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About Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 15, 1903)
Praise Pe-ru-na as a Cure for .Colds and a Preventive of Catarrh , MRS. M. J. BRINK FiRST STAGES OF CATARRH A Serious Mistake Which Thou sands Are Making. The first stage of catarrh is what is commonly known as "catching cold. " It mny bo in the head , nose , throat or lungs. Its Ix' inuinj : is sonu-times so severe as to cause a chill and considerable fever , or it may be so slight as to not hinder a per- son from his usual business. In perhaps n majority of cases little or no attention Is paid to the first stage of catarrh , and hence it is that nearly one-half of the peo ple have chronic catarrh in some form. To neglect a cold is to invite chronic catarrh. As soon as any one disxovnrs the first symptoms of catching cold he The woman of education often Js the most stunted in her views. The cost of producing sugar in Cuba aveiages 12t cents a pound. Old Sofas , Backs of Chairs , etc. , be dyed with PUTNAM FADELESS r > \7ES. Foot ball is probably invented for the purpose of encouraging surgery. There are times when a woman can't help wishing she could tuin back the tauds of time. A deception may bring profit but that does not always satisfy the con science. The telling of the absolute truth at a critical moment has been known to change the career of a man. should at once begin the use of Peruna according to directions on the bottle , and the cold is sure to pass away with out leaving any bad effects. Unless this is done the cold is almost sure to end in the second stage of ca tarrh , which is making so many lives miserable. If Peruna was taken every time one has a cold or cough , chronic atarrh would be practically an un- ; nown disease. / EHznheth Ul > er , No. 57 Bassett \ street , Albany. N. Y. , writes : " 1 have always dreaded unsettled weather liceanse < if my extreme liability to catch cold , when a catnrrhal trouble would quickly develop through rny entire system , which It would take weeks to drive awav. 1 am thnnkfnl to sav that since I have taken I'KKUXA I do not have anv reason to dread this any more. If I have been at all exposed to the damp , wet or cold weather , I take a dose or two .if I'RIirNA. nud It throws out any h'nt of sickness from my system. " Miss Eliz abeth TJber. Mrs. M. J. Brink. No. 820 Michigan ave nue. St. Joseph , Mich. , writes : "This past winter during the wet and cold weather I caught a sudden and severe cold , which developed a catarrhal condition through my entire system , and so alTeeed my general health that I was completely broken down , and became nervous and hys terical and unfit to supervise my home. My physician prescribed for me. but somehow " his"medicine did me no good. Rending of PKKUNA I decided to try it. After I had taken but three bottles I found myself In Hue health. " Mrs. M. J. Brank. Sibyl A. nadley , 2G Main street , Hunting- ton , 'ind. . writes : "Last winter after get ting my feet wet I began to cough , which gradually grew worse until my throat was sore and raw. Ordinary remedies did not help me and cough remedies nauseated me. Heading an advertisement of what PE- KUNA could do , I decided to try a bottle , and yon can Imagine how glad 1 felt when I You can always get a few pointers on insect life from the bee hive. The first electrical railway was that of Siemens of Berlin in 1879. Girls don't marry a romantic youth who is willing to die fo.r you. Select a man who is willing to earn a living for you. Education is so general in Den mark and Sweden that they are the only European countries in which all the military conscripts can read and write. The largest individual land bolder in tbe United States is said to be John S. Bilby. of Mitman. Mo. ' ] seven , states he holds property aggre- gating 180,000 acres. E s § E. L. BARRAGAR. Pres. ED. C. BROWN. Treas. D. B. PARKS , Sec'y & Mngr. m ICAL GO. I - PROPRIETORS - * S - T ftUStP 1 ITlfclOlrV tifc CAPITAL , $250,000.00. fcf S Si I GlU 80 National Stock Food , i Spices and Baking Powder , p Flavoring Extracts , is The ureat Germ utid Insect Des royer. Pfi nlai-fl is a germ disease of the large infcestine VxflUiCl d""when confined to the intestine itcan be cured , but after it penetrates the lungs , liver and other organs , causing fermentation and inflamation. it cannot be cured , Liquid Koal is now used by the leading stock men over the country for the cure and prevention or cholera because it is the only known germicide that will pass through the stomach into the intestines and from there into the blood , permeating the whole system , freeinir it of all germs oi disease and still retain