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About Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930 | View Entire Issue (July 30, 1903)
THE VALENTINE DEMOCRAT I. M RICE EPITOR Thursday , July 8O , t DOS TJZM31S 3ubCTiptlou ? 1.00 per year in adi it1 ; $1.50 VTlicn not paid in advance , Single copi < 5C. Dlap Ay jidvortLsinK 1 iuch single c .mm 15c fttr Issue or $0.00 a year. Local Notices , Obituaries , Ixidge T5- otntlon- iiid Socials lor Revenue 5c per line v s&ue. Brands , IX Inche ? 84.CO ner year 1 advance additional space8300 per inch peryear. -ngraved blocks extra ; $1.00 each. Firtl''B living outside Cherry com not per known are requested to pay i- . .dvaiire 1ft per cent additional to above rai if over C months lu Arrears. < of lobses of stock free to br d adver tisers. Beniecratic Judicial Conven tion for the Fifteenth Judicial District. The electors of the Democratic party of the fifteenth judicial dis trict of Nebraska , are hereby noti- iied that on Tuesday the 18th day" of August , A. D. 1903 , at 10 o'clock a. m. a nominating convention of said party will be held in the city Valentine , Nebraska for the purpose of nominating candidates for the following offices to be voted for at the general election of 1903 : Two candidates for judges of the fifteenth judicial district. Said convention is also called for the purpose of selecting a com mittee of said party for the fif teenth judicial district and for the transaction of such other business as may properly come before it. The basis of representation is as follows : One delegate for each one hundred votes or major fract ion cast for the Hon.V. . H. Thomp son for governor at the general election of 1902. The representa tion of the various counties is as follows : B > xDutte 4 Boyd 7 3 Cherry 4 Holt 16 2 KeyaFaha 3 Baerld in 5 Sioux 1 Total so. It is recommended that no prox ies be allowed. That the d elegates present cast the f .ill vote of the county. WILLIAM FALLOX , Chairman of the Democratic party of the fifteenth judicial district of Nebraska. M. M. SULLIVAN , Secretary. People's Independent Judicial Convention for the Fifteenth Judicial SMstsict. The People's Independent ju dicial call is an exact copy of the above and signed by Sam. 13. How ard , Chairman , and "W. E. Butler secretary. It is time for the people to take a hand in "turning the rascals out' and then they will see to "keeping t'lem out. ' , What is next ? An automobile thit can walk , for farming pur- POS3S. Wheels with legs and feet to step over the clods without mashing all the dirt down will run lighter and can plow , harrow , plant and cultivate corn , mow hay and stack it , but you've got to have a cow pony for the round-up. Tiie g. o. p. organs hasten to an nounce that their party has been discovering frauds among their of fice holders and that they are turn ing them out as fast as they can get to them. Now since these are postal frauds and all the postal clerks and postmasters who are in volved , have been under a repub lican administration during the past six years and more , it would indicate that not a decayed timber is noticed by the administration until a bridge is gone or rotten throughout. Then they make a great ado about fixing the thing up and say that the republican party can be relied upon to correct these irregularities. As a matter of fact the system is getting pretty rotten when a republican administration notices the irregularities and it is a whole lot worse before any cor rection is made. There should in deed be a renovating by turning tu ( la als out and putting in clean men. It will not be done by re publicans , Roosevelt And The Trusts. All the g. o. p. organs are mak ing much ado about Roosevelt's attacking the trusts and go into ecstasy over the imaginary or pre tended attack and the dis-comfor- ture of the attacked. Now , if any of these papers that pretend to know so much about the attack will tell us what Teddy has actual ly done , we will try to rejoice with you. There has been much blust er and pretense of doing some thing but the republican party can not be depended upon for any at tack on the trusts that will be ef fectual. During the time that the g. o. p. has been in power the wealth of a new country has been developed and absorbed by the trusts which are composed of a few millionaires. The party bosses manage to keep the boys in line to whoop it up for a full dinner pail as the only demand of nine-tenths of the people , while the country has virtually gone into the hands of the railroads and other monopo lies. Our country is not in our hands as long as we have boodlers who can get any law passed that is wanted by these monopolies and a supreme court to declare any peoples ples law unconstitutional. It is no longer a country by the people , nor for the people , but a govern ment of the people , by the money sharks of Wall Street. These con ditions have been made possible by the intense prejudice of that class of people who see the wrongs of their party and refuse to support the Democratic party which has always been a party for the people. ADDITIONAL LOCAL Byron Webb is home visiting his parents for a few days. Dress trimmings , notions and millinery at Mrs. Elmore's. The Valentine Bottling Works puts up eleven different kinds of drinks. 