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About Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930 | View Entire Issue (July 19, 1900)
t BK r v i i VOLUME XV H Dress Skirts Shirt Waists 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 w 9 THE VALENTIN 1FAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAA 49 49 49 4 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 Some Stores are Dull now but we are Busy as Bees One dont have to look far for the reason either We are busy because we offer people in ducements to spend their money with us It is and always has been our policy to do business even if it were necessary to give our customers a good share of the profits The prices we are quoting on desirable goods below are an object lesson in this respect tainly no local merchant or city dealer either will sell those goods at our prices TEX PER fEXT OFF OX EVERYTHING tf9 CM V R JGJQ sKJJJ5JSWJ THE RED FRONT dtorcrctCfictc r tpw K jjTwjTirjTjjQrjzxjm GENERAL HARDWARE S Blacksmith Wagon and rrP131 to 0 to to o o to ft o of to to 0 to Straw Goods Ladies Button Shoes If to 2 to J J 2 rirfrfs Wall tents wagon covers wagon bows gasoline stoves poultry netting screen doors and screening lawn mow ers rubber hose hammocks picture frames room moulding window shades etc Gall on me and get Prices when in need of anything in my line R ANDERSON VirjtiGSmliiW 49 to - - 49 49 49 49 49 4 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 ine JJUlNUhLJiJrt wv W 4 Is continually adding- improvementsand It ia now the best equipped and most comfortable FIRST CLASS MODERN HOTEL IN NORTHWEST NEBRASKA Hot and Cold Water Excellent Bath Koom Twe Sample Room tf WWWHBWW 9V999993TOI Mr n I I 1 111 I ill ANNUAL CLEARING SALE Valentine SHOES AT HALF PRICE BOOTS snoES CLOTHING AND GENTS FURNISHINGS PRACTICAL TAILORING AIjTj OVU WORK GUARANTEED D STINARD GLOTHIER A AGENT FOR Nebraska r Buckeye IViower s f Harvesters Carriage Maker Machine OU and Twine HAKDWOOD LUMBER HEAVT HARDWARE AND AGRICULTURAL implements E BREUKLANDER C H CORNEM President M V NICHOLSON Cashier B ANK OF VALENTINE mmmmmtrmrm Correspondents Dhemlcal National Bank New York First National Bank Omaba Neb V it J k - - i ft f Valentine Nebraska A General Banking Business Transacted - Bays and Sells Domestic and Foreign Exchange GET YOUR PRINTING AT THIS OFFICER Wc Can Satisfy You in Quality Price and Workmanship wwv E vvvvvvvvvvyvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvywvvvvvvvvwvvyvvvvvvvyvvvnrVYVvvvvvv1 TALK OF THE TOWN AAAJUUUAAAAAAAAiUAAAAAAiWAAAAi IUI HAA Faknham has apples Hy Lee of Newton was in town last Friday J B Sweeney of Pullman was in town this week Carl Seeley internal revenue man was in town Tuesday Charles Austin of Simeon was in town Monday after a load of supplies Creamery Prices paid for butter and eggs in cash Crabb Co 20 tf Judges Westover and Harrington are holding court at this week i Elmer Bristol has gone to Marsh Lake to help make hay for Ed Hols claw Dr Evans formerly of this place but now of Springview renewed ac quaintances here this week A party of young folks picnicked in the country Monday afternoon A yery pleas awnt time is reported We deliver groceries as well as feed to any part of town W A Pettycrew Judge Walcott Col Towle E J Davenport and his son Harrison at tended the reunion at Bordeaux Wm Baird Jake Emmick Billy Banks and Abe Bailey were Wood Lakers seen on our streets Tuesday Martin Christensen and his gang of painters went over to St Francis Mission Sunday to paint the mission buildings Sam Hudson came in Sunday to meet his nephew Mr Wood from Missouri who expects to remain with Mr Hudson during the summer Mrs Chas Sherman departed on the afternoon train last Sunday for Merriman She will be the guest of Miss Jessie Bowring for a week Dr Compton has gone to visit his father at Honey Grove Texas He left Sunday evening and will be gone a couple of weeks We wish the Doc tor a pleasant trip and safe return Erie Farnham brother of C J Farnham wentbackto his home near Newton Monday very much improv ed Thanks to the