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About Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 18, 1900)
M fr A n v R B Kf ft H - fc ft - r 4- v tfW - y YOLTJMEXV T THE 49 4 49 49 49 - 49 - L Q iSW 49 v 49 49 49 4 49 4 49 Vt 49 49 49 4 4 49 r 49 49 49 v 49 49 49 49 49 Gloves Caps Underwear 44 V- V in- THE RED FRONT cipcrCctctcrcrcit craxcfo cGopcracrcCCorc VVWWWWW WVWVWVVWW v V 1 The above old saying has be n changed a bit to fit the occasion Our advice to people who need anything in new fall Drv Goods is to be sure they are right as regards -quality and style and then spend their money where it will obtain the largest amount of the best merchandise It is our constant aim and endeavor to give our customers better valurs than -they can obtain elsewhere And our leadership is due to this policy If you make sure you are right before spending your money the chances are you will spend it here Mittens Overshoes Overalls 1 Be Sure Youre Right 1 I Then spend your money Xi if o a 49 49 49 49 4f 49 4t 49 49 49 ine JJUJNUMKK g X X X It continually adding improvements and it ii now tht best equipped and most comfortable FIRST CLASS MODERN HOTEL IN NOKTHWEST NEBRASKA Hat xnd Cold Water Excellent Bath Room Twa Sample Rooms tf OTf WWfiMP 999V999 999993F9 99999ft D STINARD CLOAKS CAPES ft For Ladies Misses - and Children A ALIj ovr work guaranteed CLOTHIER C H CORNELL President 6 ROOTS SHOES CLOTHING AND GENTS FURNISHINGS PRACTICAL TAILORING VALENTINE NEBR M V NICHOLSON Cashier ANK OF VALENTINE Valentine Nebraska A General Banking Business Transacted Bays and Sells Domestic and Foreign Exchange Correspondents Chemical National Bank New York First National Bank Omaha Neb i i a 4 4 FRANK ECOFFEY We rospectfully call your attention to our complete lines of Dry Goods Hats - and Caps Boots and Shoes Groceries and Lumber You will find oiir prices to be as low as any in the business WV will from time to time have something of interest to tell yon through our adver tisement and something that will be to your advantage Fair treatment to all Merfiman Nebraska OfiTy lycJcJUp lyn1 yu yt iyiLjy jp uyt t jyn mp jgy yt Ja jtjc1 xgv Tnc PRINTING YOUR t OFFICE We Can Satisfy You in Quality Price and Workmanship W w a- - Ladies call arid trimmed hats 1 VJ see our line of L Efner 30 tf Tommv Yearnshaw and L Handv accompanied by a Mr Swartz of Des Moines Iowa have gone on a hunting trip up to the White River countiy Thomas Gates of Lime Springs Iowa came in yesterdav morning from his ranch propertv in the west end of the county with Mr Ganow Bob Gillaspie and Jake Stetter returned from the Omaha market Friday McKinlev is not keeping prices up very well just now on fat steers Buy a Woodmanse windmill guar 1 anteed for five years all repairs fur nished free of charge For sale by R Anderson 35 tf Mrs Thompson nee Miss Deily ten dered a banquet to the Ladies Band Monday evening at Taylors restaur ant A pleasant time is reported by the participants Cloaks and capes All the latest styles and colors at Stinards 35 tf 1 Miss Fanny Muchmore is teacher in the First Primary department vice Mrs Crawford who went to the State Normal a short time since Miss Muchmore came from the above named institution at Peru and com menced work Monday morning A full line of furs at I L Efners 36 tf J W Pike a loyal and patriotic citizen living near Crookston called to visit the editor and offer words of encouragement last Saturday Mr Pike just returned from a visit to Sioux City his former home and says the prospects for Bryans election grows brighter and that Bryan men are numerous Married At the home of the grand parents of the bride in Ainsworth Oct 6 1900 at 7 oclock in the even ing Harry H Folks to Miss Qra Shepherd The ceremony was per formed by Rev O L Ramse3r pastor of the M E church after which the company repaired to the Osborne where an elegant supper was served by Mrs Bailey The heme of the pa rents of the groom is at Crookston but both