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About Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930 | View Entire Issue (June 26, 1902)
Society f 5 * TH VALENTIN .f u THE FFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF OHERRY COUNTY , NEBRASKA VOLUME XVII VALENTINE , NEBRASKA , JUNE26 , 1902. NUMBER 23 Prospective Purchasers of the "Acorn Brand" jjj clothing can certainly & be congratulated on the O 03 sterlingworthjthestyle , ft the tone and fit of these f ] . . 0 ! garments. Our untir higzeal and great pur&j chafing power have enjj ablnd us to place them if k before yon this season | at prices that will pro- & 3 elude any question of | our clothing leadership g The. Red Front of" " it s not so hard to keep cool When you prepare lor tlie hot weather from our up-to-date wearing apparel. Summer Shirts and Shirt Waists & 60c. ' thine ' for swealv feet. Men's Ventilated Shoesiust % $ , will cure 'cm. The Lightest of Light-weight Underwear TAILOE , ANDCLOTHIE I Now is your time to buy lots in McDonald's Addition. Prices ranging from § 45,00 up. For further informa- | tion apply to W. E. HALEY * "u FOB RENT 40 Acres good land sontli of track. Has "been broken : : : : : : We are also selling J -il Line of General Merchandise f AtEed Bock Prices at our General Store in Crookston , Nebr. E. MCDONALD. P2 gr35S3S 5 l ! THE DONOHER C. WEKB. 1'roprletor. Is.the Best Equipped , most Comfortable , Largest and Best Tv/o-Dollars a-Day ± TIEST-ULAS8 MODERN HOTEi In Northwestern Nebraska Bath , Hot and Cold Water , Two Sample Kooms 4yALEHTLEE - HEBRASKA O O Anderson & Fischer , O O O o -DEALERS IN- o o 9o o Aents for the Quickmeal Gasoline Stoves and Ranges. © © o WE SELL THE- o G O o Piano Mower and Hay Rakes , g o e o CITIZENS MEAT/MARKE J. W > STETTER , PROP FRESH FRUIT AND IN THEIR SEASON First-class line of Steaks , Eoasts / Dry Salt Meats , Smoked I Ureakfast Bacon 4 > Do You Bead The.Democrat ? < ? * > - C i , . > . i 9 * TALK THE TOWNaro JSA -y-- " - - & o Dr. J. C. Dwyer has located ii Rushville.V Dr. E. J. Debell , of Rosebud was in town Saturday. The small boys are counting the days until the Fourth. Judge Walcott's mother and niece are visiting with him. B. B. Stone and wife , of Gor : don , visited friends in Valentine last Thursday. Miss Sadie Dewey left for Day ton , Wy. , Saturday evening , for a visit with her brother. W. A. Denny , of the western part of the county , was in town between trains last Thursday. Miss Viola Brosius drove to town Saturday with her father , who is still helpless from paraly sis. Mrs. J. GWilson , of Georgia , died last Friday afternoon. She has been an invalid for several years. Fred Whittemore , president of the Valentine State bank , has been putting in some time here lately. The mercury dropped to 32 Friday night and gave corn and garden stuff a setback that the people don't like. Mrs. Flowers and children left for Washington , Monday , to join Mr. Flowers , who went there some months ago. V Che.anual school , meetingj-wiil ; [ be held on the 30th , when two members of the board will be elected for three years. Paxton Hornback of Valentine attended the Epworth League banquet , last Thursday evening. Ainsworth Star-Journal. The Y's gave a party in Daven port's hall last Friday evening. About thirty-six were there and spent a pleasant e'yening. M. V. Nicholson returned from Lincoln , where he bad been at tending the republican state con vention , Monday morning. . Dr. Furay was summoned to Crookston a few days ago to at tend Miss Helen McDonald. Nothing serious is reported. John Bachelor has demonstrat ed that it pays to raise good stock by selling all his 1901 colts last week for § 25 per head , which is not so worse. JohnBullis , of Valentine , spent Sunday in the city. Mr. Bullis is head clerk in Geo. Hornby's store at that place. Ainsworth Star-Journal. Miss Stinard , of Valentine who has been visiting with the Misses Sisson for the past week , re turned Sunday night : Ains worth Herald. Glen Rowland , of Crawford , aged ten , dug a cave in the river bank and played in it with the usual result. The funeral was well attended. Oscar B. Weisflog , of1 Crooks- ton , and Miss Maud H. L. Markl , of Chicago , were married by Judge Towne , at his residence , on the 19th inst. Roy Searby , son of Ed Searby , was thrown from a horse last Friday and had his collar bone broken. Dr. Furay patched him up and made him good as new. Miles Wagner , of Wood Lake , was taken before Judge Towne last Friday on the charge of steal ing a job lot of stuff valued at $15 and received a sentence of thirty days in the county jail , The long-delayed iron workfoi the front of Jackson & Bray ton's new store has arrived and work will be pushed until the building is completed. The people at