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About Western news-Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1898-1900 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 3, 1899)
4 4 ? ? ? SPECIAL SAL r \f * SHOE : t ? 4 ? 4 4 ? ? Beginning Saturday , Nov , 4 4 4 ? ? ? 4th , Until Nov , 15th , 49 We sliall place on sale 100 Pairs of 49W Hamilton Brown "Picnic" Button 49W W ton Shoes on D. E. and F. lasts , 4 49 ? $2.50 Button Shoes at . . $2.25 fcfr 49 3.00 Button Shoes at . . 2.50 4 ? 49 1.75 Button Shoes at . , 1.45 49 49 3.00 Hand Turned Shoes at . 2.50 * * 2.00 Hand Turned Shoes at . 1 .75 fcfr 4 ? Citfl l'Jrrami Gtt Your CIiolcp. 4V 4 ? NT fj . ( JACKSON & BRAYTON ) H f VALENTINE : : : NEBRASKA FISHING F9R TRADE Yes , we nre. We want all the trade we can get. We want your trade. The more customers we get the more we can push prices down to where the people want them. If you want cheaper { roods give the high-price chariot a shove by buying your goods here. We'll make it so com fortable for you that 3'ou'll feel like patting yourself on the back every "time you buy so much as a nickel's worth from us. Dealer iu Colorado and Wyoming coal. AX E. VlERTEL N. NEBR. TEVENSON Successor to ftALGGTT & STEVENSON WE HAVE RECENTLY DOUBLED THE SIZE OF OUR B RN : A. N. OOMPTON PHYSICIAN : AND SU11G-EON Office at Quigley's Drug Store. Front Kiglits-Upstairs-Red O.W.MOREY THE VALENTINE $ WATCH x MAKER AND JEWELER Carries a full line of ster ling silver novelties in Transit at Fremont Capacit ) * : Sheep , covered sheds , 2i cars ; open pens , 15,000. Cattle 28 ears The place to rest and feed for ' the Omaha market. Easy run to feeding points outside - ' side Chicago. Long distance telephone. Write or wire when you will ar rive , tj Fremont Stock Yards Co .1. C. DWFER. E. U. DWYER. DWYER BEOS. PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS Superintendents of ul A Private Hospital , * * * For the Treatment of Diseases- All Kinds of Surgical Oper ations Successfully Performed. NEBRASKA ' A A. M. MOERISSETV O - fj0 ATTORNEY AT LAW O - < * _ r 0 V ALENTINE , N E B F M. WALCOTT ATTORNEY AND ABSTRACTOR % Valentine , Nebraska Practices in District Court and U. S Lud : Olflce. Real Estate and Itancli Property { bought and sold. Bonded Al > sricter ! ; Valentine House J. A. HOOTON , Proj ) . Recently opened and newly furnish * < . Not a restaurant , but a hotel. $1.00 PEB DAY The best of viands and treatment given to our patrons. First Door South of Bank of Valentine ni J. S. ESTABROOK' " COUNTY SURVEYOR If All work executed with promptness I ses and accuracy OfliceatEstabrook Ilonseon Cherry St. . Hi ' VALENTINE. NEEmi 01 Fifty JMlar * ISetvwfl. Str.iyed or stolen from mv tancli sojitli\vet he Wnodlnke. Oct. fi , ii work lion-e. weiuht about 1.200 i > oiiiul : > . Color , lijtfif. with mm hairs. he BruiKtc'l 0-i on left sliunlder. Al "ut G yoara old. Ifdtni'crt ' ivinl A\ill be civen for return. aiul'ir .slolcn I v 111 pay j-50 for convic in tion of the thlel.V. . G. IS vl.LAKI ) . in AVoodlake. Xefor. sk nrj Siffij/etJ or btalrtH. \ ' Several head of horses and cat- 'sy _ , lie MM Amos Strong , Valentino , Xeb. WESTERN NEWS-DEMOCRAT EOBEBT GOOD , Editor and Publisher jiJI.OO Per Year in A < lvauuf > . PUBLIliHED KVEKY FRIDAY. j ; ! Entered at t toe Post-office at Valentine. Cherry county. Neliraika. as Second-class matter. > j ' This paper will be mailed regularly to its subocribers until a definite order to discontinue is received and all ar rears are paid in full. Velvet candy at T. C. Hornby's. W. C. Curtis was over from Rose bud , Tuesdav. Twelve cars of cattle were shipped from here this week. Billy Lon land is once more tending bar at the O\vl saloon. A separator station was opened at Stuart last "Wednesda- . Clint Anderson was down from Ccdy the In st of the week. Cloaks and capes at T. C. Hornby's. W. E. Waite went out to his iranch look after affairs there. Wanted Furnished house for 30 or 60 days. W. E. WAITE. Dan Adamson was in from his Ches terfield ranch on business matters Tuesday. Mackintoshes at Farnham & Dike- man's. Herman Schultz , the Kilgore post master , was in town Tuesday on busi ness. Grant Dunn went to CrookstonTues- day night , to put in the front