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About Western news-Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1898-1900 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 28, 1899)
- ' - * - iiiiriTI'Jr ' - : " - isryrrraB i f iiT-g'--ii < _ 8jr r-J ! agB5P S ! WOOD BKOTHEKS Live - Stock - Commission - Merchants SouthOmaha and Chicago * < * * * 4O OWO WALTER E. WOOD , Cattle Salesman HENRY LEFLER , Hog Salesman We furnish Market .Reports free of expense. "Write to us. C. II. CORSES , ! , . President. SI. V. NICHOLSONCashier ANK OF VALENTINE. Valentine , Nebraska. A General Banking Business Transacted Buys and Sells Domestic and Foreign Exchange Correspondents ; Chemical National Bank , N7ew York. ' lfirst National Bank , Omaha Neb I The DONOHER | 49 XXX 4 ? 4 $ Is continually adding improvements and it is now the Q 43 best equipped , and most comfortable * FIRST-CLASS MODERN HOTEL i H IN NORTHWEST NEBRASKA Hot and Cold Water Excellent Bath Room Two Sample Room * QHERRY QOUNTY Valentine , Nebraska Every facility extended customers consistent with conservative banking Exchange bought and sold. Loans upon good security solicited at reasonable rates. County depository. E. SPARKS. President CHARLES SPARKS Cashier GENERAL MERCHANDISE. . ' -i. - : E Ferything fresh and clean , and prices tli .t are right. Special attention given to plumps , tanks , and ranch supplies , i y J. IN"-STEADMAN & CO- i T i ? Kennedv ? Nebraska , The ] OW1L SALOON Golden She * .f Ture White Live , Susqneri anni ; llyeaud Cedar Creek y , Bourbon Whisky. Pure Grapd. & Cognac Brandy's Toka.Ansel ; iicaPortSherry and Black beriyin/ wood , claret , Rifling , Santa rnes. Cooks Imperial ; usts and Clicquot in hot- ilos. Damiana and olh- \ er Cordials. Also JWit for Fred Krugs , Celebrated F.x- * - o era ra ? ahIte fir f.tmiy ! us ! , iai ? bsts Expi > . t Be r C , H. THOMPSON , t C. M. SAGESEE , / TONSORIAL ARTIST Hair cutting and shaving. HOT AND GOLD BATHS. FIRST CLASS MILL I Have established a Feed and Saw Mill n miles south ef Cody , at the mouth of Medicine Canyon , and am now prepared to prind Feed. Corn Meal and Graham , cr turn out all kinds of Lumber and di mension stuff , and Native Shingles Give us a trial order. J. F. HOOK Two horses ; one brown horse branded O on left shoulder , one Hack horse branded IX on left shoulder. SSIeftlilp. I will jrive the first described horse to the man who finds and re turns the black described above. . Kyle. S. 1) . Taken up by the undersigned. 7 miles east of Merriman. one sorrel horse with front le bro ken , branded T on right shoulder. Also one buckskin mare branded on left shoulder- Parties can have same by proving property and paying costs. 31 O. \ \ \ Monnier , Merriman , Neb. Straj'ed Two cows , about 6 years old , one dark rod. one roan wieh horns lipped. Branded TC on right hip. J. A. Adam son. "Wanted 500 men to harvest sujjfa beets and for general farm work Apply to Standard Cattle Company Ames , Nebraska. 42 Louis Bordeaux Rosebud. S. D. Horses branded Alfred Bordeaux and Bros Ilosebud , S D Prideanx Sanfurd Kennedy. Stock branded on left side Horses branded on left .shoulder Teeters Bros. Newton , Neb. Horses same o left shoulder Ranee between the Gordon and th Snake Be not too late with your Winter "We are row ready for Winter Orders If you want good vegetables , the : Hanseu's is the pla e. Any kind of first class vegetables ca : he secured bT giving order to JENS TBOMSEN C. ELLINC Manager Salesman B. HANSEK The disposition of children large ! depends upon health. If they ar troubled with worms they will be irri table , cross , feverish , and perhaps s < riouslv sick. White's Cream Venn ifugoisa worm expeller and tonic.t make them healthy and cheerfu i Pricfe 2& cents- . J. II * Quigley , WESTERN NEW8-DEMOCRA1 EOBEET GOOD , Editor and Pnblishe As the democrat candidate for vie president will probably be Hogg , c Texas , the republican candidate Reel of New Yorkthe prohibitionists