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About Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 15, 1903)
Historical Society 7 1 OLUME XV ill VALENTINE , NEBRASKA. OCTOBER ,15 1903. NUMBER ; * ' . ) 49Heating Stoves , Cast and Steel Ranges * * Cook Stoves 5 * We now call \our attention to our large and com plete line of Heathig Stoves , Hard < oal Uurners and Steel Ranguf , which we now have on our N floors ready for inspection. We are glad to say , and can prove what we say , that we have the best , w line of stoves that has ever been offered to the people of this part of the country. Prices find Quality Guaranteed. We are abe sole agents for the "Retort Jewel5' , a stove which has been improved upon by men who ft * . have had years of experience in the stove busi ness and i < - therefore the best ' 'Ketort" stove on . the market , a good one which is especially adapted - , ed to the cheaper grades of solt coal , handled by our dealers here. We are also sole agents of the "Cole's Bet Blast" stoves. If you need a stove call and see us. fcfr Winter Wraps and Clothing' ' f. Take away the dread of cold weather. > ; The BEST Styles and fit in Ladies Jackets , iv i Ready and Tailor/made Suits and Overcoats For fall and winter wear. Caps and Gloves for a chilly drive , TAILOR , AND CLOTHIER. 4 ? Our Tin and Sheet Iron work can't be beatv A ? first class tinner and good material to work with. * \ ' * H Guns and Ammunition Haymakers Tools ' Undertaking. % & * 49 General Hardware , Stoves and Rang- | < 8Q 0 Beds , Springs , Mattresses and a * * 4 ' Furniture , windmills and Pumps , j * " ' ; FRAHK FISCHER , ' JAMES B. HULL U- UHHE OWL SALOON Proprietor Sole Agents for HERALD PUEE 1 Ak and Porter , And FRED KRUG'S BEER Choicest Wines and Cigars , | * VALENTINE A : NEBRASKA . . t * yMMvwSK. CITIZENS MEAT MARKE HENRY STETTER , PROP I FRESH FRUIT AND GAME " IN THEIR SEASON First-class line of Steaks , Roasts Dry Salt Meats , Smoked Chartered as a State Bank Chartered as a National Bank 1 , 188 $ , . . . August 12.1902 , FIRST NATIONAL BANK Valentine , Nebraska. ( Successor to ) oif . APItf AL AtD IN A General Banking "J- ' . Exchange 'and . . * - reflection * - Business. 0.H. CoBHuL , . President jf. , Vice-President. M. V. NICQOLRON , Cashier. TALK OF THE TOWN J 'i ' / i fcw ft A WUWmfcA WW AJLA WWWWWW WfcrfW WWW A * - * WWWWW Ap r/W W W WW A AA < WrfHmJ Local Weather Record U. 8. Department olericulture i Weather Bureau ) Valentine , Nebraska , week endlnjj 6 a. m , . October 14,1903 Maximum temperature ? 9 degrees on the 10th M'nimum temperature , 31 degrees on the 8th. Mean temperature. 52.0 degrees , which is 2.5 decren above the normal. Total precipitation , 0 03 inch , which is 0 19 in < h below tha-faormal. H. McP , BALDWIN , Official in Charge. The Valentine Bottling Works puts up the finest kind of soft drinks. 17 H. 0. Jackson , the insurance man is in town. Ed Reiser , of Brownlec , was in the city last Saturday. James . "J. Shariley , of Brownlee , w was in town this week. Cv J. O'Connor , of Chesterfield , was in town this week. Dr ; E. J. DeBellr of Kosebud , was in town yesterday. , V s Mrs. A. B. Ries , of Crookston , was in town the first of the week. Charley Logan and Fred Mur rey , of Norden , visited in this city Monday. * D. E. Miller , Sandy Griswold and son were out from Omaha the ! first of the week. Win ; Epke and J. H. Searby were in town from Crookston last Thursday. 'Mrs. Hiram Davis , a daughter of J. A. Hooton , is home on a visit ; from Wyoming. 0. D. Petit , of Sioux City , is in town looking after collections for a bank of that city. F. H. Goodfellow was up from ! Ashland , Nebr. , last Saturday and bought 26 head of good mules. , Mrs. Wm. Palmer and Mrs. D. A.Melton called at our office last Saturday while they were in town trading. Wm. Heelan , of Arabia , was in town Wednesday-on business and took out some lumber to do some building. Wm. Thunder Hawk and Wm. Iron Shell , printers onthe New Era at. Rosebud , were in town Saturday. John Jones , who is working for B. J. Hoffacker of Simeon , was in town Monday ; after a load of grain for the ranch , , - Rev. Carpenter took his wife down to Omaha last Monday and jblaced her in the St. Joseph's hos * pital for treatment * O. W. Hahn and son were In town yesterday getting some lum ber to build a coal house , some fence and SOMe" coaL [ Frank Lee , a prosperous ranch man of Brownlee , made our office a pleasant call while in town the latter part of last week , Mrs. 0. Wa Morey departed yes terday morning to see her father and brother in Iowa , who are. very ill and not expected to live * Jas. A. Saults , of iJnlow * pre cinct , called on us yesterday while in town on business. He doesn't ' come to our town vdry often ; . Supt. L , K. Travis and wife , of St' Mary's Mission School on the reservation , were in town the fore part of the week on business. G , W. Sisleror" Crookston , was in the city on business Tuesday. He made this office a pleasant visit while in'town and incidentally left a dollar on subscription. Joe McCloud , of near Simeon , sent us a sample of fine potatoes that-he raised , which' are as large as any we have seen