of Sear- by ! s new store. Max E. Viertel , the enterprising" Crookston merchant , makes a change in his ad this week. All kinds of feed delivered. W. A. Pettycrew. J. G. Stetter has been considerably "under the weather' " the past week , with cold on his chest. Steward Roby of the Fort Xiobrara hospital left Wedneslay morning for a weeks visit in Kansas. Regular services at St. John's Episcopal church next Sunday , con ducted by the Rev. J. M. Bates. There is more or less bustle and confusion attendant upon a woman's convention particular ! } ' bustle. Best line of outing flannels at T. C. Hornby's. | ? " A. T. Da\-is was in from the ranch Monday and brought in a buac'i of cattle which he sold to Mr. Canton. HWarden Hopkins , of the peniten- | tiar } * , came up from Lincoln , Tuesday , night , and remained here until this afternoon. C. M. Walcottand C. H. Thompsor. went up to Glenrock , Wyo. , Monday night , where the former expects to start in bulsness. Squire Jones returned from Mon tana , Friday last with 250 fine horses to put on his ranch southeast of thip place. Home Rule Dr. Holsclaw is at present rooming in hid office building just south of the postofi'ice , whsre he can be found at 3113 * hour of the da3' or night. M. S. Harrington , one of the oldtime business men of Valentine , is visiting here f'om Grant Citr , Mo. , where ho recently sold his mercantile business. Headquarters for school tablets and pencils at PettA'crew's. J. F. Prentiss , the New York Life man , came down from Hot Springs the first of the week , and will make this his headquarters for the next j month. FOR SALE A good timber claim of 160 acre ? , about nine miles north west of Gordon in the se , qr sec 10 , in township 33 , range -13. For particu lars inquire at this office. Just received , a fresh line of the famous Haarmanu pickles. W. A. Pettycrew. Clarence Walcott and Matt Bowen returned from Glenrock last week. The hitter \\ill make another trip to night , taking with him a number of men who want to work in the mines fl The sale at James Vargason's way ! well attended and everything- brought fair figure , the amount of the sale aggregatingnearty $1,500. Cattle sold at from $25 to $37 per head , hor- sold at about SfiO. sc m Wading boots lor hunters at T. C. Hornby's. Amos Strong returned 3-eslerdav- morning from his trip to IJUnois and Ohio with two cars of horses. Amos made quite a long stay in the east , but . feels well repaid for hia trouble , as sold all his horsea at good figures. Jf 3011 are suffering from drowsiness the day time , irratubillt of temper , sleepless dpbilitliwul nights , general - , - ache , and general want of toito of the system ; , use Horbine. You will get re and finally a cure , i'rice oO cents. " J. If. Quigley. I Farnham & Dikeman bu3r hides'and furs. , Constipation means the accumula tion of waste matter that should be discharged daily , and unless this is done the foul matter is absorbed and poisons the system. Use Herbine to bring about regularity of the bowels. Price 50 cents. J. H. Quigley Pearl P Hassler , formerly of the Steinaur Star , came up from Pawnee City this week , and is visiting with the edito and will probably accept a situation with this paper. Pearl is an all round newspaper man , and should he ever approach you on business for this office , he will-do so with full authority. Edmond George , who was sent to the penitentiary for cattle stealing , after getting a new trial when he was convicted of receiving stolen cattle , has been sent home again , and is now at large on his personal recogizance. He will probably be released entirely at the next term of court.The supreme court sa3s that one conviction nulli fies the other , as it was impossible for him to be guilty of both charges. Colonel Matthews has "knocked the persimmons" in the cattle business. The Colonel sold his white face steer , "Bock" on last Saturday. The animal weighed 1,150 pounds and brought the sum of $44.60. The steer was a long yearling and of the Colonel's own rais ing. All the "fine guessers ' on the "exact weight" of cattle missed fire when the steer was weighed. Hyannis - nis Tribune. For burns , cuts , bruises , lacerations or injuries of any description , Bal- . lard's Snow