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About Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 22, 1903)
i 4 - * * st ONLY ONE DIAZ , fie Is One of the Greatest Practical Statesmen of the Times. General Porfirlo Diaz is serving his lxth term as President of Mexico , jays the Chicago Chronicle. He has peen nominated for a seventh term by * convention of National Liberals. This , it Is understood , is not in'ac- . eordance with the wishes of President piaz , nor with his political plans. He < s now 73 years old. He has been act- jve In public life for fifty years , and ivhen re-elected President in 1900 he planned to resign before his sixth ferm expired , EO that tinder the Gon- fctitution one of his Cabinet might be Elected President by Congress. . Early in 1002 it was announced , that 'Diaz would retire from oflice when tke Work of the Pan-American Congress 'had been completed , or that he would finnounce his determination not to terve- another ternf : This announce ment was icceived "with * a | * little favor In Mexico as in- thY United States. In this country Diaz seamed to have no enemies and in his o\vri country he had no rivals. The people of Mexico , the capitalists Interested in the development of the. country , the statesmen of the \vcrld in tercsted in gocd government , were of one mind against the proposition to re tire. President Diaz hiniFe'f evUently . * has recalled his decision to i etire , be- j cause he said to those who U'lidercd a V reuomination : "It Is the duty of every citizen to serve his tojntry as long . nnd at as many posts as his fellow citizens may dcsiie. " , This Is a doctrine of continuity' in -oflice peculiar in Meiico unuer Diaz. ; He came into power as a military hero. He was elected to the Presidency in ' ' J1S76 , because of his patriotism , his courage , his prowess in war and his Jrornantic career. He retired in 1SSO , because the Con stitution prevented his re-election. He Tvas re-elected in 1SS4 , because the Constitution permitted re-election and because the people wanted him. So great was the need of such a man at the head of the nation that the Con stitution was amended that he might b ? continued in oflice. He has been President twenty-three years. He lias quieted faction. He lias established order and has given the Republic prosperity and Influence. He Is as much a popular hero as he Tvas the day he entered the Mexican , Capital twenty-eight years ago as dic- , tator. He appeals as strongly to the Imagination of a romance 1 : viug pee ple. --In-addition , he has proved himself io be one of the greatest practical "statesmen of the timp. He has suc- jceadcd as an executive and as a diplo matist , and the world acquiesces in the [ Mexican disposition to 'reverse the 'rule in republics , and make a man President for life. f There is only one Diaz. ' . People Eat Uess Bread. "Well , liow's business ? " asked a re porter of a wholesale flour agent "You would be surprised , " he re plied , "to know that in the time of general prosperity we are selling le.-s flour thin in hard times. From 1893 to 1895 1 sold uore flour than ever be fore or since. Business Is thriving in many lines , but th ? country is too pros- i > erous for the flour men and the bak- Ibfs. " , "Why is it ? Simply because the people ple have money enough to buy other { things than bread. When the country Is hard up people get along on bread Us'the stapleof the table : Now they use the fancy cereals , breakfast foods , can use more meat and vegetables and generally expand their diet , which , of / course , lessens the demand for bread. " Washington Star. Rather .Embarrassing. A Washington friend of Mr. Reed named her favorite cat for him. One " : morning , when the Speaker was call- r kng on her , he stroked the cat , and ' asked Its name. She hastily invented ila name , not liking to tell him that it Avas "Mr. Reed. " A mlnnte later a Astern voice sounded on the stairway : | "Mr. Reed ! Mr. Reed ! Are you In i.the parlor ? Come out of there , you ras- fjcal ! "What are you doing in there ? " g Before any explanation could be Jimade , a white-capped maid put her ' ( head in the door , evidently unaware . -visitors , and cried : "Come out of that parlor , now , I f-tell you , Mr. Reed ! " i _ - How to JEJat Mushrooms. t | An English lady in Japan bought a rcan of mushrooms and found the diiec- % ons translated Into English as fol- 'lows ' : Direction If several persons 'will be eat this in that manner they . 