its germicidal properties. It is a compound embracing every germicide antiseptic and disinfectant property found in coal , treated chemically with an alkaline base until everv objectional feature is eliminated , being non-poisonous and harmless to animal economy. § 2ss CORN STALK DISEASE is a germ dis3ase caused by the cattle eating the partly decomposed nubbin on the stalk. The symptoms are characterized by a high fever and bloating. Liquid Xoal given in the pure state and put in the drinking water will cure and prevent this disp.ose. Liquid Koal is also used in the treatment of Swine Plague , Tu- Ik ot berculosis , Lump-Jaw , Pink Eye , Chicken Cholera , Bots , Scabs in Ikac KB Sheep , and all kinds of Parasites and Lice. ac 3 n accc Prices of Liquid Koal Delivered are as Follows : ccd' ONE QUART CAN. - S1.OO TEN GAL. KEG , $2.5O PER GAL rH ONE GALLON - - 3.OO 25 GAL. I-2 < BBL , . 32.25 GAL rHM FIVE GALLONS , $2.75 PER GAI. 50 GAL-ONEBBL. . $2.00 GAL M ra 32-Page book on diseases of animals mailed free on application. If no local agent order direct from us. 01w NATIONAL MEDICAL COMPANY , le s& leDC YORK , NEBR. SHELDON , IOWA. BS. DC Liquid Eoal is now endorsed by the leading experimental sta- JJII2 tion5 as the greatest germ destroyer known. JJII2P DCL TWO THINGS TO REMEMBER. P TJse Liquid Koal to destroy the parasites on the outside. S L Use Liquid Koal to destroy the parasites on the inside. * " Miss. SARA M ° GAHA& it began to relievo me in a vi-r.v aliun time In less than two weeks I vas completes cured. " Sibyl A. Huiliey. Miss Sarah McUnli.-in. No. 197 3d street. Albany , N . Y. , writes : "A few months ajo I suffered with a se vcrc attack of influenza , which nothing seemed to relieve. My hearing became lui I , my eyes became irritated nud feverish. Nothing reemod right and nothing 1 ate tasted good. I took I'KUL'NA and within two weeks I was perfectly well. " Sarab McGahau. If you do not derive prompt and satis factory results from the use of Peruna write at once to Dr. Hartman. giving a full statement of your case , and he will be glad to give you his valuable advice gratis. Address Dr. Hartman , President of The Hartman Sanitarium. Columbus , O. The Way to Best. The only true way to rest is Co lie down in a darkened rooru witb closed eyes and tninft of nothing. Even five minutes of socn rest is valuable ; tlie muscles of tbe face relax and one does not get a hard , tired look , which adds many years to tbe appearance. Something Better Than Success. There is something even better than Miccess within tbe reach of us , and that is the consciousness of hav ing manfully striven , in spite of un toward circumstances , faithfully and cheerfully to do our duty in that state of life in which a merciful Prov idence has cast our lot. This involves patience and endurance , courage and forbearance , and affcrds numberless oppnrtuuHes for the exercise of true heroism. WESTERN CANADA HAS FREE HOMES FOR MILLIONS ! Upwards of 100,000 Americans have settled in Western Canada during the last C years. They are contented , happy and prosperous , and there is room still for millions Wonderful yields ofVhent nnd Bother grains. Uest Grazing Lands _ d on the Continent. Mngniticent climate , plenty of water and fuel : Good Bchouls , excellent churches and splendid railway facilities. Free Homestead of 160 Acres , Free the only charge being $10 for entry. Send to the fo lowing forati Atlas nnd other literature , as wen a ) for certificate , civing you. reduced railway rates , oto.- Superintendent of Inimiguitlon , Ottiiwn , Can. , or to W. V. Bennett , 801 New York Life Bldg. , Omahn , Neb. , the authorized Canadian Government Agent. RE YOU SATISFIED ? Are you entirely satisfiedwith the goods you buy and with the prices that you pay * Over 2.000.000 people are trading with us and getting their goods -wholesale prices. Our LOOO-page catalogue will toe sent on receipt of 15 cents. It tells the story. CHICAGO The house that tells the truth. iapsiciim Vaseline Put Up in Collapsible Tubes. A Substitute for and Superior to Mustard or any jtber plaster , and will not blister the most delicat * skin. The pain allaying and curative qualities of is nnicle arc wonderful. It will stop the tooth- iche at once , and relieve headache and sciatica. We recommend it as the best and safest external ouuter-irritaut known , also as an external rem > for pains in the chest and stomach and All v rheumatic , neuralgic and gouty complaints. A trial will prove what we claim for it. and It " will ba found to be Invaluable in the household. Many people say It is the best of all your prep * . p Price'lS cents , at all druggists , or other dealer * , by sending