Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, July 31, 1902, Image 4

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Official Newspaper of Cherry
County , Nebraska
Thursday , July 31 , 19012.
Subscription $ 1.00 per year In advance ; $1.GO
When not paid In advance , Single copies Gc.
Display advertising 1 inch single column 15c
per Issue or $ G. i a year.
Local Notice ? . bituarles , Lodge Resolutlon *
uud Socials for Avenue 5c per Hue per issue.
Brands , 1 Ji i lies ? 4.00 per year In advance
additional spacc.sJ'00 per Inch per jearengraved ;
-blocks xtra ; $1.00 each.
Parties HvInK outside Cherry county not per
sonally known aie requested to pay in advance
10 iwr cent additional to above rates If over G
months in arrears.
Notices of losses of stock free to brand adver
For Governor ,
Lieutenant Governor ,
E. A. ( iII.KEKT.
Secretary of State ,
Auditor ,
Treasurer ,
Attorney General ,
J. n. BnoAnr.
Commissioner of Public Lands and Buildings ,
Superintendent of Schools ,
The republicans are again com
mencing to call the fusionists
howlers , and it is true , they are.
it is a calamity to have an admin
istration that will pile up a state
debt of $2,000,000 when the con- '
stitution forbids a larger debt
than $100,000. The fusionists
howl about this calamity. It is
a calamity to lose two state build
ings by fire caused by the care
lessness of state officials. The
fusionists howl about it. It is a
calamity to have a state treasurer
who clips and gives to his part
ner coupons from bonds bought
with state money. The fusion
ists howl about this calamity.
It is a calamity to have the two
biggest thieves ever sent to the
state penitentiary pardoned by
republican governors and the
m'i. howl about it. Yea. verily ,
the fusionists are calamity howl
ers. Central City Democrat.
Did you ever notice that along
about election time the republic
ans always tell what they will do
"if they are given a chance ? "
Well , they have had the chance ,
and we know what they have
done and it is only a fair sample
of what they would continue to
do. In Nebraska they have par
doned the two biggest thieves
ever sent to the pen in this state
and were compelled by popular
opinion to turn down Treasurer
Stueffer at their state convention
and there is now pending in the
.5 supreme court an action brought
v for the purpose of compelling var
ious state officers to fulfil their
official oath. In national affairs
the ship subsidy bill , the Fowler
bill , the imperialism , the cruelty
of the water cure and the repri
manding of the head of the army
for exposing the cruelties which
they were trying to conceal. It
is time for a change and it is up
to the voters to make the change.
A republican exchange speak
ing of the two candidates for gov a
ernor asks if a banker is not as
good a man for governor as a law
yer. The occupation of a man is
certainly no bar but we remember
that Banker Dietrich slid into
the office two years ago by the s
German vote which he caught by t
professing a great love for sauer
kraut and was not a successful sf
governor and now Banker Mickey
is posing as a farmer to catch the ps pr
votes of the farmers when the
< s
i fact is he has been an office hold a
er and banker almost ever since n
he landed on Nebraska soil in ' 69
thirty-four years ago. The re
publicans cannot fail to notice vshi
that our candidate adopts none of hi
ft ; these tactics , being content to n
- come before the peopleon his on
m 01h
m' standing as a. citizen and a law lie <
yer. But , speaking of bankers , in
two of them are now trying to tl
i represent Nebraska in the senate m
.and while both are a success as si
bankers they are a rauk f&ilure ai
A. H. Metzger , of Gregory , was
transacting business at the coun
ty seat , Monday.
The weather clerk reports .76
of an inch of rain Tuesday after
noon and more fell in the evening.
The fires have been started in
the Grand Island sugar factory
and hey expect to begin work
on this season's crop about Sep
tember 10th.
J. C. Pettijohn came up from
Ainsworth Tuesday evening and
reports that a hail storm down
there in the afternoon pounded
the crops into the ground.