'shall feel .satisfied .nutrition and very sweet or it can put in the hot water jfor the half hour and then take off jthe lid. They shall be. proper to eat. It cau be supply/ without -putridity , for several years. . : * America's Oldest "Mines. " The oldest mines in America are lo cated In Missouri. They are the lead and nickel mines In Madison County , .which were worked by the Indians as early as 172G , and have been mined continuously almost ever since. The mines were acquired by a jFrenchman named La Motte , , vho named them after himself. V Housing a. i/ion. " 0 , Tommy , where did you get such a swollen nose ? " "Well , papa , I jes' hit tbat.newsboy ODCe a n' then he jes' fit an' fit m' fit. " the Twins Apart. "Faith , Mrs. O'Hara , hbwtfd'yev tell JEhim. twins apart ? " "Ayr , it's aisy I sticks mefinger hi Dinnis' mouth , an' If he boites , I know Jt's Moike. " Harvard Lampoon. TILMAN IS NOT GUILT1 THE SENATOR GETS HIS LIBERTY AFTER REMARKABLE TRIAL. LEXINGTON , S. C. , Oct. 16.- The trial of James H. Tillman , who was charged witb , tbe murder of N. G. Gonzales , editor of The State , in Columb.a , on January 15 last , ended in an acquittal. "The jury be fore which Till man has been on trial since September 28 , brought in a ver dict of not guilty , thus ending a { judicial hearing which has engrossed the attention of the public of South Carolina as none other has in the last quarter of a century. The jury was out for twenty hours before ar riving at a verdict. Never was a case in South Carolina courts more vigorously contested than this. The solicitor was assisted in the prosecu tion by four other lawyers , while the accused was defended by seven law- ye'rSj an exceptional array of counsel. More than a hundred witnesses gave testimony , about as many on"one side as on the other , and nine lawyers argued before the jury. Mr. Tillman left on an afternoon train for his home in - , ac companied by his wife .and friends from his home county. Not a sound hacl emanated 'from the jury room , when Judge Gray xjon- vened court at 9:30 o'clock to. indicate that'an agreement had beenj reached. Civil business was taken' up and more than an hour had elapsed before word came that the , jury had determined upon a verdict.j The jurors filed in and took the- seats they had occupied for so many | days. The defendant occupied his ! customary position among his lawyers - } yers , facing the jury. [ "Gentlemen , have you agreed upon , ' a verdict" was the time worn inquiry ] made by the clerk. The foreman replied - ; plied in tbe affirmative , and ? at the" " same , time handed tbe veidict to the- clerk. It took but an instant to read ; it , and when the words "not guilty" ! were heard , sorno of the friends of. ' the defendant gave vent to their feelings - , ings in a shoutthough the court hjdi previously admonished those present not to make any demonstration. The motion by counsel for tbe de fense for the discharge of the defend ant was immediately signed by Judge Grtiry , the solicitor assenting , and Tillman was at liberty. Wben the legal formalities had been gone , through with , Tillman walked up to the bench and shook hands with the judge afcer which be sbook the hands of each of the jurors and later was surrounded by his friends , who extended their congratulations. He left the court room in company with his attorneys , but parted with them at the front door to go across 'the ' street to the jail , visiting that institution for the last time to gather up his effects. He has been in cus tody since January 15 , his application for bail having been refused. Mrs. Tillman and the defendant's mother were not in the court room when the verdict was announced , but the former Lad been apprised of an agreement and was at tbe jail to await the announcement and met her husband there. The mother had beard at her hotel- some two blocks away , that the jury had come in and was hastening' her way to the court , house when she met her son coming'- out on the street. Learning the re sult she threw her arms around his1 neck. .Later all gathered at the hotel where they received their friends and relatives. Senator Till man was not present having gone to hi * home at Trenton , where his wife is racovering from iniuries received in a runaway accident. A telegram was sent him advising him of the outc"me. The court in the indictment charg ing the carrying of concealed weap ons was ignored during the trial and ! .the jury took no action on it. , After the verdict wai announced the clerk held up the pistols which bad figured In tbe trial and offered them to the defendant who waved i them off , saying : "They are not mine. ' ' ' James H. Tillman , after bis ac quittal made the following statement to the Associated press : "I feel very grateful at the result of the verdict , but at no time did I apprehend any serious consequences. 