Liniment is a sovereign remed3r. It never' fails to do good , and so prompLly tliat its wonderful curative properties frequently cre ate surprise. Price 25 and 50 cents. J. H. Quigley. Rev. Ramse3r preached his opening serojoa Sunday moraing to a good congregation. He is a line preacher , his thoughts coming rcudil3 * and are expressed in clear language. " Hi9 ideas are broud an.l his references gives evidence of being well read not onl3r in the sacred word , but ancient and modern literature.Vc believe we echo the thoughts of mam- when we state that Rev. Ramsey made a . favorable impression Sunday morn- insr. Rushville Recorder The Longpine District Epworth League convention will be held at Atkinson on Nov. 14.15 and 16. Rev. A. F. Cumbow is president pro tern and will deliver a sermon on the even ing of the 14th. On the loth the Rev. W. Hudspeth will talk on ' 'Knowl edge is Power , ' ' and Rev. Cumbow will tell about the "Epworth Idea of a Good Time. " On the next day Iva Efner ] will define the "Relation of the Active , Member to the League , ' ' and Mrs. Geo. Hornby the "Relation of the League to Temperance. " Alto gether about fort3r names appear on the program. Robert Good came down from Val entine Frida3T night to rest from his great intellectual labors in getting out a pop paper. As usual he visited this office , as the foreman found to his sorrow when he discovered the loss of his makeup rule. Longpine Journal. The facts are that while we were talking politics to Editor Bates , the proprietor of the shop , L. M. Bates got hot and gave the jobprinterLuke M. Bates , a roasting , and that indi vidual turned in and jacked up the compositor , L. Manning Bates , and to . get even the latter kicked the devil , Luke Manning Bates , and made him drop the makeup rule in the hell box , and if Foreman Bates will look therein he will find the missing - , . sing article. \ MORAL Republicans can't hold a : ndie to a popocrat when it comes t to talking politics. ' h . I. Infant mortality is something'll ' frightful. Nearly one-quarter die before the3T reach one 3'ear , one-third before the3r are five , and one-half before - , fore the3' are fifteen ! The timely use ' of White's Cream Vermifuge would save a majority of these precious is lives. Price 25 cents. J. H. Quigle } ' . tcUl , The following is a report of the Ul school in district 82. for month end rtas ing Oct. _ 7. as Those neither tardy nor absent : Alvin Hoffman , Vera Wilson. Carrie Wilson , Ernest , Charlie and i'erdman Osterman. Those not absent : Seward Wilson , M3rrtle r.iciiarclsun. Those not missing over one or two da3rs , were Emma and Jennie Ander m son , Alma Ostermau and Jessie Hoff man. n Number enrolled,25. O Average attudauce IS. MARGARET KIBBLER , Teacher. be Following is the report of the Crookston school for the month end Oct. 27,1330. No.enrolled 17. Aver age attendance,15 1-2. Those neither i wl tardr nor absent are -Helena , Viola. ! ou Rudolph and Gladys Viertel , Alma. ' th and Mabel Johnson , Royal , Blanche , ' w < MjTtle and Elva Sear by , Blanch Rhine j be Marion Gee. Those not absent-na more than a dav are Wm. Rhine and j ta "Wallace McDonald. " j af MRS. CARRIE A. GEE , Teacher. us J I Are acknowledged to be the best and to meet the growing demand I ordered and HAVE JUST KECEIVED A CAR LOAD In addition to this 1 have just received a car of . "WIND MOTOR" WJND MILLS Which I am selling very cneaply Try me before buying anything in my line elsewhere D. S. ileMfcinftj Nebraska . . GEO. G. SCHWALM , PROP. This market always keeps a supply of lion rnun mtmu u In addition to a first-class line of Steaks , Koasts , Dry Siit Meats Smoked llama , Ureakfast Bacon and Vegetables AtStetter'a Old Stand on Main Street , VALENTINE , NEBRASKA . , ir Jir 'yu. "j w"u * * ! A * * ii" * * A * - * * * > ywi r f . l HP PAT A OP AT OOiST i , I ! ; L > 1 J. LI / . / .aA d-y w-.i LJL/wV * > I HEADQUARTERS FO3 Wl fSS , LIQUORS AND Of the Choicest Brands VALENTINE NEBRASKA When Visiting Valentine Stop at. J , A. HOENBACK , Proprietor , SLOO per day , Good Service/ E COX H LIVE STOCK GOMMISSiON MERCHANTS SOUTH OMAHA , NEBRASKA Itoom 1O8 F.xcJiause Bid jr. Keferonces : ( JISTIOIJ STOCK YARDS PACKERS' WATIOJfAG oNTATIOXAIi BANE