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About Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 4, 1900)
B iv u If V v y - frt0 THE VOLUME XV Underwear Outing Flannel Overshoes GET -- Hose Wrappers Mittens THE RED FRONT A General Banking Business Transacted Bays and Sells Domestic and Foreign Exchange AT THIS PRINTING S We Can Satisfy You in Quality Price and Workmanship to of to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to i - I The DONOHER I 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 XXX Ib coptinually adding improvements and it ift now the best equipped and most comfortable FIRST CLASS MODERN HOTEL IN NORTHWEST NEBRASKA Hot and Cold Water Excellent Bath Boom Tw Sample Room tf WWW W W W W9 WWW W W W W v - - - CLOAK AND For Ladies Misses - - and Children - BOOTS -V SHOES V CLQTHING AND GENTS furnishings practical tailoring AIjTj our worm guaranteed Mum momoBtm D STINARD CLOTHIER C H COBXEI Prenitlent D VALENTIME NEBR SI V NICHOLSON Cashier ANK OF VALENTINE Valentine Nebraska Correspondents Shcmical National Bank New York First National Bank Omaha Neb RTTrtTTT ffir I FRANK ECOFFEY We respectfully call your attention to our complete lines of Dry Goods Hats and Caps Boots and Shoef Groceries andLumber You will find our prices to be as low as any in the business We will fi6m time to time have something of interest to tell you through our adver tisement and something that will be to your advantage Fair treatment to all -- Meiriman Nebraska iy iy jyp aL Jt Jt np j Jp ajjr typ iyi jyt nyxjf jajeiyt Jjt uji j - t v wvw Bill Gillaspie came in Tuesday Wm Baird of Wood Lake was a visitor Tuesday Charles Burns of Crookston was in town Monday Chas andXN Parker of Kennedy were in town Sunday Sheriff Layporte has been out on a tour serving papers Will Carter and wife went home to Cody Saturday morning Rev Sloan preached an excellent sermon Sunday evening last S P Beekly of Kennedy done Tmsi ness with the treasurer Monday George Laidley was in town this week and left for iiome Tuesday Mrs Frank Braytons mother from Ainsworth is visiting her daughter Frank Thorn commenced teaching the school in McNare district Mon day last We deliver groceries as well as feed to any part of town W A PETTYCREWf Hugh Bovill has got back from Al berta Canada and says he dont like the country He will winter in Idaho J W Daniels and C S Reece brought in two carloads of cattle which they sold in the yards here Monday Miss Edna Logan of Norden is here attending school this winter She is stopping with her cousin Mrs John Shore Hon J H Shores is having his residence on Cherry street painted this week R S Dennis has the iob which insures artistic work A second hand stock saddle for sale at Farnhams 33 Mrs Charles Burgess of LeadSD stopped of here - on her way to Con rad la to visit a sister at that place and stopped off to visit her sif ter Mrs Charles Sherman this week Ladies call and see our line of trimmed hats 1 L Efner 36 tf The 31 W of A of Crookston will give a dance in their hall Fridaj October 12 and insure a social time Everybody come Supper at hotel 2t By order of Committee Creamery Prices paid for butter and eggs in cash Crabb Co 20 tf George Hazlewood W L Davis F L Goodrich and W G Carpenter are the names of a party of hunters from Omaha taken out to Hackberry Lake by John Smyser Tuesday Buy a Woodmanse windmill guar anteed for five years all repairs fur nished free of charge For sale by R ANDERSON 35 tf A man named Leahy from near Wood Lake is at the Union house suf fering from an attack of typhoid fe ver He is under the -care of Dr Compton and is improving in health Lee Holsclaw and daughter Ida and young son Rowe have returned from Washington whither he and his family went some few months ago He will move the rest of his family here shortly Cloaks and caps All the latest styles and colors at Stinards 35 tf I M Rice and his mother came down from Valentine3 Nebraska last week to attend the funeral of N De Wyke Mrs Rice will make hef home with her daughter Mr Rice will return to Valentine this week Randolph Kas Enterprise A full line of furs at I L Epnbrs 36 tf Wm Fleischman