S. J. Potter , manager of the
Great Western Type Founday , of
Omaha , went through with the
Omaha crowd yesterday and vis
ited the Valentine print shops
while here.
Preparations are being made
at the Fort to receive two battal-
lions and band of the 25th In
fantry ( colored ) now en route
from Manilla. It is expected
that there will be about 800 men.
The Union Pacific is up against
the real thing all along the line.
Their present strike is giving
them all the grief they can take
care of and now the train men in
tend asking for an increase of
A. F. Webb has moved his ci
gar factory down near the City
hotel. He was compelled to va
cate his old location as the build
ing is to be moved in the near fu
ture to make room for improve
Mrs. Geo. Hornby had just fin
ished stringing bunting and dec
orating her lawn in anticipation
of a lovely time for a lawn social
Tuesday evening when the weath-
r clerk opened the rain valve and
in less than no time those decora
tions looked like thirty cents.
J. T. May , of Fremont , presi
dent of the new First National
bank of Valentine , was in town
Tuesday and Wednesday on bus-
ness connected with that institu
tion. Mr. May is in the whole-
grocery business in Fremont and
salso interested in several banks.
Dr. Z. T. Daniel , who succeeds
Dr. Harden at Rosebud agency ,
arrived yesterday and called at
this office. He is a veteran in
the Indian service and served
with Dr. McChesney at the Chey
enne rivet agency from 1889 to
1893. He is accompanied by his
B. B. Cronin , of Verona , sends
us a $ on subscription and says
he is glad to see so many papers
copying articles from the DEMO
CRAT as it shows that the editor
has originality and ability. We
are glad to know that our efforts
are appreciated but we were not
looking for any bouquets.
C. H. Cornell expects to begin
work on his new bank building
at an early date. The plans are
not yet complete but it will have
frontage of fifty feet and the
on the second floor will be the fin r
est opera house in north Nebras n
ka and when completed we may nb
expect some good shows here. b
The State Journal gives con
siderable editorial space to air *
the : views of some learned profes ei
sor who has discovered after pro 8
found ( research that a very large f
per cent of eminent men are mar e
ried. Well , what of it ? It only
shows that no matter how smart
man may be he has some weakiE
An Omaha girl married a youth
who earned his living by packing on
hams in one of the South Omaha L <
meat foundries. She was great
style and always insisted that
don evening dress before com31
ing to dinner. He couldn't stand LI
the strain and took to drink and W.
now she wants a divorce. She 3.
should get it and then choose 3.
mother husband from the insti i.
tute for the feeble minded.
It is reported that an earth
quake shook up South Dakota
and northwest Nebraska Monday
but it couldn't jar Valentine.
According to Bixby , this al
leged obituary poetry is the wick
edest thing James Barton Adams
has written for some time :
"Old death his cruel fist turned loose
And smote our little Jockie
A blow that cooked his precious goose ,
And all of us feel rocky.
We humbly bow to heaven's laws
While thus so sorely stricken ,
And try to feel resigned , because
There ain't no use o' kickin' . "
Since the latter part of June
the devil has been acting in the
capacity of managing editor , lo
cal editor , collector , compositor ,
job printer , devil and janitor.
The boss sayshe expects to start
for home about the first of Aug
ust and when he comes we will
resign several of the jobs that
we are now holding down.
J. L. King , state deputy for the
Fraternal Union of America , is in
town organizing a lodge of that
order. This order furnishes pro
tection against death , old age and
accident at a very low cost. It is
an up-to-date and modern organ
ization and ladies will be admitted
free until the charter closes. Mi.
King states that the ouilook is
very favorable for a good , live
lodge and he will organize within
the next ten days.
The warmest crowd that ever
visited Valentine pulled in yester
day morning with a special train
of six sleepers and a commissary
car. It was the Knights of Ak-
Sar-Ben of Omaha and the Live
stock Exchange of South Omaha
numbering 150 people en route to
Deadwood , where they will give
the Elks of that town a touch
of high life. They were accom
panied by the 22nd Infantry band
of Fort Omaha and the train was
profusely decorated with the Ak-
Sar-Ben colors. They left Oma
ha at 9 o'clock Wednesday night ,
laid over at Hot Springs last night
and are scheduled to arrive at
Deadwood at 11:30 : this morning.
