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About Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930 | View Entire Issue (June 19, 1902)
Mrs. D. Arnold , President German Woman's Club , Grand Pacific Hotel , Los Angeles , CaL , Relieved of a Tumor by' Lyclia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. " DEAR MRS. PINKHAM : I suffered four years ago with a tumor in my womb , and the doctors declared I must go to the hospital and un dergo an operation , which I dreaded very much and hesitated to submit. " My husband consulted an old friend who had studied medicine , If although he was not a practising physician ; and he said he believed that ! Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound would cure me. That same day I took my first dose , and I kept it up faithfully until twelve bottles had been used , and not only did the tumor dis : appear , but my general health was very much improved and I had not felt so well since I was a young woman. " As I have suffered no relapse since , and as I took no other med icine , I am sure that your Compound restored my health and I believe saved my life. " MRS. D. ARNOLD. $5000 FORFEIT IF THE ABOArE LETTER IS NOT GENUINE. When women are troubled with irregular , suppressed or painful menstruation , weakness , leueorrhcBa , displacement or ulceration of the womb , that bearing-do wii fcHing. inflammation of the ovaries , backache , bloating ( or flatulence ) , geneiv.i debility , indigestion , and nervous pros tration , or am be.-vt v.ith such - ymptoms as dizziness , faintness , lassitude , excitability , irritabiiii ) . ivrusness , sleeplessness , melancholy , "all- gone , " and "wiint-to-be-lei'-alone" feelings , blues , and hopelessness , they should remember tin-re is one tried ami triv remedy. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound at once " - inves such troubles , Refuse to buy any other medicine , for you need tLo best ilullu , Henry. I didn't think it quite right for the hoys on the sreet to cull out to the Prince , "Hello , Hemy ! " or "Where is Henry ? ' ' But the Prince did not seem to mind. He answered jn kind. "Hello ! " he would answer , or "Here I . " "I " am. am Henry. or , with his finger printing to his breast , "Here is Prince Pleury , " If they said. "Hello , Piince : how are youV" he would say , "All right ; how are you ! " Admiral Evans , in McClure's. McClure's.j j _ Couldn't Straighten Up. Breed , Wis. , June Kith. Charles P. Peterson of this place. Justice of the Peace for Oconto County , tells the following story : , "For years I had an aching pain in my back , which troubled me very much , especially in the morning. "I was almost unable to straighten my bnck and the pain was unbearable. "I did not know what it was. but see ing an advertisement of Uodd's Kidni y Pills. I concluded to try a box. "I can only say that that one box nlone has done me more goodthan any- thing else ever did. "I 'feel as well now as ever I was. "I uave recommended Dodd's Kidney Pills to several others who are using them with good results. " * Mr. Peterson is a highly respected man and one who would not so posi tively make a statement unless it was absolutely true. Orders have been issued in India for the return to store of all ammu nition containing dum-dum bullets. Mrs. Winslow's SOOTHIMS sVKUP for teelhlnpolten > - the KUIIIK , ri-duces inrtaniAtion allaj s pain , cm e > mil colic. 25u bottle Argentina has ordered two iron- clads superior in strength to those recently ordered by hili in England. Henry A. Salzer , the well-known Wisconsin seedsman , gives the last thousand dollars to wipe out the debt of the La Crosse Y. M. C. A. The tirst regulacontract to pick cotton by machinery has recently been closed at Greenville , Miss. There ts more catarrh 7n nils section of ti country than all other diseases put together , and nntil the last few years was .supjx > ea to be in curable. For : i great niany > eirs doc-tors pro nounced it a local dUra e. and prescribed local remedies , and by constantly falling to cure with local treatment , pronounced It inrurabl0. science lias proton catarrh to bo a constitutional dis ease , and therefore requires constitutional treat ment. Hall's Catarrh Cure , manufacture. ! by F. J. Cheney & . Co. . Toledo. Ohio. is > the omvOD - ctltutional cure on tnc market. It is taken in ternally in do us from 10 drot to a tf.