Philadelphia has stopped coining pennies because of the enor mous output of recent years. In the last five years 3,000,000,393 pennies have been shipped from the city , and. the coinage between July 1 , 1902 , and June 1. 1803 , was 89,000,000. Why not fashion them on the cartwheel model , tall them dollars and make us all rich ? At a utle of relics in Leaden , a carrel ak armchair , formerly Jehu Werfey's property , .brought twsaty guineas. A sold fob cftrneUan seal , sd- ysworn by him , TTRS bought fw ger- entoea guineas. But what would not maaj a hungering and thirsting soul give to hear one word from the living : Yolce , or to catch a single glance from the eje of him who was born to move It Is recorded of Cornelius Vanderbllt that before he died he said to a friend : T don't see what good it does me all this money that you gay Is mine. I can't eat it , I can't spend It In fact ve I nerer saw It , and never had It In SiK my hands for a moment I dress no better than my private secretary , and pc cannot eat as much as my coachman. an I lire In a big servants' boarding house , di am bothered to death by beggars , have CO dyspepsia , cannot drink champagne , a tic and most of my money is In the hands pf others , who use It mainly for their La wn benefit" sei one onm It Is essential to the proper adjust- sij pent of the public temper In this coun 1st try that there should be a greater J4etermlnatlon to make operative the peed laws already enacted as well as to make new ones or amend old stat- val btes and to repeal all laws that have stn become "dead letters" by common con has sent.It . Is unwholesome to permit a ret legislative act to lapse merely by de pli fault That which is called "the maj the ; esty of the law" has been much dis Pa credited In this country , and It is not only etranpe that Its lack of potentiality lof Should be sometimes manifested in the sun tontempt of Indignant citizens. obi The court-martial of a young lleuten- bit serving In the Philippines and the ( ] ontence to dishonorable dismissal the rom the army for conduct "unbecom- lg an officer and a gentleman" will my 1 e a warning shock to many young kn < len in and out of the army. The I [ c oath's offense was using Improper of mgusge m the presence of a lady. TOiy 0t simply , "using improper lan- 1 1 soae7" A man who will us * ' Indecent' Ian language In the presence of a gentle man is just as foul-mind ? as he who betrays his unfleanness In the presence of a lady. If he would insult a geutk- man he would be willing to Insult a lady. If he doesn't , It Is because he Is afraid of the penalties attached by convention to such offenses and gen erally enforced by salutary custom. A good many girls , launched into so ciety and questing husbands , and a good many young men , building up a practice or a business , believe that they help themselves by taking and giving many confidences and by getting as close as possible to persons whom they meet But the girl who opens her soul to every man finds In time that men flee before-her. A girl must be ex- elusive if she would be highly approfl elated. Tbe value of confidences , Ilk * the value of wheat and potatoes , is reg ulated by the supply. Neither will people employ doctors or lawyers whom they know Intimately. It la better for a lawyer or a doctor to know a great many people slightly than to be en titled to call all the young women b 1 their first names and to invite hlmsor to family meals. It cheapens oue % confidences to make them too common. There are men and women who ex- poge their minds to everyone witi whom they are on terms of familiarity The whole world knows the privati business , tbe secret thoughts and emo tions , the domestic trials and troubles , the follies and sins of such persons. And such persons , while they have many intimates , have very few real friends. It is better to have few inti mates and many friends. The excel lent quality of reticence is almost an essential element of success. More pee pie have hurt themselves by telling too much than too little. From prac tical as well as sentimental standpoints it is prudent to keep most people at : i distance and to become familiar with only a few. Nature seems to have si planned that one chum , or one sweet heart , or one wife , is sufficient to one's needs of soul-close companionship. There is a father in this city , says the Chicago Record-Herald , who bought his 22-cali 8-year-old son a - bre rifle. Evening before last tht boy was sitting on the floor playing with it. lie pointed it at his sister , snapped the trigger MI ! the girl fell dead. That father - now a double suffering first , because his daughtei is dead , and second , because he fceh that the blame is all his own , for he knows that he should not have given such a weapon to a child. In this age and in this country it is nothing short of folly that firearms of any kind should be accessible without re strictions to persons in private life. From the social point of view the blame for such a tragedy as the one fresh in our minds falls no more upou the father who bought the rifle than upon society which permitter him to buy it when he wished and for what ever