Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, March 05, 1903, Image 2

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I. HIC15 , Pub
The miser's money is only green pa
per and hard metal.
Seme people think the man who pajs
aa he goes has a poor chance to get
very far ahead.
It is one of the hardest things in the
world to induce a balky mule to submit
the case to arbitration.
General Boguslawski says the Mon
roe doctrine is no good. But he may
not knew what he is talking about
It won't be a very efficient war meas
ure hereafter to cut the cables if Mar-
coiil-s little scheme works out all right.
By looking closely the available man
may see upon the door of the grass
widow's heart this sign : "Don't knock.
Walk in. "
Max Nordau says China will be the
scene of the final struggle of the great
powers for supremacy. Thanks , Max.
China's a long way off.
The life of a Japanese jinrikisha man
in said to be only live years. This
shows that in some cases u pull is the
worst thing a man can have.
Ian Maclaren sees grave danger in
overcducation. But this will not re
strain us from building truant schools
and compelling those to learn who do
not wish to do so.
Marconi has made it possible to pub
lish a daily paper on the Atlantic liners.
This cutB us out of our annual trip to
Europe in our efforts to get away from
business for a season.
Somebody who has been investigating
reports that the Bonaparte family is
dying out The general impression is ,
however , that it practically died out at
St. Helena more than seventy-live years
London chemists have concocted a
new c mpound which they call carbon-
ylthiocarbimidophenylbenzylthiocarba -
mide. It sounds like Dutch for automo
bile , and may in fact be almost as
Of 145 students who took entrance
examinations at one of our universi
ties , eighty-five misspelled twenty or
more words out of a list of 150. This
proportion of "bad spells" suggests
that our secondary schools need more
attention to matters'primary.
We do not question for a moment
that an Italian has invented a machine
for converting the sun's rays into elec
tricity , but before we buy stock in
any company that tries to exploit this
mechanism we shall go down into the
basement and take a long look at our
old Keeley motor.
Victor Emmanuel seems to believe
that arctic explorers deserve recogni
tion. He congratulated Sverdrup on
his return from the polar regions , and
he has appointed the Duke of the
Abruzzi , who got nearer to the pole
than any other explorer , to represent
Italy at the St Louis exposition. But
what sort of summer climate docs his
Majesty think St. Louis has that he
should select a hardened arctic travel
er to go there ?
Napoleon changed the map of Eu
rope , but he was "not in it" to use a
phrase not yet classical with Ameri
can enterprise. One night not long
ago a spot on the Oklahoma prairie
was a corn field ; the-next day a town
of 2,000 population had appeared , with
a bank , a hotel , a daily newspaper and
Tarious stores. Not long ago , when
the people of Nebraska City , Neb. ,
went to bed one night , the Missouri
River was flowing by the town ; when
they awoke the next morning the riv
er had moved its course three miles to
the eastward. If the effete monarchies
of Europe desire any points on map-
changing they must come to America.
The management of the Norfolk ,
Portsmouth and Newport News Rail
way has decided that the bachelor is
in the way and ought to be eliminated.
Henceforth , in accordance with a rule
that has just been adopted , no unmar
ried men need apply for jobs on the
line mentioned , and it will hardly be
In accordance with the fitness of things
if the women of Massachusetts fail to
recognize this humane and praise
worthy action on the part of the com
pany. A vote of confidence at least
should be forthcoming. When General
Oorbin came out In opposition to mar
riages Iri the army and the Postmaster
General issued his order for the dis
charge of married women from ser
vice In his department It looked rather
discouraging for the girls who abhor
gpinsterhood. But the sun of hope is
shining brilliantly again. If the rail
roads are going to refuse to hire any
but married mea Cupid and the min
isters and the Justices of the peace
may as well get ready to work over
time , for where Is the man so base
that he would not rather have a wife
and a job than be Jobless and single ?
When Dr. D. K. Pearsons gives ad
vice it is of the sort worth reading.
The aged Chicago philanthropist was
asked what course he would recom
mend to a young man , starting In life.
