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About Western news-Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1898-1900 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 10, 1899)
WOOD BEOTHEKS Live Stock - Commission - Merchants SouthOmaha and Chicago WALTER E. WOOD , Cattle Salesman HENRY LEFLER , Ilog Salesman We furnish 3farket .Reports free of expense. Write to us. C. 11. CORXEIJU Prenident. M. V. NICHOLSON , Cashier ANK OF VALENTINE. Valentine , Nebraska. A General Banking Business Transacted Bays and Sells Domestic " iid Foreign Exchange Correspondents ; Chemical National Bank , New York. First National Bank , Omaha Neb The DONOHER * ' ' ' * * 4 * * + \ > * fe fe \ IB continually adding improvements and it is now the * ? * H best equipped , and most comfortable FIRST-CLASS MODERN HOTEL fc * ? IN NOJRTHWEST NEBRASKA * ? Hot and Cold Water Excellent Bath Room Two Sample Rooms * ? QHERRY QOUNTY ANK Valentine , Nebraska Every facility extended customnrs consistent with conservative banking Exchange bought and sold. Loans upon good security solicited at reasonable rates. County depository. E. SPARKS. President CHARLES SPARKS Cashier L Everything fresli and clean , and prices that are riglit. Special attention given to pumps , tanks , and ranch supplies. J. STEA'DMAN & CO- _ Kennedv , Nebraska , The OWL SALOON Golden Sheaf rtire White Rye , Susquphnnna Kyeand Creek t outsville , Kentucky , Bourbon Whisky. Pure Gnipn & Cognac Brandy's T ka.Aiijcllica.PortShHrry { and Black linr y in wood , claret , Tliesling , Santf rties. Cooks Imperial ; Gasts and Olicquut in bet tles. Damiana and oth er Cordials. A so' Agent for Fred Kings Celebrated Ex- ra , 3alp. Beer for ftniiy asi , aoi P bsis 1 Ee r G. H. THOMPSON , 0. M. SAGESES , rutting and shaving. HOT ANO BATHS. FIRST CLASS MILL I hiv : * > established ; i Feed and Saw Mill 0 miles south f Cody , at tlie mouth of MedirineOii.von.atid am now prepared ti jrriwl Feed. Corn .Meal and Graham , r- turn otitali kinds of Lumber and di mension suitf. and Native Shingles Givtus A trial order. J. F. HOOK FOKjSALE 150 tons of good ha } ' . K. Grooms. Two horses : one hrowu horse 7/randod O on left shoulder , one black horse branded IX on left slmnldor. SS left liip. T wi'l riv < li ' first dnserilied horse to tin * man wlio tinds : mil rc- aurns tlie black described abova .JOHN MoxnoK. Jv3-le , S. I ) . * up by Hie undersijnie.1. 7 mile' ' east , or TVtTriinan.orie sorrel horse with front le bro- * k 'n. branded T on riht sbouMer. Also one buckskin mare branded nn left shoulder J'artios can have same by proving and iw.\imcosts G. w. Monnier. MerrimanXeb. Strayed Two eoVs , about 6 years , one birk rod. one ronn wieh horns tipped. Branded TC on right hip. .1. Wanted f 00 men to harvest sugar beets and for general farm work. Apply to Standard Cattle Coinpan } * , Ames , Nebraska. 42 Taken up , at iii3r place ten miles southwest of Cody , one 2-j'ear old heif- er. speckled red and white , white face , branded left side , right ear clipped , with white face calf by her side Arthur Heath Louis Bordeaux Itosebud. S. D. Horses branded Alfred1 Bordeaux and Bros Kosebud , S D Prideaux San ford Kennedy. N Stock branded on left side Horses branded on left slioulder Teeter ? Bros. Newton , Neb. Horses same on left shoulder Itance between the Gordon and the Snake Oe not too late "with your. Winter a Vegetables We are row ready for Winter Orders , If you want good vegetables , then Ilanseu's is the plaie. Any kind of first class vegetables can be secured by giving order to JENS TIIOMSEN.C. . . ELLING Salesman HAHSEN . , OFFICIAL VOTE OF CHERRY CO. v Cast at the General Election Held on Tuesday , the 7th day ,0f November , 1899 , > . . EXPLANATION 11 for Uej ublican. F for Fuji on. WtSTERN NEWS-DEMOCRAT1 fiOBERT GOOD , Editor and Publisher Ilolcomb is elected supreme judge l > y about 12.001) majority. Harrington ind Westover are elected- judges of the loth district by at least 700. Neville is elected to congress by not less than 3,000. - Burr was elected eonrnissioner In 125 majority. Complete vote next week. Speaking of the Hryaii mreting here last v.