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About Western news-Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1898-1900 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 18, 1900)
EWS-DEMOCRAT J * ' * * * V F arm ana stocK .Journal. VOLUME XIV VALENTINE , , NEBRASKA , JANUARY IS , 1900. N TIMBER 5-2. Metzger Bros. , Pullman Neb Cherry Co. Brand on left Hide [ and thigh Earmark , sq.iare crop right ear ' Southern branded L cattle have but one . 'half-diamond E" on [ left side Native cattle have throat wattle Ranee on Gordon nnd.Snake Creeks liorses have same brand on left thigh A Ilcicttrtl of$25O will be paid to any person for information leading to the arrest and final conviction of any person or persons stealIng - Ing cattle with above brand EDWA11D BAD IIAIR. 1'ostofllcc address Allen 8 D On left shoulder and bar op side ; horses same or. thigh Range-Bear T J ASH BURN Fosfofflce addrcs Valentine , Neb Branded on right side ; horses same Kange-10 miles east of Valentino on the Nlobrara Joseph W. Bownet P. O. address Merrnnan , Nebr. Right ear cropped Hole in center of left ear Range Lake" creek S. D. Parker & Son P O Address L. W. Parker Itefge. Nb Brand Mime : is cut Also Z3 ? .J Kanjre on Niobrara y"l , south of Crookston 'SSSSWWS ' . < 11. A. 'Sir ' Valentine. Neb Hramled on either side Kiinge between J R rhacherand Swan Lake Charles C. Tackett Koselmd , S. D. Kange head of An telope near St. Marys mission Hordes branded on left thigh Peter Vlondray Kosebml. S. D. Left side. Left car ropped. Hor&cs branded VB. "Range Little White River , at mouth of Dedar ( 'reek. Louis J. Kichards Merriman. Neb Gorsuch Bros. Newton , Nebraka Guttle branded as on cut cutSome Some ft sldeorhii ItaiiL'e on GoruuT7 Creek Louis F. Richards Meiriman Neb Henry Pratt Rosebud S. I ) . I .eft s > i le Horses saute on left shoulder neeiliorn clip on some cat lie Jolin UeCory Rosebud. S. D. Some branded ID 417 on left side Horses JD on left hip Kange in Meyer Co on Antelope Creek N. S. Rowley KemiiMlv.Nebr Kami ; as i-iii m left .Mdu and liip. niul on left sluinlil r ftf lior- ses AlboH ? on left bide WtSfl an bip. ? on rijj'il ' 1 > 'P s F4on left side. O ou leit hip of liorsos. W. W. AXDRIISOIT. J. C. BOUNDS Anderson & Hounds. Simeon. Nebraska Cittle branded on left side as on rut ; also Iti on left side with on left hip of some cattle ; also S4G on right side Horse brand , rake and 1(5 on left shoulder or hin Home ranch-on Dewev Lake. Kange on Niobrara Kiver , east efFort Fort Niobrara ; also between Snake Kiver and Simeon , known as the Felch range , all In Cherry County , Nebraska. Marshall & Wolfenden Kennedy , Neb. Some a on the lef hip Horses g on left shoulder Brand is small Earmark : Quarter clip behind , half cir cle forward on left ear Kange Lone Tree Lake I. T. Richardson. Perch , Nebr Some on left hip Horses on left shoulder William M. Dnnbar Lessee from Heine & Kroeger Cody. Neb DDfi Either side [ low Also Ion right Left ear ol cattle Split. Kange head of Hay Creek Amelia Young. I'ody , Nebraska On right side. Kight ear split Kange , Little White river Peder Thorsen. Gordon , Nebraska On right siderT on right hip. horse brand and Ton. right shoulder Also cattle branded It S on leftTside i Kange , fowl miles south of Irwin Henry Young , Cody , Nebraska Horse brand H.Y on left shoulder Cattle , right ear split Kange , Little White river. S. f ) . Stotts & Stetter. Cody.yebraska Branded on leit side K.inge. Tin Can Lake and Morgan Flats D. C. Nelson. Cody , Nebraska. On right hip. Kange , Medicine Uiketo tlie Snake river TJutt Brothers. Gordon. Nebraska Kange.14 miles north of ( ibrdon. F. C. Duerfelnt , Manager. Gordon , Nebraska Cattle also branded JOon right hip ' Horses and mules j i/randed same as cut on left shoulder J. C. Jordan Gordon , Nebraska One bunch branded as on cut on leit side One bunch branded t ) Ion left hip Hordes J on left shoulder Kange. in miles soiulmvbl of Gallop , between Niobrara and Snake rivers George F Damon Albanv. Neb Cattle branded FI > on left ribs or right shoulder ; stl > on right hip and left ribs ; Con left hip Horses FD or SD on richt shoulder Ranee 7 mi north cast of Albany Neb Agent for Pasteur Black Leg Vaccine Joseph Fickel Gordon Neb Abe How brand F on left shoulder Kaiifie id miles noriheiist of Gordon v | STOCfGNOT , Many of those who purchased what is known in this county as "Sioux City stuff" a year or so ago are beginning to realize the mistake they made. Not all have failed to make the stuff pay expenses , but many have. * * Western Nebraska beats the world ! Stock of all kinds are running at large on the ranges and doing as well as in midsummer ; cattle fit for the butcher's block , that have not been fed u bite of hay or grain , are being shipped to east ern markets lor beef. Bassett Eaglo. We notice in the Congressional Rec ord of January 11 that Senator Allen of this state presented in the national congress a petition