Here is the answer of the sage of Hins-
dale : "Get land ! Get land ! Go out
into the northwest corner of Colorado.
There- are snow-topped mountains
spread with tall pines , and there are
green valleys and swift-running wa
ter. Get land with coal under it Gel
pasture land where cattle can be
grazed. Get meadow land and tilla
ble land. Buy all you can and hang
on to it Then go to wor . Go to stay
and do not be disheartened by hard
ships. Go where there is not a rail
road for sixty miles and you have TO
enter on horseback. The railroad will
follow soon , and those who fight hard
will come out on top. Another inviting
region is in the State of Washington.
Avoid the cities and go to the back
country and get land. Get tracts up
on the mountain side that arc heavy
with timber and accessible to running
water. Make acquisitions in valleys.
Mining , agriculture , lumbering , grazing
all branches are full of promise. " We
believe this to be good advice. IB land
is found at least a safe Investment
It will never be worth less. Each year
should add to the value of land. And
the young man will find more than
money by following Dr. Pearson's ad
vice. He will find health. Of course
special circumstances govern each
case , but the young man who can find
a way "to get land" will not regret it.
The club , the class and the lecture
have taken a large place in the lives
of many women. In many enterpris
ing towns and villages the courses of
fered by clubs and villages absorb
nearly all the time the home-making
woman can have for intellectual life.
She belongs to a Shakspeare club and
a class in current events , and a guild
for the study of church history. Her
scant leisure permits very little rend
ing , except such as i.s done in connec
tion with these courses. The results
achieved at the end of a winter will
doubtless be abundant ; but unless she
is on her guard , they will not include
any great gain in power and accuracy
of individual judgment Whenever a
doubtful point has presented itself in
her reading , she has waived it , in the
certainty that it will be discussed at
length at the meeting of the class , and
that she will be helped to her decision
by the ideas developed there. Did
Hamlet really love Ophelia ? Do Shak-
speare's sonnets tell his own story ?
Ought the English education bin" to
pass ? Is reciprocity with Canada prac
ticable ? Is church union possible ?
These questions and a hundred others
will be sure to be settled with a cer
tain pleasant dogmatism by the leader
of the course of study. Why should
she trouble herself about them before
hand ? Because a community where
one view only prevails in matters of
taste and judgment is likely to be a
dull place and an unprogressive one.
After all , the world has made its long
est strides toward enlightenment
through the efforts of independent
thinkers. In the fascination of asso
ciated intellectual work it behooves
the modern woman not to forget the
value of the phrase which , at least by
implication , has prefaced most of the
world's great thinking : "In my opin
ion. "
by Dry-Goods Box Kijrjjed
Up to Accommodate Pony Express.
An officer of a great railway system
who has worked his way up from the
bottom was rummaging the other day ,
and found a memorandum which is the
basis of what follows :
"This mem , " he said , ' 'dates back to
the genesis of the railway mail. The
man who made the first step in this
wonderful improvement was , unless I
: mi very much mistaken , the Demo-
2ratic postmaster in St Joseph , Mo. , at
the breaking out of the Civil War. He
was appointed by Buchanan.
"The Pony Express , which was also
started from St. Joseph , suggested to
the postmaster a crude arrangement
from which was evolved our present
railway system. The postmaster found
It necessary to arrange his mail so that
t could be handled quickly on the ar-
ival and departure of the Pony Ex-
iress rider.
"He rigged up a lot of pigeonholes in
in old dry-goods box , and put it where
tie could have the mail at the ends of
lis fingers. Each pigeonhole was label-
id with the name of a postoffice.
"Soon after this arrangement , a sim-
lar one was rigged up in the baggage-
: ar of a railroad train , and the man in
: harge distributed his mail for towns
ilong the line by putting it into the
ligeonholes in a pine box.
"Crude as that was , it facilitated
> usiness. It was the cue for the in-
rentive genius who improved upon it ,
ind , of course , his improvements have
jeen improved upon until we have now
; he best railway mail system in the
"All this has been brought about
vithin the recollection of men who are
lot yet old. From one man who exper-
inented with it the service has grown
: o that it now requires a force of twen-
y-five thousand men.
