Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, July 09, 1903, Image 2

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X. M. SICE ,
We are assimilating Immigrants in
xtead of digesting securities.
Uncle Sam has more forests to bun
nowadays than he will have a few de
cades hence.
The Harvard professor who has dls
covered the germ of smallpox has ou :
permission to keep It
Mrs. Wiggs , of cabbage patch fame
Is a heroine of fiction -who does no
appeal * to the gentlemen -who inven
ttew names for cigars.
Many a man puzzles over the propei
place for "shall" and "will. " After t
while he learns that when a womai
Bays he shall , he
Now Moncure D. Conway says h (
was misquoted. He didn't call Lin coir
a scamp. This must be a great reliet
to Lincoln's descendants.
Whltaker Wright's claim that he
would have been worth $50,000,000 11
he had operated In this country Is o
tribute of which American has nol
reason to be proud.
That boy who tried to eat fire aftei
the fashion of the fire-eater at a the
atrical performance will never be as
handsome as he was , but he will have
a good deal more sense.
Mrs , Burdick has her $25,000 , but
even that will hardly make her 'forget
that some of the papers were mean
enough to say at the time of the In
quest that she was homely and looked
her years.
It is simply wonderful , all the things
that can be done with cotton-seed oil.
In December we shipped 2,900 tons of
cotton-seed oil to Marseilles , Prance
and it will soon come back to us as
oure olive oil.
Peking , , written Pekin in United
States Government publications since
1S97 , is to get back its "g. " If current
developments may be taken as Indica
tion , the ancient capital of China may
yet be written Pekiugsky.
No. troubled reader , those alleged
adornments which women wear in
their hats resembling miniature feath
er dusters are not badges of an order
of housemaids. They are Just a devel
opment of freak millinery. Boston
When you take into account all the
parted forms of healing and the num
ber of people engaged in ministering
ko minds and bodies diseased isn't it
a wonder that anybody can get sick
"enough " to die ? Or Is it more to be
wondered at that anybody is alive ?
Mr. Mangasarian says the woman of
| Uie future will be "more creative and
Inquisitive and less passive and sub-
fcnieslve" than IB the woman of to-day.
ZCnere are married men who will pity
the man of the future If Mr. Mangn-
Rurian is right concerning the Inqutei-
tre part of it
business men , having dis-
eorered that time is lost in eating that
plight be devoted to getting money ,
Trill form a quick-lunch club. Why-not
arrange some mechanical contrivance
that would feed them while they are
busy at their desks ? Just think of
stopping for a 50-cent meal , while in
the same time a man might make at
Beast $1.63 in his office !
A West Point cadet has been dis-
iinlssed. for violating the rules and then
'lying ' about It. Secretary Root , in in
dorsing the decree of the court-martial ,
wrote : "It is of the first importance
that the cadets of the Military Acad
emy should discountenance and abhor
falsehood , however disguised ; " and
that the quibbling evasions of the de
fendant would be "more natural in a
police court than In a company of offl-
, cers and gentlemen. " One might add ,
while echoing the Secretary's opinion-
that quibbling evasions are out of
place even In a police court.
The struggle for success in life is
more fiercely competitive than it ever
* was and the preparation for this strug
gle is becoming more and more exact-
Ing. The school curriculum shows this
{ to be so. The tendency to overload it
seems to be increasing to such an ex
tent as to evoke the earnest protest
of parents. A system which requires
( the young pupil to spend many hours
'In school and more hours in homo
( study to maintain a standing In the
classroom and to prepare for nerve-
Tacking examinations naturally provokes - ,
vokes the criticism of parents , who are
jbest able to judge of its baleful effect
upon the minds and bodies of their
charges. The youth whose time has
h > een frittered away on too many
( studies may be easily beaten In the
jllfe struggle by the boy who has been
iconflned to a few essential studies , and
fwho has made them a part of his in
tellectual self.
The Detroit conference of the na
tional congress of mothers favored uni-
Ifonn divorce laws and denounced
ipolygamy In Utah. It failed to define
rthedivorce law which it would approve
for the entire country. It must be pre-
mmed that American motherhood
prould approve a law abolishing in
other States of the Union the counter-
[ > art of the Mormon Institution In Utah.
