Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, January 29, 1903, Image 7

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SsSK5 > * *
HOIIHC for Smoking Meats.
Many farmers sell off the hogs raised
on the farm and buy the hams and
bacon used in the family , giving as an
excuse that n well-arranged smoke
house is too expensive for them to
have. The smokehouse shown in the
Illustration , while a homely affair ,
gives good service and will cost but
Ijttle to build. A dry goods box or a
piano box will answer the purpose
nicely. The bottom is removed from
the box and a hinged door is arranged
as shown so that the meat may be
easily put in and taken out. This
cover is arranged so that it can be
fastened with a staple and hook when
the meat is being smoked. The smok
ing arrangement of this box is an ideal
one. A hole is dug in the ground six
or eight feet from the box and a trench
dug from the hole to a point about the
middle of the box. Have a length of
stove pipe fastened to an old , heavy
tin kettle , into which a hole has been
cut by the tinsmith. When ready to
smoke the meat build a fire of corn
cobs in the kettle , set it in the hole
and add stove pipe lengths to the cen
ter of the house , terminating with an
elbow. After the fire is well started
cover the kettle with a piece of tin. to
force all the smoke possible through
the stove pipe into the house. All
cracks about the house should be filled
In so that the smoke will not escape.
This is a crude affair , but it does the
work quite as well as the most expen
sive appliances attached to smoke
A Succession of Damniiea.
"I remember , " says Farmer < riml-
Btone , ' 'what an orful time two of my
neighbors onct had when I lived down
In Kansas. They used to spend every
livin' thing they could scrape together
a-Iawin' of it over line fences. Gill's
cows would break through Jones'
fence and destroy his corn , and Jones
would set his dog onto 'em and maim
one or two , and Gill's boy would shoot
the dog , and Jones would lick the boy.
Then Gill would sue Jones for not
keeping up his fence , and Jones would
turn round and sue ( .Jill for the dam
aged corn , and Gill would sue Jones
for the damaged cattle , and Jones
would sue Gill for the damaged dog.
and Gill would sue Jones for the dam
aged boy ; and the outcome of the
whole performance would be that Gill
would have left a damaged cow and
a damaged boy and Jones would have
a damaged fence and some damaged
corn and a damaged dog. and after
both havin' used a sood dial of dam
aged language they would find their it
bank accounts badly damaged and the 1
lawyers would get the bent fit of the
harvest. Field and Farm.
IHulchiiur the Stracrry
The m * st successful growers of straw-
perries in the country have decided tint
spring cultivation is not desirable , al
though for years this was the univeisal
practice. They do the cultivation for
the year after the plants have fruited ,
and in the winter mulch the plants
lightly , putting on only sullicient to
keep the plants from being heaved out
of the ground by the alternate freezing
and thawing of the soil in late winter
Find early spring. The mulch is left on
by some growers unJiafter the piekin. :
season , when it is laked up in piles and
burned to destroy the insects in it : oth
er growers rake the mulch off in the
late spring and burn it. applying fresh
mulch , which is allowed to remain dur
ing the season and until after picking.
Either plan is good , but the main thing
Is to apply the mulch and do it as soon
as the ground is frozen. While the
plants may not need protection from
the winter , the mulch will asist in pro
tecting the crowns and the delicate run
ners and new plants which set late in
the season , and it keeps the soil from
becoming compacted by the heavy rains
of winter. In all sections where there
Is winter , mulch is desirable for straw
berry plants , and as it costs but little
and Is quickly applied , there is no ex-
: use for not doing the work and reap
ing the profitable returns.
Breakiiiu Colts.
Train the colts In winter. They
are more easily handled than in sum
mer because they are glad to see you
coming to feed them. Then you can
rub or pat them while they are eating.
Kalter and lead them to water and
thus teach them to be led and become
brldlewise. Ride them about now and
then when you have time. In the
spring when it Is soft hitch them with
'a gentle horse to some light "work for
a few times and your colt is aboui
ready for service.
How to Handle Incubators.