-isi ooniuL. It acts directly on the blood and miicouMir - faces of tho system. They olfer one hundred dollars for anj case it falls to cure. Send foi circulars and testimonials. Addreb. F. J. CHKNEY & CO. , Toledo , 0 , BET-Sold by Druggists , 7o . Hall's Family 1'flls are the bo.-L The Social Economics club of Chi cago , composed of Chicago women , has six colored women among its members Do Your Feet Ache and Burn ? Shake into your shoes Allen's Foot- | Ease , a powder for the feet. It makes tight or New Shoes feel Easy. Cures , Corns. Bunions , Swollen. Hot and Sweating Foot. At all Druggists and Shoe Stores , LMc. Sample sent FREE. Address Allen S. Olm. ted. Lelloy. N. Y. There are three things about the North Pole that have never been dis covered exactly where it is what it is , and why it is. Two bottles of Piso's Cure for Con sumption cured me of a terrible cough. Fred Hermann , 209 Box avenue , Buffalo , N. Y. , Sept. 24 , 1901. Tewnty-five volumes of books in Braille type for the use of blind readers have been presented to the Liverpool public libraries. It is far ensier to keep the ordinary wolf fr' rn the door than it is to keep the "r 4olf" out of office. ; Kirnberley. South Afiica , will erect a statue of the la'.j Queen Victoria on coronation day. IF XOU USE BA L BLUE , Get Red Cross Ball Rlue. the beat Ball Blue. Large 2 oz. packsige only 5 cents. A new thing in the way of reflect ors for electric lamps is one made of mica. I . YJBKfcOW CLOTH ES ARK UNSIGHTLY.tlj Keep them white-with Red 'ross Hall Blue All grocers sell large 2 oz. pnckage , 5 ceuts. The miners are the wealthiest and the best organized of all French trade unious. PUTNAM FADELESS DYES are fast to sunlight , washing1 and rubbing. Mexico's navy is the smallest in the world in proportion to the poputl lation. ' According to Jie New York Sun , there aic at i st lO.OCU persons in , this country who ari victims of mor ' phine The Medical News makes the1 startling statement that 10 per cent of American phys cians are slaves to opium in some foifn. Physicians are to a great extent responsible for the growth of this dangerous habit. They are too ready to presciibe morphine and other se- datives on the slighest provocation , with the result that the patient soon begins to lean upon these brokai en reeds for support , whenever a spell of sickness comes on. What is believed to he the largest book that has ever been made was finished a few days ago at Los An geles , Cal. It is a register for the Chamber of Commerce of that city , and will contain , when filled , more than li'5'OOO names. It weighs 824 pounds and comprises 4,800 pages. The oldest piece of writing in the world is on a of a vase found in Nippur. It is an inscrip tion in picture writing , and dates 4,500 years befnre Christ. The Uni versity of Peunsylvaaia has se cured it. WIii > lcfr& Were Unpopular. ' 1 suppose I \\ill surprise my young readers , " writes T. P. O'Con nor , "when 1 tell them I remember the time when a man who wore a beard was regarded as something of a phenomencn , and , indeed , as scarcely gentlemanly , but so it was. At the bar a young barrister who I wore a beard or a moustache would so outrage the etiquette of the profession that he would be refused a hearing si by some judges and by others so ru sneered at as to make solicitors un- ed willing to employ him. A judge who of has only just left the bench professed one day , while he was listening to a junior not to understand what he er was saying and when' , at last , the tli unfortunate junior began to shout the judge sweetly remarked that it was very difficult to understand any gentleman wbo insisted on putting ' a hair screen oo his upper lip. ' ti ro Monument to Geo Polk. A monument to the memory of m Lieut. Gen : Leondias Polk , has been erected on Pine Mountain , or Fountain PenComplete. . 