this amount to us in postage stampi , * will send you a tube by mail. No article should be accepted by the public nn less tbe same carries our label , as otherwise it lj jot genuine. CHESEBROUGH MANUFACTURING CO. 17 State St. , New York City. Washington and Idaho ; prodnctire soil , LAND delisi'tfnl climate , choice farms ; will al- loiv $30 on railway fare if y n bay : wrto Koulcr-Jucknon Co. , Spokane , Wiwh. N. U. NO. " 'rv YORK NEB What Women Admire in a Man. There seems to be no limit to the ugliness a mail may possess without.c in anyway lessening the chances of a woman loving him. How often one sees a really beautiful woman mated to an exceptionally ugly man , and vice versa. A man may be crippled , hide ous , deformed , and yet find a woman who will gladly share his lot , and for this reason women are often sneered at by people who suppose them to be so anxious to marry that they are not in the least fastidious as to whom they take. Here they are completely at fault , for love with a woman is not half so often induced by good looks as by oth er qualities Avhich compel her admira tion far more strongly. In the first place the chief thing which women admire in a man is strength , both moral and physical , and perhaps next she admires most the quality of cour age , for a man who is afraid seems to a woman at once the most extraordi nary and miserable creature on the face of the earth. Another thing she greatly admires Is determination , and that is the reason why persistence generally wins in the end , though she will try it to its utmost limit. Sometimes she admires less striking qualities in a man ; she will think that a certain bearishness toward other people is a quality to be proud of , pro vided he is always kind and tender to ward herself. She often imagines that rough manners are a sign of strength , and therefore does not mind his speak ing to other people in a rude , bullying fashion. Masterfulness is a characteristic that excites her deep , though perhaps se cret , admiration , and she despises in her heart of hearts the husband who invariably allows her to get the upper hand. No henpecked husband was ever looked upon except with contempt by his wife , and it is a certain thing that if he had but the confidence to resist her to her face she would , as a rule , be only too delighted to take sec ond place without a murmur. New York News. The Bride's Crucial Moment. But in the ascending scale of life marriage is not merely the romantic mating of two people ; it is a spiritual union , occult and difficult to define , composed of two distinct intelligences , neither of which can withdraw or dom inate the other without injury to the ' relationship. And the lack of right-mindedness in the wife when the honeymoon days are over spoils as many marriages as frailties in the husband do. Obliged by the very nature of things to dis pense with her bridal ideals , the ques ' tion is , what course she will pursue. And everything depe-uds upon her de cision , for she will either adjust her self to the situation with the egotism of a martyr , seek consolation in her children , religion or society , or she Will wisely accept the bargain she has made for happiness with the deter mination to realize upon it in spite of all newly discovered human limita tions. And here begins her university course in the philosophy of life ; a phil osophy which not only recognizes the disposition of one particular man in its variations from that of mankind in general , but disciplines her own to ' match and mate it. And there is-the rub. rub.The The matching is a pitting of force against force , which comes easy to old Adam nature ; but the mating of mind with mind , the finishing of his courage with the spires of her hopes , the .add ing of her charm to his power , is a Divine adchemy of spirits which no man can accomplish. Independent. Smiles nnd Their Meaning : . Some one has suggested that words were invented for the purpose of con- cealing thought , but there are situa- tions when words are unavailing and it is necessary to have recourse to an- other method for concealing thought. This is where smiles are useful. Now , there is nothing worthy of remark about a smile when the natural result . of a pleasant thought , but the climax of art has been reached when one has learned to smile under circumstances when language if a true expression of thought would be decidedly objecs' tionable. Smiles have a peculiar charm. They can accomplish wonders in an argu- e ment , especially tf the smiler possesses rosy lips and pearly teeth. "SmileD for the lady" is familiar nursery par lance , and when Baby smiles it is genuine. But , once beyond