1 , of course deeply regret the death of Mr. Gonzales , but 1 was forced to do what 1 did. I have never appre hended a conviction , for I felt that I did no more than anj man would , have done under the same circumstances - j stances and what I was compelled to , do. My position' was fully stated io the testimony I'gave on the stand. I " ] jf did not a k for a change of venue because I was convinced that on account of the prejudice in Kich- land county that I could not tret a fair and impartial trial in that icounty. I felt sure as soon as mj case could he presented to an impar- 'tial jurv , I could be vindicated. Tbe verdict'has justified the correctness 'of my judgment. ' Firework Are An Evil. COLUMBUS , O. , Oct. 16. The state buard of health adopted a reso.u ition by which their secretary is di- ' Irected to take steps to prevent the Isale of "toy pistols and other explo Isive appurtenances.M The resolution recites that six hundred persons wer ? { killed , one hundred made blind , anc | [ one thousand ethers injured on the jlast Fourth of July. Tbe board i therefore declares it to he tbe dutj iof bealrh authorities to abolish the j evils attendant uponthe oelebratioc lot Independence day. , HE HID IN OFFICE i WOHK DONE BY DETECTIVES IN 'POST OFFICE INQUIRY. 'ISSTIMONY ' OF WATSON ( STENOGRAPHIC NOTES SPRUNG 1 ON MILLER AND JOHNS. RYAN CONTINUES STORY Interview \vitli Flrnt Suspect Brought Out at Cincinnati Trial Kynu Tells of 3Ionoy Trunsacltous. CINCINNATI , Oct. 15. Darin ? the second trial .of Miller and Johns for conspiracy in connection with the Decently exposed postal frauds , nine witnesses were examined and the gov ernment has four more io call. Court wa gin session from 8 a , m. until after 6 p. ra The principal witnesses were Ryan and the officials from Wash ington. The defense was no : taken by surprise until in the aftsrno > n , when the st6n vraphic reports of the private secretaries of Fourth Assistant Post master General Bristovv and of General Robbof interviews with Miller were introduced as evidence. Joseph TVatsoD , secretary and s'ehogrupher to the foirth assistant postmaster genera , testified to having been concealed in the ofilce of his chief while General ROOD and Chief Inspector Cochran had their first in terview with Miller about the reports o" the postollice inspectors regarding the decisions in the Ryan case and the discovery of his relations with Jones , ant did not know that a stenographer ( -.vns concealed in the room , as he did in the last case when he made an equally lengthy statement and signed the report made" by Mr. Tullis. The extent of the detective work that has been done in these cases by the goverment was never disclosed until during the afternoon session , when verbatim repjrts of these interviews of Miller were submitted in evidence , notwithstanding the objection and exception of counsel for the defense. It is now known that more of the detective work of the government will be disclosed tomorrow when postoilice inspectors are to take the stand. When the trials were resumed to day the direct examination of J. J. Ryan was still in progress. At the adjournment of court last night Judge Thompson took under advise ment the objection of counsel to Ryan testifying to wuat Johns said He then read from bis original stenographic notes all that was said during the two hours and more that these officials were thus questioning Miller regarding the case. It requir ed one hour and a half for him to read the note , which he went over much more quickly than the inter view was carried on. The difference ff an hour in lime was accounted for by the witness because of the hesita tion of Miller at times during the in terview. Tbe sensational appearance ot Watson on the stand was followed f oun afterwards by Charles H. Robb , a-sistant attorney general for the posioffice department , being called and he produced a copy of the trans cribed stenographic notes of his sec ret sry , "Mr. Tullis , of another long' interview with Miller whe.n the same p irties were present. At the lirst meeting of Miller with Robb and Cochran the defend- to him about what Miller may have said to John concerning future diffi culties. When court convened today Judge Thompson decided that a prima facie case had been sufficiently made out tfi permit the testimony of Ryan to be admitted. Counsel for the de fense excepfed to the ruling , and the exnminition of Ryan by the govern- in nt counsel was resumed. While Ryan procseded to repeat in detail a conversation between Johns and himself in a room at a Terre Haute hotel , during which the witness claimed to have made a con tract .with Johns for $4,500 for a fa vorable ruling from Mi tier , counsel for the defendants interposed fre quent objections which were over ruled by Judge Thompson. Ryan also testified that all his future transactions were with Johns as the middleman up to last December , when Johns came to Cincinnati and thej met in a room at the Gibson house , where Ryan gave Johns SL100 in cash and S3J400 in two checks.