bride and groom have been employed at Rosebud Agency Ains worth StarJout rial ar ttittiz T -S pwvyvvviryvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvwvvvvvvvvvtfvvvvv TALK OF THE TOWN B AAAAAAAAA AAAAAAMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA A M4AAAAAA A new line of gloves at Farnhams Editor Barker is having his resi dence painted Sherm Reece is down from the Hills visiting old friends Miss Query who has been very ill is reported convalescent The Starr family has moved into the rooms over the depot Mrs Harris of the Union House has been sick but is better now We deliver groceries as well as feed to any part of town W A PETTYCREW v George Chapman has moved into Miss E I Mills liouse on the corner of Hall and Virginia streets A baby girl was born to Mr and Mrs Ed Richards last Friday Ed is a ranchman on the Boardman Ed Hackler is back home from the western country where he has been working during the spring and sum mer A second hand stock saddle for sale at Farnhams 33 r L L Bivens as delegate from the local lodge left tor York Nebr Monday morning to attend the grand lodge I OOF For Sale Second hand harness Will sell cheap Inquire of John SMYiaER 38 tf The oldest and youngest daughters of Mr and Mrs George Trace well have been quite ill but are now re ported improved A car of tine New York Apples about Nov 1st Price riot to exceed 400 per ban el The Red Front 2t R Veach of Rushville a brother of George and Perry Veach arrived in town last Friday and will make this his future home Will Banks from 3eards ranch is at the Union House suffering from a severeattack of typhoid Dr Comp ton is attending him B E B Kennedy and wife of Oma ha who have been visiting their son at Kennedy for some time departed for home Sunday morning Henry Carter went up to Cody Sat urday to visit his son Will W A Winder allotting agent at Rosebud is in town this week Elmer Clemens of Newton came in Sunday and went home Tuesday Davenport Thacher tell you about coffee in their adv this week1 Finest line of Cloaks and Capes ever shown in Valentine at Stinards Mr Tillson who broke his leg some weeks ago is now able to sit up in a chair i WlMiltH Try that hams ZZZ3 - 50c Japan aNd Tea at Farn 33 The local WOW camp has in creased its membership by 14 this month Another 10 cent delivery wagon is ou our streets Hub Breuklander is proprietor W G Sawyer of Elgin 111 was in town Friday He has stock interests near Oasis Win Taylor is acting city marshal a few days this- weekMarshal Hooton having gone to Eli Jim Galloway shipped in about twelve cords of wood irom his place on the river near Georgia Charles and Allen Benson and Char ley Yingst of Arabia were handling cattle at the stockyards this week For Sale or Trade A Dempster windmill galvanized steel nearly new and a 10x2 ft water tank 38 tf HansUhlrich Nat King went up to Bob Dyers on the Reservation Monday to recruit up his health not being good for some time past George and Perry Veach went up to Rushville Saturday and visited with their parents and friends until Monday morning We have just received a brand new stock of rubber goods W A Pettycrew 37 Clerk Reese completed the tax list for 1900 last Tuesday It took three months steady work to accomplish this which is no small job Johnnv Eaton is acting iailor these days in place of Howard Layporte who is out in the country on business connected with the sheriffs office Col Boyle inspector general ar rived in town Sunday morning ac companied by his clerk D D Babb He inspected the Post and left this morning j t The Magic Estate Hot Blast Heat er will save vou coal and produce more heat than any other stove on the market For sale by R Ander son 35 tf J Farnham of Newton father of our mercnant u o iarnnam came to town Sunday to make final proof on his claim He returned home on Tuesday Chas Busic Robert McCartyPeter Peterson Julius Peterson and Mr Macomber from the Enlow Ranch were in town on land office business last