the years n of babyhood , one can never be per v fectly certain of the true value of a. tl smile. Exchange. tltl tlk tla EGirls autl Ttte--r Speakine Voices. k "How many tflrh ever give thought to the pitch and timbre of their tiw voices ? " asks Harper's Bazar. "Straight figures , good complexion , an c.ti easy , supple carriage , white teeth and tiM tif well-kept hair and nails are all deserv f : edly striven for why not an agreeable voice ? A girl can do much to coun teract what may seem a naturally bad voice. Nine times out of ten it is bad because of careless habits formed through ignorance. The pitch of the w voice is most important , and if this is b < high the work of lowering it should be an once attempted. Stop frequently in it the course of your daily talk with your ii family or intimate friends , and catch m the t echo of your voice it will be easy to t go on then two or three tones low . er. Soon the right pitch will become habitual 1 a great point gained. A , pleasant voice may be cultivated , too , like 1 a pleasant expression , if suliicU'iit care and watchfulness are had. If the voice tones are nasal there is probably some upper throat or nostril obstruc tion often one very simple and easily removed by a physician. If voice cul ture lessons can be taken this should be done , but without any expert teach ing , a young person's voice is amen able to modification and improvement through simple care on the part of its owner. " Why Women Worry. If a woman is to protect herself from the ravages of worry , aiid'so retain her youth for a longer period , she mist come into more frequent contact with other people as her husband doe-s and read good books ; she must relieve the monotony of her duties and the limiting influence of confinement with in four walls by taking outdoor exer cises a walk every day or a spin on a bicycle ; in short , she must exercise the body and mind in a healthful man ner , and she will find the bloom of youthand health remain with her for - years after it has faded in other wom en of the same. age. "The ordinary woman , " says a cele brated physician , "leads such a monot onous existence that her mind has no occupation but worry. What she needs is to come out of herself much more than she does. She must have int-'r- course with more people and take more exercise. This can be done without neglecting the home , and every right- minded man will do his best to secure for his mother , or his sister , or his wife , these aids to the retention of youthfulness of body and mind. " Pairan Marriage Customs. How little the fashionable bride in the smart set to-day realizes that all of the wedding customs of the present are rooted in the pagan past. The barbaric bridegroom procured bis mate by one of two methods capture or pur chase. We speak even now of "captur ing" a bride , and "purchase" is not wholly unknown. In the former the groom started upon the warpath with some chosen companion , who .insisted him in seizing the woman ; whence cometh the custom of having a "best man. " The dainty gold ring of to-day is a 'relic of the fetter by which the bride was bound , while the jocose slipper is a remnant of the missiles hurled by the angry parents. The orange blossoms came in a more civilized age , though not Christian. The veil , as still in modern Oriental" conn- tries , typifies exclusive possession by one man. Their Mothers. All I am my mother made me. John Quincy Adams. Nature's loving proxy , the watchful mother. Buhver. All that I am , or hope to be , I owe to my angel mother. Lincoln. Let France have good mothers and she will have good sons. Napoleon. The future destiny of the child is al ways the work of the mother. Na poleon. I would desire for a friend the son who never resisted the tears of his 'mother. Lacretelle. If there be aught surpassing human deed or word or thought , it is a moth er's love. Marchioness de Spodora. If you would reform the world from its errors and vices , begin by enlisting the mothers. C. Simmons. Unhappy is the man for whom his own mother has not made all other mothers venerable. Richter. Washinsr Flannels. Have a tub half full of water that is more than warm , but not very hot , and make a strong suds with laundry soap of the best quality. Add a tablespoon- ful of powdered borax. Shake the flannels thoroughly , then squeeze them with the hands , sop them up .and 1j down and , if necessary , rub the spots between the hands. Do not rub soap . on the flannels and do not nib the flannels . on a board. Wring from the first suds and put into another of the same ' temperature ; rinse through water that does not contain soap ; wring dry. shake vigoreusly and dry