"If I am correct about the postmaster
vho started the idea , his name" was
Davis , and he was a native of Rich-
nond , Va. " New York Sun.
Making : Field Guns Invisible.
A new dodge has , been tried by the
> rdnance department of the British
irmy to make guns invisible. By
minting the field pieces and their lim-
jers in irregular patches of the three
primary colors , red , yellow and blue ,
; hey have been found to harmonize so
jxactly with any sort of background
> r surroundings as to be almost indls-
imguishable at a relatively short dis-
ance even with powerful glasses and
jy persons knowing their location.
Biggest Bath in Europe.
Vienna has the largest public bath In
Burope. It is 587 feet long and 156
! eet wide. It can accommodate 1,500
' * - J * : * A
It Prescribes Ktiles of Conduct from
the Time They Leave i eJ Until
Tliey Itetiim to It Some Queer
Religion and superstition are
strangely blended in the lives of true
Mohammedans. " A pious Moslem be
fore wearing any new article of cloth
ing , performs his ablutions and pros
trates himself twice in prayer. A man
of less devout but a more supersti
tious trend of mind contents himself
with consulting the taghvim , mutter
ing to himself , ere he dons the gar
ment , "In the name of God the merci
ful and clement ! " Plis friends on see
ing the new apparel cry out , "May it
be auspicious ! " The rewards of a
man who says his prayers before put
ting on a new suit of clothes will be
in proportion to the number of threads
in the cloth. Hence it has come to
be a practice to preserve the material
from the blight of the evil eye by be
sprinkling it with pure water over
which a prescribed passage of the
koran has been read. The laity must
be seated when dressing , whereas the
priests must stand up and put on their
It is unlucky for a Moslem to sit
down before taking off his shoes.
When drawing them on it is equally
unlucky for him to stand up. The cus
tom , in the first instance , is to rise ,
doffing first the left shoe and then the
right one. The procedure must be re
versed in every particular when put
ting them on. The universal belief
in omens is traditional and extends ,
among other things , to precious stones.
By far the luckiest of these is the
flesh-colored cornelian , which is a
great favorite with the men.
A respite of forty days from the
snares of the devil is grunted to the
pious Moslem who can find leisure to
comb his beard four-score times and
ten between sunrise and sunset.
If a Moslem gazes into a looking-
glass before saying his prayers he will
be guilty of worshiping his own like
ness , however unsightly it may appear
ill his eyes. The hand must be drawn
across the forehead ere the hair or
the beard be adjusted , or the mirror
will reflect a mind given over to van
ity , which is a grievous , if universal ,
The devout who are most airxious to
vindicate tradition perform two pros
trations on beholding the new moon
and sacrifice a sheep for the poor as
an additional safeguard against her
baneful rays. The evil eye more often
than not has its seat in the socket of
an unbeliever. Therefore , the Moslem
who , on being brought face to face
with a heretic , does not say the pray
er by law ordained must look to his
charms or suffer the inevitable blight
A cat may look at a king ; a king may
shoot a ferocious animal , and a thief
may run away with the spoil. But a
true believer must guard his faith
against aggression every time he sees
thief , a ferocious animal or a king.
For very different reasons he must
recite a prescribed formula of prayer
on the passing of a funeral procession
and on seeing the first fruits of the
seasons and their flowers.
As the sense of sight gives rise to
devotional exercises , so also does the
sense of hearing. The holy Moslem
must bend a prayerful ear to the cries
of the muezzin during the first two
sentences , and when the summons to
prayer is over he must rub his eyes
with his fingers. The true believer ,
whenever he hears the Sureh Sujdeh
read in the koran , must prostrate him
self and repeat the words after the
reader. He must also recite a given
prayer on hearing the chirping of cer
tain birds or the cries of certain ani
mals. If he hears a Moslem sneeze
he must say , "May peace be with
thee ! " If the sneeze be repeated he
must exclaim , "Mayest thou be cured ! "
Gr veyard Where Professors and Stn-
dents Are Buried.