-eek. the local administration organ said. Bryan and his special train have come and gone and it is quite likely he was much disappointed to see not Jiore than live hundred people assemble to meet him. 13ut his disappointment is no greater , be it ever so much , than that of the people who expected more from him on the account of his reputa tion tie received slight cheers during his remarks and enthusiasm failed to materialize , tins paper believes that it is safe to say tuut his coming here lost many votes to fusionists and failed to even stiffen the backbone of the leaders. As he c.osed a shout went up for JMcKinley. The thousands who heard Uryan and were filled with enthusiasm know how much truth there is in the above. At Chadron is another republican paper run by u former employe of the local organ , and of the Bruin meeting there it said : Col. Bryan and a half car load of distinguished candidates arrived at Chadron at six o'clock last evening. The meetinp ; at the Rink was largely attended. The republicans of the city and theu families made up the larger body of the audience. This was as it should be When a noted man conies to ( Jhadron he ought to bo received in a waj' that will add to our reputation for courtesy and intelligence. Then follows a gentlemanly though biased1 criticism of Bryan , 'one which stamps the writer as a man of intelli gence , though he differs from us in politics.Ve reproduce the two articles merely to show the difference between man with a mind and one who be. littles everything he opposes. If you have sore throat , soreness across the back or side , or your lungs feel sore or tender , or you are threat ened with diphtheria or pneumoniaai > - ply Ballard's hnow Liniment external ly anTl use Ballard's Ilorehound Syrup. J. II Quigley. Gallop. Emmet Sanborn , Harry Spencer Geo. Cady , with their respective fam ilies , and Joe Cady. s'pent last Sunday with "Wm. Spencer and wife. ilre , Geo. Hill and sister , Ella , and Mrs. French , went to Gordon last i Monday. Lewis Mann started to Holt county last Monday lookintr for a ne\v loca tion. ' We hope he will be willing to stay in old Cherry when he jets bade from his wild goose chase. Among those from Gallop who at tended the Woodmen's dance at Mer- riman last Tuesday night , were : Messrs. Geo. Price. Julius and C'has. i Jensen and Henry Garron ; Misses Fanny Webster and Nora Price ; and Sam Garron and wife. Julius Jensen and L. L. Trogdon came up from the hills last Sunda } ' and spent a few hoiirs with Mrs. L. L. Trogdon and the children. - Those who attended the. party at Joshua Sones' last Friday night re port a jolly good time. Tommy Leeper and Bessie Van- divoort were visitors at the Cen ter S. S. last Sunda\ * . * Mrs. Lewis Mann was a Merriman visitor last Thursda- . Willis and Nora Price visited near Pioneer last Saturday and Sunday. J. B. Sones and daughter , Mrs. Anna Hunt , visited with Mrs. and Miss Fae Trojrdon last Sunda } ' . Levi Cady has taken Geo. Leeper's cattle to winter. Mrs. Geo. Cady and children spent last Wednesday with Mrs. A. G. San- born. Mrs. Steve Bill from Gordon is vis iting with her son , Geo. Hill. GKEENEV. NOTICE OF ATTACHMENT .loe KOSP mid Carrie 17ose will ake notice Unit onlie t8th ! ( biyof Septunlit'r , 1800 , W lI.Towuo , countv judceof Cherry rounly , Nebraska , issued an ornrr of a'Uicliineiit for ( li siiin of SW.f'O in an action nemllnp : before him. wherein EdwarU Sjitterleo is nlanuid. ami Joe lJu e anrt Carrie Hose -ire defendants , that jirnjiertv < > r The de fendant , consisting > f one yi-sirlinj : heifer and seven calves , all branded on I lie rghtside ; : , bus been attached under said order. . Said cause was continued to the nth dav of November , 1S89. at 10 o'clock A.M. KmvAKii SATrKiiLEK , Plaintiff. Dated Octnbur II. Order of ilearing. In the District Court in and for Chi'rry "ounty , Fifteenth .Judicial District in Nebraska. Clara.I. Corlelt , ( Jua.