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About Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 25, 1900)
1 At jVf f I 11 w f 18 i f t m I u W iS f IH J f 4 i I J V t GOV POYTNER AOMIN FEW LEAVES FROM THE FOR MER COVENORS RECORDS WHICH HAVE BEEN WORRY ING THE REPUBLICAN OFFICE kSEEKER NEBRASKA NEVER FARED BETTER It Would Take Hunders of Columns of Type To Recite the Thousands of Good Admin estratlve Acts of the FusIonOffIcIaIs which Saved the State Millions of Dollars Lifted ths State out of Disgrace andJHas Crowned It With Honor To ail Citizens Alike Lincoln Neb Oct 2 In the admin Is tration of Governor William A Poyn ter the public affairs of the state of Ne braska have been well conserved He has well and closely guarded all of the states interests He has been conserva tive in all his official acts and at all times alert to promote and advance the welfare of all the people of the commonwealth In the early and most trying- days of his administration he was confronted with many grave prob lems all of which he successfully treat ed with honor to the state and credit to himself THE SUGAR BOUNTY Upon the theory of encouraging the beet sugar industry in this state the republican legislature of 1895 passed an act authorizing the payment of a bounty of 100 per ton to be paid to the growers of sugar beets This act was passed over the veto of Silas A Holcomb the governor of the state at that time For some reason best known to themselves this same republican legislature failed to make any provision in the way of an appropriation to meet the claims that would naturally arise as a result of the passage of such an act Governor Poynter in his inaugural address to the legislature of 1899 also republican treating upon this subject said I am individually and the party of which I am a member is opposed absolutely to the protective policy of taxing one industry for the upbuilding of another but my party is not now nor has it ever been at any time either in theory or practice in favor of re pudiation in the Smallest degree The legislature having made a bad bargain for the state should not be relieved of that bargain by a subterfuge or upon technicalities The sugar bounty act of 1895 has created a number of just claims against the state which are now In the hands of the farmers who grew the sugar beets I recommend that you make provision for the payment of all claims arising from the act of 1S95 which may be presented by the actual growers of sugar beets in the state whenever such claims ara properly at tested by certificates of weights from the proper authorities That provision for payment of these claims was not made is well known and brands the republican party as a party of repudiation and as falsely pretending to promote and foster one of the states industries VETO OF SUBTERFUGE RESOLU TION The legislature of 1899 in its pre tended love for the volunteer soldier then in the Philippine islands in an adroitly constructed resolution at tempted to secure the governors offi cial approval of the policy of the pres ent republican national administration 3n its war in the Philippines The gov ernor in his message to the legislature Strongly approved of the vote of thanks in the following words No one has a higher regard for the bravery and gallantry of our brave soldiers in the far away Philippines -than I No encomiums that can be spoken for them would exceed the bounds of propriety The state of Ne braska is and has a just right to be proud of the First Nebraska volunteers We acknowledge with gratitude and joy the debt the state owes them by reason of the honor conferred upon it by their valor We pledge the honor of the state that to the living shall be accorded worthy distinction and to the dead all that can be given the dead a fitting memorial to their fame But regarding the conflict then car ried on he said J4Icannot stultify myself and the ikm judgment of the thinking people of this commonwealth by giving offi cial approval to the statement that the war of conquest now carried on in theJ far away Philippines is in defense of the principles of our government and is adding new glory to our flag The governor after much effort final Jy succeeded In obtaining from the re purflican legislature the small appropri ation of 2000 to be used for the com fort of the sick and wounded Nebraska volunteers then in the field When it is remembered that