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About Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930 | View Entire Issue (July 12, 1900)
h I m V if 1g GET StT3f5l5 9 Rfvnn Qfrvie cn Is 0 WVAilV UVVA W WUL W JLWF JJL AJWV I but we are Busy as Bees 4 49 4 4 49 49 One dont Lave to look far for the reason either We are busy because we offer people in ducements to spend their money with us It is and always has been our policy to do business even if it were necessary to giveour customers a good share of the profits The prices we are quoting on desirable goods below are an object lesson in this respect Cer tainly no local merchant or city dealer either will sell those goods at our prices Dress Skirts 3 Shirt Waists 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 Straw Goods AT THIS PRINTING YOUR OFFICE We Can Satisfy You ia Quality Price and Workmanship a e 0 0 6 o o o if Ladies Button Shoes THE RED FRONT TEX PER EXT OFF OX EVERYTHING 0 0 of 0 i 0 0 39 cfrfrtyifr w GENERAL HARDWARE Wall tents wagon covers wagon bows gasoline stoves poultry netting screen doors and screening lawn mow ers rubber hose hammocks picture frames room moulding window shades etc Call on me and get Prices when in need of anything in my line B ANDERSON Valentine rjjvjjrzTT Blacksmith I V X22SS2SSS2S225S2222BS22EK53 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 The DONOHER X X X Is continually adding improvements and it is now the best equipped and most comfortable FIRST CLASS MODERN HOTEL IN NORTHWEST NEBRASKA Hot and Cold Water Excellent Bath Room Tw Sample Foomi tf 9959 99999 99999 999999999 ANNUAL OLEARIN SHOES AT HALF PRICE SALE BOOTS SHOES CLOTHING AND GENTS FURNISHINGS PRACTICAL TAILORING ALT OVR WORK GUARANTEED D STINARD CLOTHIER AGENT FOR Nebeaska r Kiir1roT lu svnrMc i vrr J 7 i W Ogyil OllU Harvesters CatTiage Maker Machine Oil and Twine HAKDWQ0D LUMBER HEAVY HARDWARE AND AGRICULTURAL A - IMPLEMENTS b BKbULAiNDfcK SFFlSFJJJ C H CORNEIJU President B M V tflCHOSOX Cashier ANK OF VALENTINE Valentine Nebraska A General Banking Business Transacted Bays and Sells Bom estie and Foreign Exchange Correspondents Chemical National Bank New York First National Bank Omaha Neb wwv aaa i THE VALENTINE VOLUME XV vnorvvorvvvvvvvvvvvvvvnrvvvvvvvvvvvvvvnnonrvvvvvvrvvvvvvvvvvvyyvyvvvvvvv TATl OP THP TOWM A A AUIS SJ A A AJUS A b TT A lj 5 G H Q Smith Kalsominer house and carriage painter 16 tf Ira Richardson was up from Perch on the Fourth Creamery Prices paid for butter and eggs in cash Crabb Co 20 tf Jim Gillaspie is in town this week talking to friends and old acquaint ances Jas Galloway came off the Reser vation to celebrate the Fourth at Valentine and to rest from his la bors Wesley Holsclaw came in from the Reservation to spend a week at home with his family and celebrate the Fonrth See the - ladies hams slippers at Will Morgareidge is assuming a part of the duties of editor during the absence of I M Rice at the state convention at Lincoln Walter S Jackson and bride re turned from their eastern visit Fri day night of last week after spend ing several weeks in their tour Dean Efner of the Chadron Journal has gone home He has visited friends in and around Valentine for some time and also made us several visits while here We deliver groceries as well as feed to any part of town W A Pettycrew Arkansas Bob is in town this week and says the bridge at Cody on the Niobrara was washed out during the Fourth of July J F Hooks mill also washed out Albert Nenzel Peter Hoffman and Robert Schulz drove in from Nenzel Saturday on school business returning the same evening Mr Schulz becomes a readerof the Dem ocrat from now For Sale An Epworth organ nearly new Inquire of O W Morey 20 tf A M Morrissey Wm E Haleyand I M Rice left Tuesday morning to attend the State Convention at Lin coln F H Baumgartel expects to go from Crookston accompanied by his wife Is your liyer tired Does it fail to do its duty If so dont neglect its call for help A few doses of Herbine may save you a spell of sickness Herbine is the only perfect liver med icine It cures chills and fever Price 50c Quigley Chapman Wm Riggs and wife and daughter from Onawa Iowa ars visiting