shoul nominate Pye , of Illinois , and then th voters could Root , Hogg or Dye Butte Gazette. The expenditures for our militar establishment , according to the rspoi of Secretary Gage , for 1898 are $91 , 992,000.29 , vhile for 1399 they have in creased to $229,841,254.47 , an increas of $137,849,244.18. This is the pric we are paying for our militarism am colonial possessions. "To this must b added the cost of life in the acquisitioi of these possessions and the demoraliz ation which is ever the accompaniuieu of militarism. Where is the profit- National Rural. Private letters from our old home in dicate on all nands that Old Englam will have a sad instead of a merry tim' ' this Christmas. War is a terrible curse but it is lee often brought about by tin well-meaning but shallow mindec . Majuba Ilil peaee-at-any-price party. is at the bottom of the South Africai war. Rushville Recorder. The above from a prominent admin istration organ in this section of tin state but thinly veils the sentiment o the "government" in the Boer war Like America in the Philippines , thi English say that the Boer Avar for free dom is only an "insurrection. " Speaking of the Boer war , the St Louis Republic aptly says that unles there is an "International interference that shall bring about a termination o hostilities , the world may as well pre pare now to witness the greatest strug gle of the generation. Two small bu indomitable republics are fighting fo lite. A vast empire , originally goinj to war fur territorial acquisition nov striving to prevent further disaster tha would threaten its cohesion. The situ atioa is epochal in its bearing upon tin historv of the near future/ ' To avert the panic , the treasur Bought $25,000,000 of bonds. " Wliei money again becomes so plentiful ii Wall street that there is no way o using it , the obliging secretary will is sue bonds and take the money for stor age. age.The The one thing in which our secretar broker differs from other money specu lators. is that he does not take advan tajje of the necessities of the crampei financiers and buy their bonds at a dis count , but pars a big premium. Whei the } ' wa7jt to loan their money he sell them bonds bearing a high rate of in terest. Beatrice Democrat. Americans sa'd one hundred year ago that the divine right of kings t rule \.MS a lie , and that all men wer created free and equal. They fur the said it that time that the only jiii government was a republic , basing it powers on the consent of the governed But it is different no\v. Over in Afric the people of a sister republic are strujj gling to throw elf the yoke of opprei sion placed upon that republic by monarch's hum ! . What does libert loving America do in this hour of sister republic's danger ? Why , ever true American heart beats in s > uipath with the struggling Dutch in Africa ! but our administration , because of a : unholy secret alliance with England' monarch , not only refuses to aid on sister republic in Africa , but actually as an administration , shows all maune of sympathy for England Shame 01 such an administration as ours is to day , and if this be treason , shame on i still ! Papillion Times. There are few ailments so uncom fortable as piles , but they can easily hi cured by using Tabler's Buckeye Pil Ointment Relief follows its use , am any one buffering from piles cannot af ford to neglect to give it a trial , i'rie 50 cents in bottles , tubes 75 cents. * J. II. Quigley. To WHOM IT MAY CONCERN- ! here with foibid anyone from buying an ; stock from my sonVictorYoungknowi as "Dick Young , " that is brandei A'Y or H'Y on left side , and righ ear split. I also request anyone t notify me or Geo. Younff. in charg' ' of said stock , if either of these brand are offered for sale. HENRY YOUNG. Subscribe for TIIE 2 ! ] and get all the news local and foi eign $1.00 per year. In Job Work we are unexcelled Our prices are right , our uoods ar right and our workmanship AXo. I. " Up At my placeftve miles