2Sc. a bargain , to Intro duce our catalogue of vtandard and meritorioiib goods. j Kaye-Je ? e Co. . Lexington , Ky.f m Men and Women over 30 Curious und indispensable in'ornidtlon M-III upon your jx-quest. Satlsfctlontoiar- av nteed. Empire Chemical Co. , 176 KuvliJAve. . Cleve- > f land , O. - r71 US ! t 1 1 1 } Handy New Barrel. For farmers who preserve and ox- port fruit , as well as for growers , but ter merchants , sea captains anil many' t > thers. a new barrel has much interest , j In order to ascertain the condition of i fruit or provisions which are stored in j an ordinary barrel a man must cither empty the barrel or , at any rate , re move the greater portion of its con tents. If he uses this new barrel , how ever , all this trouble will be unneces sary , since one of its staves is mov able and whenever he desires to inspect the contents of the barrel all he need do is to move this stave to one side. After he has satisfied himself that the contents arc in ir > od condition he j can replace tmstave , and it will < be i held firmly in proper position by the i hoops. Another advantage is that in this way fresh air can at any time be ad mitted to all parts of the barrel , and ! I ISAKItCL. . . tliiit this will prove a boon in the case of * fruit and provisions is undoubted. A frooil Seed Bed. The importance of having land made well pulverized and mellow before seeds are sown or planted in it is not all in the fact that the roots penetrate Jj it better when so than when it is in coarse lumps , and thus find more eas- Hy : the plant food that is in it , though this is an important consideration , but It is true that the seed germinates more P rapidly after two or three days , and d niw with some varieties a week , before it conies up in soil that is but half work- - ed. in which , by the way , much see * ! may fail to germinate at all. The soil 'that is fine and mellow tits closely , around the seed and gives a supply of j moisture to all parts alike. It excludes j the drying air. and yet it is more even- ly warmed by a bright sun , which helps to draw up moisture from below by capillary attraction. An extra Jay spent in putting a Held in good c.ondi- j tion before the seed is put in will not only hasten the growth and maturity of the crop , but will increase its amount. Exchange. Inexpensive Corn Marker. Many of the expensive corn markers are quite complicated , hence farmery give up using them and go back to the old methods. The one shown in the Illustration is simple and so so inexpenw sive to construct that any farmer with \ \ considerable area to put into corn AVill tiud it well worth having. The construction can be readily soen p from the cut. and by following the di mensions given one ought to experi ence no ditficulty in making this mark er It is designed , as will be seen , for two horses. Each of the three runners d < Is two feet long and made of twobytl ( ? 3 * u A SIMPLE COHX MARKER. we , ix : stuff. Planks are attached to the unners a shown , and the pole fasten- d to the center , running by a series f bolts with nuts. tor The side arm is fastened to the sled qu rith a swivel and is reversible. In op- tro ration a rope is siinplj * attached to the : lie shoe of the marker and the other cia ud hooked to the singletree. The inark- \vi r is thus held taut , but by having it n a swivel and using the rope as sug- esred there is no danger of its being roken by coining in contact with tinrj : tones or heavy clods. For the usual rj ows three and one-half feet apart , the ne rm is teu and one-half feet long and 3 lade of two-inch material. ch Bran and Shorts. egl When we speak of shorts for stock 1 poultry feeding we mean that which poi entitled to the name. We do not kei keiI lean bran that has been reground to I lake It finer , and especially would we bU void it if we thought that the cause COf the regrinding was that the bran ed ad been wet , soured and caked up. A fia few years ago a neighbor complained to us that