I have had an experience of ten
years , with four different makes of in
cubators , and have learned a few nec
essary things. One is that any incu
bator , if rightly handled , will give good
results , or when poorly handled will
make a failure. The best hatch I have
ever made was 93 per cent , the pooresl
00 per cent of fertile eggs. I have raised
with brooder 70 per cent of chicks , and
without brooder only about 00 per cent
I have found that a child cannot oper
ate one , as it requires brains , commor.
sense and judgment , with a knack foi
surmounting unexpected difficulties
Too much attention is worse than nol
enough , twice a day , if properly adjust
ed , being all that is needed to look af
ter a machine.
Avoid too much moisture. I use nom
now , having nearly spoiled a hatch it
that way once. Cool and air eggs ouc <
each day , and turn twice. Don't fuss
with eggs or chicks. Extremes of heat
say from 90 to 110 degrees , not too lonj
continued , will make shells tender , nnc
give better hatches. Chicks are m
healthy as those hatched under hens
and have neither lice nor mites to con
tend with. One incubator holding 20 (
eggs requires about the same care ai
three old hens on forty-five eggs. 4
moisture test is absolutely necessary
The picture shows how the egg shotilc
look at different periods. A cave 01
cellar is the best place to operate at
incubator. A brooder should face tin
south and have sunshine. Mrs. L. M
Lutton , in Farm and Home.
Feeclina : Damnccd Corn Fodder
It is utterly useless to feed damaged
corn fodder to cattle that are designec
for market , for they will not gain s
pound of fat on it. If possible , avoic
feeding the frosted fodder at all , but i.
it must be given the stock , furnish i
only after they have been well grainec
and had a fair supply of good rough
age ; give it to them largely for the pur
pose of keeping them busy when thei
are in the barn between meals. The }
will eat a little of it and break up tnos1
of it , so that it can afterward go to tin
hogs to nose over and from there to tin
manure heap. In many-sections the oa
crop was heavy , but in many instance !
badly damaged. If too badly damagec
to sell to advantage , it may be fed , to
gether with barley and oilmeal , to grea
advantage , giving it freely to cattli
that are being fattened as well as t <
milch cows. In feeding this mixtun
the oats and barley should be grouiK
together and the oilmeal added after
ward and well mixed through.
To Tighten Barbed Wire.
A guard from a mower or reaper , a
is caught 0:1 to the wire. Through om
enu is paseu a
of stout wire , b , !
or 10 inches long
The lever , d , shoul (
be four or five fee
long. A commoi
jv fence staple shoul <
be used at c to hol <
the loop b. By this method wire maj
\a \ tightened for several posts at th
same time.
Farm Notes.
All animals of the same variety an
not alike , and scarcely any two wil
do equally well on the same feed. Eacl
animal's wants should be supplied i
possible. Cattle of different age ;
should be separated for feeding , as tin
weak onos will not do well with tin
strong. Cows are weak and shy ; i
takes them longer to eat their meals
and they should , therefore , be pu
where they cannot be domineered b }
their superiors in strength.
There are two most important thingi
to be kept in mind by the fruit raise
pruning and mulching. If those twi
duties are well performed success I ,
nearly always certain. If well mulchei
the fertilizing material is thus suppliet
by filtration from the mulching dowi
to the feeding roots , which is the verj
best self-regulating method of fertiliz
ing. By allowing this mulching to re
main in winter and early spring tin
roots are kept moist and vegetatioi
prevented from springing up aroum
bushes , or a heavy sod from forming
Creamery Don'ts.
Don't let your tubs get moldy.
Don't churn the cream at too high .
Don't overchurn the butter and maki
it salvy.
Don't handle your tubs with dirty
greasy fingers.
Don't let the steam run down whili
the separators are running.
Don't let the'tubs stand in the ho
sun after they reach the station.
Don't mix grades without markinj
them and think they will all pass ai
Don't think that the commission mei
ire all trying to beat yon in weight
ind prices.
Don't weigh too heavy and expec
pour weights to hold out at the othe
jnd of the line. Creamery Journal.
Its component parts are all wholesome.
It acts gently without unpleasant after-effects
It is wholly free from objectionable substances.
