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About Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 29, 1903)
[ I/ / I'h < - * _ . THE VALENTINE DEMOCRAT. VOLUME XVIII VALENTINE , NEBRASKA , JANUARY 29,1903. NTTMBEB 2 c are preparing for & SPR ING TRADE 4 ? 4 ? . < 1 and in order to make room , 49 4 ? will for a short time , make a 4 ? 4 ? reduction on all | WINTER GOODS OF per " cent * ft * < ? < ? 4 ? 49 4 ? 4 ? Red Front Mercantile Co , 5 * 0 * ft * py 20cpEENRTOFF all Ladies' and Children's Jackets , Collaretts , Muffs and Fur Coats. .STINARD.TAILOR . . AND CLOIHIER. I COAL FRANK FISCHER , COAL | Rock Springs -DEALER IN- Big Muddy GENERAL HARDWARE Stoves and Ranges Iron Beds , Springs Tinware and Enand Mattresses amel Ware Furniture Prussian Stock and Poultry Food 1 Coffins , Caskets , and a Full Line of Undertakers' Supplies. TA. . YEARNSHAW THE OWL SALOON JAMES B. HULL 9 Sole Agents for HERALDPUFE RYE WHISKEY Ale and Porter , And FRED KRUG'S BEER Choicest Wines and Cigars. VALENTINE X NEBRASKA Chartered as A State Bank Chartered as a National Bank Jun 1 , 1884. August 12. 1902 , FIRST NATIONAL BANK Valentine , Nebraska. ( Successor to ) of" CAPITAL PAID IN A General Banking Exchange and Collection Business C. H. CORNELL , President. J. T. MAY , Vice-President. - . _ -M. .V , NICHOLSON , Cashier. CORA L. WAITERS , Assistant Cashier. ? . CITIZENS MEAT MARKE . \ J. W. STETTER , PROP , * FRESH FRUIT AND IN THEIR REASON First-class line of Steaks , Dry Salt Meats , Smoked Breakfast Bacon TALK OF THE TOWN Local Weather Record U. S. Department of Agriculture I Weather Bureau f Valentine. Nebraska , week ending G a , m , , Jan uary 2g , 1903 , Maximum temperature 51 degrees on the 25th. Minimum temperature , 12 degrees on the 23rd. Mean temperature. 31.4 degrees , which is 8.0 degrees above the normal. Total precipitation , .11 inch , which is OS inch below the normal. N. M. CUNNINGHAM. Official in Charge , Our clubbing offer has brought several subscriptions. Call for sample copies of the Iowa Homestead at this office. Len Cearns , of Cody , was in town between trains Tuesday. T. M. Ball , of the Chicago Newspaper Union called on us while in our city this week. Andrew Schatzthauer of "Wood Lake was in the city Tuesday and Wednesday shaking hands with friends. Ben Roberts , of Merriman , was transacting business in our city Tuesday and yesterday. He owns a fine ranch northwest of Merri man. man.Rev. Rev. Ray's subject at the M. E. church Sunday morning will be , "I have Fought a Good Fight. " Evening , "The Rights of Those who obey God. " Chas. P. Jordan , of Rosebud , came down Tuesday to visit friends and look after business matters. i Mr. Jordan generally stays a few days when he comes down. We are pleased to furnish our readers with items from Brownlee and Kilgore this week. Now what's the matter with Kennedy , ' Eli and Bailey ? Good correspond ents in each of these places but we s don't hear from them often. The soldier boys at the Fort are getting up a play which they will P give at the opera house at Fort Ptl Niobrara on Friday afternoon and evening , February 20th. Matthew Williams was in town yesterday as j one of the managers making ar rangements for the printing. 1 John Shangraw , a half breed , got a little two much booze and went into Trodgan's restaurant n and was struck a blow over the eye by Trodgan with his fist from a which he lay unconsious for sever al minutes. Shangraw had used abusive language in the presence of Mr. Trodgan's family. We have received a lot of gard bi en seeds from the Department of tc Agriculture through the courtesy of Win. Neville our former Con gressman. Any who will use them A can get a package by calling at ai this office. They are for free dis tribution and an assortment should 01 go into the house of each family tl that raises a garden. The Junior League will give a ft box social at Bethel Hall Saturday evening January 31 , at 7.30. ftH Girls bring supper for two in a plain shoe box with one half of some picture pasted on the box H and bring the other half for a part ner. Boys bring some money. When partners are found there will be some fun. Come and enjoy tl a good time. tlv \v W. C. Shattuck , Co. Treasurer , al 1 received a letter from the book sc keeper in the state auditors office last Monday morning which read . as follows : Out of 64 : counties examined up P E to date , yours is the first absolute a ly correct statement. I congratu late you. G. S. BENNETT , Book keeper State Auditor. " This is a good showing and speaks is well for the work done by Miss isIt t Gertrude Jordan , who is deputy , In Inai and for Miss