17 Bennie Beemer , of Norfolk , is visiting his sister Mrs. Ida Mun- son. i The J. C. C. Corset , the best cheap corset made , at the Ladies' store. Mrs. Elmores. Chas. Jordan and wife are in town visiting Mr. Jordans sisters Mrs. U. Boyer and Miss Gertrude Jordan. C. V. Thorn and wife returned from Sparks Monday , where they had been visiting Mrs. Thorn's brother , Curt Callen and family. The Misses Frances and Etta May , who were here to attend the wedding of Miss Jessie Webb , re turned to their home at Fremont Sunday. There was a very pleasant re ception given Rev. Ray at his home last Monday evening by the mem bers of his church and Epworth League. Geraldine Trace well , who has been down to Omaha undergoing treatmentf or polypus in the throat , returned home this morning much improved. The railroad coal chute is now completed and the machinery all in working order. The first car of coal was elevated and dumped last Friday. John Slonagan went to Ains- vvorth Tuesday morning as a wit ness in the Hans' murder case. Ihe trial was put off until the next term of court. Miss Mary McDougal and sister Mrs. Myrtle Conger are here vis- ting friends. It will be remem bered that these young ladies with iheir mother were residents of Valentine in an early day. Artist Burbank , accompanied ? y Dr. Marcus Goodson , agency > hysican at Rosebud , came down Monday from Rosebud presumably oget a square meal , as the hotel , t the agency has closed doors. Ir. Burbank is one of the great- ist painters of Indian portraits in he United States. He has been > ainting at the agency about five rears. Mr. Burbank is an arduous rorker and will leave Rosebud i'ith the largest collection of Ind- an paintings now in existence. Ice Cream by the quart at Quigley - ley and Chapman's. 24 10 There are rumors in the air to the effect that the city dads are contemplating having the streets of our town sprinkled during the hot weather. We think this v/ould be a fine idea and we hope it will be a reality instead of rumors only. J. P. Walters , who was sentenc ed to hang for murdering a woman in Wyoming , was shot and killed by a mob while in jail at Basin City , Wyo. , July 19 , 1903. He will be remembered here as editor of The Democratic Blade a number of years ago. At the medal contest held at the M. E. church last night Ethel Sherman won the-medal and Miss Bessie Gaskill was 2nd. Each of the class did well. C. S. Reece in behalf of the superintendent of contest work , Mrs. Mary Moon , presented the medal and to each of the class a contest pin. Our county should be represent ed at the state fair this year. Farmers and stockmen who have fine grasses , tame or wild , that would make a good sample and representative of what can be grown in our county should confer with C. H. Cornell regrading it or any other product which could be sent from here as an exhibit. The State Fair will be held Sept. 4th to llth. David Hanna , of Wood Lake , has charge of the exhibit of Class A of horses and mules whicli insures a recognition of the north western part of the state and its resources. Remember The Game. The original Boston Bloomers , Ladies' Champion Base Ball Club , who are making an extensive tour of this country , travelling in their own special car , will play the most interesting and exciting game of ball with the home team in Valen tine , Monday , August 3 , 1903 ? that has ever been witnessed in this town. This club of lady ball play ers has caused thousands to ap plaud and marvel at their wonder ful playing. The Boston Bloomer Girls are without doubt the great est club of lady base ball players ever organized , and are in no way connected with any other so called Bloomer club. The Boston Bloom ers under the management of W. P. Needham , has been successful for the past nine seasons , touring the Northern and Western coun tries. The remarkable success during the short time they have been in this part of the country is only a continuation of the former success they have met with every where they have visited. Ladies can attend this game without any fear of being offended , as nothing will be said or done that would shock the most fastidious. The grounds will be situated east of the stock yards and will be enclos ed with a large canvas fence in cluding plenty of seats. AS A WORKING TOOL : for the student and the writer , as an authoritative reference book for schools , families and business men , there is one book which of fers superior advantages both in the solid value of its information , and the ease with which it is ob tained. One's admiration for Webster's International Dictionary increases daily as it comes to be better known. It never refuses the information mation sought and it never over whelms one with a mass of mis information illogically arranged. The St. James Gazette of London , England , says : For the teacher , the pu pil , the student and the litterateur , there is nothing better ; it covers everything. The New and Enlarged Edition recently issued has 25,000 new words and phrases , 2364 pages and 5000 illustrations. Our name is on the title-pages of all the authentic dictionaries of the Webster series. LET US SEND YOU FREE "A Test in Pronunciation" which affords a pleasant and instructive evening's entertain ment. Illustrated pamphlet also free. .HEEBIAJI Ct > . , Pubs. , Springfield , .Moss. Notice