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About Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 27, 1900)
b A - f t - - k A - - 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 4 4 4 1 4 4- i 4 4 4 4 f iS tt - JW -A - - V i THE VOLUME ZV 1 AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA I CW ISfew FALL STOCK 49 49 f And it deserves to for cartainly it is not only the largest and best that we have ever shown but also superior to any other in this locality No city dealer will show better styles in fine Dry Goods or quote lower prices Our steadily increasing business has been obtained bT meet ing both local and outside competition with bet ter goods and lower prices than could be found elsewhere We always invite inspection and comparison and in every instance can offer good inducements to trade here Underwear P Outing Flannel Overshoes Hose Wrappers Mittens THE RED FFfONT We respectfull1 call your attention to our complete lines of Dry Goods Hats and Caps Boots and Shoe Groceries and Lumber You will find our prices to be as low as any in the business We will from time to time have something of interest to tell you through our adver tisement and something that will be to your advantage Fair treatment to all -- to to to to h to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to it ffivvf WWWWWWOTWE a4 dftfi 49 49 49 49 9 49 49 49 49 TheDONOHER I I7TTtim YT A OC1 TV TT 1 1 LVT TTrTVTHT 49 r IJfAO J WiKJLJ HiXVLN IIU J XLiJU 49 49 49 49 l t la continually adding improvements and it is now the best equipped and most comfortable IN NORTHWEST NEBRASKA Hot and Cold Water Excellent Bath Room Tw Sample Rooms 999999999 ------- VZm - m JV WI WwS D STINARD CLOTHIER CLOAKS GAP For Ladies Misses and Children BOOTS SHOES CLOTHING AND GENTS furnishings practical tailoring AIjJj OVU lFOJJT GVARANTiiED VALENTINE NEBR C H COKXEIt Preniaent JUL V NICIIOLSON Cashier B ANK OF VALENTINE - Valentine Nebraska A- General Banking Business Transacted Bays and Sells Domestic and Foreign Exchange CorreNpondnt hemical National Bank New York First National Bank Omaha Neb yTB - iWf fe tffV Tfetrtrifeiflr tftrifei Aiflr FRANK ECOFFEY Memman Nebraska rjcrjtEjgrsgragrjrsgrgjEsgjr igr lye ayijgp sgragcgcaragcsgrajjragpi GET YOUR PRINTING AT THIS OFFICER We Can Satisfy You in Quality Price and Workmanship wwv 1 j M J - v - f Valentine AAAAAAA n rr - 8 1 - t mtoK 9- vvvvvvvvwrywvvvvnvvvvyvvvvyvvvHnnvvvvyy TATT OP TT4R TnWM Mrs Towle is reported ill Levi Sparks of Cody came down -Monday Chas Cooper was in from Oasis Tuesday A new line of gloves at Farnhams Al Thacher went to Omaha Tues day morning- Bill Barker of Rosebud was on our streets Tuesday L L Anderson has returned from his trip to Iowa Fred Vincent was down from Rush ville Wednesday Judge Towne has built Tan addition to his residence 22x30 We deliver groceries as well as feed to any part of town W A Pettycrew Miss Noble is again on duty after a siege of the grip Geo Elliott went to Omaha Wed nesday to buy goods for his store Bob McQuade came in from Oasis last Saturday to spend the winter in town Joe Kennedy and John Chaloud of Brownlee had business in tbwn this week Messrs E R Vandegrift and Ed wards of Brownjee were in town this week Clarence Sageser the tonsorial artist is confined to his home by ill ness Dont fail to see that bargain dis play of shoes at Pettycrews 31 tf Mrs Ludwig went to Omaha yes terday morning to have a surgical op eration performed Geo Chapman junior member of Quigley Chapman druggists went to Omaha last Saturday Mr Munshower and family left for Alliance this week where they will make their future home A second hand stock saddle for sale at Farnhams 33 A L Towle of Valentine is spend ing a week in this vicinity in the in terest of Republicanism Madison Chronicle H K Brown has gone to the Res ervation where he has struck a -job at good wages He will be absent about six weeks A marriage liscense was issued to Albert Thomas and Laura Francis Morgan on Tuesday Both parties hail from Nenzel Remember and dont forget that the dates of the races are October 3-4-5 Come out and see the sport It will be first class Maude McGrew came down from Valentine Friday morning for a vis it with parents and to attend the reunion- Ainswoith Herald Creamery Prices paid for butter and eggs in cash Crabb Co 20 tf Miss Watson the obliging clerk in the postoffice went out to her claim Tuesday where she will stay for a week in compliance with the land laws The ninth annual commencement exercises of the Valentine High School will be held Saturday even ing October 6 1900 at the M E Church Buy a Woodmanse windmill guar anteed for five years all repairs fur nished free of charge For sale by R Anderson 35 tt Mr and Mrs John Shores and Un cle Henry Carter went oAer to Nor den Monday where they will attend the Keya Paha county fair and visit old friends Steve Estes has purchased a two seated covered spring wagon and a top buggy from W P Hunt James McClean also bought a two seater from the same party Mrs Crawford teacher of the Pri mary department in the school here left this morning for Peru this state where she has been appointed critic teacher in the State Normal School at a salary of S750 per year Her sud den departure was a surprise to most of our townspeople Mrs Crawford gave entire satisfaction as a teacher and made many friends who wish her success in her new field Mrs R H Watson will teach in the primary de partment temporarily Ask for our pi ices on job work DAN LUDWIG S DEAD Passes Away After a Brief 111 nessFuneral Tomorrow - i -- i I yvw i DIED On Tuesday Sept 25 1900 D S Ludwig aged 42 years 8 months and 7 days Cause of death nephritis