It contains the laxative principles of plants.
It contains the carminative principles of plants.
It is pure. It contains wholesome aromatic liquids which are
agreeable and refreshing to the taste.
It is gentle.
It is pleasant. All are pure.
All are delicately blended.
It is efficacious. All are skillfully and scientifically compounded.
It is not expensive. Its value is due to our method of manufacture and to
It is good for children. " the originality and simplicity of the combination.
It is excellent for ladies. To get its beneficial effects buy the genuine.
It is convenient for business men Manufactured by
It is perfectly safe under all circumstances.
\ It is used by millions of families the world over.
It stands highest , as a laxative , with physicians.
If you use it you have the best laxative the world
San Frtxn cisco , Cal.
produces. Louisville. Ky. New York. N. Y.
* '
The dam in the Nile at Assoun
will throw back water 10 miles.
The flounder is an industrious fish ,
and lays 7 OCO.OOO eggs in a year.
There is one remarkable peculiarity
ibout camels They are the only
immal that cannot swim.
Only 24 per cent of doctors attain
t le age of 70 years. Aboub 42 per
cent of clergymen reach that age.
What is often miscalled stinginess
is prompted by a sense of justice : we
are close that we may pay our just
Tor Infants and Children.
i he Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
aamur luiiMvP I\J > I I VJ'UI
It Is a fact that Salzer's seeds are found In j
more gardens and on morefarms than.
- any other In America. Thurc is rfj
reason for this. We own and op- -
erate over 5000 acres for the produc
tion of our choice seeds. In order to
. Induceyoutotrythemwpmake/
„ the following unprecedented offer : !
Fo * < 16 Cents Postpaid
25iorU wonderful onloni , '
25 torli elegant rabuagr ,
IS ions magnlflerntearroli ,
25 p erlr lettuce mrittlei ,
\ 26 rare luieloc * radlih ,
J SO tplcndlj beet iorls ,
75 glorlouily beautiful flower leeit ,
In all 210 kinds positively tnrnishmfr
bushels of charming ( lowers and lots
andlotsof choice vegetablestogeth-j
er with our jfreat catalogue telling all ,
about Macaroni Wheat , Hllllun l > ol- ( .
lar Urn's. Teosinte , Bromus , Speltz , '
etc. , all for only lOe. in stamps and
this notice.
Onion Heed at but 60c. a pound.
La Crosse , Wis.
Are you entirely satisfied with
the goods you buy and with the
prices that you pay ?
Over 2.000.000 people are tradln ? with
us and 7ettinz their goods at wholesale
Our 1,000-paee catalogue will be sent
on receipt of 15 cents. It tells the story.
The house that tells the truth.
oan's Trial
The Free Trial of Doan's Kidney Pills daily carries relief to thousands
It's the Doan way of proving Doan merit with each individual case
Aching backs are cased. Hip , back , aud
' ) in pains overcome. Swclliug of the
irihs and dropsy signs vanish.
They correct urine with brick dust sedi-
nent , high colored , excessive , pain in
ussing , dribbling , frequency. Doan's
vidney Pills dissolve and remove calculi
nd gravel. Relieve heart palpitation ,
leeplessncss , headache , nervousness.
ROCKDALE.TEX. , Dec. 30 , 1902. "When
received the trial package of Doan's
Sidney Pills I could not get out of bed
without help. I had severe pains in the
mall of 1113back. . The Pills helped me
t once , and now after three weeks the
iain in my back is all gone and I am no
inger annoyed with having to get up
f ten during the night as formerly. I can-
ot speak too highly for what Doan's Jvid-
cy Pills have done'far me. I am now 57
cars old , have tried a great many medi-
ines , but nothing did the work "until I
sed Doan's Kidney Pills. " JAMES R.
CLEVELAND , KT. , Dec. 28 , 1902. "I
as laid up in bed with my back and
Peckham now pnsssses thclirst En
glish branch of the Anti 'J renting
league , founded last year in Ireland.
Strong protests are being raised in
India against the abandonment of
tbc dumdum bullet for frontier
These crispy morulngs don't forget Mrs.