Donsecutive poJygamy outside Utah
B sis dangerous to the future of the
nation as simultaneous polrgruny will
In Utah's boundaries. Until we bn\
n divorce law In every State forblc
ding remarriage of divorced persor
during the life of a divorced pnrtm
polygamy will continue to flourls
throughout the country. Statistic
have frequently shown that more tha
three-fourths of the divorces in tli
United States are secured for Immed
ate remarriage to another person a
ready selected. Mothers may well lee
with dread upon the future of the :
children while a morality so lax pri
rails outside Utah and Is finding It
victims In annually Increasing thoi
sands In every plane of society.
That the United States should be
leader In the great movement for ir
ternational arbitration Is fitting. Th
movement is the most vital one i
world politics , and its success up to th
present Is due very largely to infli
ences from this country. The progres
of arbitration during the last year ha
been remarkable beyond the expects
tton of Its most sanguine advocates , j
year ago , the international court a
The Hague was an untried tribuna
In twelve months it has received thre
great cases the Plus fund case b (
tween this country and Mexico , settle
last fall in our favor ; the Japanes
house tax case between Japan on on
side and Great Britain , France am
Germany on the other ; and the Yen
ezuelan question of preferential treal
ment , the settlement of which will es
tablish an International principle o
the utmost Importance. Besides these
five other international disputes hav
been arbitrated during the year , am
half a dozen or more are still pendlnj
before special tribunals. Numerou
friendship treaties that have been ne
gotiated and the fact that the Venezle
Ian episode with all its intricacies le <
to no further international complica
tions still further attest the spirit o
peace that is growing among the na
tions. It ought to be a matter of prld
to every American that this country i
taking a leading part in this movement
Not only has it been a party to fou :
arbitrations during the year , but its at
titude in the recent Venezuelan difficul
ty has given this country high rani
among the peacemakers. The appoint
ment of the Alaskan boundary tribuna
is still another evidence of our desiri
to settle our disputes with our neigh
bors peaceably.
The action recently taken by the va
rious State Legislatures with refer
ence to a constitutional amendmen
for the direct election of Senators bj
the people shows not only the wide
spread interest in the reform but th (
strength of opinion in its favor when
the Issue has been brought to the tesi
of a vote. It appears that thirty-sis
State Legislatures have had the pro
posal before them , and that of these
twenty-one have indorsed it , whil <
fourteen have failed to indorse It. Ir
only five States , Massachusetts , Maine
Pennsylvania , New York and Ohio , has
the proposal been voted on wlthoul
carrying. Maine , however , did nol
finally reject it , but postponed it tc
he next session. In most of the othei
States that are listed against it It was
) uried in committee , and will surely
) e heard from in future Legislatures ,
lu one State it passed one house and
n another It passed both houses but
wa vetoed by the Governor. Of the
twenty-one States that have Indorsed
he proposal nine went merely BO far
RS to ask 'their Senators and Congress
men to vote for the submission of an
amendment. The other twelve , how
ever , took the radical step of demand-
ng that Congress call a constitutional
convention to submit the amendment.
These twelve States are :
Dalifornia. Nevada.
[ Ilinois. North Carolina.
Minnesota. North Dakota.
Missouri. Oregon.
Montana. Utah.
Nebraska. Wisconsin.
The federal Constitution has existed
> ne hundred and fourteen years with
out the need of a constitutional con
tention to revise it. Such a conven-
; Ion will not be necessary now , but it
ivill only be when almost all of the
equired two-thirds of the States have
lemanded it that the privileged Senate
vill be induced to yield to popular will
ind permit the submission of an
imendment direct to the States. The
ime is doubtless not far distant when
: he twelve States that have made the
rail will find eighteen more arrayed at
heir side , and the reform will be as-
; ured.
Museum Is 2,5OO Years Old.
A museum of the sixth century , B.
j. , has come into the possession of the
Jniversity of Pennsylvania , The mu-
; eum is not big , being contained in a
arge earthen jar , but the contents are
ery valuable from a historical point
if view.
Whether the specimens were exea-
ated or purchased Is not known , but
hey undoubtedly represent a collec-
ion which must have been made dur-
ag the time of Belshazzar , since it
ras found in one of the upper strata
t Nippur.
The best specimen in the jar'is an
ascription containing the titles of Sar-
on I. , who liver about 3800 B. C.
'here is a black stone tablet of Ur-
Jur , 2700 B. C. , which tells that this
ing built the great wall around the
ity of Nippur.