- Ryan continued his story abaut sub sequent transaction * in which he said Johns wanted more funds right alnng until the -Ait-ness finally made a statement of the whole matter to I he postoffice inspectors and made no further efforts to1 get bets on the races through the mails. Supply of Food is Scant MOBILEAla. , Oct. 15 According to information received by steam ship from Gaorgetown , Grand Cay man , the conditions on the islands as a result of the hurricane and flood are deplorable and the people are suffering from fever. It is also stated that the supply of food is scant. The fever is attributed to the decaying of sap trees which were felled by the storm and the uumerous cattle that perished. Nebraska The supreme court convened at Lincoln. . z& * * ' * * * " - Arthur Nelson of Beatrice was se verely bitten on the left leg by a dog. * Mrs. John Jobman , an old resident of near Beatrice , is dead at the age of 71 years. * Superintendent Eowler of Lincoln , bas designated Eiiday , October 23 , as Flower day. * * * sral fences were partially destroyed. 'The fire started from an ash pile left steam thresher. by a " s "j-rftsp * * * * A tramp entered the store of May- hew Bros , atRiverton and stole a rifle and some shells. * * * The walnut crop at Papillion is the 1-irgest in years One man picked fifty bushels in one day. * * * prairie Gre at Moorehead , burned 300 acres of small grain , and several meadows and the hay in stack. Sev" * * * Charles S Eisher , a civil war vet eran , died at Nebraska City. He was a member of au Ohio regiment. * * # George "Westerman , a well known German farmer of the Humboldt country died Tuesday afternoon after a brief illness. * * * Hundreds of tons of hay and some out builidogs were consumed in a prarie fire , which started eight miles west of Bassett. * * * The Catholics are holding a ten- day mission at West Point. There is a large attendance present of both Catholics and Protestants. * * * Miss Estell Payne and Charles B. Wahlquist were married at Hastings. The grrom is associate editor of the Adams County Dun , crat. . . Jfc. Frank Bender , the Lincoln farmer who mysteriously dis-ippeared two weeks ago , has returned , but is un able to say where he has been. * * * The saloon of Lacy & Co. , at Col eridge , was entered by burglars. They secured $10 in change. F. H. Peck's meat market was also robbed of S3. * # * The new German Lutheran church at Crete was dedicated Sunday. Ministers were in attendance from all over the state. The church cost S-1,000. * * George Peterson , who lives at Holmesville , has been sent back t < 3 the asylum at Lincoln. He was there last winter , bub was discharged as cured. * * * While cutting a bar of railroad iron at Beatrice , Pearl Bates had a gash several inches long cut in big rieht arm by a piece of steel striking him. * * * The Yerdel Townsite company has been incorporated with a capital ol 860,000. The company will do a real estate business at Yerdel , Knoi county. * * * Miss Emily Herre and Mr. Marion James , were married in Fremont , They will make their future home in Phoenix , Ariz. , where the groom is a merchant. * * * Passeisby frustrated an attempt to rob the postoffice at Oakland. The robbers had succeeded in cutting out a panel of the rear door when thej were frightened away. * * Mass was held over ther remains 01 Mrs. Bridget O'Donnell at Platts- mouth. The body will be shipped to Burlington , la. , the formei home of the deceased. * * * Lot Walters of Beatrice received news of the death of his father , tbe Rev. "N. J. Walters , at Worcester , Mass. He occupied a pulpit in Omaha several years ago. * # * Telephonic connections have been completed by the Fremont Independ ent Telephone company and the Plattsmouth * company , making another link in the independent tele- obone system of the state. * * Fire destroyed 300 feet ef corn cribs , 1,500 bushels of corn and 300 bushels of oats belonging to Taylor & Morgan In Tobias. The village was saved from destruction by the direction of the wind. * * The Norfolk beet sugar factory svas started up for the Orst time this leason. The employees in the plant now number 300 The factory will run night and day until January. * * # The Rev. J. F. Bennett , who with ais wife has been conducting meet- ngs at Humboldt for some time , has been called to the pastorate of the Baptist church an that place. NEW JERSEY DAMS GOME PEOPLE FLEE TO THE HILLS-FAC TORIES SHUT DOWN. TUXEDO PAKE , IT. Y. , Oct. 14. The Birrapo river , after rising higher than ever before , so far as existing records show , and sweeping away many small dams , several bridges and houses and a section of the Erie railroad track , is now slowly subsiding , and the Tuxedo dam , which id was