They will return to Omaha over
the Burlington. The train stopped
here twenty minutes and a great
many of our people turned out to
greet the visitors.
Commission era Proceeding *
Valentine , Neb , , July 15,1902.
Board of commissioners met as per
adjournment with the following mem
bers present : Chairman Alex Burr
and W. E. Haley.
Commissioners spent the day in
looking over the surveyor's report in
regards to locating bridges and ex
amining the sanitary condition of
court house. Adjourned to July 19.
July 19 , 1902.
Board met as per adjournment.
Present , Chairman Alex Burr and W ,
E. Haley.
Road petition of S. W. Lilly and
others granted.
The following official bonds were
approved :
Hugh Boyer , justice of the peace ,
Steen precinct.
John E. West , justice of the peace ,
Wood Lake precinct. "
Elmer E , Crane , overseer Dist. No. 9.
J. T. Swain , overseer Dist. No 52.
Wm. Bliss , overseer Dist. No. 5.
Report of fees received by county b
clerk second quarter 1902 accepted. h
Clerk was ordered to cancel war
rant ; No. 13 on road fund. Amt. $9 90.
Commissioners ordered tax on n }
nw * and sei nwi 27-34-38 for years 1899 Is
and 1900 refunded , the same having Isa
been erroneously assessed. Amount , n
$4.54. nP
Commissioners ordered a refund of P
$12.40 personal tax of C. H. Townsend a
for year 1901 , the same having been
erroneously assessed. Also refund of
$2,30 ! personal tax of Martin Becker
for 1885 , the same having been erron
eously < assessed. ed
Road petition of C , S. Keece and lii
others awproved. \v
Claim of S. H , Babb for sheriff fees In
Schwaberow case was rejected. Iny
Claim of E. L. Davis for team 8 y <
days was rejected. le
The following claims were allowed
the general fund :
Leroy Leach , working for com
missioners $ 4 50 tt
. E. Housh , McLaughlen-Van In
Buren case G 50
State Journal Co. supplies . . . 130 80 n
Lee Herdman , sup. court fees. 29 94 Cl
. R. Towne , fees Junod case 17 40
F. Oilman , light for June. . . 19 30
S. Reece , sal. 2nd quar. 1902 100 00 at
LJ. . Ashburn , care of R. Lewis 26 25
. Lewie , examination fees in- cr
sanepatient . . . , . - 5 00
The following claims were allowed
on road fund.
Leroy Leach , survej'ing and re
cording' roads $ 95 50
John Porter , flagman 6 20
Geo. Russell , " 300
P. T. Lee , road work 2850
Claim of J. W. Towte , bal. due
on bridge contract 100 00
Resignation of Martin Haley as jan
itor , to take effect July 21 , accepted ,
whereupon the board employed Rob
ert Robinson as janitor at a salary of
$30 per month for each calendar
Adjourned to July 21.
July 21,1902.
Board met as per adjournment ,
Present , chairman , Alex Burr and W.
E. Haley.
The commissioners entered into
contract with Max Franke to Keep
his brother Herman , now a county
charge , for three months at $8 per
The commissioners proceeded to
make settlement with tht county
treasurer and continued in that busi
ness from day to day until the after
noon of the 23rd , whereupon the fol
lowing claims were allowed on the
general fund :
Etta Brown , for institute 350 00
C. S. Reece , recording bonds , . . 9 00
Alex Burr , commissioner fees
and mileage 37 10
Davis & Vincent , livery 8 00
W. E. Haley , commissioner fees 15 00
Martin Haley , janitor to July
21 , 1902 21 90
The following claim was allowed on
bridge fund :
E. L. Davis , chainman and liv
ery 24 00
The following amount was deducted
from above and applied on delinquent
personal tax :
Davis & Vincent , on tax of J. O ,
Vincent $8 00
The board adjourned sine die.
