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About Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930 | View Entire Issue (June 26, 1902)
Y THE VALENTINE DEMOCRAT I. M RICE EDITOR Per Fear in PUBLIBHED EVERY THURSDAY. Entered at the Post-office at Valentine. Cherry county. Nebraska , as Second-class matter. STATS OFFICERS EZUA P. SAVAGE , Governor. C , F. STEKLE. Lieut. Governor. GEOV. . MAKSII , Secretary of State. CHAS. WESTOX , Auditor Pub , Accts. Wai. STEUKEU Treasurer. FUAMC N. PKOUT , Atty. General. GEOKOE FOWLER , Coin. Pub. Lands and Bldg. LEE HAKDMAN , Librarian. U. S. SENATORS JOSEPH H. MILLARD. CUAS. H. DIETRICH. CONGRESSMEN ELMER J. BUKKETT. Rep. 1st Dist. DAVID H. MERGER , Rep. 2nd Dist. JOHN J. RoniNSON.Fus. 3rd Dist. WM. L STARK , Fus. 4th Dist. A. C. SHALLENIJERGER , Fus. 5th Dist , WM. NEVILLE , Fus. CthDist , COUNTY OFFICERS W. C. SHATTUCK , Treasurer. C. S. REECE , Clerk. W. R. TOWNE , Judge. L , N. LAYPORT. Sheriff. A. M. MORRISSEY. Attorney. ETTA BROWX , Superintendent LEUOY LEACH , Surveyor. ALFRED LEWIS , Coroner. COUNTY COMMISSIONERS W. E. HALEY , 1st Dist. ALEX BURR. 2nd Dist. L. LAUFER , 3rd Dist. Charles II. Faulhaber Brownlee Breeder of Res'st'd Herefords. o Hyam , No. 74,538 , at head of herd. Young bulls from 6 to 18 months old for sale. HENEY AUGUSTON Blacksmith Brownlee , Nel > r. Does general blacksmithingathard times prices for cash. PAT HE1T Valentine , Kefor. Good , Hard Rock for sale in any quantity. ELM. CEAMEE , Oity Deliveryman , Trunks , valises and packages hauled to and from the depot and all parts of the City. 1 "Telephone 12. W. A. KfMBELL Barber First-class Shop in Every Respect Eau de Quinine Hair Tonic , Golden Star Bair Tonic , Herpicide and Coke's Dandruff Cure. Try Pompeian Face Massage Cream LEEOY LEACH County Surveyor Valentine or Woodlake GENERAL WOKK WIOMPTLV ATTENDED TO. JOHN PORATH Kiege , Kebr. Tubular wells and Eclipse wind mills. "Wells guaranteed five years. A ? M. MOEEISSEY Attorney at Law Valentine , A. N. COMPTON Physician and Surgeon Office at Quigley & Chapman's Drug Store. Nights The Donoher. F. M. WALCOTT ATTORNEY A % ABSTRAGTER Valentine , tfebr. Practices In District Court and U. S. Land Office. Real Estate and Ranch Property bought and sold. Bonded Abstractor. KANGAROO RESTAURANT MEALS AT ALL HOURS 25 CENTS FRESH OYSTERS SERVED IN ANY STYLE OPEN DAY AND NIGHT MRS. R , A. MARhALL & FRED HULL F. E.9K. V. R. R. TIME TABLE . . . Tfc.U .l.tJMIwx wx WKSTNo. . 27 Frt. Daily 2:33 P. M. No. 23 ' cxcept Sunday 0:40 A. M No. 3 Passenger Daily 12:49 A. M. EAST BOUND No. 28 Frt. Daily C:50 A. M. No. 20 " except Sunday 5:00 P.M. NO. 4Passenger Daily 4:47A.M. TJKTIO KT.H'O ' T JEffX * Located on Cherry St. 2nd door south of Smyser's livery , furnishes excellent board and lodgingMeals same old price 25 cents. A hearty welcome to all. J. F-JOTTER. MILL PRICES FOR FEED , Bran , bulk. . . 1.50 per cwt $20 UO t i Shorts bulk . . .115 per cwt $22.00 ton Screenings 40c " $7.00 " Chop Feed . . . .1.25 " $24.00 Corn 1.05 ' $20.00" Chop corn 1.10 $21.00- Data 1.50 $29 OH ETTA BROWN SUP ! , PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Examination Third Saturday of each month and Friday preceding. VALENTINE NEBRASKA Edward S. Furay Physician and Surgeon Office Fraternal Hall or El liott's Drug Store. i9jun2 Bulls For Sale 10 Registered Herefords , 2 high grade Herefords , 1 high grade Short horn. 1 to 3 years old. jun29 II. S. SAVAGE , Simeon , Neb .Estray Xotfce This is to certify that I have this day taken up at my place three miles south of Simeon , Nebr.cna red aud white spottedoowand rea roan calf. Cow has slit in left ear. Early win ter calf. Dated May 1C , 1902. 