Then there is the terra cotta brick
tainp of Bur-Sin , which Is the first
el found of that king. Another tab-
it states that the large hall of the
jmple was called Emakh , and that
lere were twenty-four other shrines
) gods in the temple besidts the ones
aat have been found of Bel and his
jnsort , Beltis.
Ifs ,1 rare man who dares Invltt * a
uest to dinner without first coaisultr
ig his wife.
-.V , . f.
A Mechanical Milker.
The latest milking machine is here
pictured in outline. It requires an en
gine or other power to drive It In or
der to work the vacuum air pump lo
cated at some convenient point. From
this a fine of Iron gas pipe is run
above the stalls in the milking shed.
This pipe is used only to exhaust the
air in the inilk buckets. No liquid
passes through it. A small branch pipe
terminating in A hook is fitted tto the
main pipe and hangs over the stall
about two feet above the cow's back.
The bucket is shown in the figure
and is air tight , the top being closed
with a lid. clamped securely in placf
by simply raising the handle to lift th
bucket. All that is needed to make
connection is the mere hanging of the
bucket on the pipe above the cow by
a hook attached to the milk pail foi
that purpose , as shown in the cut.
This Is an ordinary pail with a tight
lid and glass peepholes down the sides
so that the milk can be seen. A rubber
tube nins to the cups attached to the
cow's teats. Between the cups is a
valve and chamber about the size of a
hen's egg which really constitutes the
effective part of the machine.
The machine is set to work by a sim
ple turn of the valve and the suction
holds it in place until the milking is
finished. It requires from two and one-
half to ten minutes to milk a cow.
With proper equipment one man can
readily handle fifty. Orange Judd
Science and Farming- .
If you tell the average Mi.ouri
farmer that he ought to use a little
more science In his business he will
reply that the advocates of scientific
methods are mere theorists ; that they
do very well In their way , but they
can't teach a practical agriculturist
anything in his line. Robert H. Kern.
a St. Louis lawyer , has lately given the
conservative farmers of Macon County
a lewon in scientific agriculture that
baa opened their eyes. In settling an
estate he came into possession of some
almost worthless city property. This
le traded for some land in Macon
County which seemed almost equally
valueless. The larger part of it was
under water most of the rime , and a
jood crop never had been raised on it.
r. Kern called in an engineer and
had hhn make plans for a drainage
system. Then he called in a fanner
who understood the science of agricul-
ure and put him to work. The land
was drained perfectly , a bog became a
ine meadow , and where a swamp had
) een from time immemorial a bumper
orn crop was raised. Now that farm ,
which , when Mr. Kern got it , would
hardly have brought $5 per acre , is
worth $50 per acre. Ten thousand del
lars' worth of corn was raised on it
last year. It is said half the dwellers
In the Charlton bottoms are now talkIng -
Ing about hiring scientific engineers as
"arm hands. Kansas City Journal.
Profit in Summer
It is well understood that the eggs
/aid / during the winter are. to a certain
extent at lesast , a forced production.
This being the case , it is hardly fair
to expect that the fowl who has turn
ed out a goodly supply of egirs during
the winter can keep it up during the
Bummer. It is questionable if it would
be advisable to force the winter layIng -
Ing fowl to continue during the sum
mer. If the bird is to be counted as
among the layers the following win
ter she should be allowed the period of
rest during most of the summer ; that
Is , she should not be fed so as to force
egg production , but her food should be
sufficiently liberal and sufficiently va
ried to keep her in good shape to go
Into winter quarters prepared to lay.
The poultryman who has not received
from his fowls the numCer of eggs he
Phould have had during the winter
DUght to make an effort to get even
during the summer , the natural season
for the hen to lay. This cannot be
lone by simply turning the hens out on
the range , for they must be grain-fed
ind properly cared for. Handle them
is you would the fowls for winter egg
production. It will not be expensive ,
for most of their living will be ofotain-
jd on the range and , unless eggs are
rery low In price , you will receive
inough from the supply to pay well
tor the extra food and care.
Do Yon Know ? x
Do you know that every cruelty in-
licted on an animal in killing or just
) efore death poisons to a greater or
ess extent Its meat ?
Do you know "that every cruelty tn-
llcted upon a cow poisons to a greater
ir } ec extent Its milk ?
Do you know that fish killed as sooi
as taken from the water by a blow 01
the back of the head will keep longe
and be better than those permitted t <
die slowly ?