-dian , for tlie sale of real estate. This canst * came on for hearing upon the pe tition of Clara J. Corlett. foreign guardian of Lester Corlett. Elsie Corlett. Ralph Corlett. ar.d IMable Corlett , minors , praying for license to sell tlie mv 1-1. sec. 25 , t'27 , r2Sv. . and t he m-1 4. see. 2t > . f,27,1-28. w. in Cherry county , Nebraska , for the payment of debts and for ijii * mainten ance , ( 'duration , and support of said minors ; there being no .peisonai propel 1y for tliat pur- j pose. It is th'-n-fon'onJero.l flint nil pers-ms inter- ! trd in said estate appear before me in -i ] : m- : hers at RiHhvillc. Nebraska , on the si'fcond d ; > , y ' nf IJeci'inlit-r. It-UJ. at 11 o'clock a. m , to slum * I must- why lii'-iisi'slioiild not liu. sninti-d tn said . guardian to sell said real * itavmd it is further I ordered that : i cony of this notice be pubHshed in tlie Valentine Western News-Demucnit for four consecutive weeks Dated this27lh day of October. Koy. ' W.'H. WJiSTOVER. ll-3-lt District Judge. Notice to Non-Resident Defendants. ( Clarke & Tucker , Attorneys ) To Mary A. Farris. Mathew If. Fan-is. James V. S. Paddock and Mrs. Paddock , wife of James V. S. Paddock , first and true name unknown , non-resident defendants : You will take notici : that on thr 19th ciavof October. 18 ! . Isaac N. l.ryau. plaint ill herein , filed hi.- ) petition in the ! district court of Cherry county. Nebraska , j atrainsf said defendants , the object nn.l prayer , of which are to forclose a certain morljraue ex-j i. edited by defendants , alary A. Farris and I Mathew K. Farris. to the plaintiff , upon lots 3 , 4 and 5. and pe 4 of the mvU of section six ( ( > ) , j town-liin tliirtv-three(33) . ranjie twenty-sevn , (27) . in Cherry county. Nebraska , to secun * the I payment of one prommis ory note dated March i 24,181KJ. for the sum of S3Si'.40 , due and payable 1 on January ! . 1807 : that there is now clue "in ion j said note and mortgage the sum of 5519.4-2. ! I which tiim\vitii interest front this date , plaintiff - ! tiff prays for a decree that defendants. Man * A. Karris and Mathexv 1J. Karris , be required to pav the same , or that said premises may be sold to satisfy the amount found due. You are required to tmswersaid petition on or before Monday , November Ii7. IKT.I. I.SAAtJ N. IJjtVAN , Plaintiff. Datttf October IB , 168 ? 29 \ Notice to Non-Resident Defendants. ( Clarke & rucker/Attornoys. ) To Walter A. Flsk and Jdella M. Flsk. Ji'-n resident defendants : You will take notice that on the. tnth day of October. 1899. Isaac N. Bryan , plaintiff herein , flled his petition in the district court of Cherry county. Nebraska , against snid defendants , the object and prayer of wnich are foreclose a certain morlcane . executed by the de'eudauts to the plain till , upon the sit of the neVt. the. ne'-i of the sei ! of section 14 , and the s'v 4 of the mvli of se < : tiou 13 , io\\nshi | .T3. ranges:1 , in Cherr'county , Nebraska , to secure the paxmrnt of certain promissory notes dated October 2r . 1393. for the sum of $ .T4.1.r . ? 5.'UXand ? . i : > ( X ) . and due and payable on November 1 , 13'W ; November 1. 