1S-5 THOMAS A. CARH. 0909 909090909090909090909 ' o o 9 I Paint , 9o o o o Wall Paper , Calcimine oo o o o I Brushes , o o 6o Pure Linseed Oilo Varnishes I -AT- g O | Christensen's. § o 9090909090909090909090909 : Civil Bill. Civil Bill is G years old and weighs 1500 pounds. Color , bay. Will make the season as follws : On Saturday of each week at Yin- cent & Davis' barn in Wood Lake. Remaining days of week at own er's barn 12 miles northwest of Wood Lake. Terms : $8.00 to insure living Colt. W. E. EBERIIAETj julyo Owner and Manager. Estray Notice Taken up at my place near Tliacher , one black steer three years old , without horns , a little white on belly. Swallow fork in night ear and branded with bar diagonally across right leg below hip joint. Has been in my herd over one year Also one red steer , curly haired , white face , no horns , probably 2 years old , branded flR } on right hip. Has been in my Bfl herd"about three months.d 19-5 J. E. THACKREY. Estray Notice Taken up at my place 12 miles east of Valentine , 011 the Niobrara river , May 19 , one iron-gray stallion 4 years old. No visible marks or brands. Is lame in right foot. 18 5 WM. J. ALLEN. PS ROUSCHB Postofflce address Brownlee , NeD On left Bide or any part of animal. Ear mark right ear cut off ; horses branded same on left hip. Also has stock branded on side or shoulder , irJKorWorO.'VL ' prO or FZ. Also the'following , the fina one being on side and hip Kennedy. Received last week too late for publiaation. A fine rain Wednesday night. A. B. McAlevy was a Kennedy visi tor last Sunday. J. A. Gee was a Kennedy visitor the first of the week. Homer Tait was seen in these parts one day last week. J. N. Steadman put in two wells tor Don Sears last week. J. H. Bachelor made a business trip to Valentine last week. Jess Marion has been a business vis itor in Valentine the past week. Mr and Mrs. Jess Gorsuch were Ken nedy callers the first of the week. Johuie Beekle.y was Mvappiug yarns with the Kennedy people last Sunday . The late rains insure the finest hay in this section of the country that we have bad fur Jeaii > everybody is figuring on cele brating the fourth at Qui&euuury' & tins b it is the tiue.- plauin tkeruuu lor a celebration. BROKEN AKRI Arabia Items. .Received last week too late for publication. AldsuiKc lougu supperos givui la Vv oud Lake lasi Sntuidaihich M-V eral ot the neighbors atteiided. Miss Orah Brittou of Vaieiiuue was slopping on a quarter section ot prame winch she expects to convert inio a goat rauch. Miss Winiiifred Keeley ol Valentine is working for Airs , Uroiim this spring. She is tired of city life and is uow rus ticating lor a bpell. Mrs. J. Jordan and Miss Esther Uen- soii started for Epiphany last Wedues day where the > will consult medical aid lor tlieir many ills. Haymaking season will soon be here and roni present appearances the flats will > ield a greater crop of hay than has ever be .n known of in this couuty. Well , I will now attempt to repre sent this community to the readers ot the Democrat. It I do injustice to auy- body , I wish they would register their complaint at my office. JSoruiau Vredeubur , a dentai stu dent ol Omaha , is spending several weeks on his lanch near Arabia. Much conjecturing is done as to wheth er he will follow his protession or con tmue rauch life. A ball was given in Wood Lake last Friday , wliiuh proved a grand success. A large crowd was assembled at Honey hall where the spent the uight m daucmg to tiie music of the Arabia or chestra. It seems that where good music is rendered a large crowd is sure to gather , .Nebraska is universally considered a very healthy country one otherwise de sirable place to live in , but it is impos sible to fiud a person who is not com plaining about something. Some com plain of having decayed teeth , others of having none , Some complain of having corns , others complain of beinu unable to grow corn , Some complain of a poor appetite , while at the same time they are ever trying to get rid ol it. If people would but be content with their share of blessings the world would roll witn less Irictiou , Mct/ann Items A round up at Mudge's pasture , A picnic at the school house on the twenty seventh. D. Hendershot was visiting with his family over Sundaj. Quite a few cattle are dying in this part of the countiy. G. A. J. Galloway is visiting with his uncle , P. O. Galloway , Quite a frost. It froze all our toma Loes , sweet corn and squashes , G. Hendershot and family were visi tors at the county seat for a d&y or