object he wished. What useful purpose do all the pistols , the rifles and the suotguns In the hands of our citizens serve ? We can't kill Indians with them. The luckless red men are too busily engaged in cheating and be ing cheated to have any remaining de th sire to take the warpath against us , Nor do we need them to protect our is selves from burglars and "thugs. " ea. Ca The revolver serves the professionals cm of crime vastly better than it serves tlit their victims. Take weapons away up from both criminal its and public and Its the benefit would be all to the latter. Defer forth The ordinary possession of weapons forJ does not even give a training in marks manship , which the country can hi Its volunteer soldiery in time ol war. We have a regular army. Its soldiers need guns. We have a militia. thTl Tl Its members need guns during theii th term of service. We have sharpshoot In ers' clubs , whose members for th < tr most part can be trusted with weap ons. We have hunters who enjoy a sport that Is safe to the public undei ha proper limitations. But aside from Tj these It is hard to see what possible fcu Btl excuse there can be for the wide distribution Of tribution of weapons among the pee ab ple. No good is evident , but dallj GDI we are forced to reckoning the harm , Scientists Who Believe in Ghosts. Among the great physicists , Sir Oli W ver Lodge believes in telepathy and Sir William Crooks In ghosts. Lord Kelvin recently said that "scienc < ° positively affirmed creative power , " and Sir William Thistledown-Dyer , the Jjjj director ; of Kew botanical gardens , complains that Kelvin "wipes out by , . stroke of the pen the whole posi tion Darwin won for us , " and Prof a Lankester , director of the British Mtif tite seum , says he does not know "of anj of admitted leadership among modern < biologists who is showing a signs of coming to a belief In the ex. 8el Istence of a vital principle. " ne syi Planet Mars Inhabited. A recent dispatch from Prof. Percl a Lowell from Flagstaff , Arizona , Gr stating that a large projection of Mars OU been discovered , leads Prof. Gar- est P. Serviss to declare that the ho planet Is undoubtedly inhabited. On cai other hand , Prof. Flammarion , of hoi Paris , declares that the projection is ; ] an illumination of the clouds 01 im mountain summits in the setting ind , and that many other analogous 'scl ' observations have already been made. ind too : Not Snro us to Kxact Value. > Goldlng ( who has given his consent ma I hope , young man , that you knoAT see value of the prize you will get In daughter ? ton Young Man Well-erao , sir ; I don'1 str tnow the exact value , but as near as pie can find out It's In the neighborhood veil $50,000. Stray Stories. tun tunI The latest name for a hammock Is a I anfllng net. Dragnet Is also good. the Happy Woman. Mrs. Pare , wife of C. B. Pare , a prom inent r e s i - { dent of Glas- I g o w , Ky. , | says : "I was 3 s u ff e r mg from a complication - plication of kidney trou bles ? Besides a bad back I had a great deal of trou ble with the secretions , which were exceedingly va riable , sometimes excessive and at oth er times scanty. The color was high , and passages were accompanied with flP scalding sen ition. Doan's Kidney Pills soon regulated the kidney secre tions , matin * their color normal and tib banished ; the inflammation which caused tht scalding sensation. I can rest well , ray back is strong and sound and I feel ranch better in every way. " For ttile by all dealer * , price 50 centa per box. Foster-MIlburn Oo. , Buffalo , Put Up in Collapsible Tubes. A Substitute for and Superior to Mustard or any other plaster , and will not blister the moat delicate skin. The pain allaying and curative qualities of this article are wonderful. It will step the tooth ache at once , and relieve headache ami sciatica. We recommend It us the best and safest external counter-Irritant known , also a an external reu.e- dy for pums in the cheit and stomnch and all rheumatic , neuralgic and souty ; complaints A trial will prove what we claim for it , nnd It will be found to be invaluable IB the household. Many people ssy 'It is the Lest of all your prepa " rations. Price 15 cents , at all drnppistg , or other dealers , orbyaondiiiR this amount to us in postage stamps , we will sptu you a tubf by rutil. No article should be accepted hy the public un less the snme carries our lubel , as otherwise it islet lot . CHESEBRGUGH ? > ! ANUFACTURiNG CO. 17 State St. , New York City. Kipuns Tabu cs are th" bfst dvsp < psia riiMhoine ever made. A'bnnJred millions of tlKiu have been sold in the United Matt * m a single year. Constip.vion , h'-artlmrn , sick hetda.h > - , dii- _ _ _ ness , bed breath , sore thro-it nnd evr othrr illne-a arising from a < iis nifd stomach are relieved or cured bv Ripuns Tabules. One will generally pive relief vrithii tumty minute * The uve.cotr _ pa.oka2C is enough for ordinary occasions. AUdri : < r < ! isU tell them. UNION MADE. You can save from 3 to $5 yearly by wearing "W. L. Douglas $3.50 or 4-3 slices. They equal those that have been cost ing you from $4.00 to § 5.00. The im mense sale of Vf. L. Douglas shoes