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About Western news-Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1898-1900 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 10, 1899)
PECIAL SAL > 'A SHOES tote tote tote tote tote 4 * to r 49 49 Beginning Saturday , Nov , tote tote tofa c 49 49 ? 4th , Until Nov , 15th , fate & 49 tote 49 49 We shall place on sale 100 Pairs of tote tote 4 ? Hamilton Brown "Picnic" Button tote 49 to 49 ton Shoes on D. E. and F. lasts. tote tote 49 49 $2.50 Button Shoes at . , , $2.25 tote tote 4 ? 3.00 Button Shoes at _ . 2.50 tote 4 ? 1.75 Button Shoes at . , 1.45 tote tote 4 4 ? ? 3.00 Hand Turned Shoes at 2.50 tote 4 ? 2.00 Hand Turned Shoes at 1.75 tote tote to 4 ? CVrKffi'fi / < ut(7 Get Your Choice. tote tote to tote 4 ? tow 4 ? tote 49 w 49l tote * to l ( .IAOKSON & IJHAYTON ) tote VALENTINE FISHiKQ FOR TRACE Yes. we nreVc want all the trade we can ret.Ve want j'our trade. The more custouieise < : et the more we can push prices down to v lit re tl e \ eople vantthei' . ] ± - \ ouant cheaper { ( ds give the hijrh-price cliariot a sho\eby bu3ingi your { .roods here. We'll make it so com fortable for you that 3'ou' ] ! Jeel like pattiny 'jxmraelf on the back every time you buy eo much as a nickel's worth from us. Dealer in Colorado amTi ijr coal. IAX RTEL CHOOKb'JON , KEBR. H t TEVENSON W Successor to WAECGTT & STEVENSON WE HAVE RECENTLY DOUBLED THE SIZE OF OUR BARN A. N. GOMPTON PHYSICIAN AND SUKG-EON' Oftire nt Qiiiglcy's Drug Store. Front Xi"lit6-Upstairs-Red O * J 0. W.MOREY \ THE VALENTINE WATCH / MAKER % AND JEWELER Carries a full line of stcr- lino- silver novelties in Transit at Fremont Capacity : Sheep , covered sheds , 24 : cars ; open pens , 15,000. Cattle 28 cars. The place to rest and feed for the Omaha market. Easy run to feeding points out side Chicago. Long distance telephone. Write or wire when you will ar rive , tj Fremont Stock Yards Co J. C. \YYER. . E. II. DWYER BEOS. PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS Superintendents of A Private Hospital , j For the Treatment of Diseases All Kinds of Surgical Oper ations Surressfully Performed. - \ VALENTINE , - - NKBIIASKA A. M. MOiUtJSSET O krO ATTORNEY AT LAW O VALENTINE , NEB F M. WALCOTT ATTORNEY AND ABSTRACTED Valentine , Nebraska Practices in District Conrt and U. S. Land . Office. Keal Estate and Hand ) Property bought mid sold. Bonded Abstractor Valentine House J. A. IIOOTON , Prop. Recently opened and newly furnished. Not a restaurant , .Tnit u hotel. 1.00 PER DAY The best of viands and treatment given to our patrons. First Door South of Bank of Valentine J. S. ESTABEOOK COUNTY SURVEYOR All work executed with promptness and accuracy ! Office atEstabrook Ilonseon Cherry St. j VALENTINE , NEB- fifty Iollfir Reward. J 7 Stnivi-fl or stolen from my ranch southwest of vvoodhiki * . Oct. c , a wmk hoi > e.\\eijiht about l/jflo pounds , I'oinr. li lit. uith man hair * . Kranik-d ( ' . on loft .shoulder. Ab"Ul ( yt-.n-s . old. li . | ni d lii'i-ntl iruurd will ! given for a n-tiirn. nl'i Molcn Ivill i ay 50forcoiivc- ! . , tiun of the lliiuf. \V. G. - - - - . Woodlakt' ebr. li K\t' < iv < > (1 of Mnltni. ral head of hordes and cat- tlc , . Amos J'tiotift. V ; > hMtiii' : . > . . _ , . . iLA tt - ' ' ' * - * > T- ira. ' ; - r- WESTERN NEWS-DEMOCRAT BOBEBT GOOD , Editor and Publisher fil.OO Per Yetir in Advance. PUBLISHED EVERY FUIDAU. Enlored at t to e Post-ofllce at Valentine. Cherry county. Nebraska , as Second-class matter. This paper will be mailed regularly to its subscribers until a definite order to discontinue is received and all ar rears are paid in full. Velvet candy at T. C. Hornby's. Everybody can now sa3we told you so. J. C. Stotts came down from Cady , 3'esterday. J. W. Russell brought in the returns from Gillaspie precinct. Cloaks and capes at T. C. Hornby's. Frank