Attest' - Chairman.
C. S. REECE , Co. Clerk.
Geese That Lay Golden Esr s.
Once upon a time there was a pro
moter who owned a common , everyday
goose who laid the usual , ordinary
goose eggs. He conceived the scheme
of syndicating the goose on a gold egg
basis and proceeded to do so.
He informed the trusting public that
soon his goose would lay an egg of
gold each day and offered for sale
stock in the Golden Goose Egg com
pany , limited , at bedrock prices. There
was a wild rush for the stock , and tho
promoter suddenly found himself
He continued to sell the stock as
long as there were buyers , for he did
not want to kill the goose that laid
the egg. His goose continued the same
ordinary fowl as before.
Moral. There are featherless geese
that lay golden eggs. New York Her
Ministers' Maids.
"Are you a minister's wife ? " was a
query encountered so frequently by a
young matron In search of a maid that
she scented a story.
"Why this mania to live under the
droppings of the sanctuary ? " inquired
the matron or words to that effect.
Then It appeared that the minister's
family is considered a most desirable
place because of the opportunities for
witness fees in wedding cases. There
are few bridegrooms who come with
out a witness to be married who will
not bestow a generous tip upon the
girl who furnishes this small but nec
essary feature of the ceremony. New ;
York Tribune.
Would Giro Him * Lesion.
A reporter who is the father of a
year old youngster met his pastor on
Sunday afternoon.
"Why weren't you at church this
morning ? " was the first question of
the spiritual adviser.
"I couldn't come , " was the answer.
"I had to stop at home and mind the
baby. Our nurse is 111. "
"That's no excuse , " said the pastor.
"It isn't ? Well , next Sunday I'll
bring him to church with me and see
how you like it"
The professor of painting has Just
entered the classroom , where smoking
strictly prohibited. Here he finds
an : art student holding in his hand a
newly filled cherry wood pipe.
Professor ( ironically ) What a queer
paint brush you have got there ! What
are ; you going to do with it ?
Student Oh , I'm going to make
clouds with It !
Very Irritating : .
"Once in awhile , even now , " remark
the caller , "you hear of some Eng
lishman who says our Revolutionary
war was 'the most causeless rebellion :
history. ' Isn't is irritating ? "
"Decidedly so , " responded the Boston
young woman. "If a thing Is cause
less , how can it be any more cause
less ? " Chicago Tribune.
The Whole Thinff.
" seems to think he's thewhole
thing as an expert authority on sport
ing matters. "
"Yes ; he appears to regard himself
pretty nearly big enough to wear
Bolf links to fasten his shirt cuffs. " .
Cleveland Plain Dealer.
When we deserve It , we don't mind
ibuse. It makes us careful. But the
trouble Is we never agree with our
.Titles a § to when we deserve It Atcb-
"Sit" and "Set. "
Some onewho believes In teaching
by example has concocted a lesson in
the use of two.little words which have
been a source of mortification and
trouble to many well meaning persons.
A man or woman either can set a
hen , although they cannot sit her ; nei
ther can they set on her , although the
hen might sit on them by the hour if
they would allow it.
A man cannot set on the wash
bench , but he could set the basin on It ,
and neither the basin nor the gram
marians would object.
He could sit on the dog's tail if the
dog were willing or he might set his
foot on it. But if he should set on the
aforesaid tail or sit his foot there the
grammarians a well as the dog
would howl , metaphorically at least.
And yet the man might set the tail
aside and then sit down and be as-
galled neither by the dog nor by the
Not Worrr. * > ut Slnmber.
They were discussing suicides and
the proneness of different peoples to
depart in that way when one of those
engaged in the conversation turned to
a colored man and asked , "Why is it
that so few of your people take their
own lives ? "
After scratching his head a moment
the person addressed responded , "Well ,
I tell you , boss ; when a nigger sits
down he don't worry , but goes to
sleep. " New York Times.