1897."aud November 1,1833. respectively : that there is now due upon said notes and mortjrape the sum of 5224.20. for which amount , with in'ercst from this date , plaintiff prays for : i decree thai defendants be required to pay same , or that said premises may be sold to satisfy the amount found due. You are required to answer said petition on or bpfore Monday , November 27.1899. ISAAC N. J.KVAX , Plaintiff. Dated October li ! , 1399. 39 Notice to Non-Resident Defendants. K. Wallace , defendant , will take notice hat on the 18th day of October. 1899. the County ol Cherry , plaintiff heroin , filed its petition in th district court of Cherry county , Nebraska , aKainrit George K. Wallace , defendant , ibr object and prayer ol which are to toreclo e the tax hens hereinafter described In its first cause of netion stated in .tanl peil- tioiiti-e plaintiff seeks to foreclose a tax Jien upon thesof n\v4 and 114 it'swJi of section 17 in township 32 , range 40.ost ot the sixth pn cipal meridian in Cherry county , Ne braska : that the taxes involved in said llr t cause of action are the taxe > that were levied on said pre-t.ises in the year 1 9 ( > ; that there is now due the plaintiff upon its tax tien tue um of S9 58 , for which , witn interest from the nrst day of i ctober , 899 , ou $7 IW th reof. at10 per centum per annum , the plaintiff prays for n. de cree that defendants lie roquir d to pay the same or that said premises may be sold u sntisfv the amount found due. In its second cause of action stated ii said petition , the plaintiff seeks to foreclose a tax lien upon the s'of uwx * and n ? $ of swJt ot section 17 in towns ip 32 , range 4o.esiol tne sixth principal meridian in Cucrrj coimiy , Nebraska ; tbnt tlie tax s involved in said second cause of action aie tlie taxes that were levied in the year 1897 ; that there is now due Hit plaintiff upon i s tax lien the sum ofs 31 , for which sum , with interest from the Hrst day of October. 99. on $7.10 thereof , at 10 per centum per annum , the plaintiff prays f r a decree that the de'endaia he required to pay the same or that said prem iscs may be sold to satisfy theamount foiimtclnc. in its third cause of action > lated in said pcii- tioii , tlie plaintitt seeks to foreclo e a tax lien upon tiie s4 ! of uwU and u s of swfi of s-ctiou 17 in township 32. range 40 , west of the sixln principal in Cherry county , Nebraska , ; i iiat the taxes Involved hi ) said third cause of act on are the taxes thut were levied on saiJ premises in the year 1WJS ; thai there IB now due the pluintiff on its tax lien tlie sum of $7 7y , for whicli. with interest from the lirst uayof Oc tober. 1899. on $7.28 thereof , at 10 per centum per annum , the plaintiff prays fora uecree that the defendants be equired to pa > the same or hat said premises mav be sold to satisfy the amount found due. You are required to answer said petition on or before the 27th duv * 'J November , t.M ) . ) . TMK COUNT v ot * cniuiitv. Plaintiff. Dated this ISth day of October , 1S9 : ) . 3a Notice to Non-Resident. Scott-T. Jonc' , nou-resident defendant , will take notice that on the 2 th day of September. 1 99. W. F. JSawjer filed petition , in the district court of Cherry county , Nebraska , the object ami prayer of which are to foreclose a certain tax lien acquired bv virtue of a certificate of tax sale esued bv It. N. Watson , county treasurer of said countv. for the payment of delinquent taxes upon the foliowinz described real estate : 'I he mvii Sec 29 , Tp 31. k 30. sal I county , for the years IS',12 and 1839 , ISM ) , and 19 ! . and for s-.bse- qtient n-xes for the V'-ars 1892 and IbO , ' * . No part of said taxes Iia.- > been { > aid and there is now due plaintiff from desendan * the sum of $ to.X ) to- irether j with Su.oo attorney iccc , for which plain- tift vniy judgment. You are required to an. SWIT s-siid jielition on or befonj Monilay. No ; vember Cth , 1899. 