of Bailey and C A Schrandt of Gordon have re turned from their tour in Europe Mr Fleischman was in town this week on business He is a very en tertaining and instructive talkerand is full of wholesome German humor He says that they had a rather rough ocean voyasre each way encountering the equinbxial storm on their return He says that for a part of the time Charley sang to the captain thusly Mr Captain stop the ship I want 1 to get out and walk I feel so that I can never neach New Ycrk It is needless to say that the captain did not stop the ship And af ter Mr Schrandt had recoveredfrom his sea sickness he could see some joy in be ing aliye ft fS f VALENTINE 49 49 o rs Ut77 jua diuus rf O V LM AVW MaHnHaanwMB 49 49 yvvvvvvvvvvvvvwwvvvvvvvwvvvyvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvwvvvvvvvwvw r tV VALENTINE NEBRASKA OCTOBER 4 J900 Is Attracting Much Attention 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 And it deserves to for certainly it is not only the largest and best that we have ever shown but also superior to any other in this locality No city dealer will show better styles in fine Dry Goods or quote lower prices Our steadily increasing business has beh obtained by meet ing both local and outside competition with bet ter goods and lower prices than could be found elsewhere We always invite inspection and comparison and in every instance can offer goou inuucements to iraue uere v 5 I TATfcr OFTHR TOW1SL Mm A AJSmUA Sim W Jt Mm Jm MJLmm1 Mm T V A IV Uaaa Curfew now rings at 7 oclock A new line of gloves at Farnhams AJUUUUUWWlftAAAAAiUWUtAJAUUUUWAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA fcAAAAAAWl3 N Bob McGuerr is taking in the races Al Young is a Codyite in town this week Mrs Henry Taylor- is reported se riously ill Dick Riedel came in from Chester- field Tuesday Hub Daniels of Dewey Lake came in Monday Finest line of Cloaks and Capes ever shown in Valentine afrStinards Dr Dwyer and wife wept to Chica go last week T Fitzhenry is an arrival jfrom Chesterfield Ed Richards of Kennedy was in town this week Robt Quiesenbery of Oasis was a caller Tuesday Oscar Matthews has finished haying and is in town again Frank Hoffman of Nenzel is taking in the faces this week Wes Holsclaw has gone to Dead wood to work at his trade Try that 5Qc Japan Tea at Farn hams 33 Al Thacher came home from Oma ha Tuesday morning Roy German of Goose Creek is in town attending the races Miss Query is on the sick listf Dr Compton is attending her George Rothleutner of Georgia was seen on our streets Tuesday J L Dawson of Oak Creek is in town this week attending the races C George Bowlus of Scribner was registered atthe Donoher Tuesday - E C Farnham of Newton is to be postmaster in place of I N Russell deceased Louie Bordeaux is suffering from stomach troublcand is being treated byrJBolsclaw Mr and -Mrs Plumley of Chicago are visiting at the home of Mr and Mrs John Stetter Attorney Wood of Rushvitle was in our town Saturday in the interest of the Balch estate The winners in the races run on Wednesday were Biddy Doyle Black Jack and Nigger Baby A special examination for teachers will be held at Merriman Tuesday Oct 9 1900 Etta Browj Co Joe Gaskill went up to Hay Springs last week to help his brother move down to his new location on the Table We have just received a brand new stock of rubber goods and under wear W A PETTYCREW 37 Born To Mr and Mrs Wm Steele on Wednesday morning a bouncing babv boy All concerned are doing well Royce Cheney of Deadwood stop ped over on his way home from Ains worth to visit with Frank Brayton for a day Commencement exercises of the Valentine High school will be held next Saturday evening Oct 6 in- the M E Church i The Magic Estate Hot Blast Heat er will save you coalj and produce more heat than any other stove on the market For sale by R Ander son 35 tf For Sale A fine matched driving team also some work and saddle horses Max E Viertel 31 Crookston Nebr Revs Connell of Merriman and Easlev of Gordon are in attendance at the county commissioners meet ing this week The commissioners have set tomorrow as the day for hearing the remonstrance