with Daniel Hubbard on North Table Mr Riggs has a fine farm of 360 acres near the Missourri River but having rented it for this year he is making a tour of the West with a view to locating on a stock ranch The following named have enrolled and taken up the work in our Insti tute since last week U G Stevenson Mrs Norman Julia Colby Mary Kief Frank Thorn Mrs Chase Mrs Cramer Jennie Crowe Earl Pettycrew Mary German Alta Starr The Teachers Social given Mon day evening was well attended and a good time was enjoyed by all An in teresting program was rendered by teachers and High School students after ice cream and cake had been served Our teachers are among the best that can be found and to spend an evening with them makes us feel we have been made better by be ing there What among human ills are more annoying than piles The afflictions that prevent active exercise are bad enough but onethat makes even rest miserable is - worse Womea are among its greatest martyrs Tablers Buckeye Pile Ointment will cure the most obstinate cases Prices 50 cts in bottle tabes 7oc Quigley Chap man druggists West Bound Excursions Tickets on sale June 21st July 7 8 9 10 and 18th and August 2 1900 to Deadwood Hot Springs and Rapid City S D and Casper Wyo and Denver Colorado Springs Pueblo and Glenwood Colo Salt Lake City and Ogden Utah atone fare plus 200 for round trip Final limit of all tickets October 31st 1900 Call on nearest ticket agent of F E M V Ry lor further information Dont let 3rour insurance expire Call on I M Rice to write it up in the best state company and at lowest price - AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAJL - t HWWWAAAArfO WEDDING BELLS Linebrink Rineck Chas Line brink of Chesterfield Nebr and Miss Mary Rineck of Fairfield Wis were united in marriage by Judge Towne July 8th They will begin housekeeping on Mr Linebrinks ranch- near Chester field Archer Stillwell Capt Arch er and Mrs Lillie A Stillwell were married last Thursday evening at 8 oclock by Rev Cumbow A crowd of young people went up to serenade them and came marching down the street at about 930 oclock with the captain and Lis bride at the head of the torchlight procession After trying to arouse the restaur ants to get ice cream to no avail the crowd slowly wended their way Jback up the street feeling perhaps Jthat they were the ones who were sere naded Harper Mann Harry W Harp er and Miss Melinda Mann of Valen tine were united in marriage at the home of Mr and Mrs Geo Austin on July 8th 1900 Rev Jas A Johnson officiated There were about thirtj guests pres ent Myron Cogswell and Jessie Bowering held the places of honor as best man and lad A number of nice presents were given Mr and MrsHarper by friends Harry had provided an ample re past of many good things to eat and all present seemed to have a jolly good time Mr and Mrs Harper will leave for Iowa in a few dars for a two months wedding tour after which they will return and make Cherry county their future home The good wishesbf all present were given for a long and happy marriage Did We Celebrate Y Valentine celebrated Thous ands of people were here with new hats fine dresses and holiday smiles but all were spoiled when it began to rain The firepoopers got damp and wouldnt go The powder washed off the curls straightened dresses were bedrabbled smiles gave way to frowns but it rained right on Some said What a nice rain Others said Perfectly awful and Why couldnt it rain some other time But it kept right on raining Some soldier boys got into a mix up but they soon got over it and went march ing along the street as unconcerned as if they didnt know that it was raining and the water over their shoe tops but they waded across the streets wherever it came handy The program was rendered as published The parade was grand and well worth seeing It was equal to any city pa rade and our townsmen deserve a great deal of praise for their ingenu ity and business enterprise Ask about the different floats and you will hear their praise from any one who was present Too bad that more of our citizens did not participate in this grandest day for Valentine The singing was immense the bands play ed everything but Annie