norlhcapl of Arabia On brown marc , thi-cc white feet , branded T on le shoulder. One Inickukln mare , black mane an tail , bruuded Con left shoulder.ii ii . W ; L'UVJEK ADDITIONAL LOCAL. Insurance in the best companies a lowest rates. I. M. RICE. J. W. Stetter shipped a carload o hogs to Omaha this morning. Prices right on shoes at Parnhar and Dikeman. Robert Robinson left on a pleasur trip this week. California is his de tination. Dean Efner was down from Chadroi this week , spending- Christmas wit ] his parents. Rev. Holsclaw will preach the Ne\ Year sermon Sunday morning in th Methodist church. There was a leak in the water mail on Main street this weekbut Marsha Hooton soon had it repaired. The Anti-Saloon League nieetinj held Wednesday evening was well at tended and a hot time is reported. J. H. Quigley went to Lincoln 01 Tuesday to join his colleagues of th < "Brands and Marks" committee. Jim Raj * , the genial ice man , lef Tuesday morning for Oregon , wher < he goes for the benefit of his health Rev. Addis , of Longpine , will assis Rev. Cumbow in the revival meeting : to be held in the Methodist churcl next week. At a sale held by Valentine Geibei near O'Neill , last week , cows sold foi $32.50 to $43 per headand calves aver aged § 19.75. The Epworth League social ai Hornby Hall , last Monday night , wai well attended. Games and luncheot were the features of the evening. J. S. Harrington and family ar riyed in O'Neill from their home ii Grant City , Mo. . Friday , and are nov comfortably situated in the north west part of town. O'Neill Independ cnt. Ice cutting on Lake Minnechaduzz will commence next week , probabl ] Monday , and all the boys are prepar ing to make a midwinter stake ant fill the hole in their pocketbook ; caused by Christmas expenditures. For broken limbs , chilblains , burns scalds , bruised shins , sore throat , anc soi es of every kindj apply Ballard's Snow Liniment. It will give immedi ate relief and heal any wound. Price 25c and 50c. J. H. Quigley. Two young men from Hay Spring ; recently called upon a couple of younj ladies in Rushville , and the "sports' of that place ran the young men ou of town. It seems to us that this ac tion on the part of the "sports' was an indication of weakness 01 their part. Tank Heaters for sale at R. An derson's. tf Out of the kindness of his heart which everybody knows is big , Tec Ormesher presented us with a fin < Christmas turkey , Sunday morning We always knew Ted was a friend o : ours , but this act of generosity com pletely filled our heart ( and stomach to overflowing. Our shoes are up to date. Farnhan and Dikeman. Mrs. H. Zeilian returned , Tuesday night , from the Moqui Indian Schoo in Arizona , where she has been actinj as seamstress for the last year. Shi obtained a transfer to Rosebud , am will accept a position there so as ti be with her husband , "Dick , " who i assistant engineer at that place. Have 3'ou a cold ? A dose of Bal lard's Horehound S3'rup at bed-tim ( will remove it. Price 2oc and 50c. J. H. Quigley. Views ot all kinds made of you : home or cattle. If you have anythin : you want a. picture of give me a call Andrews , the photographer. Does anybody want a fresh milcl cow ? If so , they may learn some thing to their advantage by callinj at this office. We also have a pony a saddle , a ladies' bicycle and a gooc guitar on our bargain counter. After Christinas. I "blew" myself for all I had and rai up a great , big score : I bought her a pin , a watch , a ring and thought I had her sure : And now you ask me why I'm sad aiu why 1 look so "sore , " Tell me I'm growing pale and thin and hint a whole lot more. Well. I'll tell you why I smother J sigh and look like a lonely ace. Tuesday morn she passed me by anc gave me the "frozen face. " In sluggish liver , Ilerbine , 'by it beneficial action upon the biliary tracts renders the bile more fluid , and bring the liver into a sound , healthy con dition , thereby banishing the sense o drowsiness , lethargy , and the genera feeling of apathy which arise from dis orders of the liver. Price 50 cents. J. II. Quigley. I feel like a wave of the ocean , He squeezed her small hand as h spoke ; Yes , t feel like a wave of the ocean When it kisses andgoe "broke. " Subscribe for the N Sill 11 * flees for fectl. Bran , bulkj 60c per cwt $11.00 tot Shorts bulk'70c per cwt $13.00 tor Screenings 40c " $7.00 " Chop Feed 85c " * 1G.OO " Corn 70c " $13.00 Oats 90c § 17.00" Application for Appointment of Ad ministrator. In County Uourt of Cherry County , Nebraska. In the matter of the Estate of Charles btrick land , deceased , E. J. Davenport filed In my office a petition praylncr for the appointment of Ueorgu A Chap man as administrator of the estate of Charlej Strickland , deceased. All persons Interested in said estate will take notice that 1 have fixed Saturday , January 13th , llKX ) , at 10 o'clock a.m. , as the lime , and my olllce in Valentine , Cheiry county , Nebraska , as the place for hearing said ] > etitioDrut which time and place all persons I in terested iu said estate may appear and show cause , if any there be. why such administrator should not be appointed. Witness my iiand and the seal of said court this mh day ot December , 1890. 40 W. J { . TOWNK. County Judge. Notice to Non-Resiclent Defendant. Joe Rose will take notice that on the Uh day of December , 180-J , W. Jt. Towne , county judge of Cherry county , Xebr. , issued an ordei of at tachment for the PUIII of 5-Jo.OO , in an action uending belore him , wherein D , M. Osborw & Co. is piaintiit and .Joe Kobe is defendant , that property of the defendant , consisting of o-n' two Sear old heifer , two yearling heifers and one yearling eteer , lias been attached under said or der. Sdid cause was continued to the 'J7ib day ol Jauuarv. 11)00 ) , at l o'clock a. in. Dated December lath , 1 99. D. M. OSBOKNK & CO. . Plaintiff. 473t Bv A. M.M01UU6SEY. Aitotney. Order to Show Cause. In the District Court ) of [ Cherry County. ) In the matter of the estate of John W. Oens , deceased. This cause coming on for hearing upon the petition of William E. Halej , administrator , of the estate of John W. Oens. deceased , praying for license to sell the w 1-2 of ne 1-4 , mv 1-4 of se M and ne 1-4 of sw 1-4 of section 14 , township 32 , range 30. or a sufficient amount of the same to bring the sum of 270.00 , for the payment of debts allowed against said estate ana the costs of administration , there not beinir sutncicnt personal property to pay the said debts and ex penses. It is therefore ordered that all persons interested in .said estate appear before lion. J..I. Harrington , district ; judge , at chambers in the city of O'Neill. Nebr , on January 2J , 1900 , at 10 o'clock a.m. . to show cause why a license should not be granted to said administrator to sell so much ot the above described real estate of siild deceased as shall be necessary to pay said debts and expenses. His further ordered that due and lgal notice of this order be given to all the heirs at law of the said John W. Oens deceased , and all other persons interested in said estate , by the publi cation hereof for four successive weeks in the Westt-ru News-Democrat , a uewsuapcr pub lished at Valentine. Nebraska. Dated this 4th day of December , 1899. 47 4t M. P. IvLXKAlD. District Judge. Order for Hearing of Final Account. In the County Court / of } - CherryCounty.Neb. \ In the matter of the estate of Edward Dahl- giin , deceased. > 'owon theistliday of November. 