Do you know that 'birds ' destroy mill
ions of 'bugs ' , mosquitoes and harmfu
Insects , that without line birds w <
could not live on the earth , and tha
every little insect-eating bird you mai
kill and every egg you may take fron
its nest means one less bird to destroy
insects ? Live Stock Journal.
Feeding : the Grass Crop.
One of the most successful grower ,
of hay in the country ascribed his sue
cess to the proper preparation of hi !
fields In the beginning and the propei
culture afterward , as well as th <
proper manuring at the time of seed
ing. During the two months pceced
Ing seeding the soil is plowed and bar
rowed so frequently that he claims II
is gone over at least fifty ttimes. Thi <
process makes fine all the vegetation
that is available as plant food andletj
in sunshine to the soil. Before seeding
stable manure Is used In as large quan.
titles as he can afford , but after seeding -
ing only bone , muriate of potash an < )
nitrate of soda are used , and this I ?
used on every crop ; that is , he is nol
satisfied to let the fertilizer used in
preparing the seed bed answer for all
time , but prepares and applies th ?
commercial fertilizers named each sea
son or twice each season , if , as In his
case , two crops are taken from th
meadow each season. This sort ol
treatment is expensive , to an extent
but it pays to apply It in any section
where the ha3 * crop Is a paying one.
For Leveling the Soil.
This land leveler Is a tool that wilj
pay for itself many times over and
ought to be found on every farm. The
illustration shows clearly how it is
made. A heavy plank eight or ten
feet long and two feet wide , set on
edge , is used for the leveler and th
wings at the side keep it in an upright -
right position at all times. Thes ?
wings should be securely fastened bj
iron straps. Strips of strong boar ( }
one and one-half inches thick by thrt
inches wide are fastened at each uppei
corner of the plank and a small crosspiece -
piece at the end is provided with a
ring , to which the team is hitched. A
small iron rod from the center of crosspiece -
piece to the center of the top of th
plank gives additional strength. A and
A indicate large screw eyes , to which
a light rope is attached to enable tlu
driver to raise the leveler if need be
and to enable him to turn corners eas-
ily. This leveler will be found to wort
perfectly on any soil that is not too
heavy , and it will level the soil bettej
and cheaper than In any other way.
How to Feel Hones.
Horses fed liberally , if not well ex
ercised , will often get off their feed.
The skill of the feeder must remedy
this. Every one having the care ol
stock of any kind should bear in mind
that all troubles of appetite and ol
the digestive organs are generallj
chargeable to the feeder rather than
the animal. Regularity , a keen judg
ment and strict attention are the "med
icine" the feeder of stock needs to ad
Care of the Garden.
Just as soon as any crop of vegeta
bles is nished in ; the garden , spad
the location , and if any seeds are in
tlie soil many of them will sprout. II
so go over it again , which will save
much valuable time and labor in th
spring. Late summer and fall is the
proper time to clean a garden , especial
ly if Aveed seeds are to be eradicated.
Farm Notes.
To use more machinery and conven
iences of every kind , or to cut down
your acreage , appears the only rem
edy in sight for lack of farm help.
Give the young pigs a low trough
and a chance to feed separate from the
sow. Add to ground oats or barley 01
wheat middlings some warm skim
milk or water.
There is no better egg-producing food
than a combination of oats , bran , corn ,
green stuff and insects , with the aver
age waste of the average kitchen or
clairy , and you don't have to pay 5
cents per pound for any of these.
In Denmark they have farmers' \XH
aperative dairy associations of twelve
farmers each , who for five years weigh
the feed of each of their cows and also
the milk , and thus make a record of
the returns from each cow.
String beans can be grown as long
is the weather is warm. The practice
> f growing the earlier kinds alone la
: oo general , for a ready sale awalta
; hem whenever they reach the mar >
lets. Try some of the late varieties ,
ind keep up a succession as long as
: he opportunity permits.
On the thirty-seven acres of ground
levoted to the live-stock department at
; he world's fair , at St Louis , are being
Hiilt 2,800 stalls. Two thousand four
mndred of these are open stalls , 5x10
! eet The remaining 400 are box stalls ,
LOxlO feet. In addition four octagonal
lairy barns will provide 140 open stalls
ind twenty-eight box stalls.
School an * Settlement la
Isotradcs County , Alabama.