Austin's pancakes Alway good. Grocers.
Part of the mane of the charger
ridden by the Duke of Wellington at
the battle of Waterloo has been sold
in London.
A happy thought Mrs. Austin's Pancakes
tas'e delicious. Your grocer supplies you.
Some of the employees of Sir Red-
vers Bul'er's Devonshire ( England )
estate have 'ieen in the same service
for over fifty years.
The easiest quick breakfast ; Mrs. Austin's
Pancakes. Ready to serve. At Grocers.
It is proposed to erect a monument
to Dante in Rome on the site now
'occupied by the equestrian statue of
Marcus Aurelius.
Last year the United States Postal
Department hacdled 39,954,437 pieces
of mail which were incorrectely or
, imperfectly addressed.
There are a number of tests which ,
applied to diamonds , will enable even
the inexperienced to detect imitation
! stones. tne ) of these is tu place the
'diamond ' under water , and , if possi-
t hie , putting a genuine stone beside
the doubtful one. The former will
sparkle and be distinctly visible
while a spurious stone will be prac-
ticallv extinguished. Genuine dia
monds are apt to be cut with less
regularity than thhe false ones in or
der to save as much material as pos
sible. Another test is to examine
an'ink spot on a sheet of white paper
through a diamond. Where the
stone is counterfeit the spot will ap
pear multiplied and the outline
blurred. Jewelers sometimes apply
a drop"of fluorhydric acid as a test.
The acid will eat into any false dia
mond aqd frost it , while the genuine
stones will not be damaged in the
slightest degree.
kidneys. I could not get myself straight
when I tried to stand , would have to
bend in a half stooping position. I got a
trial box of Doan's Kidney Pills and took
all of them. At the end of two days they
got me out of bed and I was able to go
about. I take a delitrht in praising these
Pills. " AuEGnxN , Jr.
FOSTER-MILBURN Co. , Buffalo , X. Y.
Please send me by mail , without charge ,
trial box Doan's Kidney Pills.
Name -
Postoffice .
State _
( Cut out coupon on dotted lines and mail to
Fostcr-Milburn Co. , IJuffalo , X. Y. )
Jse a good , penetrating liniment when there's a hurt ,
bruise , pain in your body or the body of your beast.
vorms its .way down through the swollen , fevered
muscles to the very heart of pain and drives it out.
Siu-li Concnit.
Barnes Charley appeared to be
willing to acknowlede that he was
in the wrong. EC said he was quite
aware of his shortcomings.
Shodd Isn't that just like Char
ley ? Alvvays braging about what he
knows ! Boston Transcript.
Thought She Would Go Crazy.
Hulls , 111. . Jan. 20. "I couldn't sit
longer than five minutes in one place.
I was always tired , but could not rest
or sleep. I couldn't help crying and
feeling that something awful was just
about to happen. I thought I would
go crazy. " In this way does Mrs. A.
M. Fysii. of this place , tell of the ill
ness "from which she has just recov
ered.Mrs. . Fysh's case was remarkable.
If she fell asleep she would wake up
frightened , her mouth dry and her
nerves all worked up. She was lone
some and melancholy even when sur
rounded by loving friends. Her bones
ached , she had to make water four or
five times every night. She was con
stipated. She had a voracious appe
tite , yet was always hungry between
meals. She coughed up a great deal
of white phlegm.
She heard of Dodd's Kidney Pills
and after using them says :
"By the time I had taken five boxes
I was a new woman. I cannot tell
how much good they did for me. Be
fore using Dodd's Kidney Pills life
was sucli a drag to me. Now I can
do 1113' work and feel glad that I have
work to do. I am completely re
stored. "
L.ove Story in Curves.
He loved her devotedly. He was
also bow-legged. Both facts gave
him pain at times. He passed it by
with a rueful smilewhen she merrily
said that his affifilirtion gave him
such an arch look , and that , atfer all
he was a pretty good sort when you
got onto his curves. He bore it pa
tiently when she referred to his walk
as a parenthetical pioress. But he
rebelled and broke the engagement
when she called her pet dog through
the wicket formed by his legs.