Jtothleutner was down from Kilgore , Monday. W. G. Ballard was in town last Fri day to hear Br3'an speak. Tickle your feet with a pair of new shoes at Faruhm and Dikemau. John Ilaeber was up from his ranch after supplies the lirst of the week. Wanted Furnished house for 30 or 60 days. W. E. WAITE. Charley McClure , the popocratic warhorsc , was up from Ainsworth Saturda3\ A. Ridgewa3 % of Salix , la , visitet his ranch west of town the latter part of last week. Not an old style shoe in f-tock Farnham and Dikeman. J. O. Vincent and wife returnee Wednesiay ni ht from their trip to eastern Iowa. i j * J. W. Pike , of ( rooks ton , was in j { 1 the city Mend ty and paid thisoTicea , substantial visit. i t Our shoes are brand new. Farnham j and Dikeman. W. H. Kenn : dy was elected asse.-s- or of Kennedy precinct , "by an over whelming voce. _ Next week we will tell 3'ou ho\\ it all happened. Just now we are considerabl3' rattled. H. J. Caton and famity of Rosebud , and D. W. Parmalee and famil3r spent Suuda3r in the city. W. D. Morgareidge was in town Sunday from Simeon. His hand is improving but slowty. All kinds of feed delivered. W. A. Pettycrew. W. A. Denn3T , of Chicago-who has considerable interest in this county , was here on business , Saturday. Best line of outing flannels at T. C. Hornby's. Henry Peterson and J. W. Jerman were down from Merriman on a busi ness mission last Saturda3 * . Prices right on shoes at Farnham and Dikemau. H. W. Logan , the democratic bank er at Norden , was in attendance at the Br3an speech last week. Headquarters for school tablet ? . .nd pencils at Pettycrew's. Wanted to rent. Two or three rooms , for light house keeping. No children. Call at this office. Gus Erickson , went up to Oak creelc on the Reservation , Thursday morning , where he has a large job of mason work. R. E. Jones'Ned ' , 'NedJones'5 as we used to call him years ago , was in town from Norden to attend the Br3ran meeting. N. S. Rowley returned Friday night from Omaha and Sionx Cit3T. He brought Mrs. Rowley home from a two month's visit with relatives. S. H. and.T. G. Ashb3r , of Sloan , la. , were in town Frida3r. and after in specting some of our cattle country returned home Monday morning. Just received , a fresh line of the famous Haarmaun pickles. W. A. Pettycrew. Mrs. F. R. Yanish who has been visiting her parents , Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Hota , returned to her home near MerrimanTuesday morning. Gordon Journal. Wading boots lor hunters at T. C. Hornbv's. < ! Mother"Query of Ains worthNebM who has been visiting her son and daughter , Henry Query and wife , left Mondayfor Canon City , Colo. , Where she expects to make her future home. See Farnham and Dikeman about sound shoes. If 3rou are suffering from drowsiness in the day time , irratabilitv of temper. sleepless niuht * . general debility , head ache , and gi'nerai want of toiip of the . use Iltirbiw ! You will net ro- licf and finally a euiv. I 'rift * no cents. . ' . II. re iec the new shoes jl Faraljatn an Our shoes are up to date. Farnham and Dikeman. Mrs. Laidley and Mrs. Hill , the former of Dorsey , this state , and the latter of Iowa , are guests of Mrs. Lee Layporte for a week or ten days , having come in on Wednesday nights passenger train. Constipation means the accumula tion of waste matter that should be discharged daily , and unless this is done the foul matter is absorbed and poisons the system. "Use Herbine to bring about regularit3' of the bowels. Price 50 cents. J. H. Quigley. Newton Gates came up from Merri- man last week and has been taking a lav off , wrestling with the inflamma tory rheumatism andothar bodily in firmities. He expects to be able for duty again next Monday. W.E. Waite and family have n oved from the editor's house into i coins in the John Shore house , and are be ard- ing at The