two. Richard Bush has moved his house from the old Schwidersky homestead to his own. RELIABLE. Obituary Phoebe- . Perkins was born April 8th , 1834 , in Hanible , N. Y. She was married to James G. Wilson December 28 , 1853 and died at her home in Geor gia , Neb. , June 20 , 1902. Three children were born to them , a girl , who died in infancy , and two boys , James E. who is living in .New York , and Wm. A. , of Georgia , Neb. Sister Wilson united with the Methodist Episcopal Church in 1879 and lived a consistent Christian life , always bearing testimony to the Grace that saves from sin. Sister "Wilson was greatly afflicted for four 3 ears from a stroke of paraly sis. She leaves a devoted husband , two sous , three brothers and two sisters to mourn the departure of a faithful wife , a loving mother and an affectionate sister. The funeral services were ield at her home bv the writer , assisted by Rev. Johnson , formerly of Newport. S"eb. The scripture text used. Job 14 , xiv. The remains were laid to rest in the Crookston Cemetery. JAMES A. JOHNSON. Jnne Weather. The following data have been com piled from the records of the local office of the Weather Bureau. The minimum temperature on June 21,3902 , which was 32 degrees , was the lowest temperature ever recorded at this station in June. The maxi mum temperature on the 10th , 100 degrees , was the second highest ever recorded during this month , making an extreme monthly range cf 68 de grees , the greatest on record for the month. Tne killing frost of the 21st was tne onl > killing frost ever occur- ing here during the month of June , the latest heretofore recorded having occurred on May 22,1892. Up to this time there has been a de ficiency of over an inch and a hall in precipitation during the month , al though showers have been frequent. Temperature during the mouth has been somewiiat below normal , decid edly so since the 10th , the daily tem perature averaging 7 degrees below normal since that time. N. M. CUNNINGHAM , Official in Charge. Ill is S t-ms to Hit th ? Spot An exchange observes that a boy can sit on a sled six inches square tied to a sled moving ninemiles an hour , bin i-an't sit on a > ofa five minutes lur u dollar. A man c n sit on an inch board and talk politics for three hours but put him into a comfortable church pew for forty minutes and he gets ner vous , twists and goes to sleep V man an pouch his cheeks u ith lobaci-o and the juice running down his chin leels 0ud ; but a hair in the butter simpl ) inocks him out completely Chadron Journal. Court in Sioux County The term of court that was to have been held by Judge Harrington on the 28th of May , was opened by the sheriff Alex Lowry , every day for four days , there being present only the sheriff and clerk Wni. J. A. Kaurn. The Judge tailed to come and also failed to notify the clerk , that he could not be here , so to fulfil the law as required by statute the court had to pe opened each day as ai ove stated t o s > ioux county has had district court for four oays without a ludge. Harrison Press-Journal. Score Another Point for Jnclge Westover. After deliberating six days , six nights and eight hours , the jury in the Jahnke case brought m a \ erdict ot murder in the first degree , assigning August F Jahuke to a life term m the state Peni- .eutiary. . Judge Westover has beon ughly complimented for his action and ruling in this case. The jury agreed not to agree , so the judge sent them back with the understanding that they must , and the above verdict was the result of this ruling , We have always admired the judge for his firmness and our admiration only increases in this case. Jurors forget some times that they owe their country as well as their fellowman some consideration and this disagreeing of jurors is an easy way of getting out of deciding one way or the other. We only wish we had more such judges as Judge Westover , then jurors would lealize they must ace and not play boy. Oliver Olson the accom plice in this murder gets 20 years in the ueuitentiary and Alfred Jahuke the son of the convicted murderer was turned Loose as there was not sufficient evi dence to make him a party to the rime Harrison Press-Journol. Wanted Men to put up 800 acres of hay at Kilgore. Jb RANK ROTHLEUTNER. For Sale One iron-wheeled hay wagon , 1 8x16 hay rack. 1 12-foot wagon box , 1 top buggy , 2 sets light buggy harness , 2 sets heavy Concord harness. 