Rooney and A Hot Time The speaker Harry O Tucker soared the Ameri can eagle so high that there was a demand for water and it came The people found shelter but some had to go home and it was still raining so they took off their hats covered up with whatever they had to use and pulled out for home in the most glori ous rain of this season There was a total of 302 inches rainfall for thel 4th day of July including a short sprinkle on the morning of the 5th and as June was the driest month we have had for 12 years we were all glad to see it rain The sports were just beginning when the rain drove every one to shelter A dance in Cornell Hall attracted and entertained many of the young people Others went to Hornbys Hall to an Epworth League social They all come to Valentine to celebrate rirht A U Mavfield was in town this weeK Mr Mavfield who is one of the brightest newspaper men in the west conducts the Rips From the Buzz Saw column in the Omaha Daily News in which he is winning fame as a genuine humorist Will Boyer of Lead S D visited in our city a few days this week as the guest of his sisters Mesdames Sherman and his brother TJ Boyer He was accompanied by his nephew Master Joe Burgess Mr Boyer- is ont of the firm of Boyer Bros mer chants of Lead City 49 9 - H DEMOC VALENTINE NEBRASKA JULY 12 1900 JL VjLjL JL X NUMBER 25 4 4 49 4 4 49 49 49 49 49 49 NEW SPRING DRESS GOODS The S Our stock of Spring Dress Goods is now complete and the ladies will take especial delight in examining our beautiful lines We have wellest Assortment ever brought to Crookston and it will be absolutely impossible for you to find prices any lower elsewhere ont Forget us when you want Groceries hhoes Clothing or in fact anything tyWe sell coal salt and fence posts ORIGINAL OBERAMMERGAU PASSION PLAY Under the management of Dr John H Scherer and the lectures of the two professors Jacob Willig and Chas Brey will be given at Cornell Hall at Valentine Wednesday July 18th at 8 pm This is the original Oberammergau Passion Play copiedfrom the scenery at Oberammergu Bavaria Germany from large photographs that were ta ken for the King of Bavaria which were afterward subjected to Edisons science and by him made into living moving pictures reproducing the realistic features of the great origi nal passion play which is the aston ishment and admiration of the most learned and cultured people of Europe and America consisting of 175 pic tures of the life of Christ his mir acles sufferings and death together with pictures of the holy places made sacred thereby Admission 50c Re served seats 75c Children 25c Crowds always attend this play so secure tickets right away and come early 24 2t T Y v v 4T MAX E VIERTEL CROOKSTON NEBRASKA 2 Jj Midsummer Sale of Shoes 49 i - 49 iteauction in rrice FBOM 25 to 50 PER CENT MENS SHOES 49 WOMENS SHOES g 49 r j Childrens One Strap Slippers fr1 49 49 Call and see our bargain counter of Shoes 49 fQ Chilck ens All Linen 2piece Suits 50c DAVENPORT THACHER 49 49 General Merchants f o I I cm ZENS - MEAT MARKET d W STETTER PROFRIETOR This market always keeps a supply of 1 FRESH FRUIT - AND GAME In addition to a Erst class line of Steaks Boasts Dry Salt Hcsfc Smoked Hams Breakfast Bacon and Vegetable At8tetteri Old Stand on Main Street VALENTINE NEBRASKA gMragEaKSCWjg Wl LIVERY BARN AAA WALCOTT L LUD WIG Props AAA Successors to WAL00TT STEVMS0K LIVERY FEED AND SALE STABLE W JJlJWSFSSFJl The Best Itemed u for Stomach and lioicel Troubles I have been in the drug business for twenty years and have sold most all of the proprietary medicines of any note Among the entire list I have never found anything to equal Chamberlains Colic Cholera and Diarhoea Remedy for all stomach and bowel troubles says O W Wakefield of Columbus Ga This remedy cured two severe cases of cholera morbus in my family and I have recommended and sold hun dreds of bottles of it to my customers to their entire satisfaction It affords a quick and sure cure in a pleasant form No family shonld be without it I keep it in my house at all times For sale by Quigley Chapman Ask for our pi ices on job work 2 Got a cow to sell You can -get goods for it at Farnhams 20tf s sffl2SsKnraRs