the state had about 4000 volunteers it is readily seen how munificent the gift He did more When the general government had or dered the First Nebraska regiment mustered out of the service at San Francisco the volunteer was practically left stranded The governor Immedi ately set about to secure transporta tion home for the regiment The state having no appropriation available for M PfflWttttlSWfilJP flS JJrt 0 lu I ilfi I iy Hi ers of whom it was said They had their vaults overflowing with money These bankers were asked to advance the necessary funds and take the pledge of the credit of the state and receive reimbursement from the next legisla ture The bankers did n6t respond to his appeal The governor then ap pealed to the railroads of the state to bring the members of the regiment to their homes and carry the account until the next session of the legislature should repay them As is well known by all the railroads absolutely refused to carry a single soldier home under these conditions The governor then made appeal directly to the people of the state on similar conditions and most noble was the response More than enough money over 40000 was sent to the governor in hundreds of loving contributions and in less than twenty four hours and the mem bers of the First regiment returned to their homes without having to pay railroad fare from their scanty sav ings or appeal to friends for assistance And yet still more did the governor do than raise the money necessary to bring the boys home He hurried across mountain and plain thousands of miles to be present to receive and extend to the boys of the gallant First the wel come of the state of Nebraska on their arrival at the Golden Gate In the face of what the governor did for the volunteer soldiers the oppositions charge that he vetoed a resolution of thanks extended to them is a gratui tous insult to every member of the First Nebraska regiment Actions speak louder than words and the good actually accomplished by the governor for the returning sdldiers was of more lasting benefit lo them than the en dorsement of unamerican principles cunningly concealed under a mantel of love THE ASSESSMENT OF RAILROADS As a member of the state board of equalization in the matter of levying the annual assessment of the railroads the governor acted on what he believed would be for the administration of equity and justice between the rail roads and the balance of the taxpayers of the state By an investigation of the assessment rolls he became aware that the valuation of all otlier property ex cept railroad property taken as a whole had been constantly reduced by the assessors year by year for the past three years at least whereas railroad property -has been held at practically the same assessed valuation during that period The result of this has been that in 1893 the railroads paid 14 7 10 per cent of the state taxes in 1894 15 2 10 per cent In 189o 14 8 10 per cent in 1896 15 2 10 per cent in 1S97 15 per cent in 1898 15 6 10 per cent and in 1899 15 4 10 per cent so that although the valuation of the railroads has not been raised materially during the past two years yet the reduction of the val uation of other property has been such that the railroads bear a great portion of the taxation of the state today than they did in 1893 and have continued to do so since that time In speaking of the reduction of the valuation of other property the record reveals trhat in 1898 31139348 acres of land were assessed at 578515838 while in 1899 31358021 acres were assessed at 77890017 An increase of 218673 acres and a decrease in the assessed valuation of 628821 The same com parison also exists in the matter of personal property Everyone realizes that being an active farmer the gov ernor has no pecuniary interest what ever in any railroads or other cor porations yet as governor of the state of Nebraska he felt it his duty to dea justly with all of the people and the various interests of the state PARDONS The opposition press has at divers times heralded to its readers the asser tion that the governor has been free handed in extending executive clem ency to convicts sentenced to the peni tentiary and that he has issued a large number of pardons without warrant of law The facts are that in the first twenty months of his administration not a single pardon has been granted During this time he has only commuted the sentences of