skill of Drs Lewis and Compton he is now able to walk with the aid of crutches Miss Mary Watson left Monday morning for Graysville Ind where she will spend the summer visiting her parents She intends to return about the 1st of September when she will begin teaching a school in Crook ston Mrs E E Thorn departed Tuesday morning for Ashland this state for a visit with her eldest son H W Wes ton She will also visit her mother and other relatives in Chicago before returning Mrs Thorn expects to be gone a month or more Is your liyer tired Does it fail to do its duty If so dont neglect its call for help A few doses of Herbine may save you a spell of sickness Herbine is the only perfect liver med icine It cures chills and fever Price 50c Quigley Chapman Mrs J B Tripp with her two daughters and little son are visiting at the home of Daniel Fowler Mrs Tripp has lived on the Reservation for nine years but has never been in Valentine until this week She is yery well pleased with our town Mr Tripp who is superintendent at the Boarding School is up in South Da kota on business What among human ills are more annoying than piles The afflictions that prevent active exercise are bad enough but one that makes even rest miserable is worse Women are among its greatest martyrs Tablers Buckeye Pile Ointment will cure the most obstinate cases Prices 50 cts in bottle tabes 75c Quigley Chap man druggists West Bound Excursions Tickets on sale June 21st July 7 8 9 10 and 18th and August 2 1900 to Deadwood Hot Springs and Rapid City S D and Casper Wyo and Denver Colorado SpringsPueblo and Glenwood Colo Salt Lake City and Ogden Utah atone fare plus 200 for round trip Final limit of all tickets October 31st 1900 Call on nearest ticket agent of F E M V Ry tor further information Dont let your insurance expire Call on I M Rice N to write it up in the best state company and at lowest price A J and Horace DEMOC VALENTINE NEBRASKA JULY 19 1900 UAAAld Wallingford are in town on business Wm Shelbourn drove in Tuesday from his ranch up the Snake Ora Shepherd of Rosebud came in Wednesday to visit a few days R Anderson is receiving additions to his stock of hardware every day Will Morgareidge is out in the country this week visiting his father For Sale AnEpworth organ nearly new Inquire of O W Morey 20 tf See the ladies slippers at Farn hams 20 tf Carl Freeman is helping- Quigley Chapman invoice their stock this week Misses Lena and Mabel Fike re turned to their home in Newport Tuesday morning Solomon Ellis was in town Tuesday from Simeon laying in a supply of goods for his store A Kneeland returned from Omaha Wednesday morning after a weeks visit in the metropolis G H Q Smith goes to Hot Springs S D to take treatment for the rheumatism this week Stotts Stetter of Cody are hav ing their saloon renovated R S Dennis of this town is doing the work Yank OBryan and family have gone to Hot Springs S D Joe Mor rison is running the ranch in their ab sence C M Sageser left Wednesday for a ten days pleasure trip to Hot Springs and the Hills We wish him a pleas ant time The Misses Reynolds visited Mrs Snow at The Donoher a few days this week They have now gone to Hot Springs S D Dr Tucker from Rosebud is visiting in town this week during his leave of absence from duty as assistant gov ernment physician at Rosebud The railroad fare from Valentine to Long Pine during the Chautauqua will be one fare for the round trip Tickets good August 2 to 15 inclusive H W Learn Secy W H Carter of Cody was in town Monday Mrs John Shores accom panied him back home where she will visit for a dav or so She will also visit in Georgia The stock movement to the East has begun The railroad men are busy taking empties west and sev eral loads of stock have gone east during the week The Misses Jessie and Flora Sage ser and Lulu Stinard went out to visit the formers sister Mrs Claude Reece They left Wednesday morn ing and intend to stav through haying time Henry Wilber and wife of north of Kennedy on the Snake came in to visit their son Hugh who is a mem ber of the First Cavalry prior to his departure