Donoher. Mr. Waite was a very good tenant , and if an\rone has a furnished house to rent we can cor- diall3r recommend him t3 them. For burns , cuts , bruises , lacerations or injuries of any description , Bal- lard'rf Snow Liniment is a sovereign remedy. It never fails to do good , and so promptly that its wonderful curative pioperties frequentl3r cre ate surprise. Price 25 and 50 cents. J. H. Quigle3r. Miss Turner's class in elocution will renJer a choice program of recitation - tation , impersonations , etc , at Cor nell Hall tomorro v eveni ig , the entertainment winding up with a sketch entitled -'Six Cups of Chocolate or College Gossip. " Admission 10 and 15 cents. Go and hear the3rounjsteis "elocute. " The editor went down to Longpine , Fridiy , with Br3'au and his party.and broug t his v. ife anJ baby 1 ome that night , after they had been gone al- mcst three months. Lie hasii't been able to do an3rthing but talk aleut it since they canie home , anl to see him one would think he had just got niairied only he doesn't set'em up. Mrs. NeHie > Williamson returned to Valentine , Saturday morning , after a nine months absenceand is no\v _ visit ing with her parents , W. R. Towne and wife. During her absence Mrs. Williamson has been to Malta , in the Mediterranean sea , where her only child died. Returning home she visi ted Gibraltar , attended a bull fight in Spain , took in the sights of New York for a few weeks , spent the sum mer in Vermont , on the banks of Lake Champlain , and finally came west again. Her husband , who is a serge ant in the Twelfth infantry , is on his way home f rom Manila and is expected here soon. Infant mortality is something frightful. Nearl3r one-quarter die before they reach one 3ear , one-third before the3r are five , and one-half be fore they are fifteen ! The timely use of White's Cream Vermifuge would save a majority of- these precious lives. Price 25 cents. J. H. Quigley. The vote on precinct officers in Valentine was as follows : For Assessor J M Clarkson , rep ; . . 134 Robert Robinson Fusion 109 For Justice of the peace. Biiah Morej' , rep 104 Frank Sageser , rep 113 J. M. Carpenter , Fusion 128 G. H. Q. Smith , Fusion 100 For Constables. William Taylor , rep 115 F. M. Gokey , rep - . 100 F. G. Dunn , Fusion 123 W. H. McCloud Fusion. . . 100 For road overseer Dist. 21. George Camm , rep 87 J. W. Wurd , Fusion 115 Fcr Road overseer Dist. 22 , John Borinan , rep 113 Chris N. Elling , Fusion . 85 Thousands of men and women suffer from piles , especially women with fe male weakness have this suffering to contend with in addition to their other pains. Tabler's Buckeye Pile Oint- nient will quickly effect a cure. Price. oU centsin bottles , tubes 75 cents. J. H. Quigley. Bright Be the Place of Thy Soul. [ Dedicated lo Sirs. Sam Hudson by a very dear friend. ] Bright he the plnre of thy soul ! No loveli'prsnirit than thine E'er burst fioin its mortal control. In tlie orbs of the blessed to .shine. On earth thou wert all but divine , As thy soul shall immortally be ; And our borrow shall cease to repine. When \ve Know that thy God is with thee. Lteht be the turf of thv tomb ! May its verdure like emeralds br > : There should not be the shadow of gloom In aught that reminds us of tiite. Young flowers and an evergreen tree Msiv spring from the spot nf thy rest : IJut nor cjpmjs nor yew let us see ; For \vhv should we mourn for the blest ? STRAYED Sept. n , two mares.iron gray , branded ( chair ) on left thigh II13 n on left shoulder. Other.dark roan , white a face and feet , branded on leftg c shoulder. Liberal reward for their ts ; til- 11 J. W. * * " Houston , So , Pnk. . h % 4 r h > Are acknowledged to be the best and to meet the growing demand I ordered and HAYE JUST EECEIVED A CAR LOAD In addition to this I have jnst received a car of "WIND MOTOR" WIND MILLS "Which I ain