proves their superiority overall all ether makes. Scld by retail shoe dealers everywhere. Look for Jiatno aud price on bottom. That Douglas tues Cor ona Colt - pi-ore * there i * ralue in Donplat , < hoe * . Corona is the highest gratia Ptt.Leatlier mud * . Fait Color Evelttt wrrf. Shoe * br raall , 25ents extra , Illustrntfd Cataloff fr . \f. L. nOKGLAH. Brocktoji. If you take tbe rumatism oub ov oh ace , thare is-i't much of enny- thing else left to brag on. 81OO Kewaril , S100. The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there Is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all it - states , and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure isfra the only nohitlre cure known to tne medical fraternity. Catarrh boinp a constitutional dis ease. require * a constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally , actinc directly the blood and mucous mrfaoes of the &ytem. thereby destroying the foundation of the dis ease , and giving the patient ktrenpth bv building the constitution and assisting nature in noin work. The proprietors have so much faith in curative powers that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to ' ure. Send lUt of testimonials. Address. F. J. CHENEY & CO. , Toledo , O Sola by Drurpists , 75c. Hall's Family PIlu are the best. The Palace of Manufacturers at the World's Fair is nearly linisbed. Tbe main entrance in tbe center of tbe south facade , is tbe most strik ing feature to be erected. This en trance ! is a great archway 150 feet The builders at the World's Fair have finished the frame work for the ryrolean Alps , one of the big fea tures on the Pike. The meat round structure is now receiving tbe coat staff and tbe peaks tower ui b above surrounding structures like be snow-capped mountain tops. HAPPY DAYS When Friend. Say "How Well Yon of Look. " What happy days are those when all our friends say "How well you look. " We can bring those clayg by a little au care in the selection of food just as beef this young man did. of "I had suffered from dyspepsia for pain three years and last summer was so in bad I was unable to atrend school , " he ini says : "I was very thin and my appe at times was poor , while again it im was craving. I was dizzy and my food ilways used to ferment instead of di- jesting. Crossness , unhappiness and nervousness were very prominent jymptomB. "Late in the summer I went to visit sister and there I saw and used rapp-Nuts. I had heard of this fam- ! food before , but never was inter- isted enough to try it , for I never knew really good it was. But when 1 ame home we used Grape-Nuts in our lousehold all the time and I soon be- to note changes in ray health. I mproved ; steadily and am now strong < well in every way and am back at school able to get my lessons with ease pleasure and can remember them. , for the improvement in my mental ewer is very noticeable and I get good narks in my studies which always ieemed difficult before. "I have no more of the bad symp- oma given above , but feel fine and itrong < and happy and It is mighty ileasant to hear my friends say , 'How you look. ' " Name given by Po - Co. , Battle Creek , Mich. Look In each package for a copy of famous little book , "The Road to Mrs. Rosa Adams , niece of the late General Roger Hanson , C.S.A. , wants every woman to know of the wonders accom plished by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. " DEXB MRS. PIKKHAM : I cannot tell you with pen and ink what good JLydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound did for me , suffering from the ilia peculiar to the sex , extreme lassitude and that all pone feeling1. I would ris from my bed in the morning" feeling- more tired than when I went to bed , but before I used two bottles of iLydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound , I began to feel the buoy ancy of my younger days returning1 , became regular , could do more work and not feel tired than I had ever been able to Jo before , so I continued to use it until I was restored to perfect health. It is indeed a boon to sick women and I heartily recommend it. Yours very truly , MKS. Eos-i. ADAMS , 819 12th St. , Louisville , Ky. " $5000 forfeit if original of abote letter proving genuineness cannot be produced. FREE MEDICAL ADVICE TO WOMEN. Don't hesitate to write to Mrs. Pinkham. She will understand your case perfectly , and will treat you with kindness. Her advice is free , and the address is Lynn , Muss. No woman ever regretted havinewritten her , and she iia3 helped thousands. CUBES WREKE All ElSE FA'IS. Best Comb fcyrup. Tastes Good. Use la time. Hol'l AStt YOU3 DIALED FOB THE "SLICKED MAW : FAMOUS BY A DEPUTATION EXTENDING OYED MODE THAN , HALF A GENTIEY. TOWER'S garment5 and hits arc made of the best materials in black or yellow ' , , for all kinds of wet work. SATISFACTION 15 GUARAiiTKD IP YOU STICK TO TH SlQl OF THE FISH , . L. J.T6-.VER CO.fcOSTON. MASSU S..A. I TOWER CANADIAN CO- t. TOJZOMTO. CAN. TK i l- Tbare iz nothing but a mirakle will keep a prodigal wan ritch to tbe end ov hiz life. Mrs. WinsloWs SOOTHING SYRUP for.chil dren teething , softei'h the auras , reduces inMa- matlon , allays