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About Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 22, 1903)
Ilitofftoil Soolity t r - THE VALENTINE DEMOCRAT. THE OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF CHERRY COUNTY , NEBRASKA VOLUME XVIII VALENTINE , NEBRASKA , JANUARY NTTMBEB1 49 49 49 49 Jj We are preparing for 49 ? SPRING TRADE 4 < z - _ a W I { o v * Jj and in order to make room , 49 will for a short time , make a 49 | reduction on all ft 49 49 i WINTER GOODS OF per cent M 49 49 4- 44 4 ? 4 ? . 4 Red Front Mercantile Co , * > of 49 fi 20opEENRTOFF all our fe Ladies' and Children's Jackets , Collaretts , Muffs and Fur Coats , D. STINARD.TAILOR . COAL FRANK FISCHER , COAL Kock Springs -DEALER IN- Deer Creek GENERAL HARDWARE Stoves and Ranges Iron Beds , Springs Tinware and Enand Mattresses amel Ware Furniture Prussian Stock and Poultry Food * r Coffins , Caskets , and a Full Line of Undertakers' Supplies. T. YEARNSHAW OWL SALOON rpHE JAMES B. HULL Cf Op * Of for . Sole JL. v v v Agents HERALD PURE RYE WHISKEY Ale and Porter , And FRED KRUG'S BEER Choicest Wines and Cigars , VALENTINE x NEBRASKA Chartered as a State Bank Chartered as a National Bank June 1 , 1884. August 12 , 1902 , FIRST NATIONAL BANK Valentine , Nebraska. ( Successor to ) CAPITAL PAID IN A General Banking Exchange and Collection Business C. H. CORNELL , President. J. T. MAY , Vice-President. M. V , NICHOLSON , Cashier. COM L. WAITERS , Assistant Cashier. CITIZENS MEAT MARKET J. W. STETTER , PROP FRESH FRUIT AND QAMF IN THEIR SEASON ' " ! ; First-class line of Steaks , Roasts Dry Salt Meats , Smoked Breakfast Bacpp TALK OF THE TOWN Local Weather Record U. 8. Department of Agriculture t Weather Bureau f Valentine. Nebraska , week ending C a , ra. . Ja uary 14,1003 , Maximum temperature 45 degrees on the 151 Minimum temperature , 4 decrees below i the 18th. Mean temperature. 23.4 degrees , which is K degrees above the normal. Total precipitation , o , which is 14 inch t low the normal. N. M. CUNNINGHAM , Official in Charge , The Valentine Democrat is tli best patronized and best read pi per in Northwest Nebraska. ] you are not a subscriber hand i your name and a dollar. Mrs. Grant Dunn and famil , have been enjoying a visit froi her father Wm. Bell of Hampto la. , for a couple of weeks. Mi Bell expresses himself as bein , well pleased with our country. Eobert Quisenbery of Simeor came in Tuesday and left on * tin morning train for Lincoln , Neb. where he goes as a witness in tin case of David Hancock vs Ander son & Rounds which comes up tliii week in the Federal court. In another column we reprint ai article from the World-Herald commenting on Will Jordan as Ked Cloud the 2nd who is the sec ond son of C. P. Jordan of Rose bud , which will be of interest to many of our readers. We were unable to reproduce the picture which accompained the article. Edward Jordan , of Rosebud re turned Sunday night from a trip tc Omaha with his littfe brother whom he had taken down to have some dental .work done. They spent several days in pur town fcliis week. Mr. Jordan says the cattle his" father bought in the fall it this place are doing nicely. We. acknowledge a pleasant call last Friday from M. V. Nicholson md Mr. Kelly the Grand Chancel lor of the K. of P. in Nebraska. Mr. Kelly had been up the road md stopped off while going ; hrough to see how our lodge was progressing. He. agrees to come jack in the near future and hold a neeting here. When there is anything worth /elling the DEMOCRAT is first into ; he Afield to tell the news. There s not a lot of foolishness in its jolumns that would cause you to icsitate .to place it before any nember-of the family and besides ) eing clean it contains many valu- ible and timely hints that will nake your business better and save rou time in seeking just the in formation the paper furnishes for > nly a dollar a year. Capt. R. B. Howell returned Monday night from the Soldiers lome at Grand Island. He met lis wife in Omaha who was return- ng from an extended visit in Phil- idelphia and together they will vis- t their friends in this city for some veeks. Capt. Howell speaks iraises for .the soldiers home at 3-rand Island and will return tak- ng his wife with him next time. The captain is looking well and but for the rheumatism is feeling Gne. He says there are 315 men md 101 women at the home. E. H. Bohle tarried in Ains- , vorth on business Saturday. Mr , Bohle is now engaged in the res taurant business at Valentine and reports the people of that prospcr- ) iis city the cream of the flock- Mr. Bohle has the happy faculty of making friends wherever he goes and we 'disliked very much when he decided to. leave Ains- ivorth