quickly. Iron before they are quite dry with a mod erately hot Iron , then press well. Do not use borax for colored flannels. Leaf-Droppinsr. Leaf-dropping In house plants i ? nearly always caused by injudicious watering or insufficient drainage. If the soil is allowed to .iry the leaves of the plant arc very liable to turn yellow and drop , and the same result will fol low the retention of too much mois ture about the roots. M&ny plants will drop their leaves if ln j uecome chilled. Avoid extremes .rf teiupeia- ture. Red spider , a very smajl pest which mostly attacks the under sur face of the leaves , will mostly cause them to turn yellow and drop. So , also , will gas and smoke. His Idea of a Beautiful "Woman. 1 A famous statesman on being asked t what he considered the greatest type of 1 beauty in women , replied : "The Avom- 1 who is beautiful and does not know ' , and the homely woman who by Jic-r J intelligence and graceful bearing < makes you forget it. " / i POSITIVELY CURES Rheumatism Neuralgia Backache Headache Feetache All Bodily Aches AND The JMniitiiilmio Di-nst ! r. After all , the event which will cause J902 to he remembered longer than any other is one in the bringing about of which man had no part. This was the breaking forth or the great eruption of Mont PeJee on the Island of Martinique , by which thirty thousand lives were wped out in an. instant , and. ,1 city obliterated from the face of the earth. Not in mod ern times has there bceo so impress ive a reminder of the mighty forces imprisoned vvifehiu the earth. The explosion of Krakatoa. in 1883. was more tremendous , but could not ap peal to the imagination as did the later carastrophp. The. eruption of Mont Pelee will pjss : into history , and men will again build their homos wberejts ashes now cover the soil. So it fs with * everv calamity of our lives. Sorrows and disappointments' nrri bound to r.'mie. Let us live with out fear , and when the works of our labor have beenoverthrown , let us braverJy fiild ; a new a structure of usefuness an 3 hupe. His Purpose. Boy I saw a man in a window making fac is today. Visitor What was he doing that for ? Boy Fcr couple of clocks. He is TJ watch and cluck rna'cer. It is a popular say in.r in Brazil that every ton of rubber from the Upper Amazon costs two lives. TOJ : many cooks spoil the digestion. It is quite natural that a man should have bis hair cut when he doesn't want , it any longer. The straight and narrow path is the one always taken by the tight rope wafeer. . Mr . Winslow's SOOTHING SYKUP for children teething , softens the gump. reduces Inflamation ( allays pain , cures wind choliir. 25c bottle. Mrs. Emmons , saved from an operation for Ovaritis , tells how she was cured by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. "I am so pleased with the results I obtained from Ly < lia IS. Pinlcliam's Vegetable Conppuntl that I feel it a duty and a. privilege to write you about it. 141 suffered for over five years with ovarian troubles , causing an un pleasant discharge , a great weakness , end at times a ikintnesa would come over me which no amount of medicine , diet , or exercise seemed to correct. Your Vegetable Compound found the weak spot , however , within a few weeks and saved me from an Operation all my troubles had dis appeared , and I found myself once more healthy and well. Words fail to describe the real" , true grateful feeling that is in my heart , and I want to tell ev&ry sick and suffering sister. Don't dally with medicines , you know noth ing about , but take iLyd'ia JE. Pink- ham's Vegetable Compound , and take my word for it. you will be a different woman in a short time. " MRS. LAURA EMJIONS , Walkerville , Ont. $5000 forfeit if original of above letter prooiny genuineness cannot be produced. Don't hesitate to "write to Mrs. Pinkham if there is anything about your case which you do not understand. She will treat you with kindness and her ad vice is free. No woman ever re gretted writing1 her and she has helped thousands. Address is L.ynn , Mass. TO WOMEN FREE To prove the healing & cleansing power of PAXTINE TOILET ANTISEPTIC we will mail large trial treatment with book of instructions absolutely free. This is not a tiny sample , but a large package , enough to convince anyone that it is the most successful prepara tion known to medicine as a cleansing vaginal douche and for the local treat ment of'woman's special ills , curing discharges and all inflamation , also to cleanse the teeth , mouth , and cure catarrh. Send to-day ; * a postal will do. Bold by drarzltu or lent pott paid by u.e ce ta UU-ce box. SaUi&etloa guaranteed. 9.PAXTON CO. . 216 Columbus AVB. . Bnslun. Mat * .