23tf SHERMAN & SAVAGE. Estray Notice , Strayed from my place three miles east of Ft. Niobrara , one bay horse branbed 80S On left hip and r ? ft on OQ r IvM left shoulder. Will pay reas * * vm on- * * raM"M able reward for information leading to recovery of same. 22-4 JOE BRISTOL. Order of Hearing nud Xotice on Pe tition for settlement of Account. In the County Court of Cherry County , Nebras ka. STATE OP NEURASKA , \ CHEKRY COUNTY , J To Nora. A , Balch. Avidow Karl B. Balch , R , Paul Balrh , T. Creig Balch , Blanch Balch. Ruth Balch and all persons interested in the estate of Thomas C Balch , deceased. On reading the petition Nora A. Balch , ad ministrator , praying a nual settlement and al lowance ot her account filed in thin Court on the 14th day of June. 1902. It is hereby ordered that you and all persons interested in said mat ter may , and do , appear at the County Court to be held in and for said County , on the 12th day of Julv. A , D 1902 , at 10 o'clock a m , to show cause , if any there be , why the prayer of the petitioner should not be granted , and that no tice of the pendency of said petition and the hearing thereof be given to all persons interest ed in said matter by publishing a copy of this order in the VALENTIXE DEMOCRAT , a weekly newspaper printed in said county , for 3 ucces- , . Hive weeks prior to said day of hear- ? s EAL } ing. W , B. TOWNE , I.-Y * . ' 53-3 County Judge , tf W _ y 5s , A Defiance to the Sun Most paints are but n. poor protection from the sun. The sun's rays cannot penetrate the perfect protection ration's Sun ProofPalnts given , house. It IB u permanent painting out of everything that cun injure walla or roof a defiance to the sun. Ration's Paints are made of the purest materials , accurately mixed by powerful machines making every can alike and render It possible to inutrantce the paint in every can to wear well for five yearH. It usually lasts twice as long. Send for our freo book of paint knowledge , or write for anything you want to know about paint. PATTON PAINT COMPANY , Milwaukee , Wis. For Sale by Valentine Nebraska Business Notices. Notices under this heading 3 cents per Hn" each insertion. Among reading matter , 10 cents per line each insertion. Full and complete line of candies at Bohle's. Fine stock of cigars always carried at Bohle's. Buy your bread , cakes and Dies at Bohle's. Fresh every day. All kinds of heavy hardware and waffon wood stock at E. Breuklanders. 20-tf Highest market price paid for Chickens , Game and Msh at the Don- oher. 9 tf Ilot air furnace suitable to heat a 10 or 12 room house for sale at the Dono- her hotel. J. C. WEBD. I want to buy 200 or 300 black mul- ey cows and calves. Address , giving ull description and price , 20-4 F. W. JERSIG , Valentine. You will have to hurry if you want io win the big prize on 3-Star Coffee. A 30c value for 20c a pound. For sale by all merchants. 20-4 Lee's Lice and Mite Killer is a liquid coal tar product , heavily charged with gases which kill insects without having to touch them. It is used by sprinkling on roosts for poultry , on bedding for tiogs. It is vastly superior to the weak , mort , diluted imitations often offered as a substitute at a few cents less in price. It is endorsed by all experienced poulty and hog raisers. The genuine is sold by Quigley & Chapman. Ranch for Sale or ! Leasc ! ! 16 quarter sections , good range , hay water and timber. Will run 300 head of stock. For information address , box no. 154 , Gordon Nebr. or I. M. RICE , Valentine , Nebr. 42-tf Kates for the Fourth The F. E. & M. Y. have made a rate of one and one-third fare within a dis tance of 200 miles , for the Fourth of J uly. Tickets on sale July 3rd and 4th good to return until July 7th. Estray Notice Estrayed from the Vincent place near Arabia on the night of May 23rd 1902 , two four year old bay mares , branded ZO on left shoulder. Weight about 1200 to 1300 Ibs. each. Liberal reward for information leading to their recovery. 