nineteen convicts and remitted three fines and jail sentences out of a total of one hundred and forty-two applications for executive clem ency Governor Crounse in two years granted twenty five pardons commut ed or shortened the sentences of twenty-six others and remitted eight fines and jail sentences Governor Holcomb in his two years issued ninety commu tations four pardons and remitted eleven fines and jail sentences Com pared with his predecessors Governor Poynters pardon record requires no apology DISEASES AMONG DOMESTIC ANI MALS For years there has been on the statute book of the state a law provid ing for a state veterinamn and three live stock agents whose duty it is to investigate all cases of contagious and infectious diseases among domestic an imals of the state Successive legisla tures have failed to make provision to meet the expenses of this board Tear by year as our stock industry develops the necessity for the services of a competent veterinarian have become more pressing The demands upon the governors for a veterinarians services of late years have become urgent and In order that the stock interests of the purpose he appealed to the bank- state might receive the protection to A which it is entitled Governor Poynter asked the last legislature to make the necessary appropriation in order that the contemplations of the law might be carried out but his appeal in the inter est of one of the states greatest indus tries fell by the wayside at the hands of a legislature elected on a platform to redeem the state and give it a business administration Handicap ped as the governor has been for want cf funds he has done everything in his powers to protect this as well as every other material interest of the state BEATRICE AFFAIR The governors selection of a super intendent for the Institute for Feeble Minded Youth at Beatrice proved un- fortunate but as soon as he was In pos session of the facts showing existing conditions he ordered his removal and appointed a tried and experienced man in his place That the change was de layed was caused by an order ofthe dis trict court which upon hearing the case dismissed the action after which an appeal to the supreme court was taken by the defendant Upon a sub sequent action being brought before the same court the obstreperous superin tendent was ousted since which time the institution is in the hands of an able and efficient superintendent and all interests are being properly cared for While some of the governors warm est friends urged him to take forcible possession of the Beatrice Institution he sedulously avoided that method of procedure because of his abiding and unfaltering faith in the honesty in tegrity and sufficiency of the courts Relying upon this faith he felt reas sured that the states best interest and his own constitutional prerogative would be preserved By his action showing as it does a deep respect for that great department of civil govern ment the judiciary through which we receive the interpretation of the law the governor has set an example that all good citizens may well strive to emulate His action shows to every person in this great commonwealth that the magnificent motto of the state Equality Before the Law was not adopted in vain or as an empty and meaningless combination of words but that it voices one of the first and greatest principles of a republican form of government a principle that guar antees to the humblest and highest cit izen alike full protective In their re spective rights The state institutions under the gov ernors charge and for the manage ment of which he is primarily respon sible to the people of the state of Ne braska have been wisely and econom ically conducted The sanitary condi tion of every institution is so well looked after that it is no uncommon subject of remark by those who have occasion to visit the same and a source of much pride and satisfaction to the management and the state The health of the Inmates is most satisfactory and the death rate smaller than in many years all of which bespeak the con stant and careful treatment accorded the states unfortunates The farm lands connected with the institutions are made to produce to their fullest capacity and contribute much towards the support of the inmates and show a remarkable contrast as compared with former republican rule While the states wards have been well and bet ter fed and