Friday and visited at the Demo crat office For Sale A fine matched driving team also some work and saddle horses Max E Viertel 31 Crookston Nebr Rice writes Insurance P 1 rjirMMMAJzwm WJijtfm i Vw8 AND RALLY TUESDAY OCTOBER i Come out and hear the man who nominated Bryan W D ttfdham GavWArPoyntet WjVwJ tfv s mUlWM A VALENTINE NEBRASKA OCTOBER 18 1900 hi 0 hi v - rv ssAi -- VALENTINE DEMOCRAT i7 IB I NUMBER 39 1 COFFEE j 1 DIDNT TASTE GOOD 1 THIS MORNING g Then it wasnt ours g 2J WE II A YE THE GREATEST VARIETY -THE Chase Sanborns Fine Rio 15 ceuts if JJ Chase Sanborns Blended Santos a splendid J 5 drink 20 cents g I3 Chase Sanborns Highland Blend 30 cedts J 49 Chase San horns Mocha and Java Seal brand 2 Took first prize at Worlds Eair Chicago 2 Jq 1 pound cans 40 cents 2 pound cans 75 cents J DAVENPORT THACHER 4 to 49 General Merchants 2 CITIZENS MEAT r MARKET d W STETTER PROPRIETOR This market always keeps supply of FRES H FRUIT - AND GAME In addition to a first class lina of Steaks Boasts Dry Salt Meti Smoked Hams Breakfast Bacon and Vegetables At Stetter i Old Stand on Main Street R aaraagg T- Notice is hereby Riven to the qualified electors of Cherry County in the state of Nebraska that an election will be held iji the various precincts of said Cherry County on thelsixth dav of No vember 1900 for the purpose of voting upon the following proposition to wit Shall the county board of Cherry County in the state of Nebraska issue the coupon bonds of said county in the sum of of 15000 of the denomination of 1000 each for the purpose of building and furnishing a court house in Val entine Cherry County Nebr said bonds to take effect January 1st loot and to become duo and payable January 1st 1921 and bearing interest at the rate of four per cent per annum pay able semi annually on the first days of Julvand January in each year until the principal and terest thereon has been fully paid and principal and interest thereof being payable at the office mi me jouniv ireasurer otsani cotintv rovidedrhat the County Board of satd poun ty nriy at its opftou pay off any or alibi said M 4 1 -a VALENTINE NEBRASKA LIVERY B -55 QOW3k Give Your Money f Chance AftNj WALCOTT I LUD WIG Props SuccenoiS AL00TT STEVENSON LiyERY FEED AND SALE W a22aa ManjT say that it takes money to make money but this does not hold true if you trade at Viertels No matter how little money you have to spendyou can always save something by buying here Com pare our prices with those of other stores and see how much we can save you Salt Coal Fence Posts v MAX E VIERTEL CROOKSTON NEBR PAINTING PAPER HANGING CALOIMINING R S DENNIS Valentine Nebraska COURT HOUSE BOND PROC LAMATION V AKOA A sadtS 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 2 2 All work well done fc b o a Cf o Cf cf Cf Cf op o cr or zt cf cr o o cr cr cr Cf cr c cr o c coo c crcrcrxr bonds at any time after the expiration of ten years from the date of their taking effect and shall the county ooard of Cherry county afore said annually levy upon tho taxable property of Cherry county a tax sufficient to pay the inter est and principal of said bonds as they become due and shall the said county board at the last annual tax levy provided by law preceding tho maturity of said bonds levy upon the taxable propertv of said county a tax sufficient to pay the interest and lmtfcinal not otherwise I ed for ani then unpaid upon the bonds t Anr ulllll cni1 nminf v KnArl nanntion i7rf Hiii UM i7lk vuVf UVUIU IIVULIUl 74111 bonds at not less than their par value tin amount realized from tbe sale of said bonds to be used in the buildingand furnishing of a coun ty court house lor the use of said Cherry Coun ty The ballots used in voting upon said propo sitions shall have printed thereon Ifor Court House bonds aud against conrt house bonds Dated this 3d day of October 1900 J w DANIELS County Cleric First publication October 4th 4t Wfev t - Do you want to buylana It will pay YtfCTCbTefeL MlfctiCE tmi ti