feared could notwith- stand tbe flood , is considered safe. So fjr as known only two lives were lost. Gforge Nixon and a compan ion , employed on E. H. Earriman's estate at Arden , when driving home from Central Valley , were overtaken by the flood and drowned. Of the damage to property along the course of the Kamapo no estimate can yet be made Tbe village of Ramapo was nearly obliterated by the overflowing of Piers-jo's lake and the breaking of tbe dam at its lower end. Tbe cot tage dwellers fled to the hills and have been looked after by those whose homes were on higher grojnd. The dam at Cranberry pond , near Arden , burst and tbe waters spread havoc through that valley. Several houses were flooded , the electric light plant was disabled , and the fish hatchery was vvhollj swept away. Tbe flood also washed away the shanties of the Italian and Hun garian colonies in the lower part of the valley. " All the inhabitants were rescued and carried by boats to snfe- ty. NEW YORK , Oct 14 With the receding of the flot ls , reported from all quarters , PateraonPassaic and the other water-swept New Jersey towns are relieved of further peril and are beginning now to get a clear idea of the extent of devastation. In Patersoa alone tbe damage to property is estimated at $2.000,000 , without taking account of tne loss in wages to the thousands who have been temporarily deprived of occupa tion , by tbe shutting down of fac tories The water is reported to have fallen four feet below the high est mark and the only possible source of damage would be the burst ing of the great water mains which were undermined by the flood. The distress continues great , and fully five hundred persons were still com pelled to seek fed and shelter in tbe armory. No additional fatalities were reported throughout the da } * . In Passaic tbe damage is estimated to be at least equal to that in Pater- son. Many adjacent vil ages still were under water today , but with the falling of tbe waters all danger .of a collapse of tbe great Dundee Jdam was declared to be past. Traffic was resumed during the day on all the railroad lines entering New York with the exception of the lucal service on tue main line of tbe Erie. The milk famine in the city was broken by the arrival of tbe usual number of milk trains on tbe West Shore. , New York Central , Lackawnana and other roads. PATERSON.V. J. , Oct. 14. The people of this unfortunate city are beginning to realize the extent of tbe great flood which began last "Friday. Nearly two entira wards , tak'ng in tbe manufacturing section , have been under water since that day. Tnis morning thousands of men , women and children employed in different mills and factories found .they could not go to w-irk on ac- .count of those plants being shut down. A great many of these people have also been driven from tbeii homes , and have neither food nof shelter. The heaviest damage in Paterson was to the manufacturers. It is im possible to give an accurate estimate of the total loss , but conservative es- bimates are about two million. The police and firemen have been engaged since Saturday morning in the work of rescuing families from tbe upper floors or the loofs of their houses in the flooded district , and the work is still-going on. Today the .vater continued to fall and there did not seem to be any chance of further damage being done unless another severe storm should set in. There are still many blocks under water and an examination c.f the flooded districts cannot be made until the water disappears. The health authorities have a difficult task before them in devising means to prevent an epidemic of sickness in the flooded territory. The people who were afraid to leave their nomes will not be allowed to return until the districts are in a sanitary con dition. Fighting Over Clay Will. EICHMOND. Ky.f Oct. 14. One 01 the five wills of the late General Caj- siu3 M. Clay was offered for probate in the county court to-day. .The will disinherited his children and all rela tives except his own former child-wife , Dora Brock , whom it nominated as sole executrix. The other heirs intro duced testimony to show that General Clay was insane. Motion to probate the will was overruled. An appeal was taken tothe _ eircuit court. CANDY AND CANCER. An Indian Army Offlcer'ii Theory of the Drcnd Dincnne. In an article In the Indian Medical Gazette , Captain E. II. Host , I. M. S. , attributes the rise in cancer mortality to an increased consumption of sugar , in the form of sweetmeats and other delicacies of modern confectionery , and a corresponding diminution in the use of salt-preserved articles of diet Ills theory Is that malignant disease la parasitic In origin , and Is due to the Invasion of the body by a saccbaromy- sete , the growth of which