30V. . U. SAU YKU.1'iff. Notice to Xon-Resident Defendants. W. H. Peters , real name unknown. The Ne braska Mortgage and Tm. .t Co. ami E tcllaT'J. Case , defeiiitniits. will take notice that on the 18th day of October , " 1889 , the. County of Cherry , plaintiff herein , filed its petition in the district court of Cherry county , Nebraska , against W. H Peters , , real name unknown. The Nebraska Mortgage and Trust Co. and Esteila J. Case , de fendants , the object and prayer of which are to foreclose the tax liens hereinafter described : In it * lirst cause of action suited in said peti tion , the plaintiff seeks to foreclose a tax lien upon the n'J ot swji of section 26and n' of nw4 of section 27 in township 27. ranjje 2S. wetof the pixth principal meridian in Cherry county. Nebra > k.i : that thPtaxe.s involved in said lirst wiuse of action are the taxes that were levied ou said premise.- the ywir 1807 ; that there is now due the plaintiff upon its tax lien fie sum of . G.SS. for which , witii interest fro u the first day of October , ist > 9 , on 5.40 thereof , at to per centum per annum , the plaintiff prays foraile- cree that def-ndauts be required to pay the same or that &aul premises may be sold to satisfy the aiiiouic found due. In its second cause of action staled in * aid petition , the plaintiff seeks to foreclose a t x leii1 upon then ! of swj.of section 2fi an-J n4 of nwU of section 27 in townslup27. range 23. west ( sftliesixtii principal meridian inCheTy county , Nebniska ; that the taxes involved in said secj j end cause of action aru the taxes that weie levied in tlie year 1893 ; thai there is now due the plaintiff upon its tax lien the sum of S3.2Z , for which sum. with the interest from the first day of October , U\9D , on $4 OS t hereof , nt 10 per centum per annum , the plaintiff prays fora de-1 cre thattlui ( k eudtmts l re < } nlr < * i to pny tb , same or that said premises may be sold to natisfy the amoiint found due. l ou are required to answer said petition on or before the 2Itb day of November , is * ) . TIIJ ? COUM-V or Dated this 18th day of October , 1899. --n Notice to Non-Resident Defendants. ( A. M. Morrissey. Attorney for Plaintiff. ) To Albert H. Nicholson , and Nebraska Mort gage and 1 rust Company , and John Doe. real name unknown , representative in interest of fendants Nebraska : Mortgage and Trust Company , de You , ami each of you. are hereby notified that on the 20th day of October , 1S99 , Harry K. Keische , as plaintiff , filed his petition in the dis trict court of Cherry county , Nebraska , against , you as defendants , tlie object and prayer ot -which I Ir * to establish and foreclose tax Tin upon > real estate as follows , to-wit : The \ \ & of tin J s\v i of section 20. and the ntf of se4 ! of sec ' tion 26. all in township 27. north of range 2 * . west of the sixth principal meridian in Cherry conntv. Nebraska , for all the taxes asiessert and levied thereon , for either state , couutv or school district purposes , for the years 1593 , 18i 4. I89. , ii9C. ? 1897 and 1898. for which said lands were sold to this plaintiff for $30.73 ; that this plaintiff has aNo uaid the taxes assessed and levied thereon for the year 1898 313 subse quent taxes , and Ijai tacked the samoto Jiis certili i' of lax s le1 to hnvc an accounting of the amount due thereon , together with Interest I nun the date Hereof at the rate of 20 per cfnt per annum , and an attorney fee of JO per cent of the total amount found due. To have the said land sold for the pavinentf and satisfaction of the amount found diie for such taxes. Interest , attorney fee , penalties and cost , and for the costs of suit and the costs of sale , to btr. : foreclose and exclude the .aid defendants a d each of them from havinc or claiming any lien , title , interest or equity of redemption of , in or to the sumo or any part thereof , and for general relief. \ou. iid eacli of you , are required U answer said petition on or before November 27. 