selling very cneaply Try me before buying anything in my line elsewhere D. S. Valentine , Nebraska . . IIIZENS - MEAT - MARKET GEO. G. SOHWALM , PROP. This market always keepu a supply of FRESH-FRUIT-AND-GAME In addition to a first-class line of Steaks , Koasts , Dry Salt Meati Smoked Hams , Breakfast Bacon and Vegetables At Blotter's Old Stand on Main Street. VALENTINE , NEBRASKA tote THE PALACE SALOON i HEADQUARTERS FOR WINES , LIQUORS AND CIGARS Of the Choicest Brands &J * VALENTINE NEBRASKA When Visiting Valentine Stop at. THE CITY HOTEL wwwwwwvwvvw J , A , HORNBACK , Proprietor , $1,00 per day , Good Service , . , JONto " COX LIVESTOCK COMMISSION MERCHANTS SOUTH OMAHA , NEBRASKA lioom 1O8 Exchange Kids : . Inferences : STOCK YARDS PACKERS' NATIOJJA d NATIONAL BANK BANK. Telphone 141 We have a large clientage among Nebraska Fceders ami can ahvays Dcat Omaha prices to Kanch customers IF NOTIFIED BEFOIIE SHIPMENT. AUCTION SALE ! I will sell at public auction at my place , eighteen miles south of Valen tine , Nebr , on Wednesdar , November 29 , 1899 : 250 head of western cows , from 2 to 5 years old. 330 last spring's calves. Notes , with approved security , bear ing date of sale , and payable Oct. 1st , 1900 , will be accepted in payment. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock a. in. JOHN CUONIN. DRESSMAKING. Mrs. Pra\vitz and Mrs. C. W. C. Hoffman will do fashionable dressmak ing j at their room in the building , known as the White residence. Perfect ' lit guaranteed. Keport of school in District. Xo. 70 , for the month ending Oct. 2 , 1890. Number of pupils enrolled 49. Those neither absent nor tard % dtirinjr O the entire month. Flora Weed , John White , Jennie Eennett , Mark , Ellen , and Park Dobson , Jay and Ray Cole , Mary Jaquins. Those who were not absent durin - O entire month. Mable , Albert and John White , Ora Alder , Jennie * * Bennett , Emma Tway , Mark , Ellen , and Park Dobson , Jay and Ray Cole , Mary Jaquins. Those asbsent but once during entire month. Hazel White , May Jerman. Those absent but once during the month. Ora Alder , Pearl Folsomand Lee Hale. M DOWNING. Teacher. The Way To Go To California. Is in tourist . a sleeper .personally con- lucted , via the Burlington Route. The lon't change cars. You make fast time , ifou see the finest scenerj-on the globe. Your car is not so expensive ! ; fur- lished as a palace sleeper , but it is just is clean , just as comfortable , just as oed to ride in and nearly SCO.00 cheaper. It has wide vestibules ; Pn- ; ] sch gns and high back seats ; a mdfor- necl Pullman porter ; clean bedding ; spacious toilet rooms ; tables : id a it-ating range. J'eing strongly and I heavily built , it rides smoothly/ warm j ! in winter and cool in summer. J In charge of each excursion party is an experienced excursion conductor who accompanies it from Omaho right through to Los Angeles. Cars leave Omaha every Thursday afternoon , arriving San Francisco fol lowing Sunday. Los Angeles Monday. Only three days from the Missouri River to the Pacific Coast , inc'udinff a stop-over of U hours at Denver and 21 hours at Salt Lake City two of thi most interesting cities on the continent. J. FIJANCIS. Gen'l Passenger Agent Omaha. Xeb. Cha < . . Jowctt recently sold his Jewett cieek ranch of 760 acres situated ? c vcn ir.ilrs ? culh west of Springview , to Ciias. lleinemanof Dodge county , Nebraska fora cash consideration of $6oOO.OO. Mr. Jewett to give possess ion the first of next MaSpringview Herald. o. A. WELLS J. B. WELLS WELLS BEOS. NTISTSi Office over g Cherry onti/ ontiKH9BN RAILROAD. -Western Line7 is the best to and from the SUGAR BEET FIELDS OF NORTH NEBRASKA. HIHl Prices for JFcetl. Bran , bulk . 55c per cwt $10.00 ton Shorts bulk - 65c per cwt § 12 00 ton Screenings . 40c " $7.00 " CuopFeed . 55c " $1600 Corn . 70c " § 1.00 Oats . 85c S1D-00 '