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About Western news-Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1898-1900 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 11, 1900)
WESTERN NEWS-DEMOCRAT JVcws , Farui and Stock ROBERT GOOD , - Manager Valentine , Nebraska ALONZO HEATH PDstofilce address - Cody , Nebraska ) n left side ; horses leftshouldor Range noni o I'utc iml > Lai.e i. S A WINS LOW Postofllce address Cody , Nebraska' ' Branded on either 8ido ; horses same on left uhouldcr i Range 3-ml. northeast - east of Eli and south of Niobrara river , 13- ml southwest of Cody A C RIEMENSCUNEIDEK ipostoffice acldrcs- O < lv. > ebra ka , On right sideal - X on ripht sho.ib'er and 2 ' J" ' * 3 onlefthii > 5il-'i : on J flange OM Poor Ranch on Niobraia A D COLE Posioffice address Cody , Nebraska Same as on cut , lei' .si < "c and shoulder. Range eastandoiitli - and west or Cod , CIIAS- ROBERTS Postofllce address Cody , Nebraska On either side ; sonic It i ; 15 ; soii" KJ321 Range MOI th est of Coily FRANK J. JONES Postoffice address Cody.NebraM.a On right side ; horses ses same on left shoulder Raugo. eight miles & west of Cody CHAKLES GART3IDE Postofiice address Cody , Neb ' atie branded on 'tt side ; also C G li ft hip > f cattle ml left shoulder on horses i-tmme on3M < brara 10 iitisonrii\t < 'st c > d\ JOHN SHANGRAN PoRtoffice addrcFS Cody , Nebraska ! ( In lett Fide A IM ) n leftside HctVes , J S on left -slioi-lder Hange between Corly and Lnke Creek J P GARDINER Postoffice address Cody , Nebraska On 'eft side of cat tle ; horses O right armRange Range , north and south of Niobrara Riwr.IiMnileSMwi h west of Cody FRED AND WILLIAM MAYBEE. ' I'ostoffice address Cody ? ? ! "M .Lit slrte ; horses .tine left shoulder notch > n uiiduiaideot righLear ll.mge e it and ni.\ inth of Kli J H STEELE Postolficeadd'ess Cody , Nebraska On left side ; also LO orV L , on left side ol on left hipjJj and horses ou - f- " ilett shoulder Ranee-Mouth of SSBear Creek [ ' Chi G H i' . : > tollice address fCodv Neoraska , PeOn ' ' .triebranded as on 1.1 on ieflide , hp ! On ii d slioul < cr ; horses hoi . me hoii it-uige. Snake Creek of ( A FRANK 310GLE per lin ; Postollice address nig Cody , Nebraska On either de cattle herdmark left ear clipped and ritrht ear sphthorses ; branded &s < ime ou lett shoulder on Niobrarn KARL COMSTOCK , MANAGER. Let POP On ] hon i-ilj i K ; I'-.fl H CHAS S NICHOLS Postofflce address Mcrriman , Neb ' * i hip of cattle ; same left L'.mge between Bear Civ'ekand Niobrara Jtiver , 9-ml fioutheast of Merriman SELDER BROTHERS Postoffice address Merriroun. Neb On leftside of e r on left U inge. inn ill : i " sontli of Mobrar River,0-mis ot Mcnimaii G H FOLSOM Postoffice address Merriman , Neb Branded on left side Range noith o * Merriman E F DEYINE Postofficcadilre-s Men-mian , Neb Br.ti ded on left side ; horses o me on leJt shoulder Range between Dear Creek and the Ni'.biara river.Ji-mi S.E. of Merriman GEORGE STOVflU Postoffice address Merriman , Nei ) On left side ; hora'-i same left shoulder Knnge Little White River South Dakota GEORGE Postofiice Merriman , Neb On 3ither left side or hip ; Lories same on It-It shoulder B pge-Esi&t of Cot ton wood Lake GENTRY. ABBOTT & MON1HAN Po-toftico address Hyannis , Both on tgffi left side _ branded C Ipfl .shoul der A left hip ; also N N N.anyrtheie on left side ; also C Alert side Ringe head Middle Loup C S WILLIAMS Postoffice address Gallop , Nebraska On left side ; also IV I left side ; also Jleft hipalso ; W on side ami Son hip ; horses S on 'eft ' jaw Range-Eight miles south of Gallop ALIJEUT NENZEL Postollice address S j\cii7"l. Nebraska h On either sld" Ot cat tle ; borv- Name i-ansrc nortnt % ist of R sin LAN ADAMSON Postoffice address Chesterfield , Neb. Br ruled as on cut ; . 