against granting a liquor license to J A Barnes Co at Merriman in which case the above named gentlemen are interested Tob Couldnt Have Stood It If he had itching piles Theyre ter ribly annoving but Bucklens Arnica Salve will cure he worst case of Piles on earth It has cured thousands JFor injuries paius or bodily eruptions its the best salve in the world Price Loc a box Cure guaranteed Sold by Elliott druffeist 1 I save you 20 to 50 per cent on your insurande and write in the best mu tual companies of the state T J I M JRiOE Agent - r v - - 1 i - XV- tfVCii s - r v- it- - w DEMOCRAT NUMBER 37 AAA AAA A A A AAAAJ 1 AN OUNCE 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 OF SATISFACTION 4R d W TETTER PROPRIETOR This market always keepa a aupjily of uH E 9 3 Lr y IMlImLJVtllY Wl ca l nfflmfriMflHg2aiaB - it to to V to - 3 IS WORTH ATON OF TALKj 4 4 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 MO V 49 49 49 49 49 49 -T THAT MAKES BUSINESS 4 DAVENPORT THACHER General Merchants to- to to to fc WE MAKE PRICES 5 to h to to to to to M j 1 I 2 j Ea In addition to a firBt class line of Steaks Roasts Dry Salt Meats Smoked flams Breakfast IBacon rnd Vegetables AtStettera Old Stand on Main Street VALENTINE NEBRASKA WALCOTT d LUD WIG Props AAA Successors to WAL00TT STEVENSON H LIVERY FEED ANO SALE STABLE gsa2a2g ve Your Money a Ghen a V Many say that it takes money to make money bnt this does not hold true iiyou trade at Viertels No matter how little money yon have to spendjyon can always save something by buying here Com - -pare our prices with those of other stores and see how muck we can save you Salt Coal Fence Postal v v f A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A g A A A 1 MAX E VIERTEL CROOKSTON NEBR AINTIMG H PAPER HANGING OALOIMINING R S DENNIS v- Valentine Nebraska x All work well done VyVVVfVVVv9V9VVyV 3x3PgW3P COURT HOUSE BONO LAMATION Notice is hereby jjiven to the qualified electors of Cherry County in the state of Nebraska that an election will be held in the various precincts of said Cherrv County on the sixth dav of No vember 1900 for the purpose of voting upon the following proposition to wit Shall the countv board of Chern Connty in the slate of Nebraska issue the coupon bonds of said countv inlhe sum of of 15000 of the denomination or S1000 eachfoc the purpose of building and furnishing a court bouse in Val entine Cherry County Nebr said bonds to take effect January 1st 1901 and to become duo and payable January 1st 1921 aud bearing interest at the rate of four per cent per annum pay able semi annually on the first days of July and January In each year uutil the prmcinaland in terest thereon lias been fully paid and principal and interest thereof being payable at the oilice of the Countv Treasurer of said countv ProvidedThat the County Board of said coun ty may at its option pay off auy or all of said sxi x - - - f to to to to to to to to to to to to to v iA - c 6 to to to to to to to - YVVVW WWW WVWWW9V9 WY WW B Iks m m 0 t ti g H JfiL i s B 8 3 v iffltmwiffl iwnK a R f IF Ri f W A Br AIR AAA bonds at any time after the expiration of ten years from the date of their taking effect and shall the county ooard of Cherry county afore said annually levy upon the taxable property of Cherry county a tax sufficient to pay the inter est and principal of said bonds as they become due and shall the said countv board at the last annual tax levy provided by law preceding the maturity of said bonds levy upon the taxable propertv of said county a tax sufficient to pay the interest and pi ifiipal not otnerwise provid ed for an 1 then uupaid upon the bonds And shall said countv Board negotiate saitL bonds at not les than their par value the amount realized from the sale of said bonds to be used in the buildingand furnishing of a coun ty court house lor the US3 of said Cherry Coun ty The ballots used in voting upon said propo sitions shall have printed thereon For Court House bonds and against conrtli9Ue bonds Dated this 3d day of October 19 jO m J W DANIELS County Clerk First publication October 4th 4t The IOOF band has received its new uniforms Theylook well - t