4t W. E. EBEKHAKT. Estray Notice 'Taken up at my place , 8 miles north west of Valentine , on May 24th , one light sorrel horse 4 years old , weight about 750 pounds , left shoulder caved in. Branded 0Mfc on left shoulder and L on left § Q | hip 22-5 R. F. PETTYCREW. Estray Notice. Taken up at my place , 2 miles east of Crootston , on June 7 , 1902 , 1 brown horse branded BD on left thigh about 3 years old ; also 1 buckskin horse , branded on right shoulder , about 2 years old , ED PIKE , 22-5 Crookston , Nebr. Estray Notice. Strayed from my place nine miles northwest of Valentine , on April 27th , one bay mare four years old , white strip on face , slim built and rangy , weight about 650 pounds , branded 60 on left shoulder and on left hip. Also one iron gray 9O mare about 6 yearsold , weight Hill about 1,000 ; old scars on points of shoulders , brand ed J-C on left shoulder. Suitable re ward for information leading to their recovery. A. S. GRAEFF. Estray A'otlce Taken up at my place at Kennedy/one small red heifer , no brands or oar marks. Has been at my place all winter. Fit AS It S. PAUKER , 22-o Kennedy , Nebraska. Bids will be received by the undersigned until June 25,1902 at 12 o'clock for the construction of a three story slone and brick hotel. Bids for masonry and carpenter work maybe separate or combined , and including material or for ma terial furnished by me except stone which is al ready on the ground and work is to begin at once. Plans and specifications may be seen at the Donoher hotel. I reserve the right to re ject any or all bids. J. C. WKBB , Yalemine , 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE TRADE MARKS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS Ac. Anyone sending a sketch nnd description may quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an Invention Is probably patentable. Communica tions strictly conlldeiitinl. Handbook on Patents sent free. Oldest nitency for securing patents. Patents taken through Munn k Co. receive special notice , without charge. In the Scientific American. A handsomely Illustrated weekly. Lamest cir culation of any scientific journal. Terms. $3 a year : four months , fL Sold by all newsdealer * . MUNN & Co.36'B''adNew York Branch Office. G25 F St. Washington. D. C. SWEENEY BROS. Postofflce address Pullman , Neb , Cattle branded as on cut ; horses branded same as cattle except | reversed St See block Range Stever and Stephenson Lakes and South S300 re ward will be paid to any person for in. formation leading to the arrest and conviction of any person or persons stealing cattle with the above brand. D , A , Ilancock % Blackburn , Mo. fir Simeon. Nebraska Cattle branded on " left side as on cut ; IrBS ! also 16 on left side witii iz on left hip of T B3 I some cattle ; also SiO on right side. Horse brand , rake and 16 on left shoulder or hip Ilome ranch on Dewey Lake. Range on Niobrara River , east ot Fort Niobrara ; all in Cherry County. Nebraska * M. P. HALEY'S HOME MADE LINIMENT. This is a Spanish Herb Liniment. Cures Rheumatism , Swellings , Sprains , Bruises , Aches and Pains * Cures numbness in the limbs , restotes muscles to healthy and vigorous ac tivity. It is the great remedy for. Paralysis , Lame Back and Lumbagdj NOTICE : This Liniment has beeii * tested and proved to be a cure for the above described aliments ; M. P. HALEY , VALBSHSB , NEB ; Directions for using. Shake well and turn the mouth of the bottle onto a sponge or flannel cloth and apply upon the soreness or afflicted parts. Do not apply upon cuts or open sores. Shake the Dottle well before using. SEQTJAH (3267) Dark brown , Foaled Kov. 24th , I860. Sire " imrod" (1066) ) , by "Comet" (151) ( ) , by "Eclipse" (191) ( ) by "St. Giles7' (6STby ) "Wildfiro" ( S6T ) . Secpah's dam 2S9 Lady bird F. S. Yol. T by Eestless T. B ; Sequah's G. dam by Larrywheat ( T. B. ) He will stand for season of 1902 at Shermas's barn. J. "W. STETTEB. Owner *