One of the strangest graveyards in
the world is probably the little lot on
the top of a high hill in Mount Auburn
cemetery , Cambridge , Mass. , which is
owned by Harvard College. It over
looks the Charles River Valley from
Boston to Arlington Heights , and from
its summit one can see Memorial Hall
peeping above the tree tops and the
river winding into the distance.
Here are buried a score or more of
Harvard instructors and students who
lied while in college or while still con
nected with it President Kirtland , who
ruled over the destinies of Harvard
from 1810 to 1828 , lies under a stone
sarcophagus surrounded by a little
Cock of white gravestones marking tbc
places , where the students lie.
A small brown stone Is m'ceil
"Ev'augelinus ADOstolides Sophocles ,
professor of Greek in Harvard College.
.Born 1S05 in Thessaly , Greece. Died in
Cambridge Dec. 17 , 18S3. " This is the
last resting place of an eccentric , lov
able old man who produced a Greek
dictionary and kept chickens in his
looms. Ills early life is veiled in mys
tery , -according to his own state
ment he had once been a pirate. After-
waid he became a priest in the monas
tery tn Mount Sinai , finally emigrating
to America , where he entered Ainherst
College , and was afterward called to
the teaching force of Harvard College.
The grave of President Kirtlaad
stands near , surrounded by a high Iron
fence. Its inscriptions , -which testify
to his worth and ability , are in Latin.
He was an energetic executive , under
whose rule the college progressed rap
idly in resources and popula'r favor.
President Kirtlaud is best known as
the otlicial who received Lafayette on
the steps of the newly completed Uni
versity Hall when that hero was visit
ing our country.
Two students buried here were
drowned while bathing in the Charles
River , one in 1835 , the other in 1840.
Henry Lyinan Patten's grave is mark
ed by a little flag and a stone with the
word : "Wounded before Richmond ,
Aug. 17 , 1SW. His country asked his
life. His life he gave. "
Hickey Hunt Morgan , of New Or
leans , who died in 1838. is remembered
with the words : "His death is the only
sorrow he ever caused. " Near him lies
uavid Tappin of the Newbury Church ,
who for eighteen years was pastor to
Harvard College and Hollis professor
of theology.
The law school is represented by ,1.
H. Ashmun , royal professor of law in
Harvard , who died April 1 , 1833 , short
ly after his graduation from college and
his entrance upon the new duties as in
structor. Three of the students to whom
memorials have thus been erected died
abroad while still in the service of their
alma mater. Of these one died in Liverpool - i
pool on his way home , one in Lyons ,
France , and the third in Leipsic , Ger
Many a sad tale of struggle and de
feat is told by the gravestones on that
wind-swept hill overlooking the
Charles , where they all , teachers and
students , as was written of one recent
ly buried there , "Lie facing Harvard
College that they loved. "
In India They Lift Big Timbers and
Ptish lieavy Loads.
What the horse and the dummy en
gine are to other countries as a source
of power , the elephant is to India. The
enormous strength and intelligence of
this brute are proverbial , and this
strength is employed in many lines oi
work in India. The animal is employed
to push heavy loads , to move big tim
bers , and to do many other things re
quiring enormous strength. Says a man
who has had plenty of experience in
this line :
"The tamed elephant is bought in ag
a taskmaster. Within sight of the raw
fellow the tame one picks up his keep
er , sets him on his neck , and walks
back and forth in sight of the astound
ed stranger , being guided by the gentle
prod of the hook. And if you evei
doubted there was a language between
animals , then , as a rule , comes an ex
hibition that will convince you other
wise. The wild animal is let loose in
a corral along with tamed pachyderms ,
ind the animal language begins. I hav
seen again and again that the trained
elephant when given his own way wil ]
strut over to the new one and bring
him away with himself , walking along
as if it were his own particular busi
ness to give wholesome advice. Tamei
and tamer the new fellow becomes ,
until after seeing the example of the
trained brethren he takes up his keeper
at a word of command and sets him on
the massive neck.