with the regiment for China They were accompanied by Mr and Mrs Lou Ganow A company of infantry arrived last Saturday night on a special train and marched out to the Post Sunday morning Lieut Stevens is in com mand This company will take the place of the cavalry troop who are daily expecting orders to start for China Chas Schaffnit special agent and adjuster of the Fidelity Mutual Fire Insurance Co of Omaha was in town on business connected with his com pany Tuesday and on Wednesday left for the west in company with I M Rice local agent of the company who will accompany him as far as Gordon Put Up Hay The drouth in Dakota and Montana is driving out so many cattle some should find a wintering place in Cher ry count7 That being the case it would seem to be a most excellent idea to put up plenty of hay The up land as well as valley hay is fine this year therefore it should be cut and cured for winter feed No doubt some one will be along either to buy hay or furnish cattle to consume it Those who live on farms are liable to many accidental cuts burns and bruises which heal rapidly when Bal lards Snow Liniment is promptlv hplied Price 25 and 50c Quigley Chapman druggists Jlxjl X NUMBER 26 K 5 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 W2Z ft JJUfAfc R i i DAVENPORT THACHER General Merchants LIVERY FEEO AND SALE STABLE The Skimmery The patrons of the skimmery have had their second pay day and from ex pressions heard among them they are very well pleased First They are receiving a stipu lated price for their butter in cash monthly Second The work now compared to that incident to butter making is so largely in favor of the skimming station jthat the farmers wives all favor it enthusiastically Third The presence of the skimmery has taken so many out of butter mak ing that butter is now 12 to 15 cents a pound here when heretofore at this season it has averaged 6 to 10 cents Taken as a whole it is believed it will prove highly satisfactory More lo calities in our county should haye skimming stations Got a cow to sell goods for it at Parnhams You can get 20tf nebraska to to to to to to to to to 49 to j Midsummer Sale of Shoes 49 49 49 Reduction in Price - of to t FROM 25 to 50 PER CENT 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 MENS SHOES WOMENS SHOES to to to to to to to 49 Childrens One Strap Slippers 49 49 49 Call and see our bargain counter of Shoes J Childrens All Linen 2piece Suits 50c 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 to to to to to to to to to to to to Ccrcrcccrcccrcrccrcccrccrcrcrcc CITIZENS MEAT MARKET J W STETTER PROPRIETOR This market always keepe a supply of FRESH - FRUIT - AND - GAME In addition to a first class line of Steaks Roasts Dry Salt Meats Smoked Hams Breakfast Bacon and Vegetables AtStetteru Old Stand on Main Street VALENTINE NEBRASKA rog3g2aTa3sre WiltKa mfc I tityr2tt LIVERY BARN AAA WALCOTT a LUD WIG Props AAA Successors to WAL00TT STEVMS0H WJJJJsfJJsSSBSESt GOO Our stock of Spring Dress Goods is now complete and the ladies Avill take especial delight in examining t our beautiful lines We have The Swellesl Assortment ever brought to Crookston and it will be absolutely impossible for you to find prices any lower else whera Don t Forget us when you want Groceries bhoes Clothing or in fact anything ty We sell coal salt antd fence posts xe -V V MAX E VIERTEL CROOKSTOtf Cure or Cholera Infantum Never JCnotcn to Fail Daring last May an infant child of our neighbor was suffering from cholera infantum The doctors had given up all hoDe of recovery I took a bottle of Chamberlains Colic Cholera and Diar rhoea remedy to the house telling them I felt sure it would do good if taken according to directions It two days time the child had fully recovered It is now vigorous and healthy I have recommended this remedy frequently and have neyer known it to fail Mrs Curtis Baker Bookwalter Ohio or sale by Quigley Chapman - 1 LOST A blue mackintosh cape with pleat in back It was left in Judge Townes office July othTlease leave at Postoffice D E Sherman Ask for our pi ices on job work rv