clothed than under repub lican rule yet a consultation of the comparative table appearing elsewhere brings to light the remarkable fact that under fusion management four hundred more inmates were kept for 1471394 less of the peoples money than under republican rule for an equal length of time A careful study of the comparative table will convince the most bitter partisan which party has given the state a business administra tion and which party has upheld the credit of the state One of the strong attributes for which our present governor is noted and which is highly appreciated by people 3f all political affiliations is his demo cratic simplicity No one so poor but he receives the same warm welcome same courteous treatment same atten tion to his business as accorded to men of position and prominence Close at tention to all matters belonging to his department equal and courteous treat ment to all Is Governor Poynters mot- to The administration of the present farmer governor of Nebraska is appre ciated and the people intend to honor themselves by retaining him for two years more Heres Some Back Talk I T Dss Moines la Oct 22 An attempt o repeat the tactics of 1S96 when men vere intimidated into voting for Mc Xinley and Hobart has been promptly called in Des Moines Some days ago J G Olmstead managing partner of th firm of Bentley Olmstead whole sale boot and shoe dealers practically requested his traveling men and other employes to vote for McKinley The statement was afterward circulated that be had threatened any employe who voted for Bryan with discharge Mr Olmstead denied the report and1 says What I did say was that in the event of Bryans election I would feel obliged to close our business rather than pass through an ordeal of commer cial depression such as followed the second election of Mr Cleveland J K Laycock a capitalist and ex prrienced boot and shoe man has In reply to Mr Olmstead made the fol lowing announcement I have organized a company to en gage in the wholesale boot and shoe business in theevnt of Bryans elec tion Mr Olmstead states that his men will be obliged to look for jobs if Bryan Is elected I will employ each and all of them at an advance of 10 per cent over the wages they now receive FOR PEACE a CHINA IS ASKING FOR PEACE Al LAST NOTE TO THE ENVOYS Demand That Hostilities Cease Ag Result of Their Offer To - Negotiate Terms Paris Special The Havas agency has received this from Pekin The diplomatic corps has received joint note from LI Hung Chang and Prince Ching saying It is time to end the present situation and to treat foi peace and that the princes and minis ters who were accomplices of the Box ers will be handed over to the courts to be judged and punished according to Chinese law In their quality of plenipotentiaries LI Hung Chang and Prince Ching offer to treat for peace and accept the prin ciple of Indemnities for the legations destroyed The losses are to be esti mated by delegates of the powers European nations can be accorded fresh commercial treaty advantages on the old treaties but as the require ments vary each power must formulate its own The plenipotentiaries demand an im mediate cessation of hostilities because of their offer and request an interview for October 21 Replying to the note M Pinchon the French miiJstf r said that China having recognized that she had violated the laws of natipnt was bound to accept for that very reason the responsibilities Consequently he demanded that the ex emplary punishment be inflicted on the principals namely Prince Tuan Prince CJhwang Kank Ti and Tung Fu Hsiang adding that so long as their heads had not fallen it was impossible to cease aostilities M Pinchon has been confined to his bed for several days with a slight at tack of typnus but his condition is not grave Owing to the arrival of Count von Waldersee General Veyron command er of the French force has decided to prolong his stay in Pekin until he re oeives fresh orders ABOUT THE NATIVE CHRISTIANS Conger Gives Credit For Saving the Legations Victoria B C Special The follow ing letter was given by United States Minister Conger to the missionaries at Pekin Besieged American missionaries one and all of you so providentially saved from certain massacres I desire in this hour of deliverance to express what J know to be the universal sentiment of our diplomatic corps sincere apprecia tion of and profound gratitude for