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About Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 12, 1903)
His.oiical SoJety VOLUME XV 111 VALENTINE , NEBRASKA. NOVEMBER 12 , 1903. NUMBER 4 : j ftft ' * 0) 45 ' & / * . . , , : ' .1 " 'sta ! = * > - ' * - ' * * - i ' ' & ' > -X tWVVtjA 49 49 c 4 * 49 49 49 49 1 C 49 4 ? 49 49 49 4 * 49 4 * U tas ; ? < 9 49 4 ? 49 The "Retort Jewel. " i > 49 . Especially adapted to Glenrock , Big Muddy ftft tf and all the cheaper grades of coal. Will burn I ? hard or soft coal , and will also burn slack coal. x x x 49 We also carry the Cole's Hot Blast , Peninsular , Smoke J * Consuming- Heaters , and "Round Oak stoves. We guarantee satisfaction or money refunded. We can furnish you heaters 49 from $4.00 up to $28.00. FRONT MERC. CO.ft . * mJSNL' * TM1 t Winter Wraps and Clothing Take aVTaHie dread ut cold \vb.itliwr" . The BEST Styles and fit in Ladies Jackets. i , Ready and Tailor-made Suits and Overcoats F r fall and \viute < ' ' -ear Caps and Gloves for a chilly drive. QllKJALn TAILOR . O I IN M it U. AiN D CLOTUIEK. J SOur y - K Our Tin and Sheet Iron work can't be beat. A first class tinner and good material to work with. 49 49 Guns and Ammunition ftft 49 * 49 All kinds of Coal ftft ft 4 ? 49 Undertaking.w 49 w 49 49 General Hardware , Stoves and Rangj ft j * & 49 eg. Iron Beds , Springs , Mattresses and , J * 49 Furniture , windmills and Pumps , j * 49 19 FBANK FISCHER. ftft 49 ft MMi AMMiAMdftH Chartered as a State uhartered da ft National Bank Jun 1. 1881. August 13. 1902 , > Si FIRST NATIONAL BANK Valentine , Nebraska , Of . JAPlrAIiPA3CD'IlSr A General Banking Exchanee and ( \illMctiim Business C. H. CORNELL , President. J. T. MAY , Vice-President. ' " * M. * . V . . ' . ' . > jg ; . > GET AT THIS YOUP OFFICE * SU I ? You io Oiwiitv Price aad TALK OF THE TOWN Local Weather Record U. 8. Department of Agriculture I Weather Bureau j Valentine. Nebraska , week ending 0 a , m , , November 11,1903 Maximum temperature 78 degrees on the ' Etli Minimum temperature , 17 decrees on the 5th. Mean itemperatiirB- 4 degrees , which is 5.7 de n i above the normal. Total precipitation , 0 00 inch , which is 0 H incli below the normal. H McP , BALDWIN. Offlclbl in Charge. Now is the time to pay up on subscription. Mr. King , of Simeon , was in the city Saturday. Thursday , the 26th of Novem ber , is Thanksgiving. F. H. Baumgartel , of Crookston , was in town yesterday. Wm. Erickson and A. H. Stees were in town last week. Miss Myrtle Query has been quite sick the past week. H. W. Logan , the Norden bank er , was in town last week. The commissioners will meet Saturday , Nov. twenty-first. J. R. Lee , of Brownlee , called on us last week while in town. The town finally got straight again after the night of Oct. 31. J. F. Swain was a Valentine visitor from down the river 5es- terday , S. L. Ellis , of Simeon , was in ; own last Friday and Saturday on Business. Enoch Anders was in town from thesouth ! part of the county , last Saturday. Court will be in session Nov. twenty-third. Tne jury is called : or the next day. Mrs , Ormesher and Mrs. Higgins - gins are visiting Mrs. Clark at finglewood , S. D , J. A. Yaryan and Tim Falby were Valentine visitors last week from near Pullmun. Yank O'Bryan was down from his ranch on the reservation Tues day and remained in town over night. There has been considerable building done the past year and yet there is not an empty building in town at present. Mrs. R. A. McQuade was out to her claim Saturday a week ago. Her brother , Mr. Bachelor , has built her a new house. Earl M. Pettycrew left Sunday morning for Lincoln where he goes to attend the state agricultural school at the state farm for six months. Supt. L. K. Travis , of the St , Mary's ' Mission School on Rosebud agency , came down Monday to visit friends and to transact some business. Frank Mullen , chief clerk , and Wm. Barker , assistant clerk at the agency * arein , town this Week loading Indian teams with freight for the agency , A new restaurant in town where the postoffice Used to be. ' Wm. Sector Is the proprietor. We do not know him but suppose he is used to the business. Wesley Holsdaw , who has been working at his trade , stone mason ry j at Cody for the past several months , finished his work there and returned home Saturday. Mrs. S. A. Rice and son I. M. Rice and son Lawrence were out to Marsh lake the first of the week where Mrs. Rice has a claim. They found the weather Cool. The Ladies' Aid of the Presby terian church will have a haudk'er * chief'bazaar and a. chicken suppaz on the 16tb 'of'December in Bethel | L The Valentine Bottling Works puts up the finest kind of soft drinks. 