Oasis want it understood that they will cele brate the Fourth in the proper manner at Qiiisenbury's grove and want everybody aud the rest of the people to come and see how they do it. Frank Rothleutner brought his boy to town last Thursday with a dislocated shoulder.Vith the characteristic ingenuity of a Ne- braskan he repaired the 'injury , but brought the boy in to' make ure that everything was all right. He found that he had done a good job and there was nothing more to be done but to wait for the boy to get well again. . " ' George Van Buren and one McLaughlin were sentenced to Jive and seven years respectively in the penitentiary after having been found guilty of an informa tion charging theft of a mare of the value of $15 in Cherry coun ty. Because of an erroneous in struction by the trial court the case is reversed by the supreme court. The opinion is bv Judge Holcomb. World-Herald. The editor , accompanied by his son , Lawrence , went to the dem ocratic state convention , Monday morning , and from there to his old home in Kansas for a visit. He has left the devil in charge of 'the paper during his ab'sence-and he will have a devil of a time , if he don't lay up a cent. His only warning is to poets , who will be promptly thrown over the tran som. All who want to pay up during his absence will receive a hearty welcome and a receipt with i hand-made autograph on it. Phose who want to licit the editor please wait until the bos ? re turns , unless it is a , very urgent 3ase. 3ase.An An Oklahoma editor has adopt ed the following scale of prices , which should Ibe adopted by oth- jrs : "For telling that a man is a successful citizen when every- 3ody knows he : 'is lazier than a government mule , § 2.7o ; refer- ng to the deceased as one sin- : erely mourned by the entire a iommunity when he will bemissed > nly at the poker circle , $1.08 ; re erring to a Jady as one whom it s a pleasure to meet when every msiness man hikes when he sees Q ler coming , 83.19 ; calling a ° ) reacher an eminent divine , half ° . ' 3 ates , 00 cents ; sending a tough & o heaven with ppetry thrown in , oo S.OO. " o © o This quiet town was startled © me day last week by the report oQ oo .hat . someone had rounded up a Q o lerd of widows and brought them 3 10 town. It proved to be a fact © ind strong men turned pale and 3o led. The editor , who boards at o ; he Donoher , hardly dared go to © lis meals during their stay and oQ oo ic has gone to Kansas to recup- Q o irate , and the devil , when he had 0o Dusiness in that direction , made 0o o i sneak up the alley until he 0B < passed their stopping place. Webb , the cigarmaker , and Jay O [ vloffet , his helper , couldn't roll a o i cigar straight ; for several days G o but they have recovered from the 8o shock now. Al Thacher sudden 8Q 8S y remembered that he wanted Q o to visit a friend on. the reserva Q o tion and could hardly wait long 3o 3O enough to have the team hitched O up. They were all soldiers' wid- r\vs and they came here to home stead all the vacant land in Cher ry county , " ac Kid" Hosiery j ? KOI Mm. V.'rnif ii niul Childn u. Y m liuve tifod tlie rest Now try tlo best : : Evcrv psiir is irnarnntced " " " tovojir better and give t more satisfaction than auv other line of hosiery : : i > "Macey" Hooks and Ees Theojily kind. Every IS > hook has two loops in - * * front is. made v.'irh a j ; Bprinjx ami will never i'i > \ * * rust. The t\vo loops in [ front givea , 50 per cent fi-mer rii > on the cloth vr5f r-5f with the same amount of i I sewing. No thread under the bill : : : : : j * Hsn's aucl "Women's Eancy Stooks inVhie ; and Colors. DAVENPORT & THACHER FJ ff"8 O w ru-j GeneralMerchandise Merchandise AKD Groceries WAIT "N1 T7T' 1"Prf1"T CBOOKSTON itljcl w Hi. V jlijJL JL-Eulj XEBLIASKA Just Received a Car of a ck Salt.l [ W. A. Pettycrew , General Merchandise. 5 S\i JC GQ O. can .have , them plain or with sets , elaborately arved orno . cawing at jour 'finger ncl let us lit it up for . W , Morey , The OM Reliable Jeweler. Our stock is now complete and consists of t The Eclipse , Fairbanks-Morse Galvanized y Steel , and Wind Motors : : : : : : o Our display of Buggies is the Largest and ? Finest ever brought to Cherry County John Deere riding and walking Listers , John Deere riding and walking o and walking Cultivators aufl sledges. Stirring and Breaking Plows. : o NX Moline and Banner Wagons | o McOormick Mowers and : Eakes o o 3ane Sweeps Superior Stackers 1 flfc Our stock oi : Lumber and Builders' Materials is the largest and a O most complete ever carried here. Come and examine 8o 8e onr stock and let us give you our price ; : . e o 9.o . o 9.o O o oSoooGooCoOoQoQoso0oco(3OQoo9oec0occoOc@oso0oco ( GET THIS YOUR - OFFICES : We Can Satisfy You in Oualitv Price and Workmanship