pain cures colic. Pilce2o j bottle Sum people are not happy unless they are in puisuit ov sumthing im possible to find. Fruit a rids will not stain goods dyed with PUTNAM FADRLKSS DYES. Obstiatcy looks well enuff in a mule or a trate-i est , but it is neitber ornamental nor uscpuull in a man. Tbe ornate bridges over tbe main lagoons afc tbe World's Fair are now being erected. Many of the smallei , bridges have been finished. Work on Belgium's national pav ilion at thp World's Fair has begun. The building will stand in front of the Administration Building and west of the Chinese pavilion. It will he of steel brought from Bel gium. The Belgium building will visited hy King Leopold next year. Piso's Cure for Consumption cured me a tenacious and persistent cough. Wm. H. Harrison , 227 W. 121st street , New York , March 25. 1901. The young man who learns a trade and is not too lazy to work at it , is better equipped to meei the battles life in after years than is the pampered son who inherits a fortune Bt dollars but none of the habits of as industry. Learn a trade , young oj man , learn a trade. Beatrice Sun. ds SBflc Tlao Shortest Way- flc out of an attack of " "hiI m or be : th - OE tthFi Fi ' jas dl Ice Icew w IS tO US qi 'H ' [ > e s t , Which afford not relief , * only sure but a prompt cure. It soothes , ) fIt subdues , and ends the suffering. -It Itn Price , 25c. end 5Oc. n C Can a Farmer Make Money" ? jfy answer is that very many farm ers do make money. One must first consider what the investment is in an ordinary farm. A general farm of eighty acres , "with usual improve ments , would not inventory more than 4,000 to $8,000. With the larger fig ure the net Income at 10 per cent fehould be $800 ; yet no farm that is considered to be at all profitable pro duces so little income as this. The daily living , which must be charged to income , would amount to more than this. If the general farmer "comes out even" at the end of the year , he lias , nevertheless , made a good rate on his investment , and he has In creased the value of his home at the same time. The difficulty with farm ing , considered from the financia ! point of view , is not that the rate of Income is low , but that the amount of profitable Investment is small. Con sidered In its bearing on the national welfare , this fact Is propitious , for it means that the farm provides an in dependent business of small resources. Considered * as a means of producing great individual fortunes , however , the farm Is inadequate , and It Is to be hoped that it always will be so , for at least one great profession or business should be measured in other terms than money-producing power for the individual. There is untold wealth in the soil. There are practically no "exhaxisted" soils ; they are mostly humus robbed and poorly handled soils. No one has ever yet reached the limit , on any con siderable scale , of what the soil is capable of producing. Many men make a comfortable living on ton to fifty acres of land , and yet they al ways expect to produce more next year. Only here and there are we be- 'ginning ' to develop a reaily scientific and businesslike agriculture. The opportunities in farming are great. It is almost impossible for a 'man ' to fail , if he knows the business 'and has abilities that would lead him to success In other undertakings. It iis a general belief that almost any man can leave the city and make a living on a farm. This is a grievous 'error. Farming must be learned , as must engineering or teaching. It can not be learned from a book or a bulle- 'tin , but by farming. The older the man when he makes a radical change of business the less are his chances of success. If he has been in a subor- jdinate position in his former business , his chances of success In farming are less , for he will probably be deficient In executive handling and initiative. Often a druggist or a preacher will think that he can go to farming with every assurance of success ; yet he would not think that a farmer could go Into the drug business or to preach ing. Yet many a business man and taany a preacher makes a most suc cessful farmer. L. H. Bailey , in New York Tribune. Shelled Corn Self Feeder. My style of a feed crib can be made of any size , so as to suit any number of cattle. Mine , however , Is 0 feet wide , 15 long and 10 high. It has run ners , e e , underneath , that it may be readily moved to any place desired. The roof Is extended out so as to keep grain dry as well as the backs of a IDEA FOR CUKX FEEDERS. a teers. It is supported by 2x4 braces tl s shown at c c c. Cuopla d is well tlai pened for free ventilation. The floor fi raised one foot in the center , so as to tc lake sufficient fall for feed to drop fc ito feed trays , f. A slide , g , 1x6 inches in y 15 feet , may be used to regulate the c ow of grain into manger. It should ave two handles attached as shown. The I door to the scoop hole should be iade with slides similar to a scoop e oard , as at a , and about 2x2 feet , iat there may be no waste of corn in rhile filling the crib. The 2x4's. b. -hich form the bottom , should project each side about 20 inches to build ie feed