At a lantern talk given recently hi
this city , says the New York Post , the
ftev. Pitt Dillingham , principal of the
Dalhoun School and Settlement in
Lowndes County , Alabama , read a pa-
fer illustrating the remarkable growth
of a negro community which Calhoun
Is building. He said :
"There are seventy-five families in
this group and flv R square miles of
plantation country huve been broken up
Into fifty-acre farms. The negroes have
paid $18,000 on the land during the
past six years. During the same time
| > 1OCQ in taxes have been paid and
over $700 a year as tuition money.
Most important of all , standards of
family life have gone up. Tet we are
told the negro will not work and can
not save.
"Calhoun is a combination of farm
md home and school and church , build
ing a central neighborhood In its own
L-ounty , and stimulating the growth of
other neighborhoods where these four
things are being Americanized and
taught to pull together. Good farms
and homes within sound of school and
church bell make its objective.
"Calhoun is giving industrial edu
cation to over 300 students , It reaches
about 500 more annually in the public
schools through its graduates and stu
dents. In its county there are 12,000
negro children of school age ; one In
four goes to school. There are 2,000
white children ; one in two goes to
school. .Calhoun Is working on Hamp
ton and Tuskegee lines. Its peculiarity
Is that it combines school and settle
ment work , like the Speyer School re
cently established by' teachers' college
of Columbia University. Its county
contains 31,000 negroes and 4,500
whites by the last census , and was se
lected for Calhoun's experiment by
Booker Washington because it was the
blackest county in Alabama. A South
ern white man helped start the land
movement by selling his own planta
tion , and he still superintends the buy-
injr of land. "
Among the mixed population of
Macedonia the Christians , so called ,
are predominant , although the Mussul
man Turks rule the country. These
primitive Christians have many curi
ous customs , one of the most interestIng -
Ing being that depicted in the illustra
tion , the giving to political or other
prisoners In their jails of what they
call the "religious cake. " This cake ,
ornamented with a figure of the cross
is carried to the prisoners on All Souls
day by the sympathetic women of the
community in which the jail is situ-
Origin of "Budget. "
It is difficult to realize that the term
"budget , " now so often in every one's
"mouth , is a term less than 200 years
old , the earliest mention of the word
dating no further back than 1733. We
borrowed it from the old French lan
guage bougette , meaning a small bag ,
in which In former times it was the
custom to put the estimates of re
ceipts and expenditures when present
ed to parliament. Hence the chancel
lor of the exchequer , In making his an
nual statement , was formerly said to
'open his budget. In time the term
passed from the receptacle to the con
tents , .and. curiously , this new signifi
cation was returned from this country
to France , where It was first used
In an official manner in iue early part
( of the nineteenth century. London
Seal of the Confederacy.
The great seal of the Confederacy is
supposed to be in the office of the
Secretary of State of South Carolina.
The original design called for an
equestrian portrait of Washington in
the center , after the statue which sur
mounts his monument in the capitol
fequare in Richmond ; and no doubt
[ that design was executed by Joseph
* S. Wyon , chief engraver of her ma
jesty's seals , No. 2S7 Regent street ,
London. His charge for the work was
122. Somebody issued proofs of the
' 'great seal , " which had Washington
wearing whiskers and a Confederate
slouch hat. Who has the die from
which they were struck ? It should be
worth a handsome sum as a curiosity.
The Old Quotation Recalled.
Tom You remember that old tree in
the school yard where you and I cut
our names on the bark with your jackknife -
knife ?
Dick I should say I do.
"Tom Well , some vandal has chopped
the whole thing down.
Dick Ah , I see. "The bark that held
the prints went down , " eh ? Baltimore
American .
An Old Manuscript.
The earliest extant manuscript of the
Hebrew old testament is a copy of the
pentateuch , now In the British museum
and assigned to the nuith century , and
the earliest manuscript bearing a pre
cise date is a copy of the prophets , at
St. Petersburg , dated A. D. 916 , while
the majority of the manuscripts belong
to much later periods.
Some people ai-o too Independent to
Lake a hint
Purest of Emollients anl
Greitest of Skin Cures ,
Tlii Most Wonderful Guratlvt
of AIITime
For Torturing , Disfiguring
Skin Humours
And Purest and Sweetest of
Tellet Emollients ,
Cuticur * Ointment ! beyond question
the most successful curative for tortur
ing , dlsflgurinffhumour * of the skin and
scalp , Including loss of hair , ever
compounded , In proof of which ft.
ingl anointing preceded by a hot bith ,
with Catlcura Soap , and followed in.
the severer cases , by a dose of Cutl-
cura Resolvent , Is often sufficient to-
afford Immediate relief in the most
distressing forms of Itching , burning-
and icaly hnmoura , permit rest and
sleep , and point to a speedy cure when
all other remedies fall. It is especlally-
Infants and children
BO In the treatment of
dren , cleansing , soothing and healing ;
the most distressing of Infantile hu
mours , and preserving , purifying and.
beautifying the skin , ocalp and hair.