"From then on the animal is tamed ,
and if property treated , unless he be
comes 'musth , ' will remain a faithful
servant. The question now is whether
you want the beast broken for work oi
for the circus. If it is a question of pull
ing tree stumps or of moving flat cars
or of carrying lumber , all that is neces
sary is to let him see the other ele
phants at work. " New York Commer
cial Advertiser.
Caught the Whole Class.
A teacher who maintains that there
is altogether too much association oi j
ideas without a proper understanding |
of their relative meanings has instituted - '
tuted a series of tests which might ,
be regarded by some people as traps , I
He wishes his pupils to acquire the
art of accurate listening as well as
quick thinking , and to this end he oc < l
casionally inserts one of his catch '
questions in the midst of a set of the
ordinary sort I
He gives the two instances follow
ing , in which he says the answers
came with joyful promptness from the t
entire class , not a single voice being
missed from the chorus : 1
"Whose hatchet never told a lie ? " <
"George Washington's ! " (
Whom did the negro slaves of thia <
country free ? " '
"Abraham Lincoln ! "
Too Much.
Mrs. Marryat Mamma is talking ol
closing her house and corning to live
with us. Do you think you could sup
port both of us ?
Mr. Marryat My dear , I can sup-
) ort you very nicely now , but I'm
ifraid your mother would be insup
portable. Catholic Standard and
It is one sign of approaching age |
svhen you can see where you bare
A Beautiful Canadian GirS saved from Catarrh
of the Lungs by Pe-ru-na.
Miss Florence E. Kenah , 434 Maria street , Ottawa , Ont , writes :
"A few months ago I caught a severe cold , which settled on my
lungs and remained there so persistently that I became alarmed , f
took medicine without benefit , until my digestive organs became-
upset , and my head and back began to ache severely and frequently.
"I was advised to try Peruna , and although I had little faith f
felt so sick that I was ready to try anything. It brought me blessed
relief at once , and I felt that I had the right medicine at last. With/a
three weeks I was completely restored and have enjoyed perfect
health since.
"I now have the greatest faith in Peruna. " F. E. KENAH.
should beware of contract
ing catarrh. The cold wind and
rain , slush and mud of winter are
especially conducive to catarrhal de
rangements. Pew women escape.
Upon the first symptoms of catching
cold Pernna should be taken. It forti
fies the system against colds and ca
The following : letter gives one young
woman's experience with Peruna :
Miss Rose Gerbing is a popular society
woman of Crown Point , Ind. , and she
writes the following :
"Recently I took a long drive in the
country , and being too thinly clad I
caught a bad cold which settled on my
lungs , and which I could not seem to
shake off. I had heard a grpat deal of
Peruna for colds and catarrh and I
Fredrick Rolfs is dead at Elkliorn
tf tuberculosis. Roll's was one of the
) ldest residents of that place having
novedto Elkhorn in 18G7. Mr. Rolfs'
tvife and two children survive him.
He was born in Ilenfeldt , Ilolstcin. .
It is said that a piece of skin cut
from a living person will show signs
) f life for ten days after separation.
Phis discovery is important in con
nection with the grafting of new
skin over a damaged part of the body.
Five more free rural deli very routes
will soon be established in Johnson
Bounty. Three of them will run from
the Sterling office , one from "Vesta
and another one from Tecumseh. It
will make the fifth route from the
Tecumseh office.
fjc .
" _ U. H. KLIXF. l-i ! S3.'M' - < i 'r' j
bought n bottle to try. I am pleased
that I did , for it brought speedy relief-
It only took ahout two bottles , and 1
considered this money well spent
"You have a firm friend in me , and 1
not only advise its use to my friends , but
have purchased several bottles to give tf >
those without the means to buy , an < l
have noticed without exception that it
has brought about a speedy cure wliere-
ever it has been used. " Miss llo e
If you do not derive prompt and satis
factory results from the use of Peruna.
write at once to Dr. Ilartman , giving a
full statement of your case , and he will
be pleased to give you his valuable ad
vice gratis.
Address Dr. Hartman , President of
The Hartman Sanitarium. Columbus. O.