the inestimable help which the native Christians under you have rendered to wards our preservation Without your intelligent and successful planning and the uncomplaining execution of the Chinese I believe our salvation would have been impossible By your cour teous consideration of me and your continued patience under most trying occasions I have been most deeply touched and for it all I thank you most heartily I hope and believe that in Gods unerring plan your sacrifices and dangers will bear fruits in a ma terial and spiritual welfare of people to whom you have so nobly devoted your lives and work Assuring you of my personal respect and gratitude Very sincerely yours E H CONGER RECEIVERSHIP IS CLOSED Affairs of Former Union Pacific Road Wound Up Minneapolis Minn Special How ard Abbott special master in chancery to the Union Pacific has paid out the last dividend to the unsecured creditors and practically closed up the receiver ship The last dividend amounted to 1000 300 The total claims approved and al lowed footed up to 34336518 and the amount paid from other sources was J26448720 Another dividend amount ing to 6 per cent or 6012085 was paid about a year ago Considering the amount involved the numerous legal complications and the extent of interests the receivership was the largest known The claims dis allowed amounted to over 10000000 The total of claims filed not including the mortgages having a prior lien was 385000000 The balance due on the claims after the payment of al ldivi dends will be 51065000 The Union Pacific receivership has been pending fdfc the last seven years the receivers having been appointed Oc tober 31 1S93 Mr Abbott was appoint ed special master in chancery to the receivership July 1 1898 A BABY TRUST Huntington W Va Special Tues day afternoon at 4 oclock Mrs Waltei J Swanson gave birth to triplets An hour later Mrs Howard E Swanson similarly surprised her husband The mothers are twin sisters and the fathers twin brothers They were mar ried at the same time less than a year ago The United States transport Sherman arrived at San Francisco thirty five days from Manila via Nagasaki The brought fifty three cabin passengers 45i sick 182 discharged 71 prisoners IS insane soldiers and 42 bodies ff -1 PILES FISTULA AND ALL- DISEASES OF THE RECTUM POSITIVELY CURED ILLINOIS A B Chicago T D Walsh Chicago L A Suber Chicago S H McAdams Hillsboro W F Garvey Illlopolis S Dake Illippolis J S Talbot Peoria Thos Dillon Streator James Mann Springfield J P VanArsdale Toxa Jv y MISSOURI Thos Jennings Alanthus GroVe C W Galbreath Appleton City W H Lewis Blackwater T E Wheeler Boston G A- Lewis Downing G L Cox Durgen H H Zeikle Elmira C C Carter Excelsior Springs C F Legg Guilford John C Atchison Gower V M Hobbs Jefferson City Wm Roseborough Killwinnlng Louis Riley Kearney T L DesCombs Leeton S M Condron Latoh Mathew Lynch Malta Bend D J Lance Many Springs Felix Randall Martinsville W S Rose Mount Moriah ARKANSAS Albert Curtis- Eureka Springs t - - COLORADO H W Wright Aroy J M Dixon Buffalo Spring A W Webster Grand Junction James Lumpkin Las Animaa C C Fraser Meeketr J B Lynch J N Kimzey Rocky For A C Comer r Rocky 1or5 Samuel Doss TrinldaS J Olney Trinidad J E Jarvis Tullurld T C Dobbins Tullurlda Chas J Moore Victor- W H Konkel VHa WEST VIRGINIA 3 J W Blaker Davi TENNESSEE Sam Rembert LTemphlg Capt Mark S Cheek TEXAS J P Cooper J B Vannoy Canadian William Tate H Specht Wichita WaUrn SOUTH DAKOTA Ira S Doty Alceater R G Dayman Sale OffiO Jas R Sprankle Cleveland A Seeberger Portsmouth W N Irwin South Salem MICHIGAN J F Campbell Mattwasr a L MISSISSIPPI Wilkerson Huntington MINNESOTA W W P McConnell MankatOE L M Shields St PauL KENTUCKY K G Pulliam Lexington A A McKinney Stanford C C Chrlsman Silver Creefc J F Pulliam Shelby City NEW MEXICO W M Weaver Albuquerqur O B Erickson East Las Vegas A M Blackwell Las Vega a M Light Silver City John Shaw RosweR Andrew Atchlnson Socor - - OLD MEXICO Roso Wemple Mexico CSty We have cured hundreds of people who have tried all kinds of remedies and doctor and who have been given up to die they are today healthy happy people It will cost you nothing to satisfy yourself as to our claims Send for our FREE books and write to some of our former patients We want yoa to feel perfectly free to ask us any or all questions you may desire Tone letter will receive prompt and courteous attention There is