Hattie Thackrey who ai , I Report of School District No. 86 ! j for month beginning December S and ending January 16 ; No. o : pupils enrolled 12 ; average attend ance 9. NETTIE KNEELAND , Teacher. f Cherry lodge No. 169 , K. of P. installed officers last Friday even ing assisted by Grand Chancellor Kelly of Lincoln. The following officers were installed : M. V. Nicholson , P. C. ; C. M. Hunter , ' C. C. ; J. Tobein , V. C. ; A. E. Thacher , M. of W. ; P. F. Simons , Prelate ; M. Cyphers , M. of A. ; C , S. Gould , K. of R. and S. ; M. Clarkson , I. G. ; H. B. Forrester , O. G. 4 Carl Lurz and his daughter , Mrs. Brockley , and Herman Welke , of Wood Lake , were trans acting business in our citv Tues day. We acknowledge a pleasant visit from them and a dollar on subscription from Mr. Lurz , Mr. Welke says his father , Fritz Welke , is recovering from the operation on his eye at Omaha recently but has lost the use of it entirely. A grain of sand caused inflamation and very likely cut into the eye , which was the cause. Mrs. Conklin gave an interest ing lecture Tuesday night to a crowded house at the M. E. church. Mrs. C. is a lady of mature years in thought and speech and her lec ture was highly appreciated though bhe audience could have listened ittentively for a much longer time ind were reluctant to go when it ivas . completed , sitting as if spell 5oUnd for a minute then slowlybe- ? an to arise to go. More such speakers are needed in this world. 3er subject was "That Boy of Lrours , " and how to take care of lim guard him , and the duty of mrents to their children rather han that of children to parents. Educational Department , BY A PEESHMAN fr Nellie Nasher was absent Wed- icsday < of last week. Nettie Johnson has at last found place to work for her board. * Rosa Hooton was absent last reek. We did not learn the cause. Fred Jones has changed his loarding place from W. E. Haley's 0 L. L. Bivcns' . The report cards were given out Monday. Some were satisfactory nd some were not. It is reported that Ollie Bliss is in the sick list. We are sorry hat she must miss so much school. Frances Harden has been con- ined to her bed with pneumonia lut is getting along nicely at this writing. Mrs..Mabel Conklin gave the ligh School students a lecture Tuesday afternoon which was Teatly enjoyed. Alf. Lewis is not attending school his week , he being at Chadron , fhere he went to attend the f uner- of his grand-father , Mr. Inger- oll. About twenty-five young friends f Lena and Pearl McCrea sur- irised them at the home of John 2aton Saturday evening and spent very pleasant evening with them. 1 Tlie story in which the High kihool students were so interested , to tire regret of afl , finished , is told in a homely way by lomely characters but the lessons re there and we ought all to learn bety Wrf SJ fy fljfljj to oitfgfelVeS. 4 ? 48IWE CARRY ft ft 6 * * * ft * ft * ft * jj Royal Worcester Corsets in Dip ft * ? Hip effects , medium lengths or girx ft ft * * ft * dies , Ribbon Belts with postil/ ft ft * * ft * lion and sash backs , Handker/ ft * 49 ft * 49 49 chiefs of fine linen , plain and env ft ft * * 49 ft * 49 broidered , ft * 49 ft * 49 ft * * HOSIERY ft ft * * 4) 4) The finest line in the city H ft tt tt ft ft * * 49 ft * 49 ft * 49 I * 49 I * 49 I * 49 ft * 49 ft * clean up WINTER GOODS we will sell for tlie next two weeks All Wool and Cotton Blankets , Outing Flannels , Underwear , Shirts , Duck Coats , Sweaters and Overshoes at COST. Remember tlie winter is not over and these goods are all new and uptodate. . Groceries at Bottom Figures. MAX B. VIERTBL CROOKSTON XEBKASKA WE HAVE Toilet Soaps that will not chap the face or hands , Haar- mans Gherkins and bottled pickles , Pickled Pearl . Onions Stuffed Olives , Ketchup Chow Chow , Can ned Goods , Jellies , Preserves. Candied Pine apples , Potted Ham and Lunch goods. Everything to tempt the Appetite. , . W V W. A. Pettycrew , General Merchandise , jflf You. A SWEET TOOTH HAVE IT FILLEDAT AT ATBOHLE'S WITH A FINE LINE OF CANDIES. HEADQUARTERS FOR WINES , LIQUORS AND CIGARS OF THE CHOICEST BRANDS * . VTalentine Nebraska Vccounts of Merchants ; Ranchmen and Individuals invited. ' 3Ioney to loan OD first-class-cattle paper and other securities. Valentine State Bank ( Successors to Cherry County Capital lai < l Tip VALENTINE , I ill CTOBt WHITTEMORE , President J. w : STETTER , Vice President CHARLES SPARKS , Cashier. n. HORNBY "W. S. JACKSON I YOU WANT A WINDMILL ? ! If grfod so yon one. Want The pla'ce to gelfc the ttes't Windmill , alte pfump'i anb1 Tdnlis. First door'south of the Donpher'Hoiise , Highest cash price paid for Hides and Furs.