his cows were not giving their usual amount of milk , and worn growing lean , and some of them Aere scouring badly. The ration he was feed ing seemed to be in the right propor- lions , and his ensilage was good. Aftei examining all else , we asked to see UK shorts , which he fed quite liberally. We saw it , we sinelled of it , and then we tasted of it Although it looked and smelled all right , the table was enough to reveal that it was as soui as any pickle. All the good qualities had been destroyed by overheating when damp , and while the regrliullny had reduced the caked lumps and talc- en away the sour smell , it had not re stored the feeding value. And of thai it probably never had any more thaii coarse bran and the sweepings of the mill that might have been added to it New England Homestead. Feeder for Calvea or Colts. About the biggest nuisance on tin farm is the young calf or colt that won't learn to drink milk from a pail until after repeated efforts have almost made the farmer give up in disgust , but , as this is the way these animals usually behave , the labor saving ar rangement pictured below will find ready approval among those whose duty it is to care for the > 2 animals. All that it is necessary to do with this apparatus is to attach one end to a fence , hang the pail in the cen ter and attach the calf to the outer end for a few feedings , and after that Ji j will see to the attaching himself , as far as his end is concerned. It is.not nat ural for a calf to drink at the age they are usually compelled to begin , and oiitj of the results is that when the animal does learn to drink , it swallows the milk so rapidly that an attack of in digestion is sure to follow. Fumigate the A desire is sometimes expressed bj poultry keepers for a box for fumigat ing fowls. The larger poultry supply houses have such in stock and one ia shown herewith. The essentials are a tight box with a hole so arranged thai the bird's head is outside the box. The space around the bird's neck must be packed to prevent escape of smoke. During the operation the legs are tied to keep the fowl steady. The tobacco stems or similar material must be so placed as to avoid risk of fire oricci - dent. A smoking of this kind should last three or four hours , and is the best j FOR FUMIGATING FOWLS. ray to quickly clear insects from a sit ing hen or other badly infested fowl. Jrease the bird's head before smok- ig , to clear the lice from that part. 'arm and Ilouie. Groivinj ; Beans. Neither the gardens nor field beans eed a very strong heavy soil. They o better on a light loam , rather siiudy lsan clayey. It is warmer than tho lay or muck soil , and thus admits of . 'Ing planted earlier , " and the bean is hnost tropical in its liking for hot readier and warm laud. If the soil made too rich the vines may grow rank as to shade the ground , keep- ig it cold , which results in less beans , nd there is more tendency to spot or nst on a damp , cold soil. Barnyard lanure is better than that from the orse stables , as the bean needs but ttle nitrogen. Like clover , it gath- rs nitrogen by means of the noduleaj its roots. The manure should be re Tell rooted , and fresh manure should fo ever be used. American Cultivator. Cc Incubating : Turkey so Turkeys can be hatched , in incuba rs equally as well as chicks. They re- uire identical treatment. There is no rouble hatching them , but raising iem by hand is another - ially those not far removed from the ild blood. Farm Hints. Neighborhoods must pull together in iese times. The man who has not an inborn fond- ess ; for horses should raise the steer. B2 Milk is a great egg food , as It is if bemically ( similar to the white of an gg- ggThere There is only one way of making oultry mature early , and that is to eep them growing. English beans are upright , rank , ushy : growers and have large , oval , Dorse pods , and they are usually shell- ion and eaten as peas. They are rich in [ avor. To Preserve * Purify , and Beautify the Skin * H&nds. , and iothing Eauais R TRILLIONS of WOMEN Use CUTICURA SOAP , assisted 