8011105on left hip ; a some jiibt oi.e brand like on cur ou leit thiuv. Range between IlorUmiU ) and Snake W G SAWYER L'ostoflice address Oasis , Nebraska Jutler& QuiBcnbery Javech.irge of these Po attic ; horses Dsoii elt .shoulder ; some Ui ! ! lid uheruo . iaiige. .snake river sll sll KICHAKDs & CAIliNJCS CO. Cattle branded on any part ofammal : also thy following brands : rorses branded the sane R nge between Gordon ou the F.E. &M. V.R. R. and yannis on B , & M. R. R. iu Northwestern 'ebraska. Address , BAIITLKTT RICIIAIEDS. lhadron , Nebraska J W OSTRANDER sh 'osti'fliccTaddress Rushville , Neb left thigh or hip ; orses .1 left thigh Poof Range-Headwaters : Gordon Creek Aftt'trarrt oftfjflf ) will be paid to anv erson for information leading to the arrest and conviction of any person or persons igcattle with above brand. MOREY & HEWETT Postoffice address Q-ordon , Neb On leftside of cattle borses same left shoulder ; als < 24O and jleftsid i left < & & & i of pome of Snake35-mi south- olor < Mii I WM ER1CKSON ? ptoffice address Kennedy , Nel VOA left side and hip : rses O or A < > n n jaw JSi Italic" ' ' . . ' " ! ( llltlj.y iili " i < if Ken , : V DAWSON & BALL Posloffice address Chesterflel' . Cattle branded on leftside as on cut : also V lelt neck audZ ' left hip : some Vleit , neck , v left shoulder 1 andZlefthlujhorses VZ left hip. Range Snake Rfver,31,32,33. GEORGE G BOTH WELL Postofllce address Pullman , Neb Branded as on cut ; a i left hip Range south and east of Pullman P PULLMAN Postofiice address Pullman. Neb P.rnndcd as on cut ; Also P on shoulder on side 1 * on hip ; filso w side hip also I' on sn uldpj- , \V on side I'on hip Range north prong of North Loup CUAS S IIOYT e&l $5 Pesto ce address Pu'mat ! > , NHi I'rundud on l. i . , IM > " between MIM ! o se , IJsiiiJTi * i * "si 2SSS/iJ "f Pullman J L PostoRlee address i' Neb Branded on left hin ; horses same * d- mark-double de\v-lap Uangc south and east of Brush Hili S II DYE Postofllfe'address Pul ! nan. Neb Branded on left side A reward of $100 will l > e jiai l for ii- formatioi ) loading to file ; jrrCBt and final conviction of aiiy tor killing , < lrivinsrni ) orconceal ing any ot my cattle H A BUCK gfe > Postotlici ; a i dress \X. " 3& ! lZ" ' < txit'yj\ HynnsNeb Biaudcil 1 ou lelt side M.m & J& & Range eighteen nales W : j | north fif Ifviiiiiiis v ys > } ! ' ! L L MORKILL Postofflce address Hvannis , N > b On left side ; also S on left hip ; horses 5 left shoulder Range liS-miles north of Hyannis II C MASON Postollice address Hyannis , N _ O uii left sirjp ; eome h same on left side ; hip Sojm R - -S OT ? onlelthii' & % Horses - sL , - A- -y Rniige-Mother Lalce . , Krf , . L-pJ ? summer raujre-Bing- ifJr- . ' , * VlJXV3BS25ss > ; nam ; , Sheridan Co. * - A SAULTS Postoffice address Gregory , Neb On left side or hip ; horses same on left shoulder Range-Arkansa Valley and Snakr P JOE CVLIJERTSON C leSt ( .toflice su St Pulmian. 