and locate elsewhere. He : ontinues in touch with events b Brown county by a weekly perusal } f the columns of the Star Jour- OBITUARY. We quote the following articl from one of the papers at Spcncci ville , Ind. concerning the death c Amos B. Butler who former ! ; lived in this county and was Mrs Quisenbery's father : Amos A. Butler was born on mile south of Spencerville , Ind. on Sept. 10 , 1837 , and died a Ashley , Ind. , Dec. 15,1892. Ag ed , 65 years , 3 months and 5 days The deceased volunteered for ser vice in the Civil war in the yea : 1861. Served three years and wa : honorably discharged. He was : member of Company B , 29th Reg Ind. Vol. He was joined in mar riage to Ada Kesier Aug. 30,1865 To this union was born two chil dren , one son and one daughter The deceased was the subject o : severe affliction for over six years being stricken down with paralas- is. For over four years he was totally disabled. He bore all his afflictions patiently. About three years ago he professed faithin Christ and joined the M. E. church at Spencerville. The departed one leaves a sorrowing wife , two children , two grand children , one brother , two sisters , and a host of relatives to mourn his departure. The funeral services were conduct ed by Rev. E. W. Erick assisted by Rev. Wm. Habey , pastor of the Lutheran church. Text , Oh that I had wings like a dove for then ivould I fly away , and be at rest. Psalm 55.6. Educations ] Department , BYAFEE8HMAJF fc Alice Hutchinson was absent : rom school Tuesday. Chas. Brown was absent from ichool duties one day last week. Frances Harden was absent Monday because of a very severe : old. old.Alfred Alfred Lewis has been absent or several days on account of the llness of his grandfather. We are sorry that Arthur Camb- > ell has had so much trouble with us eyes , and that he is compelled o wear glasses. Agctha Shaughnessy read a very nteresting and instructive letter o the high school Friday morning. Chore is a splendid lesson in it if ve could but get it out. The 7th , grade now recite geo graphy in the high school room , , t the same period Miss Nelson lears the 8th , physiology in the Crammer department. Prof. Wat- ' on has charge of the 8th , bo ok- tecping. Examination day passed off eemingly very quiet but only each ndividual pupil knows the turmoil vhich went on in his mind. O nly ic knows how hard it was to tell vhether the president is elected ) y Congress or direct vote of the people. Some of Mary Holsclaw's school nates surprised her on last Thursr lay evening , the occasion being icr eighteenth birthday. She prides herself upon being able to lo as she pleases. But she won't please to do any thing that she ) ught not. Arthur Campbell returned to school again Monday morning. Se went to his home at Norden to spend his vacation and for some 'eason prolonged it into four iveeks. When he left we expect- jd him to tell us all about the in- iiiguration on his return but he did jot o to twcolo as be & & & & & & & & & & & & $ & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & 11903 RESOLUTIONS ! J * 1 ALLOW US to suggest that your reso- lution be to see our line 49 before buying 49 . , 0 jlfr Jj Belts , Combs , Pocket Books , Wrist and i 49 & * > * j Chatelaine Bags , Handkerchiefs , jj Gloves , Collars or Furs , 49 2 * 49 49 Ours are the Popular Priced Goods. * 49 49 ftfr | DAVENPORT d THACHER | 49 clean up our- * * WINTER GOODS we will sell for the next two weeks . All Wool and Cotton Blankets , Outing Flannels , Underwear , Shirts , Duck Coats , Sweaters and Overshoes at COST. Remember the winter is not over and these goods are all new and uptodate. . Groceries at Bottom Figures. MAX B. VIERTEL SBSSff WE HAVE Toilet Soaps that will not chap the face or hands , Haar- mans Gherkins and bottled pickles , Pickled Pearl Onions Stuffed Olives , Ketchup Chow Chow , Can ned Goods , Jellies , Preserves , Candied Pine apples , PottedHam and Lunch goods. - Everything to tempt the Appetite. W. A. Pettycrew , General Merchandise. A SWEET TOOTH MVE IT FILLEDAT AT ATBOHLE'S WITH A FINE LINE OF CANDIES. HEADQUARTERS FOR WINES , LIQUORS AND CIGARS OF THE CHOICEST BRANDS Valentine - - Nebraska Accounts of Merchants , Ranchmen and Individuals invited. Honey to loan on first-class cattle paper and other securities. Valentine State Bank . ( Successors to Cherry County Bank. ) Capital Faid Tip 35 , ! "RBD WHITTEMORE , President J. W. STETTER , Vice President CHARLES SPARKS , Cashier r1 c ] . HORNBY W. S. JACKSON 80 YOU WANT A WINDMILL ? ! : good so yourant one. The place to get thetiesi VVindmilJ , alsc pumps and TankB. First door south of tho Donoher House cash price .paid for Hides and Pars , > . - Valeutijje ,