no expense ai tached to anything we may do for you until you are perfectly cured of yop trouble Write us today - DES THOBTON MINOR 103 West 9th Street s AR KANSAS CITYMO 4 i ivsSKS Oyer twenty years of successful practice confined to the treatment of fiiseases of the Bectum gives us confidence in our ability to cure andthra fore we not only guarantee to do so but do not ask for one cent of mosey until the patient is satisfied that a cure has been effected We do not ask you to make a deposite in the bank subject to our draft when cured or slgs a note promising to return it to you if we do not cure you or to pay us part cash in advance just to pay for the medicine used but we simply offer to cure you first and then receive our pay after you are satisfied that yoa 9x9 cured Gould anything be more fair SEND FOB OUR BOOKS Our 104 page book of testimonials men will be sent FREE upoa r quest It contains the names and addresses of over a thousand formef patients some of them probably neighbors of yours whom we have per manently cured Write or speak to some of these people and see what they will say regarding our ability and methods We have also issued a 48 page book of lady testimonials which we will be pleased to send post paid to any lady requesting it Do not sutler longer nor dispairfor we can cure you regardless of yoa condition or former experience These books contain much valuable infor mation besides the testimonials and are sent absolutely FBEE and post pafcL Write us at once A PARTIAL LIST OF PEOPLE WE HAVE CORED Send For Our Book And Read Their Testimonials NEBRASKA Arthur C Crossman Atkinson John Hastie Auburn G W Bingham Bennett M B Coniee Beatrice Judge J E Bush Beatrice Frank Strauch Barnston E R Beee Cambridge Reas Hill Champion H E Beck Fremont G W Hansen Fairbury J R Crookshanks Hiawatha T E Williams Louisville James OLeary Louisvillo A A Knot Louisville C B Cunningham Murray John Rauth Mynard Wm Murray Mynard D S Yost Murray Thomas EL Fulton - Murray W E Dull Murray Dr B F Brendel Murray Z W Shrader Nehawka J L Shrader Nehawka Henry M Bons Omaha August Stoll Plattsmouth T M Patterson Plattsmouth Thomas Pollock Plattsmouth J W Johnson Plattsmouth S Waugh Plattsmouth Rev F A Campbell Plattsmouth M H Davte Red Cloud J M Patterson Klverton W a Davidson Springfield J G Easter Union W Chalfant Union John Murphy Weeping Water J EL Davis Weeping Water IOWA J E Shulta Bradford R E Busby Clearfield J J Gravatte Council Bluffs Stephen Morgan Calimus Rev J C R Lay ton Des Moines W H Spurgeon Kirkman L W Childs Keokuk Seth Brown Manchester M McEIroy Marengo Robert Qulnn Sellsburg Major Morse Sioux City KANSAS L W Sutton Americua F M Ferguson s Anthony Peter Ott Arispie E Sickler Arlington P A Scroggin Ashland W C Weaver Atlanta W C Avery Bala F O dark Barry R E Fullenwider Bayard J C Gurnea Bellvllle James Flanagan Beattie Dr J ALounsburg Barnard Col W S Norton Baxter Springs J S Haynes Bayard O B Pickup Beagle M S Bush Beagle James B Bloss Beattie John Kramer Belvue B C Woodard Beraan Jacob Eulent Briggs J H Baker Bluff City J R Wilson Carlton L D Simpson Clyde G W Forter Covert T G Kelly Comlskey T C Dudley Conway Springs G G Lutz Cawker H C Fulton Corwin James G Kinnear Caldwell Hugh Martin Cheney D J Mills Dafer G- B Powers Delavan T S Ralph Delphoa OKLAHOMA TERRITORY B F Cue Cushins Leonard L Williams Elm Park Charles H Filson Guthria M T Morris Guthri W A Frazier Guthrie W H Keeler Hennessy John J Lyons Hennesay G R Corzine Kingfisher O P Jones Mangunv O H Hays North EnI4 William Sitherwood Ponca City Geo Shufeldt Redmoon Rev Edward Graalman Seay J W Holman Woodward L Eddleman Woodward Ira Eddleman Woodward N Curtis Woodwax ARIZONA J B Scott v Tqcm DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA W N Irwin WasbJnt INDIAN TERRITORY L Peyton Ardmer EC C Potterf Ardmorar Dr A J Wolverton Ardmor B R Worthington Eufaul M Lowrlmore Erin Spring Geo Shannon Gibson Station CL A Schmoy Oologah B R Rachal Summit S Finn Whitman Salllssw H L Elliot MONTANA WIllIamP Gwinn Butte- CSty James McGovern Butte City Marshall Nelson Bozeman Albert Spaulding Wm- Coleman Deer Lodg John Gerdts Deer Lodgs D C Kyle Glasgow D A Loose Helen- A J Davidson Helenas Judge Dell Logaat Thomas Callahan Three Forks CALIFORNIA M Chrlster East Los Angele WmSchilling Long Beach Edwin Dudley Selm John OBrien San Francisc F M McLaughlin San Francises S P Bates t