01 randi d on left siii- ; orhi lorses T 'j' on r.glii ono dioulder : a crop > -ml III in Jell earolcatJ'e o i luinut ; KoiKs of Vonh l oup River AlPo C JENSEN JENSENostoffice ostoffice a dress Gallop , Nebraska Leftside on private stock , md on cat tie lett Horses C J on left boulder. < Runge-Ei-jhl miles south of Gallop PoPes JULIUS PETERSON' ) n t-jffi. e ad ir. ss "GS r Gregory. Veb inuided as on cut rri Itange two miles orth -Gregory ng D N GMURLKY Postofl'ceadfhfsa RushviMe. Neb On M It hip ; ; 5OO "ii left side : horse left slio'.ildijr J ' { aiiu'e-Ceilar Lakt 01IE OI1URCII ostoffice addros Mcrriman , Neb Pos left pido : : il o side lira on njht Rti M'M-s o left Jshonlder Son : : e no ll < and iiitli < il Mci i IIP.ui CHARLES LONE WOLF PostofHce : ldress Allen 5 D On right side and shoulder , horses same on right thich flange-Bear Creek MORRIS JANIES Postoffice address Rosebud , S. D. Cattle branded ou left siue an on rut on 1 off thIt'll , Jtrnwoif Rock Creek JOHN A LOGAN PostofTico address Allen , S. D,1 On left shoulder and bin ; some 1 on left on left side. Ear mark-left ear crop'd Range-Bear Creek * K A GALLIGO Posroffice address MandersonS. D. Left side nnd on voting stock Olri stock'eil lett sine Horses leu thigh Ritnge Rock Springs IVisin JA3IER BUSH I'ostoflice address Allen S On lett side Also M > CI on Pf , side B5r afci Horses ou left hip nange Dear Creek R M FADDIS Postoffice Address Pass , Neb Range , Norib Loup Riyer CHARLES LONG THAN Postoffice address Allen S D On left side of cattle Range Bear Creek GEORGE DAVIS Postoffice address Simeon , .Veb Branded on right on left hip g " "lories on right i boulder a * on cut Jfanue-Goidou and Snake CHARGING BEAK Postolliee address Allen S D On left amertiid thigh P horses on thigh Range Hear Creek O C L Pu Niu Brand CM leit a i HorBes and s'ime cattle , , biidid on 5g : 3 K t aide and Mp , in , i.iVia arul C F COOPER Postoffice ( address Kennedy , Cattle branded on I'c left side same a < cut Stock over 0 one year old right hide.j j sssa lelt aiuiuhicr ; Range south & west S Mmkhcm Lake and Curlew siR Also some brand" n eftlej. R JACOBSON BROTHERS Postoffice address Gregory , Neb On left side ; s-jme same with I on lift shoulder horses , lett shoulder. . Range Gordon - don and Goose Lake DAN WEBSTER 'ostoflice address Jlarlnn , Nebraska left side or hip ; Po ' lorsesbnimled same uftsh nl ler Con iange between Nio and riv" on irarn Snul- , > < oiitli of Merri- all A JSt'iciii'tl of $1OO will be paid to any oi won for information leading to the arrest and nal conviction of anj ptrsoii or per.sons steali nee ciUJle or hoi ses witbuuo\e uiaud. O J KELLA.H o addrest Broxvn - > Nebr On off side Ranye , betweer Goose Greek and Loup A T BRACKET ! ostoffice address Pos Kiege Neb Cat ruiided on left side 'ft angc-Three miles jiitbe.istofOeortcia f'V WILLIAM WILSON Postoffice address Kiljoro Neb Branded on left side Kange-Southeast of Georgia H SCITULTZ Postollice address McCaun Neb Stock branded as on cut JJangc xortli and south of Georgia WfLHELM ANDERSON Postofiice address McCann Neb Branded on left side horses same on Icit hip Range between the xiobrar.t and Snake JOIIN DUBRAY Pi ) > toffice address Merriman , Net ) On left side , jaw or hip Range Lake Creek Soutli Dakota. A. B. CAP WELL Postofiice address Pullman Neb Onlef ; Pideof cattle Hange North Loup JOE ROOKS Posfoir.ce address Alien S On'left side ; horses same on teigh iange Bear Creek jTervey Ranch Two miles east of Crookslon , in Cherrj coui'tx , Nebiaska Cattle branded OC 011 left hip on right liipandoniiKhtside with 3-inch letter Win Cavjinaiigh Jlgr Ciookston Neb P C1IAMI3ERLAIN & CO 1 address Brownlee , Neb Branded on either side same as on cut also both jaws II Y DOWNING Postofiice addreas Gregorv. Neb On left side ; also CO L E on side Range Stevenson Lake ! on RaCe PIKE BROb CoPe ffice address Crookston , Neb & ? * * , . ' . "ii- * , * Tf incfeasbs ? Branded on eithe PeOn g TO S sideotartmal On bcni e SIC n right hip on tin Range On .Min- bo aduzji. 5-miles bn of Crook tonE o E E AND H E WOODRUFF t'ostoffice address Hyannis , Nelii On left hip and left Fide. A iso stock on k-lt side uid reversed on right siKuil-Jer ; also right nip . .ml leltMe uigeMoiheLake 31 RICHARDSON : Postoffice address 3tcCann Neb , Cat Branded on leftside cut Ranje McCann san rev- See Rai and La A T DAYIS 'ostoffice : nddr ss liyann's. Neb On right side Jiore left shouIJe ilso cattle O O > risrht si t Ranne ] 1 > miles jonli of ! l < annis R A WESTOVEK Postofflce address Lakeland. Neb Pos Branded on left hip and shoulder Some on right side Range in Brown and r Cherry countiesltan at headwaters of the Calamus river. R. HANSON xstoffice address Valentine. Neb Lie branded on hip ; tior-es the rime Range n Dry Yal- Brand and 5'apcr One Year S3.5O Robert Good , Valentine , PS ROUSCHE Postoffice address Brownlee , Nebj On left side or any part of animal. Ear mark right ear cut off ; horses branded same on left liIn.Also has stock branded II on side or shoulder , orJKor WorO'VL. orO or FZ. Also the following , the first one being on side and hip LEZ AUD 8ON8 PoatofflM BrowBlee JCab On rlarnt side , oLE - LE OB * ani * Also I * V oo aide Kanstx nortt rownloe. 1 to * mile. GEO HIGGINS Postofllce address , Brownlee , Neb Branded on left side ; .some II. left side and thigh and on left thigh Range Duck Lake JOHN J M - $8 ? W Pontofllce ; Brownlee On light Bide Range. Horse Valley CLARENCE K SMITH Postofllce address WnitmanNel On left side ; horses same on leftshoiilder on left side inywhere on animal. OiiJCTf nip or thigh | Ji Rang' ' ' noi til prong Middle Loup river and Buffalo Lake S W Chesnut Gordon , Nebraska Brand same as cut on left hip. Range head of Gordon Creek , forty miles southeast of Gordon Breeder of Hereford cattle. .1 ( J COOLEY Postoffice ( address HyannisvNeb or right side ; bor es same on right shoulder n e six miles northwest of Mother Ulei ei Lake precinct A J PLUMER Postoffice address Hyannis , Neb Branded on right side and h' p Also have stock bianded n right.side and Lip Herpes on right hip fcuigp-fcoutlwestern Cherry Jountv. W E STANSBIE AND D 0 BAUGH 'ostofflce address Byannis , Neb < n left hip anc left iide Also left hip .nd left side lorses same rands on shoulders Range 23-miles orthof ilyannis MASON COMPANY Postoffice address Ilyannis , Neb On right hip ; ll either side Un right JMS BBlS * * ses right shoulder ange seven miles north of Hyannis. SWEENEY BROS ostofflce address Pullman , NeJ attle branded as on ; horses branded line as cattle e ejit 2versed S , " block . ange Steverj Stcphenson akes and South A HUMPHREY /Posloffice / nddr&ss Hyannis , Neb Branded anywhere on right side. ; horses ses same on left shonlder Range - - .sixteen miles northeast of Hyann EOBEKT I HINES istoffice ; adoress Cody , Nebraska anded on left side ; rses same left shoul inge on Snake south Codv. Charles Richards aierriman. Neb , * f - -