t It will be a shock to the many friends and business acquaintances of Dan Ludwig to hear of his death which occurred between 6 and 7 oclock a m on the date mentioned above Dan as he was familiarly called by his friends and acquaintances was taken sick last Saturday morning and grewsteadily worse untii Tues day morning when death came to his relief Evjery thing possible was done to save hisN life but all to no avail The immediate cause of death was nephritis Dan was a popular man and many expressions nf sorrow ai e heard over his untimely death D S Ludwig was born in Carey O aud was the son of Jacob Ludwig Deceased came to Valentine in Octo ber 1S90 and engaged in the lumber and grain business with his father who died about seven years ago since which time Dan has conducted the business He was considered one of the wealthiest men in the town and was a thorough business man The nearest relatives of the de- I ceased are a stepmother and a sister Mrs Levi Sparks of Cody The dead man was a member of the I O O F l of P and Redmen lodges of this town The funeral services will be held in the M E Church tomorrow at 230 pm and will be in charge of the I 6 O F Interment will take place in the cemetery west of town Try that 50c Japan Tea at Farn hams 3cf Frank Noble of Loup was in town 3Testerday precinct Tom Yearnshaw and Jim Hull made atrip to the Reservation this week on business and pleasure They will be gone three or four days The Magic Estate Hot Blast Heat er will save you coal and produce more heat than any other stove on the market For sale by R Ander son 35 tf According to the Gordon Journal matrimony is epidemic in that burg at present This should not tempt outside maidens of mature age to leave their happy homesteads as the supply in Gordon can easily meet the demand Ab Clarkson awd family left for Moscow Idaho Tuesday night Mr Clarkson has a good position in that country we understand While we do not like to lose this family we wish them the best of success in their new home For Sale A fine matched driving team also some work and saddle horses Max E Viertel 31 Crookston Nebr Wanted Salesmen to sell our Lubricating Oils Greases Belting and Specialties to thresherinen on good commission Good goods and liberal proposition Address giving references The Howard Oil Grease Co Cleveland Ohio Nye Bachelor cf Kennedy have purchased a fine Clydesdale stallion from Mr Shinstock of West Point Nebr The horse will weigh about 2100 pounds It was brought here Monday night and taken out to the ranch near Kennedy Cloaks and capes All the latest styles and colors at Stinards 35 tf A marriage license was issued Sep tember 20 to Wm A Smith to wed Sarah L Levee arid one was issued to Martin Dew and Gertrude G Ken- nicott on the 24th All parties con cerned in the above transactions are from Wood Lake Alex Ddbson called last Saturday and paid up his subscription and ord ered iis paper sent to Spencer Nebraska where he has purchased a large tract of land and -will start a horse ranch Alex is one of the old timers of Cherry county and has made considerable money in the stock business We wish him success in his new Ideation Gordon Journal - v - VALENTINE NEBRASKA SEPTEMBER 27 1900 2 to Is Attracting Much Attention 9 1 DEMOCRAT i 1 NUMBER 36 4S to 9 to AN OUNCE X t w to OP SATISFACTION v to 3 IS WORTH A TON OF TALK 2 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 4 49 49 DAVENPORT THACHER General Merchants 0ITIZEN8 - MEAT MAR d W STETTER PROPRIETOR ThiB market always keeps a supply of FRES 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 4 H FRUIT -AND-G to WE MAKE PRICES S 2n THAT MAKES BUSINESS to to to to 0 to to to to to to O to to to to to to KET In addition to a first class line of Steaks Boasts Dry Salt Meat Smoked Hams Breakfast Bacon and Vegetables AtBtetto1 Old Stand on MainStreat VALENTINE NEBRASKA rZWJTTJFJWTJTJT iJflTEl -V It is with deep regret that we learn of the death last week of the es teemed wife of Bro Burleigh of the Ainsworth Star Journal Mrs Bur leigh was stricken with t3phoid fever at the home of her parents in Den ver Colo whither she had gone a short time ago The bereaved hus band departed for Denver immedi ately on receipt of the sad news Bro Burleigh we extend toyou our profoUndsympathyiji this the great est loss that can fall to any man the death of a true and loving -wife L M Morrisou of Valentine has leased the Jarchow hotel and opened j the same to the publrc last week jf k t wjj z i K v w MAX E VIERTEL CROOKSTON NEBR AME LIVERY BARN AAA -Successors to vVALOOTT STEVENSON LIVERY FEED AND SALE STABLE Ztf2tf2yS2IiS2 Give Your Money a Chance J Many say that it takes money to make money but this does not hold true if you trade at Vierrels No matter how little money you have to spendyou can always save something by buying here Com pare our prices with those of other stores and see how much we can save you Salt Coal Fence Posts AINTING PAPER HANGING CALCIMINING R S DENNIS Valentine Nebraska rV vJm3au isgjgaafejfefeiatefcj All work well done wATii WALCOTT a LUDWIG Props AAA u sazs to to to to to to h to ft to to to to to Mr Morrisson has had considerable experience in the hotel and restaur ant business and has a large ac quaintanceship on the Reservation His card appears in this issue Gor don Journal An editor down at Wavne is saidto haye been dismissed from church for sinking in a loud voice during the singing of- a f amiliar hymn the fol lowing revised words iLe every kindred every tribe on xnis terrest rial ball put dwn his dciHairs and subscribe and well receipt for all Ainsworth Herald Finest line of Cloaks and Capes ever sTiown in Valentine at Stinarik tihrVi i I ri