from the Live Stock Institute of South Omaha , remonstra ting against the enactment of leg islation abolishing the manufacture of butterine and kindred products. The biggest mistake that many cat tle feeders make is to think their cattle are fat when they are only half fat. At the present time the demand cpuld * readily absorb more thoroughly finished cattle than are coining , while there is a surplus of cattle that have not 'been fed long enough to make them suitable for first-class trade. ' George Jakos recently purchased flftx head of Lurierit V. ney which makes a nice acquisition to his already well stocked'ranch. . The entire herd was considered fine sldiT , but those bought by Mr. .lakes wore topped from the bunch. He lately pur chased the II. L. Merriman ranch which , with his former property makurf a ranch to be proud of. Ilyannis Tri bune. " According to telegraphic dispatches received Saturday , a le.irificv blizzard swept through the southern part of New Mexico and territory in that viciiii ity. Several lives were lost in the storm , but just how many has not vet been ascertained. Thousands of head of stock perished in the storm , and it is estimated that the loss will amount tenet not less than $ .11)0,000 ) to stockmen. A large number of stockmen attended the stock meeting here Wednesday. It .vas decided at this meeting to ask Governor Po3rnter to do what was in his power at the meeting of the govern ors of the western , states to be held in Denver , to have the land left as it is now , if possible , and if not , to lease it to the real bona lido settlers in small tracts for a term of twenty-five years. fVhitman Sun. The cattlemen on the western ranges have marketed their stock prettr close ly in order to have plent } ' of feed for what they intend to carry through the winter. This is. wise , for it has reliev ed the pressure on the feed resources materially , and one good animal , well wintered , is worth two that barely get through alive. Occasional sales of range cattle are still made , and the prices received indicate that tin seller's views are just about as strong as they were in the fall. Homestead. The annual quarantine order of the general government against Texas fe- issued December 20th , went into effect January 1st. The order prohibits mbviug cattle from any part uf the quarantined territory across the line , except pursuant to the regulations. Tne line of a year ago is but little changed , the principal difference being that it places a part of California north of : i line drawn east from San FraneLco , afiove' the line and out of the quaran tined area. Stockmen who bought wire and fenc ing material a year ago find the } ' made a timely purchase. Barbed wire has advanced lilO per cent in the last year , this must'be prosperity for at least the wire trust. A number of stockmen in the vicinity of Sidney bought from the railroad companj * casi off boiler fines at about one and one-half cents per foot , cut them in six foot lengths and punch ed holes to fasten wire on and are using them for fence posts. They give good satisfaction. Alliance Grip. Ttvo years ago ollicial .statistics showed that sheep in California , of which there were 2,377.000 head , were worth $1 86 each. Now the average price of sheep in that state is more than twice that amount , with a pros pect of further advancement. Though it is a long haul sheep have been ship ped from California to Chicago to con siderable profit. We are getting , a good many such sheep now , only they come through the feeders' hands and do not reach here until several months and often a year after they have left their native ranch. Drovers' Journal. This morning's World-Herald says of the market : ' 'Stackers and feeders were in light supply and the market was fully steady on that kind of cattle. Buyers seemed to want the few here and for the most part they cleaned up evei'3'thtng in good season. A bunch .that came in late met with ready sale at what looked like good , stead } ' prices. Good feeders are in active demand and the only trouble is that they are so hard to get , while there seems to be an abundance of common to medium stuff. Quite a good many of the warmed up cattle shipped in for beef are being sold for feeders and taken back into the country to be finished. Tom Dowd is the proud owner of the finest piece of horse flesh ever shipped to Gordon or Sheridan county. It is a blooded Kentucky saddle horse trained to a number of fancy gaits , and can do anything from a plain walk to a polka , or a caki'xvalk. He purchased the an imal in the city of Ila. > tings while there ( visiting during I he holid.