Ninety years between whoops is the
record of Mrs. Linus Ackerman , of
Bloom field. N. J. At the age of
three years she had the whooping
cough ; now. at the age of ninety-sev
en , she has it again.
A good deal of lead was wasted in
the wolf drive at Chapman. S'Kty-
four sections of land were cover .id.
Nine wolves were rounded up , and all
but one escaped. Fred Downs of
Omaha participated in the hunt , the
gnest of William Corcilius.
Nebraska dead : William S. Stew
art , aged foity , of Fremont ; Mrs. J.
E. Hicks , wife of the principal of the
Monroe schools , died at Columbus ;
Mrs. Amanda Towner , of Surprise ;
F. F. Yoeman , aged seventy-six , the
first settler of Polk county.
Efonornv is the road to wealth. PUT
NAM FADELESS DYE is the road to
Medicine Never Healed a Wound
Nature performs the healiug process and medicine can only as
sist her in doing her work in "healing wounds and throwing off
diseases. Nine- tenths of t'.e diseases of man and beast have their
origin in some form of germs and if allowed to run and multiply
lorm complications. The reason that Liquid Koal prevents all
germs d ieases and cures them , unless fermentation and inflamma
tion have too far developed , is that it. contains every antiseptic
and germicida known to science. All jrerm diseases such as hojr
cholera , swine i hcrue , corn stalk diseasesrubercolosis. blackleg and
numerous others can prevented by giving Liquid Koal in drink
ing water , because they are germ diseases and no eenr > can live
where Liquid Konl roaches it. Liquid Koal is unaffected oy the
gastric juices of the stomach , passes tnrough the i testinesand
from there into the circulation , permeating the whole system and
still retains all its germicial properties. Diluted with water. In
the proportion of one to one hundred , it makes the bes- lice killer
Price of Liquid Koal delivered at your station fs as follows :
ONE GALLON - - 3.0O 25 GAL. 1-2 BBL , . S2.25 GAL
f We , the und rslcm fl stoc raisers of Madison CouatT , Nebraska , ra sing from
IfOlo 200 head < > f ho-isettch ve r hnv" , nft-irafair an t impartial trial of Liquid Koal
manufactured by lha Nation * ! Medical Company , of Sheldon. Iowa , ami York , Xe-
brasKa , tound it to r > the Be t Disinfectant , erm Destroyer nad Appetizer tha hag
bjtn our pleasure to use. an I we joi itly think that n m'an is stand ! is { m his own
linht who does not try > t Wnen their agent ealte we advise any stock raiser 16
buv and u e Lin iid Koal
Ctias Lo-iue , Norfolk , Nebr. Thomas P , Wade , Battle Crrek Nebr.
J E. ilclntosr Emcrick. Nebr. Win. ffawkins , Meadow Grove , Nebr.
M. T. Homan , Emerick , Nebr. F. f. Hainan , Newman Grove , Nebr.
DECEMBER , 1902.
We , the undersigned sto k raisers and farmers pladly testifv to the menti of
Liquid Koal manufactured hy the National Medina ! Co. , of sheldun. Iowa , and
Yurk. Nebraska , \\e huve use'i this produce with gratifying success and advise all
to pive it a trial. It should ae on every farm in N < bfa kn.
Kufus Feary , Bee , Near Chris > chall , Staplehurst , Nebr.
J. II. Feary , Be. . Neor F. C. Meyer , Staplehnm , No > r ,
Geo. Mills Bee , Nebr Gen. Rin ? berger , Seward. Nebr.
Wm. Plughaupt , ataplehurst , Nebr. J RIngebergerSr.Gemantown , Nebr
If your dealer does not keep it write us direct
A 32-page book on the Diseases of Animals mailed free upon ap
plication to the National Medical Company , York , ! Nebr. , and
Sheldon , Iowa.
National Cattle and Sheep Dip is the best and cheapest Dip for
killing off Ticks and Lice and the treatment of Mange , Texas Itch
and Scab in Sheep. ID forms a perfect emulsion wiin water and is
harmless to the membranes of the eye.
I your dealer does not keep it write us direct. Information
sent free.