Cutlcura Ointment possesses , at th
same tijne , the charm of satisfying the-
simple irantsof the toilet , In caring for
the skin , scalp , hairhands and feet ,
from Infancy to age , far more effect
ually , agreeably and economically than ,
the most expensive of toilet emollients.
Ita "Instant relief for skin-tortured
babies , " or " Sanatlve.antlseptic cleansIng -
" " treatment of the
Ing , or One-night
hands or feet , " or ' Single treatment
of the hair , " or "Use after athletics , ' "
cycling , golf , tennis , riding , sparriner ,
or any sport , each in connection with
the use of Cutlcura Soap , is sufficient
evidence of this.
Sold thronzbontthcirarid. Cmttcnm R olT nt.eOe ( To
Fetter Drar& Chtm. Torn . Sole Proprelor
V ov&entffor "T2MCntican8Un Book. "
Up Against It ' 'Is your employer'
Dut ? " inquired the caller.
"Yes , sir , " replied the office boy.
"How do you know without looking
into his private office ? "
"Because I just heard him growl ,
ibout the cards he was gettin * and ;
: all for another stack of blues. "Phil- '
idelpbia Press.
CTO | Permanently Cured , nontsornerrousnessaiier
I 11 O nm day's use of Dr. Kline's Groai I ervo lio- .
etorer. Bead forFKEE92.00 nalbottlocndtre .tt > .
DR. R. H. JCLIXF. Ltd. . 931 Ar - fit. . Philadelphia Pa.
The fact is odd : The postofllce sav
ings bank of Great Britian are tech-
oichlly insolvent. Their deposits at
the end of the year were $700,000,000
fheir assets only about $670,000,000.
Nobody worries about a littte thing
ikft that : the government is respon-
iible. Of course the discrepancy
rose from the high prices the depart-
nent was forced to pay for national
jouds before the Boer war. The
owering the rate of interest allowed
s an obvious cure. The postal banks
vere authorized in 1881 and nearly
.10,000.000 was deposittd the firs-
'ear. Some later developments are-
: urious. By the"siip" system a sum
10 small as two cents can be deposit
td. Deposits can be withdrawn byt
elegraph. School srvings banks are
ecognized , but ore not very success ?
ul , OMing to the superior attraction
if sweets as a medium of invest-
aentj. A feature of the postal btnks
s that , through their agency.deposit-
irs can buy small frrctionel portione
if government bonds.
kittle Fellows Don't Like the Hot
Mothers should know exactly -what
oo < Mo give babies in hot weather.
With the broiling hot days in July and
uigtist the mother of a baby is always
nxious for the health of her little one
nd is then particularly careful in feed-
sg. Milk sours quickly and other food
uncertain. Even in spite of caution , '
ickness sometimes creeps in and then
tie right food is more necessary thaa
"Our baby boy two years old began in
LUgust to have attacks of terrible stom-
ch and bowel trouble. The physician ,
aid his digestion was very bad and that
' . it had been earlier in the summer and ,
otter weather we would surely have lost
"Penally we gave baby Grape-Nuts
> od , feeding it several times the first
ay , and the next morning he seemed
stter and brighter than he had been for
lany days. There was a great change
i the condition of his bowels and in
tree days they were entirely normal.
: e is now well and getting very strong
id fleshy and we know that Grape-
uts saved his life , for he was a very ,
; ry ill baby. Grape-Nuts food must
ive wonderful properties to effect such
ires as this.
"We grown-ups in our family all use
rape-Nuts and also Postum in place
: coffee with the
, result that we never
iy of us bave any coffee ills , but OTQ
ell asd strong. " Name given by Pos-
m Co. , Battle Creek , Mich.
The reason Grape-Nuts food relieves
> wel trouble in babies or adults is be-
use the starch of the grain is prdt-
sted and does not tax the bowels , nor
rment like white bread , potatoes and
her forms of starchy food.
Send for particulars by mail of exten-
jn of time on the $7,500.00 cooks' con-
! Lf2 j43 ? money prizes.