1S9. ! came Rachel Dahlgnn. administratrix of the estate of Edward Dahlgrin , deceased , and prays for leave to render final account and that she mav be discharged. It is therefore orilere-1 that the 30th day ot December , IK)9. ) at 10 o'clock a. m , at my office in Valentine , be fixed as the time and place for examining and allowing atich ac count. And the heirs of said deceased , and all persons interested in said estate are required to appear at the time and place so designated , and show cause , if such exist , why said prayer should uot be granted. It is further ordered that said Kachcl Dahlgrin , administratrix , give notice to all persons interested in said estate by causing copy ot this order to be published in the Democrat , a newspaper printed and in gen eral circulation in said county , for three con secutive weeks , prior to the day set for hearing. Dated this 14th day of December , 181)9. ) 47 W. It. TOWNE , County Judge. Notice of Publication. In the County Court of Cherry Conaty , raaka. In the matter of the of William K. Stnnsblo , John Stansbic , Robert M. Stansbic , James A. Suinsbif , Thiinms gtansble.Allen St insblo.M&rj Stansbie , Sarah ritoddard. Mlnnla M.Bangh.Ida L. King and Jane SUtnsbie. and 11 other per sons interested In said matter are hereby noti fied tha * on the art day of December.lKW.Charkjn Lane filed a petit Ion in said county court pnrjr- ing that his final administration account filed therein 1m settled and allowed and that he be discharged from said trust as administrator.and each and alt of YOU are notified that if you fail to appear in said court on the 23d day of Decem ber. itf' 10 o'clock a. m. and contest said pe tition , the i-ourt may grant the nrayer of aiiHi petition and makesurhotherandfurtnerorder- . allowance * nnd decrees as the court may > ee proper to the end that all matters pertaining to saip estate may be finally settled and deter mined. W. R. TOWNE , 4G-3t County Judse. Order to Show Cause In the District Court of Cherry County. Nebr. In the matter of the application of Mary A , Carson and Alfred Lewis. Executors of the wll1 of William G. Carson , deceased , for the sale of real estate. And now on this 13th day of November , 1899 , this cause came on for hearing before W. H. Westover. one of the judges of the District court of Cherry county , Nebraska , upon the petition of Mary A. Carson and Alfred Lewis , executors of said estate , praying for a license to sell the following described real estate , tt-wit : The s 54 sec. o and n 'i mv J4 and sw At mv h and mv & sw J4 , xec 15 , twp 31 , r t.v Cherry County. Nebraska.for the payment of the legacies named in the will of the said William Ii. Carson , tie- ceased. and for the support and maintenance of the widow and minor heirs , there being no per sonal estate for that purpose. It is therefore ordered that all persons inter ested in said estate , appear before me at Jlush- ville , Nebraska , on the 'Jtith day of December. 1899. at 10 o'clock a. in. to show cause wliv 11- ceuse should not be granted to said executor * to sell said real estate , and it Is further ordered thai u copy of this notice be published four con secutive weeks in Western News-Democrat in Cherry County , Nebraska. Dated this "istli day of November , ifcoy. at Rushville , Nebr. 43 W H. WESTOVEU , Judge. ) . A. WELLS . J. B. WELLS WELLS BROS. ENTISTS ! Office over Cherry County JBatik ELKHORN RAILROAD. 'North-Western Line' is the best to and from the SUGAR BEET FIELDS OF NORTH NEBRASKA. Job Printing AT THIS OFFICE Satisfaction Guaranteed CITIZENS - MEAT-MARKET GEO. G. SCHWALM , PROP. This market always keeps a supply of E In addition to a first-class line of Steaks , Roasts , Dry Salt Meats Smoked Hams , Breakfast Bacon and Vegetables At Stewart Old Stand on Main Street. VALENTINE , NEBRASKA THE PALACE SALOON & 2 * HEADQUARTERS FOR * WINES , LIQUORS AND CIGARS Of the Choicest Brands 4 * * & 4 ? VALENTINE NEBRASKA & 4 ? I When Visiting Valentine Stop at h AAAAAASwA-rtHA W * A N A Wv > WkA * * * AA AA AAAA A/IA4 THE CITY HOTEL J. A , HORNBACK , Proprietor , $1,00 per day , Good Service , Wide Tire Wagons Are acknowledged vfco be the best and to meet the growing demand I ordered and HAVE JUST EECEIVED A CAE LOAD In addition to this I have just received a ear of "WIND MOTOB" WIND MILLS "Which I am soiling very cneaply Try me before buying anything in my line elsewhere Valentino , Nebraska D. S. Ludwi