Envied the Other Bojr-
Johnny I wish I was Tommy Jones.
Mother Why ? You are stronger
than he is , you have a better home ,
more toys and more pocket money.
Johnny Yes , I know , but he can
wiggle his cars. Men of Tomorrow.
Experience the Only Teacher.
She There's really no reason for
married folks to quarrel.
He No , except that they generally
need a few quarrels to find that out.
Brooklyn Life.
The man who has the most to say
about charity beginning at home Is
generally the one who thinks that re
form ought to begin on the other side
of the world.
Subscribe for the DEMOCRAT.
Xoticc Probate of Will
Notice probate of will. John II. jShore > , de-
in County Court , Cherry Ceunty , Nebraska.
The State of NebrosKa to the heirs and next
kin of the said John H. Shore deceased :
Take notice. That upon illing of a written In.
strument purporting to be the lust will and tes
tament of John H. Shore for probate and allow
ance , It Is ordered that said matter b set for
heariiiR the 2Cth day of July A. I ) . 1902 before
said County Court , at the hour of 10 o'clock A.
M. , at which time any person Interested may
appear and contest the same ; and notice of tbia
proceeding is ordered published three wteks
successively In tne Valentine Democrat a week
ly newspaper , published In this state. In tes
timony where f , I have hereunto set my hand
* , ami the seal of the County Court at
SEAL Valentine this 2d of July A. D. 1WK.
. , ' 23-3 W. K. TOWA'E , County Judge.
Notice of Probate of Will.
In County Court , Cherry County , Neb ,
The State of Nebraska tn the heirs and next ol
kin of the said Sarah Graham , deceased.
Take notice , that upon filing of a written In
strument purporting to be the last will and tei-
tament of Sarah Graham for protate and allow *
ance. it is ordered that said matter be set for
hearing the Und day of August , A. I ) . 1D03 before
satd County Court , at the hour of 10 o'clock a
in. , at which time any person interested may
appear and contest the same ; and notice of this
proceeding Is ordered published three weeks
successively in the Valentine Democrata week
ly newspaper , published in this state.
In testimony whereof , I have hereunto set my
. hand and the seal of the County
{ SKAJ , Y Court at Valentine this 15th day of
I , ' July.A.D.ltXtt. W.B.TOWNE ,
10-3 County Judge.
Estray Afotlce
Taken up at my place at Kennedy , one small
red heifer , PO brands or ear marks. Has beeni
at my place all winter.
22-5 Kennedy , Nebraska.
so YEARS'-
Anyone sending a nketch and description may
quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an
invention Is probably pntentablo. Comnmnlen.
tions strictly confldentlal. Handbook on Patent *
sent free. Oldest npency for secnrinrpatentB.
Patents taken through Mann & Co. rccelrt
tpccial notice , without charge , in the
Scientific Hmerican.
A handsomely Illustrated weekly. Largest cir
culation of any scientific Journal. Terns. 93
year ; four months , f L Sold by all newsdealer * .
MUNN & Co.361Bro > dway > NBW York
Branch Office. 625 F St. Washington. D. C.
Good Horse Sense
will tell you that old eggs and glue are not things
you want to eat ; yet some coffee roasters glaze
| /j / their coffee with such things. Not so with
W Lion Coffee
It's just pure , unadulterated , undisguised coffee ;
never covered up with any glazing of any kind.
Uniform quality and freshness arc Insured by the sealed package.
afcaaEreraKg saK& ' g KKfcpAr-JI
ti R S , DENNIS ,
f ? Valentine Nebraska X All work well done I *
Oy Op * 05 *
m Sole Agents for
Ale and Porter , And FRED KRUG'S BEER
Choicest Wines and Cigars ,
from LICE , IICH or MAN&E
Sold by Quigley & Chapman ,
Valentine , Nebr.
Richards & Comstock ,
Ellsworth , JSrebr.
Ve Caa Satisfy You to Qualify Price and Worknaashlp