-iys. and the price p.nd is n t Jo hi- even gue > .s'ed at. The Springview Herald hays : "Bro. Good was surely cut ou for a coi nmn , and the fusionisls of the Sixth * district have squa.shed one of their brightest lighLs. ' ' to which we how modestly and with a \ becoming blush assent. The Herald is becoming so decrepit and has been neglected so long tluit we hope this slight mention will make l ro < Skinner think his pa per is read , once in awhile. Gordon is an eas } ' town. A few weeks ago the proprietor of a fake hos- ipital worked a number of its prominent citizens to the queen's taste , and last week a hotel man was bilked out of a hundred or so by a smooth } oung man who .represented that he intended building a $10,000 hostelry and would lease it to the hotel man. Some day the people of our sister town will fall in line with Editor Lyons' paper arid stick to home industry. After the war the bonds of the United States were purchased at an average price of fifty cents on the dollar. In 1868 the contract was changed so that payment should be made not in "law ful money of the United States/ ' but in "coin , " and now the infamous financial bill passed recently by the lower house of congress proposes to change the con tract again , so that the bonds shall be payable in "gold. " This is patriotism with a big "P. " The U S. Civil Service Commission announces fiat the annual examina tions for positions in thy.classified ser vice will be held nil over the country in March and April. There were over & ,000 appointments lust year , andjudg ing from present indications , there will be nearly 10,000 this year. Anyone who wishes may try for a place with out expense. One can obtain full 'in formation about the dates , places and character of the examinations , free , by i writing the Columbian Correspondence College , Washington , D. C. According to republican treasury fig ures , during the last thirty-eight years this cou'iftry expuvfp ! two and one-half billion dollars worth of merchandise more than they imported , \ \ hich would , naturally lead one to think that w ; had j received that much more coin , but ac cording to the same report we exported over a billion more dollars in money than we imported , making u total of j three billion dollars exports over im ports. Arguing from these figures one would naturally suppose that the people ple had three billion dollars coming from foreign countries , but the statis , tics show that the balance is the other' way , this country now owing to foreigners - ' eigners over fourteen billion dollars. Why is this ? During all but eight of these 33 years the country has buen ruled by republicans. f-or THK IJntfT : : - 1.00. t f 4 ? i * NTE i * 4 ? if * 4 ? 4 ? 4 ? 4 ? 2 * 4 ? 49 49 49 CASH ! 49 i * 49 49 49 Men's Cotton Flannel Underwear , - were 50c , now 25c 49 v . Men's Fleece Lined " " f)0o c. 49 Heavy , ) , 49 49 Men's Winter Underwear - - - " 35c , 20c 49 Ladies' Winter Union Suits - - U 49 49 Misses' Winter Union Suits . . . " 35C " ' " ' 25c 49 49 Children's Winter Underwear - . - - f e to 49 i * ALL WINTER DEESS GOODS AT COST. 49 49 -a * i * 49 49 49 49 DAVENPORT & THACHER 49 49 General Merchants 49 if- vvv vvv vvvvv * * CITIZEN J. W. STETTER PROPRIETOR This market always keeps a supply of IT - In addition to a first-class line of Steaks , Koasts , Dry Salt Meats Smoked Hams , Breakfast Eacon and Vegetables At Blotter's Old Stand on Main Street , VALENTINE , NEBRASKA AL SHOES AT HALF PRICE BOOTS SHOES CLOTHING AKD ' GENTS' FURNISHINGS. . PRACTICAL TAILORING : : ALX , VUR WORK GUARAXTKE1 * D. STINARD CLOTHIER VAJ.KNTIXK : : NEBRASKA Alex Marrivall Pine Kiclge , S D Cattle branded as on cut and below on either side. Eermk swallow fork on leit and crop right , Horse Lrands as below on left thigh or hip i. owes Wheeler Bros. Cody Xeb i J on right side Range Chamberlain ' 'Flats-and Snake River Xewman Bros. & Nations. , Nebraska On point left shoul der. Also O on point left shoulder i Also ( T on left ! shoulder Same on left hip ; Leftside J. A. Adamson. Valentine. Xeb On left side or hip left side or hip On left , side Niobrara" Sfrttyetl or Sfvlcti. Threu - \ irl ; nv.ies lor fl pound : * cadi. One baj * brundfd g > i % on left shon'dor. One b.iy aud tmebrowc bramtetl 2 > s on loft hip. U. STBTAIlt/ Marquardt & Kowlus OTTO STUUBK. Manager. Merriman. Neb Cattle brand OM on left shoulder. Home of cattle have various older brands. OS on left hip. Horse bra'd A on left shouldei. Kangft Formerly Gee WMonnier .ranch 5-miles east of ISJMerrirnan.froiii K.K. & M. V. R. II. south to Lwander Creek. lUar- njiarrlt * Itotvliic. Seriniipr.NpbrsiHKn. J. C. Trowbridge Merriman , Neb ' Range between Irwin - win and Merriman , south of railroad Hugh Bovill , Manager Merriman JN All on left side or hip Range north of El Charlotte E. Bovill Merriman Neb Left side or hip Range north o Eli Taken up , at my place : iiwmt 4 miles east efFort Fort Niobrara. May 2U , oi > e sorrel bald-faced gelding , . \earsold , and one bav j 2. jears old. both branded on left shoulder ! ERNKST SKAKS At iny placf.Dve rniJi - nyrlheaslo [ ArabiaOm - brown maru , tlireo white ff J. branded T on left shoulder. , One buck kia ware , olack mahe and tail , bratoGert 41 on Mt slibTjJderj & E. W.