BANK Telphone 141 \Ve have a larjie client-'go Nebraska Feeders ' - among and can ahvaj's ucat Omaha priccs to lianc-h customers IF NOTIFIED BEFOHE SHIPMENT. The followong article which ap peared in this paper on Aug. 3 , will be of interest now. The letter reproduced now-was printed then so that it could not be called a campaign lie : it was printed before Thackrey's renomma- tion , and neither the facts in the letter * nor che article have ever been denied. Two weeks ago Treasurer Thackrey published his semi-annual statement , two of them , in fact. In that one for the period ending June 30 we noticed I that he had on hand almost $ ' ) ,000 be ' longing to the state , and that he had not made a remittance for more than six months. Being asked about the matter he said : "I have not been call ed upon for the monej' , and have been , so busy I could not attend to the mat-1 ter.5 "This was interesting and so we wrote State Tieasurer Meserve , ask ing him if the condition of the state treasury is such that it can alford to allow money to lie idle , and tellinir him what Thackery said. This morn ing we received the following : STATE OF NEBRASKA. Treasury Department. Aug. 2. 1899. ROUT. GOOD , Valentine , Neb- Dear Sir : Reptying to your letter jf July 31 will say thai Cherry county on our sixty day list and supposed to remit every sixty days. On'May 3 ve sent a letter to every county treas- jrer in the state , calling on them to emit all state monies in their hands , is we wanted to get it in the May ap portionment , but Mr. Thackrej' did lot remit. * * * Yours truly. SAML. PATTJSRSON. Deputy Treasurer. And the state has all this time been jaying interest on warrants this mon- jy should have paid. a School icport of district K"o. 80 for nonth ending Oct. 27,189D. Number of pupils enrolled 22. Those icither absent nor tardy : Roy and Mie ; Murphy. Those tardy but once : Anna and Gil- ert Newman. Average attendance 14. DEWEY. Teacher. Newspaper readers here and else where are warned to be on the look- iut for ne.w swindling games by which he unwary are caught. In one a fr roman comes along canvassing for rr rrC looks and leaves them for exami- C ( iation. Later a man appears and Pi akes them. Then the woman comes Pim fter them , tells a tale of woe , and o 5U ( sually gets pay for the books. The imperialists' creed which seems { to be hel-.l by President McKinley and , i his advisers : Article 1. I believe in keeping up the war taxes to prevent trade with Europe and the new war taxes to forad trade with Asia. Article 2. I believe in the exclusion of ignorant Europeans and the inclu.skm of more ignorant Asiatics. Article 3. E believe in a protective tariff where farmers would trade abroad , but in free trade where manufacturers would seek a market. Article. 4. I believe the public can not manage monopolies at home , but can manage subject races on the other si-.le of tii 3 globf. Article 3. I believe in home rale for Ireland , but in alien rule for the Spanish islands. Article G. I believe in a Monrop \ doctrine which forbids Europe to in terfere with self-gjvernmeut in Ameri ca , but permits America to interfere with self-government in Asia. Article 7. I believe the Spanish islanders are unfit to govern themselves but will be fit to help govern us. Article 8. I believe the blacks have a right to govern themselves , but that whites and blacks have a right to gov ern yellows. Article 9. I believe that taxation without representation is tyranny when applied to us , but philanthropy when applied by us. Article 10. I believe that govern ments get their jusfc powers from the consent of the governed n America , but from th conscious superiority of the governors in Asia. Article 11. I believe that jiilitarism aud foreign broils are the refuge of despotism in Europe and of republican ism in America. Article 12. I believe that American policies have made a little America and that European policies will rnake a greater America. - Thousands of men and women surter "rom piles , especially women with fe male weakness Lave this suffering to jontend with in addition to their other jaSns. ' Tabler's Buckeye Pile Oint- aeut will quickly effect a cure. Price. cents in bottles , tubes , 75 cents. J. H. Quigley.