1899. HARKT K. ' tiiis 20th day of October. 1839. tt ) Notice to Non-Resident Defendants. ( Clarke & Tucker , Attorneys ) Albert W. .Smith , F. M. Kowle . Jennie Kawley and L. A. Webb , non-resident de- iriid.uits You will take notice that on the Will , ay of October. 1699. William K. Haley plaintiff herein filed his petition in the district court of Cherry county. Ne- br.KkH.agauisttfaid defendants , the object aad prayer of whicli are to foreclose certain mortgage ' xecntedhy Albert W. Smith to K. S Ormsby , trustee for W. L. lelford , upon the el * of se t of section 12 , and the nJ of neU and s ; 4of neiiofaection 13. township 34 , range 2fi. situated in Cherry county , Nebraska , to secure the payment of one certain promissory note dated .September 9 , 18CT , for the sum of 4-275.00 , and due and payable in live years from d ta thereof , which said note was on the 19th day of November , 1892 , extended and made payable on the 11 r t day of December , 1897. and was on the 4th day of / ngust. 1893. assigned lo this plaintiff ; tnat there is now due on said note and mortcaee the sum ol $3t9.85 , for which sum. with InterMt from tnis date , plaintiff pray * fora decree tlmt defendants be required to pay the same or that said premises may be sold to satisfy the amount found due. You are required to answer said petition on or bef-ire- Monday , the. 27th day of November , 1 O. WILLIAM E. IULKV , Plaintiff. fn the District Court of Cherrr County , Nebraska. Bertha Ilendrix. nee Bertha Helzer. administratrix of the estate of August J. Notice to Non Helzer , deceased , Plain resident Defend tiff. ant. vs. JolmGatsel , defendant. John Gastel. non-resident defendant , you will take notice that on the Kth day of October. 18&9. the plaintiff tiled n petition against you In Hie district court of Cherry county , the object and prayer of which .ire to obtain a. judgment against you for the sum of $113.15 with interest from October 9 , 1S9& , at the rate of 7 per rent , per annum , due plaintiff for money advanced for the payment of taxes at your ipecUl inttance and request. You n re al.s notified tbatonths same day the plaintiff caused an order of attach , inent to issiiK iroin the diitrict court of sid county and that tlie undivided one-half of vr'J of lie ; * and wjJ of seU of section 35 tovra hip 28 , was attached thereunder as your property. You are required lo answer said petition on or before November 27.l. < 99. BJEKTHA UKNDKIX. , , , Administratrix. - By Clarke & Tucker , her attorneys. ss Notice to Non Resident Defendants. ( Clarke & Tucker , Attorneys. ) To Stephen. ; . Kilgorc andElma C. Kiljor * . non-resident defendants : You will take notice tliat on the 19th day ot October , 1590. Isaac N . Bryan , plaintiff herein , nied his petition in the district court of Cherry eountr. Nebraska , against , said defendants , the object and pnivcr of which aie to foreclose certain mortgage , ex ecuted by defendants to tiie plaintiff , unon the c1 * of the ? wU an < ! the nw'i of the aa4 ! of sec tion 27 and tne ueU of the mvM of section 34. township 34. range 28. to secure the payment of certain promissory notes dated August 29.135 , for tlie sum of 504 )0 , $ G4 90. $64.90 and | C4.l , and due and payable on September 1. 1896 ; March 1 , 1K > 7 ; September 1 , 1837 , and March 1. 1S98 , respectively ; that there is now duo upon said notes and mortgage the sura of $407.8) , for } which amount , with interest from date , plaintiff prays for a decree that defendants be required to pay the same , or that said premises may be sold to satisfy the amount found dun. , You .ire required to answer ? * id petition oa or before Monday , November 27.1RX ) . lilAAC N. CaVAN , : fc Date * October tf ; r