\ "I may not be so overly ornament-
said he , "but I emphatically object
to being made useful so unseasonably
ea ly in the game ! " Baltimore
To be Determined.
"What is it your men are putting
up in those cans ? " inquired the vis
"Peaches , " replied the canner.
"Your best brand ? "
"Can't tell yet. We haven't put
the labels on them. " Philadelphia
Better T eft Un a'd.
Witless Who is that handsome gir
standing near the piano ?
Mrs. Homer That is my daughter.
Witless Indeed ! She doesn't re
semble you in the least. The Argo
Poor Chance.
"Be attentive , " advised the teach
er , ' 'and you may some day be presi
dent of the United States. "
"I'm afraid not , " replied the
smart boy ; "I never had an ambi
tion to shoot a duck or kill a bear In
my life. " The Argonaut.
"I object to vivisection in all its
forms. , " said an applicant to who
obtained a vaccination exemption
cerificate at York , England.
Society people are seldom punctual.
Even then clothes are of the latest
Advice is like castor oil it is one
thing to prescribe it and another to
take it.
Eveiy woman is born with a master
mind or in other words , with a
mind that no man can master.
Although puigilsts are close fisted
they would rather give than receive.
A Ouror Oirl.
He Queer girl , that Miss Yan
She How's that ?
He Why , she was introducing me
to a girl yesterday and she said :
"Miss Stnyyesant , Mr. Puddington , "
and , gad , she didn't tell us which
was which ! Colombia Jester.
I ParrfjrapliM.
A stout calf maketh a full stock
The man who has but one suit of
clothes has no redress.
The atmosphere of society is apt
to make a green man turn red.
There is plenty of room at the top
of the greased pole of success.
When a man s temper gets the best
of him it shows him at his worst.
Trust Those Who Have Tried.
1 SUFFERED from citirrh : of the
woi-ht kind : iiul never hoju'tJ for cure , but
Ely's Creim Balm M't-nis to do even that.
Oscar Ostroin.Virrrn ! avenue , Chi-
cairo. 111.
I TIMED Ely's Crram Balm and to all
appoarant-i'S am cun-d of catarrh. The
terrible headaches from which I long
suffered are gone. W. .1. lliteheock. late
Major U. S. Vol. and A. A. ( Jen. . Buffalo ,
N. Y.
Y.MY SOX was ailiieted with catarrh ,
lie used Ely's Cream Bnlm and the dis
agreeable catarrh all left him. .1. C.
Olmstead. Arcola , 111.
The Balm does not irritate or cause
sneezing. Sold by druggists at 50 ets. or
mailed by Ely Brothers. HJ ( Warren St. ,
New York.
The Physician Mir > HPH It.
"The trouble with you. , " the doc
tor said , after examining the young
man , "seems to be that something is
the matter with your heart. "
"With my heart ? "
"Yes. To give it a name , it is
angina pectoris. "
"You have to guess again doctor , "
said the young man. "That isn't
her name at all. " Chicago Tribune.
are overcome by Lydia E. Pink-
ham's Vegetable Compound.
Miss Menard cured after doc
tors failed to help her.
"JLydia E. Pinkham's Vege
table Compound cured me after
doctors had failed , and I want
other girls to know about it. JJur-
ing menstruation I suffered most
intense pain low in the abdomen
and in my limbs. At other times I
had a heayy , depressed feeling
which made my work seem twice
as hard , and I grew pale and thin.
The medicine the doctor gave me
did not do me one bit of good , and
I was thoroughly discouraged. The
doctor wanted me to stop work , but
of course , I could not do that. I
finally began to take Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound
and felt better after taking the first
bottle , and after taking six bottles
I was entirely cured , and am now
in perfect health , and I am so grate
ful for it. " Miss GEORGIS MENABD ,
637 E. 152nd StS New York City.
$5000 forfeit If original of abooe letttr prosing
genuinenets cannot be produced.
ILydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound cures female ills when
all other means nave fail < xL