1V1 by Cuticura Ointment , the great skin cure , for preserving : , , purifying , and beautifying the skin , for cleansing the scalp of crusts , scales , and dandruff , and the stopping of falling hair , for softening , whitening , and soothing red , rough , and sore hands , for baby rashes , itchings , and chafings , in the form of baths for annoying irritations and inflammations , or too free or offen sive perspiration , in the form of washes for ulcerative weaknesses , and many sanative , antiseptic purposes which readily suggest themselves to women , especially mothers , and for all the purposes of the toilet , bath , and nursery. No other medicated soap is to be compared with it for preserving , purifying , and beautifying the skin , scalp , hair , and hands. No other foreign or domestic toilet soap , however expensive , is to be compared with it for all the purposes of the toilet , bath , and nursery. Thus it combines in ONE SOAP at ONE PRICE , the BEST skin and complexion , soap , and the BEST toilet and baby soap in the world. COMPLETE TREATMENT FOR EVERY HUMOUR , $1. * C insisting of CuxiCL'UA. SOAP " 20c. ) , to cleanse the skin of crusts M I < and stales , and-.often the tliic.keued ctit.ele ; CUTIUUUA OIATMBMV * (50u. ( ) , to lusuintly allay itrhinir , inflammation , and irritation , and goothe and heal ; and ctrncifUA IU.-or.vK.NT J'JI.LS ( i'x ; ) , to r ol and cleanse the blood. A SINGLE afrr in oltun aulliclont to cure the THE SET $1 ino ttortunTir , ( liMlsrurlnjr , and humiiistJ.i * skin , fcoalj ) , and blood Humours , with lost , of hair , when ail cine lails.old ui'ougi.uul tho world. British Depot : 27-28 , Charterhouse Sq. , London. French Depot. 5 Hue de la Pair , Paris ; , PoriEK DK0G AND CHUI. COKi' . , aole Props. , Boaton , I. a. A. CUTICURA RFSOLVENT Pn.r.d ( Chocolate Coated ) are a new , Untelesa , odourless , econom ical subotitute for the celebrated liquid ( JuriCUitA RF.soLrriT. a a wHI a for all 'ther blood purifier * and humour ctiri"j. p.ll is equivalent to oue tujipooaful of liquid KCBOLVKNT. Put up in screw-cap pocket , containing tJO doses , price : ; < : . n teM 8CIT Double Daily Service FREE RECLINING CHAIR CARS ON NIGHT TRAINS. For Information or Rates , cell upon or neartat or * S. M. ADSIT , G. P. A. . # ST. JOSEPH. MO. Chronic Constipation Cured. The most important discovery of j ecent ( years is the positive remedy j or : constipation. Cascarets Candy' Cathartic. Cure guaranteed. Genu- ne tablets stamped C. C. C. Never old in bulk. Druggists , zoc. Skin of Beauty is a Joy Forever. DK. T. FELIX OOURACU'S ORIEXTA1. CREAM , OB MAGICAL \UTIFIKR Re a ores Tan.l'impliw , Freck le * , Moth Paichei , and 3km di easei. and everj blfim- i&hoa beaatr.aid Jhn stood the test I lot 56 year * , and I ' .is BO harmlM * wa 1 taitaittobemireit ' U prop rl7 made. Accept no counter feit of imilar name. Dr. L. A. Sayra said to a lady of the haat- , ton ( n p-.tient : \ "As you ladies Trill Inse theia.Irecoin- I raena 'Gourcud's Croam'astheleB't baneful of all the Akin prhpnra- ( . " Tor ttl by all Dragxist * and f'uncv-Gr > od lealer * In the U. S .Canada and Enrop . FREIKT. OPKIN9 , Pr priu > , rS7 Qr * t JOUM St. , N. Y. 3Iuny Uro i 11 phlei of Talinnj ; . ' . Hefure arrai.gements li id been completed for the funeral of Rev. T. DeWitt Tai naue seven bicuraphiea of th it nld clergyman ware on , the maiko" . Otlicial menu lies and biographies are yet to claim attcn-j tlon. Common sen e is ofteri butcommonr sympathy with all. m Iwl LIBBY Lusicheofis We seal th product in ker-openinst cans. Turn koyanrl jou find tho iceut e.ootly a it Joit us. Wapotthaiaupiiithj-tway Potted . BccT and Tongue , Ox Tongnc i Hflo/e ) . Veal L nf , Deviled tiam. Brisket Beet , Sliced Smoked Beet. All Xkturul KlmYor food * . PulatuMe aiiU wholetomie. Your gioour should have them. Llbby , McNcill & Llbby , Chicago TO MARK GOOD THINGS TO EAT"will oa gene frea if joa a > k ui. DZTECTITKJ Z rr lor fty. f-o4 n.rr. ' nper iirr. IntcnuSonil DUaT AJ IX-J , Htia . Wfc. llfRSThoinpson'sEyeWgie ! N.N.U. NO. 724-25 YORK. NEB. .