Is favored oy glucose , but inhibited by sub stances containing chlorine , and only Admissible when the amount of chlo- ; Ine ha the body falls below normal. Some of his experiments , which he re cords In support of this view , ore rath- tr remarkable. He has cultivated sac- tharomycetes from a variety of tu mors on sterile cane sugar , and has Also prepared what he describes as "a Kind of tumor jam , " by preserving portions tions of tumors in the same medium. Sections of this "jam" show "the tu mor cell as usual , but the saccharo- mycetes abounding in and between them. " lie passed chlorine gas through his cultures of saccharomy- cetes , and found tliaf it "rapidly killed the organisms , and it is evidently the chlorine that is the active agent. " According to Captain Itost , the guid ing principle in the treatment of can cer should be to diminish the amount of glucose in the body and increase the amount of chlorine , thereby ren dering the patient's body an unfavor able culture medium for the specific micro-organisms , lie has put this theory into practice upon ten patients , his treatment consisting "first , of a strict diabetic diet , and , secondly , of piling in sodium chloride into the body , and preventing its excretion as much as possible. " The results are said to have been most successful , but , unfortunately , the patients them selves do not appear to have been unanimous as to the advantages of the treatment they were receiving , since four out of their number ran away. Experiments were also tried upon ani mals , cancerous material and "saccha- romycetes" obtained by culture from cancers being used for inoculation ; various lesions were produced , and in Borne Instances the influence of a salt diet upon the affected animals was studied. In imitation of the human patients , "one guinea pig and one cat absconded , " apparently before the benefits of sodium chloride had been accorded to them. The announcement that sweetmeats predispose to cancer , if it finds its way into the cheaper sensational jour nalism , may prove alarming to sun dry juvenile and feminine readers ; but if it checks their appetite for contec- tionery it will at least improve their digestion ; and , although the use of so dium chloride as an antidote would engender a thirst which might be slaked unwisely , there Is little fear of so unpalatable a remedy becoming' popular. Still , we think that Captain Host would have been wise in defer ring the publication of his theories until he had established them on a somewhat broader scientific basis. British Medical Journal. AN HONEST MAN. Refused to Profit by Carelessness in Record ins Early Transfers. An incident , which exhibits the sterl ing integrity of a man who could with stand the temptations of wealth rather than do the smallest act of injustice , is told in H. M. Chittenden's "History of Steamboat Navigation on the Mis souri River. " The principal actor was one of the early settlers of St. Louis , a Mr. LeBarge , who had purchased a small tract of land for which he paid twenty-five dollars. Land was then of very little value , and transfers were often made without deed and "with no more formality than in exchanging cattle or horses. In this way Mr. LeBarge traded his land on what is now Glair street , St. Louis , to Chaurin Lebeau for a horse. Long years afterward , when these transactions were almost forgotten , and the property had become very valuable , a lawyer presented himself to the old gentleman and asked him if he had ever owned any land on Cedar street. Mr. LaBarge replied in the affirmative , and described Its local ity. The lawyer then asked him when and how he disposed of it. He could not at first recall , but Mrs. LeBarge remembered the circumstances and re lated them to the lawyer , at the same" time remarking to her husband that that was the way they got their horse to set themselves up on the farm with. The lawyer then assured Mr. Le Barge that the title to this property was slill vested in him , and that he could hold It against all comers , for there was absolutely no record of the- conveyance In existence. The old gentleman , with a look of Indignation , asked the lawyer if he took him for a thief. . , "I traded that land , " said he , "to Chaurin Lebeau for a horse , which" was worth more to me than the land ; , was. I shall stand by the bargain now. If Chaurin Lebeau's heirs havel no title , tell them to come to me and. [ will make them a deed before I The Trust Question in Germany. The German Imperial Board of Trade has requested all chambers of commerce to report minutely all facts for or against the organization of trusts. Ice the Year Around. There Is a point near the famous Stony cave , in the Catskill Mountains , where ice may be found on any day If the year.