To Delinquent Subscribers/ If there is anyone getting THE DEMOCRAT who does not want it , you have only to pay up what you owe and request us to discontinue. If everything does not suit you , it may be that it suit somebody. If nothing suits you , your livei may be out of order and you may need a doctor. If your subscription is not paic up , you will feel better when you have paid. We will also feel better to know that you think of us occasionally. There are some who may think that we are sending the paper to keep up a big subscription list , anc that they are doing us a favor by accepting it. We are willing to cut down our list if you don't want to pay youi subscription. We want all the subscribers we can get , but want them to pay. . It costs money for postage and paper besides the work of printing , folding and mailing you these pa pers and you should bear your part of the expense if you want the news. DuriHg the next month we hope to mail notices to many of you who have not paid recently and to all those outside Cherry county whose subscription is not paid in advance. Please respond with the cash or tell us when you can pay. Eemember , subscription is $1.00 per year when paid in advance but § 1.50 per year for subscriptions past due. We realize that most of our sub. scribers who have neglected to pay have done so as an oversight , and will appreciate a reminder. Normal Louis , Speer , a gentleman Jirom Harlad , entered the Normal this week. Miss Martha White came up from Long Pine to enter the Nor mal Monday. Prof. Gregory and his chorus class have been furnishing some fine music for the lectures. Miss Blanche Barto enrolled for Normal work Monday , also , Miss Jennie Bennett of Merriman. Miss Frances Harden has been compelled to give up her Normal work on account of ill health. Mrs. E. H. Watson left this morning for a few weeks visit with friends and relatives at Wahoo. G. M. Hopkins , Supt. of Eock GJ. visited the Normal and his taachers she latter part of last week. J. A. Harberger , ex-principal of the Fremont public schools , visited the Junior Normal Wed nesday in the interest of Kand- McNally Publisliing Company. Do not forget that the debate between Miss Laura Gregg and A. L. Bixby will be in the M. E. church Friday evening. This will be one of the best evenings of the lecture course and you can't afford to miss it. Admission 25 and 15 cents. As announced , Pres. Clark of the Peru Normal lectured in the M. E. Church Friday and Saturday eve nings of last week. He also ad dressed the students at chappel hour Friday morning and gave them many helpful hints as to what constitutes the true teacher that will be very beneficial to them the coming year and all their lives. The lecture course is being ! verjr much appreciated the teachers and they are getting a great deal out of it that they couldn't get in books. Louis Smith , who has been visit ing friends and relatives in the 3astern part of the state and Miss- Duri returned home Monday night. He reports crops good where he iias been but the weather very svarm. are fresh and sweet. A good variety and plenty of them. ICE CREAM is popular these warm days and ours is made right. It suits the taste and sup plies that long felt want. of FRUIT , fresh or canned , and don't forget , that you need only to run down when you want a E. H. BOHLE , The Confectioner. liASS FIIED WmrTEJioRE. President CHARLIES SPARKS , Cashier J. W. STBTTKH , Vice President CLAKA WATSON , Assistant Cashier Interest paid on time jj deposits. . ! Capital , S25.00O jj Surplus , 81OOO Offlco Hours 9 A. M. to 4 P. M. VALENTINE STATE BANK VALENTINE , Persons seeking a place of safety for their money , will profit by investigating the methods employed in our business. The Valentine Democrat INVITES YOU To use its columns to advance your business interests. Cf Cf Cf Cf O O" If you are looking for buyers of goods you hand le , an "AD" in this paper will give the widest publicity possible in newspaper advertising. THE VALENTINE DEMOCRAT goes to more homes than any other paper in this territory. There is no denying this fact. If you are from Missouri , we will consider it a pleasure to show up our sub scription list to those interested. : : : : : : Jas. E. Pepper W. E. McBrayer Canadian Club All the standard brands of Whiskies , domestic and imported Wines , Gordon's Dry Gin , and Cigars of the choicest brands. Blue Ribbon Bottled Beer a speciality. ' : : : ; Oakland Hunters Rye Blue Grass Dewars Scotch Whiskex W. T. Bishop , ALE STABLE The Wilber Barn Your Patronage Solicited. ace : i HEADQUARTERS FOR WINES , LIQUORS AND CIGARS OF THE CHOICEST BRANDS Valentine Nebraska GET PRINTING AT rais YOUR OFFICE * f Can SafJcfv You to Otinlitv Prjce * nA ILost , Strayed or Stolen. One bay pony mare , white face , five years old , weighs about 750 pounds , broke to ride , has saddle marks , small sore right cheek from blind tooth , branded 22 on leffchip Raised on Rosebud agency by an Indian named Ben Hungry. Lib eral reward will be paid for recov ery. M. WEBBER , 28 Ft. Niobrara , Nebr. Good fresh Meat and Lard at Stetters Meat Market. 26 Building For Sale. The school house in the west end of school district No. 21,16x30 feet , is offered for sale and further information can be had by calling on John Berman , director , Valen tine , ] STebr.