17 Dr. Z. T. Daniels , who has been one of the government doctors at Rosebud since August 1902 , has been transferred to Coleville ag ency , Washington. Dr. Daniels' ) left for his new station yesterday ' morning. A Dr. Harrison will e his place at Rosebud. The editor desires to thank his friends for the loyal support which they gave him in the campaign just J closed and especially those who . took an active interest in his be- : half. Also M. Christensen and A. M. Morrissey for their valuable assistance in getting out the paper during the last two weeks of the campaign. A prairie fire seemed to be rag ing up northwest last night. It was a long distance from here ap- parently. We hope- everyone wilf be careful about Tfire this year ; Several small fires have started doing considerable damage. D. Stinard and D * . M. Jefi'ers each lost their hay by fire which was et by the railroad company's en gines. Report of school district No. 49 for month beginning Oct. oth and ending Xct ) , 30th' Number of pupils . 15 Average attendance . 14 1 Pupils neither absent nor tardy f were : Rog , Luie ancLLaura Starr ; Ada , Jyfce'and'Lyle Steele ; Mar- . gie , LeRoy and Alva Howe ; and Fred Denison. ALTA STARR , j Teacher. There are others who were defeated - ' feated on election day. This the democrats may feel sure of and take consolation , that they were nominated and run as democrats , ! though few of them could hope for i anything but defeat with our cotin- j t.v so strongly republican. They made a good run because they were qualified and worthy of the offices for which they were nominated. Cattle are in good condition this fall and go into the winter with a full dinner pail. There was lots of hay put up and the range is in ' good condition excepting a few j places where it was pastured too close. Everybody is wondering what kind of a winter we'll have or whether they have enough or too much hay. Its better to have a ! plenty and keep stock in good con dition. They'll stand a storm better - , ter and come out better in the spring and fatten early for market. Tracewell & Bonser have just , completed an 'addition to their livery stable which gives them six more 'double stalls , and the roof being raised six feet and the main part built higher , their barn will . be more convenient and will hold ' ' a lot more hay which can be thrown , in loose. Seven electric lights I * / * give them plenty of light. They have new rigs , new harness , care ful drivers and good teams which with their acquaintance over the country make them the leading1 livery men. They are doing a nice business and will take pains to please their patrons. They will have horses for sale and any one needing a good team can depend upon their judgement to make them a selection. Church Anttfmnce- me t. Next Sunday no Catholic service in Valentino. Mass will be said at Arabia at ten o'clock in the morning. . .Our catholic services i for'Valentine'will placfc on uw Mending TissueI ! < y . . . . . ° r & * & * Most useful and greatest labor saving invention o > 49 the age. Warranted to give satisfaction. 49 Repairs Any Kind Of Clothing c 49 49 Finest silk or satin , or the coarsest woolen goods. jj 49 Also parasols , lace , veiling , kid gloves or carriage cur 2 * 49 c * 49 tains. For fancy work , such as plaiting or hems on 49 scarfs , it is superior to anything else. ? ? 49 * 2 * A SLIGHT RENT , A MOTH EATEN SPOT 49 49 Or whore a fabric is worn thin or frayed , being impossible - i possible to darn or patch neatly with a needle , the ! J < 9 tissue repain- perfectly and speedily. fc > For Sale By < 9 19 Davenport & Thacherft C9 ft 19 . Our stock of. . . . PALL AND WINTER HOODS M Mn 1 I V mf ' H B H Ljl Are coming in daily and wo invite " - / . you to come and look them over and get prices before buying elsewhere. Give us a chance to show you onr i- . -i. * : . ' \ . lines which are complete. 'We handle * * ' everything and our prices our right. " " and see , . ' MAX E. VIBBTBL CROOKSTON NEBRASKA Our Groceries Are best for GOOD LIVING. You get satis faction from Good Groceries-and we get satis faction in furnishing them. We give you the best in quality at a price you are willing to pay. W. A. Pettycrew , General Merchandise. ! " ( i BiVBB V BHV B' ' * ' 1 * i CORN CRIBS ! n We handle'tlie Mblinc , 1 'uller aiid JbDnson wagons , . ( Both wide-and narrow tirci ) * * Storm Sash , - Posts , Roofing We have both black and galvanised wirer * * Tar Paper , Tar Felt , * Red Rosin and Ruberoid. Lead and Oil , Crown Cottage colors. Builders Hardware , Windmills. Galvanized Pipe , Pumps , and Tanks. Cement , Lime and Brick. LUDWIG LUMBER GO. L. 0 SPARKS , Manager. DO YOU WANT A The place to get the best Windmill , al c and Tauki. . First door sontb of the Uonoh Highest cash price paid for Hidvfe Ana " " *