tnis year. They are of the Early Ohio va riety and 'lfev says that he will have Remember the silver gray con test to be held at the M. E. church on Tuesday , October 20th. All contestants are over 40 years old. It will be worth hearing. Be sure and come. There was a big crowd in attend ance last Saturday at the mule'sale and the mules brought fair prices. The Schromm Bros , know how to advertise when they have any thing for sale. Mrs. A. D. Brown came home last Friday morning from Sheri dan , Wyo ; , but stopped to visit Mrs. Elmer Cole at Whitman for several days on her way here. She expects to be here several weeks. A train load of cattle was shipped out from Cody last Monday eve ning , made up by Messers Bishop & YoUhg , 'Stotts & Stetter , Rcim- enschnider & Childers , Yancy , W. H. Carter , Bruce Moore and Geo. Heyne. " B. F. Carter went down with them to Sioux City. The little baby of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Gorsuch died in this city last Thursday night at the home of Milt Dunham and wife , its grand parents. The little-one was about 4 months old. The funeral was i 1 conducted Saturday by Rev. Clark from the Pres.byterian church. Mrs. Easmus Anderson and lit tle boy came down from Rosebud last Friday and visited her sister 'and ' friends in town for a few days. She says they are doing nicely in the Rosebud hotel and Mr. Ander son is running the electric light plantain addition to other work. J. R. Lewis , a son-in-law of Abram Peyton south of town , called on us Tuesday while here proving up on his claim. Mr. Lewis and wife departed for Chicago cage yesterday morning where he has a position on the Chicago Tribune running a linotype ma chine. P. Balgord , formerly of Rose bud , but now running a blacksmith , I wagon and carriage shop atGalva , la. , writes that he and family are getting along nicely and he is hav ing a good trade. He encloses another dollar for the DEMOCRAT and says he is glad to hear from his old friends at home. The man who was cut injbwo last Monday night proved to be Joe Irwin , of Brocksburg , and had- taken the train at Newport on Monday evening for "Wyoming , | where he was going in search of ! empleyment. The news was tele graphed to Newport and his folks notified by telephone. A brother came up and took charge of the remains. About two years ago ! another brother of this man was killed by lightning. No one knows just how Jas. Irwin happened to ; fall under the train at Cody , but it is supposed he fell oil'or had got ten off and fell under the train while attempting to get back on. Several ladies have decided to speak and- will 'have a contest for a silver medal under the auspices of the W. C. T. U. at the M. E. church next Tuesday evening. Five ladies who arc over 40 years ; of age will speak and a silver med al will be awarded , to the best speaker , by the judges who will be chosen from the audience. ; There will be an admission , fee of : ten cents charged to .pay expenses. "I This' will likely draw the largest crowd of people of , any entertain- rnent recently given an.d. it will be worth hearing. ( Mesdames M. R. . Harden , M. E , Moon , Helen r- Hornby ; W. 'A. Daniels and Mar garet Query are the speakers , Cft&fe sud irc'a ; 4 ? 4 IK $ MISCELLANY I 43 f ? Art Squares 4 ? ' 43 Finely woven hard granite weave cotton stock in all 4 ? patterns ; clear colors , guaranteed fast , $4.00 , § 5,00. $6.00 i Small Rugs - ft * Good numbers . * . . . S5c to $2.00 JJ Couch Covers Beautiful in coloring and design _ $3,00 , $4.50 , $0.00 & 4 $ Women's Knit Corset Covers S Long sleeves , high neck , gray ribbed cotton. j-Angora | Wool j * < g ? In white and gray for knitting the children's ' 'kilty'3 4 $ hoods. Jjj Ladies Dancing Slippers High French heel , four strap , patent leather . $2.00 4 ? Silk Handkerchiefs Specially made for making the popular handkerchief fc * 4 ! ? * kimona. ? 4 ? Davenport & Thacher | J GENERAL MERCHANTS i * 49 49 . . . .Our stock of. . . . fAU AND WH CiSS Are coming in daily and we invite you to come and look them over and get prices before buying elsewhere. Give us a chance to show you our lines which are complete. We handle everything and our prices our right. Gome ancL see. - . CROOKSTON E , V1EBTBX * NEBRASKA1 9 9 9 Our Groceries Are best for GOOD LIVING. You get satis faction from Good Groceries and we get satis faction in furnishing them. "We give you -the in quality at a price you are willing to pay. , ' * - I ; W. A. Petty crew , General Merchandise. rreroT * ? wrrrirrs- CORN CRIBS ! Let us ligrire. with you on- : STORM SASH ; BUGGIES ; WAGONS ; BUG GIES wide and narrow tire ; MO LIKE , FUL LER and JOHNSON Wagons'POSTS ; , ROOFING ; WIRE , black and gal vanized : HOG FENCE ; ' . ' PAINTS , Lead and Oil ; GROWN COTTAGE COL- "ORS ; BUILDERS HARDWARE ; TAR PAPER ; TAR FELT ; RED ' ' ROSIN ; RUBBEROID ; WINDMILLS ; * * Galvanized PUMPS and- TANKS ; CEMENT : LIME and BRIOK. I- * LUDWIG LUMBER GO. L. G SPARKS , Manager. ln YOU WANT A WINDMIIL ? ! If good tfio-yott one. want The place to get the best Windmill , also p'mnpd and Taiike. Fii-st duoreoiith of tlie Donohur Uoiise rush price jiairt for Slid u < l Furs. - Valentine , Netor