trough. A."UV. . Heicie , in 'arm and Home. tl Rain and the Hay Product. dj Every farmer strives to get 'iis ha.r fc eyond the washing influence of rain ' soon as possible.1 Run water mav Issolve and remove more than 10 per * or fa ent of the dry matter of hay , and -hat is thus removed may represent ulte 20 per cent of the feeding value , Pi alf , an Inch of rain means some fifty fr ns of water per acre , and If the crop frm equally spread over the ground , it m of course , subjected to the whole w the washing influence of this quan- of water. But if the ty crop be put er ito cocks that occupy only one-tenth ev tha area , it follows that the hay evm Trifl be affected by only one-tenth of ? ttfe rainfall , that is to say , by five Instead - stead of fifty tons of water. Not onl/ does water actually wash out much or valuable constituents the soluble and most uents of hay , but It also removes the- aroma , and leaves the crop much less > appetizing as food for stock. The- color too , suffers , and with it the sellIng - Ing value.-Massachusett8 Ploughman. Coop tor Fattening Chicken. , Where It is desired to take extra- pains in fattening chickens , it Is nee- essary to confine them in close quarters weeks before kill- ters for two or three Ing. The coop shown herewith is ideal * for this purpose. It is set on legs 2M- feet above the ground for convenience- In caring for the fowls. The coop fep about 2 feet wide , 5 feet long , an < f" 2 feet 9 Inches high , and will easil - hold six birds. The bottom should be constructed ot slats , somewhat closer together thai * the sides and ends , so that the drop ; pings may fall through. The coop * should be placed under roofs to she rain and to protect the fowls from th * hot sun. In cold weather It would b .ff necessary to protect them still morj by placing the coops In buildings. Fe < * f troughs and water vessels are attached FATTENING COOP FOK POCLTKY. at the outside in easy reach of th * fowls. J. D. Spoouer , in Farm ani Home , Silasre uml Kooti. A. silo for storing corn is cheaper than a barn for storing Lay. A sllc holding about two hundred tons ma > be constructed for about § 150. AboaV twice the number of COTVS may bt kept on a farm if the sUe is used. The , ensilage may be kept over and fed during the dry and hot months of Julj and August , when pastures are short nnd that is the most difficult time tf keep up the flow of milk , and If coivt once drop in the flow of milk it iswell nigh impossible to get them to regal * the full flow. When dairymen do nof hare silos the next best thing is roota such as stock beets , which yield sil- hundred to seven hundred bushels pej acre , and may be preserved in bas& ment , barns or In a root cellar. / - * can Cultivator. s Farm The greatest mistake that can b , made is to allow stock to deteriorate fr the winter time with the hope of re gaining what has been lost when graac comes. The sheep will find quite an amount of forage on the stubble field whlcj- other animals will not touch at thb season , but because a sheep Is wilJJn } to eat "what it can find In that mannes should not deprive It from receiving regular rations at the barnyard. Agriculture will not have attainet the highest place until farms of thi country have been made to product annually the full measure of their ca. paclty. This means rotation , fertlll zation and a host of other things tha ) r must come with progressive fanning. Every farmer should have a tevt grapevines. They serre as arbors ot shade , and can be grown where thej will not lake up much space. All poul try yards will be Improved If grape vines are grown along the fences an < the fowls will find shade under th * overhanging branches In summer. Hemp can be easily grown In near ! ? all sections of this country , but the ob stacle to its Huccessful cultivation I the labor of preparing It for market There Is a wide field for inventiv * genius In devising appropriate machln ery for specially treating hemp ani other fibrous plants which demand more labor In some sections than ca > be profitably bestowed on them. In constructing a poultry house It fc best to have Its face to the southwest as ; the sun will then send. In Its warmtl as ! soon as It rises. The sun will warn the house until about 3 o'clock In thj afternoon In the winter. If the houa faces the south , as Is usually the cua torn , the sun's rays win not enter be fore 9 or 10 o'clock , although the morn ing Is the most important time for re ceiving the benefit c Hinta. Thrift , not hunger , should promp exercise. Sows with very nervous tempera ments should be avoided. The pigs should have a. dry , cleaa bed , free from dust and filth. The cheapest pork Is that made bj the : wise use of clover pasture. A sow should never be confined to i dry lot barren of all grasses and otha forage. The hog should find a place In thj economical management of even farm. J No differeuse how plentiful the sun ply of slops , the hogs should b&ri fresh water daily. While dust In the bed is totfnrlotu. more may be said against dampnesi which Is fatal to thrift The hog to thrive best must be food that will build up the sy evenly. The bon % muscle and muat maintain